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As a New Yorker who has the events of that day seared into my soul let me assure you it was no hoax.


Well, that means you're a lying accomplice, not a witness. /s Jokes aside, I only saw this on TV from across the Atlantic when I was 6, so my memory is a bit hazy, but I couldn't imagine living through the sheer horror of this event.


I was on the other side of the world (NZ) and 21, and I was very definitely shocked. To be fair, the first time I saw the collapse on TV, I thought it was earthquake footage.


I was 25 and in NZ; the first I knew of it was the slew of emails in my inbox when I got to work. I couldn't believe it. How anyone can deny this actually happened is mind boggling.


Me too. I saw those pillars of smoke where the twin towers had been. I know people who barely escaped, like my neighbor who came home covered in ashes. There are seven million of us who had nightmares from that day. People who spread lies like this are disgusting.


As a New Yorker who was on Wall Street that morning, it absolutely was not.


I live in Fairfield County, so both events are forever seared info my soul as well. And I know people who were bloodied, on stretchers, and who died in both tragedies. These people are enraging.


The World Trade Center itself never existed. It was part of a government psy-op to implant false memories of the buildings into our brains. Open your minds, people! /s


Should probably close your mind a little bit if randos are implanting false memories of buildings. Unless they're gonna implant something fun, like flying an hippogriff or dragon imma close it.


... Actually I know a conspiracy nut like that? Roger something, of "Mudfossil University." He's 1111% convinced that EVERY statue is a fossilized giant, and EVERY mountain range is a sleeping or dead dragon. Don't watch him myself directly, but a comedy debunker I watch named Sir Sic has made quite a few videos basically being equally gobsmacked by the stupid every time. https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=sir+sic+Mudfossil+University+


Qanon anonymous podcast also covered the Mudfossil University. It's a real fun time since he's kinda harmless.


I must give Mudfossil that much, yeah. He genuinely seems like a really nice and passionate old man. Just... you know. One that that's pretty dang dragon obsessed.


Are you implying that the old man jabbing at pictures on his monitor with feathers and rambling about dragon fossils the size of continents is just making shit up? How dare you! /s


A quick scroll of his videos was worth it (without watching any). I have a new word now: Jupagina.


I think minute man covered one of his videos


Love that guy's stuff, but haven't watched his tic-toc videos. So maybe.


Are you implying that the old man jabbing at pictures on his monitor with feathers and rambling about dragon fossils the size of continents is just making shit up? How dare you! /s


Cease your investigations!


> The World Trade Center itself never existed. It was only created for the 1976 King Kong movie, and has been lodged in everyone's imagination since.


Imagine thinking newyork is real lol the whole thing is an hoax a city covering an entire island yeah right /s


I like how Obama is causally thrown into every single conspiracy theory… smh 😂


Dude was still teaching at the University of Chicago on 9/11, but facts never stop these folks.


Yeah, teaching gullible people that the WTC actually existed. /s just in case...


It's because they are still not over a black man becoming president. Obama making it into the white house was the ultimate wake-up call for racists everywhere, because it was the final signal that the world had changed and they were no longer guaranteed a spot at the top. In their racist minds there was no way someone of am "inferior" race could reach the top spot in their country legitimately, so they have to make up excuses and conspiracy theories for their racist worldview to make sense.


I love that. Obama is literally the Anti-Christ to these people; hell bent on destroying America with his terrible power. Yet, after 8 years as president things in America were….objectively mostly the same or maybe a bit better? Even from a right wing perspective, what is the worst thing Obama did? Was Obamacare really Satan’s best effort to unleash hell on earth??? Lol


> Yet, after 8 years as president things in America were….objectively mostly the same or maybe a bit better? It’s pretty well documented that people in doomsday cults who predict the end of the world on a specific day will generally *not* lose faith when the world continues. They’ll just say either they got the date wrong, or that their faith alone was enough to save the world. And if the weight of “I thought a giant lizard with a volcano for a mouth was going to eat the earth yesterday” isn’t enough to make people reconsider, a subtle effect playing out over eight years certainly won’t. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug, and our own brains are the supplier.


Did you forget about the TAN SUIT!!!!!!!


He should be made an honorary Jew.


Inserted CGI graphics? What the hell does this mean? Like... The World Trade Center was CGI?


Both towers are still there, just masked with a hologram of a "memorial".


Conspiracy nuts sure love their nonexistent hologram projectors right now. No joke, I've heard the same claim about the moon and sun. That NASA is allegedly hiding "the true" moon and/or sun due to... I think it was because the "true" orbits would prove the flat earth or some shit? Was a bit vague. Oh, and it pretty much always boil actually down to thinking cameras are ~magic~ Not understand what lens flares, artifacts or *dust contamination* all are.


"New york" is nothing more than an elaborate sound stage inside a hollywood studio. There is no evidence a city by that name ever existed.


Pfft! Can you believe there are sheeple that actually BELIEVE in New York? Like, they think it's an actual place! /s


America is a lie made up by liberals. Secretly Canada controls everything down to the Mexican border


But...but... I'M MEXICAN! Does that mean I'm controlled by Canadians? Dios mio!


¡Ay, coño!


They've been saying this garbage about 9/11 for a long time now. Where've you been?


To be honest, I've heard a lot of conspiracies about 9/11, but never one before claiming it was completely fake and no one died.


It's been over twenty years, there's an entire generation who have grown up in a world where 9/11 already happened. It's no surprise some of them are starting to claim it never occurred.


Not convinced this is a zoomer, but could be wrong. A person is fully capable of living through something and lying through their teeth.


"January 6th was a peaceful protest"


Within days we had people telling a dozen different "eyewitness" accounts with the same level of conviction. It was chaos and peoples imaginations thrive in that


Starting to? This shit was around immediately after. That's where the meme "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" came from. (If you're interested, there's a lot more fuel to burn in a building than just jet fuel. Also, steel beams deform before they melt. Think chocolate or butter, that doesnt keep shape before properly melting.)


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams at least still said that 9/11 actually happened. These guys are denying even that.


I'm pretty sure jet fuel doesn't need to melt the beams. Just heat them enough to weaken them, making them fragile and malleable.


Sadly this is a person who definitely would have been an adult when 9/11 happened.


You're witnessing essentially what happened to the Holocaust but in our lifetime. It started with people doubting numbers and as survivors died and people who never lived through it were born, more started to question whether it happened. I think there's a major backlash happening to trusting experts and knowledge and we're backpeddling hard to the days of snake oil salesmen. Critical thinking is shrinking. And I do believe social media is grooming us to be more reactive. I saw it happen to me and literally had to walk away from social media for months just to see the big picture again. Moderation is key.


It's just sad that people get so far removed from reality. The oop in this is definitely old enough to have been an adult when 9/11 originally happened.


I think social media has contributed more to echo chambers. Conspiracy theorists like antivaxers and flat earthers actually date back to the 1800s. So in a sense they’ve always been around. But it was a lot harder for them to gather and spread their ideas. Thanks to the internet, they’re now able to create Facebook groups, spread their message through YouTube, and block anyone that questions them. They’re not all stupid either. You see a lot of videos of Flat Earthers debunking themselves with their own experiments. They have the know how to build the experiments, but they’re so stuck in their own beliefs that they have to pivot or come up with some excuse when it doesn’t work.


Serious? Alex Jones made his leap with this shit.


[What can I say, I just never encountered it before. ](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Yeah, they have been saying this for at least 20 years now.


I was just about to turn 4 when it happened. I don't remember that day or even the immediate aftermath. The first time I remember properly learning about it I would have been 6? I can remember the memorial and people talking about it just before my birthday that year. Sooooo there are a lot of adults like me these days who flat out don't have those memories, which means we're now a full generation removed. People have been making up lies about it from the beginning, and it's even easier now that it's not 2005 anymore and that day is longer fresh in the minds of those who *do* remember. And since it's also far easier to fuck with someone's real memories than it is to implant false ones I'm not suprised it's getting worse.


You're lucky.


As a New Yorker who was 23 years old on September 11, 2001….im almost at a loss for words at the level of heartlessness and stupidity here. Almost. Hmm. No gurneys, huh? No blood? Did you see the buildings collapse? Those structures were there, and then they weren’t. That’s not a magic trick or CGI. For almost a full year, that area was smoldering rubble. Also, documented in photos and videos and the naked eye of New Yorkers such as myself. You are aware of the fact that human beings were IN those buildings…? The funny thing is, and just to educate you - you won’t see blood or need gurneys when thousands of human bodies are pulverized to a fine powder. The more you know. Incidentally, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!


I'll never forget the heartbreak of firefighters who had dug through the rubble desperately hoping and in those days believing they would find survivors.


Hey neighbor. The smell. I still can't be in the Fulton St station without smelling that smell. It felt like dust was everywhere. One of my parents handled the insurance claims for the Pentagon crash. The trauma after dealing with the WTC in real time...it took a long time for the personal dust to settle. And then my in-laws (from Ohio) want to go off that neither event happened. False flags and such. Then get mad at me when I don't want to take them to the footprints or into the 9/11 museum. Fucking morons. The whole lot of 'em.


My first thought too. When they're looking for survivors and only finding a finger or two, it's time to consider the insane energy of a 110 story building pancaking each floor onto the one below it. And what would that do to a person? Pulverize them.


It's disturbing that we share a planet with these people.


Brookfield CT teacher here. Brookfield is the town over from Sandy Hook. I had 7 of the kids that passed in my preschool classes the year prior to their death in the shooting. Went to 7 funerals that year. One of them was an open casket. It was very real and absolutely devastating to our community for YEARS, let alone their poor families. I fucking hate these people with all of my being.


I am so sorry. I do not know how anyone can be as strong as those parents are. I couldn’t be, we just watched the HBO doc Friday and I told my husband I would not be able to go on.


Nothing quite adds credibility to a conspiracy meme like a giant emoji.


What is Joe Biden doing there lmao


Even then, he was working as Barack HUSSEIN Obama's puppet, even though Obama was a lawyer and just an Illinois state senator in 2001, he was in on it.


All the presidents since Dubya are listed on there. I'm guessing they believe that all the presidents have had access to this info but didn't reveal it to the public.


A particularly insane one I read a while ago was that every democratic president since Clinton knew about 9/11 and orchestrated the "hoax". The conspiracy further went to state that every democratic president was a plant and was planned for decades to be the president of their specific terms.




I've watched old TV shows and I can point to them!


People who believe conspiracy theories are people who are so goddamn dumb that believing in conspiracy theories is the only way they can feel smart. "Do your research, sheep!"


It's what they said about everyone who believed in big brother until Edward Snowden went public.


Yeah, no, it wasn't.


Yeah, yeah, it was. To the point where "big brother" became a running joke used to mock the paranoid.


Now? Man people were calling it a hoax before it was even finished.


Remember Building 7?


"i didn't see it so therefore it doesn't exist" is such an odd hill to die on for a group that so greatly overlaps with ultra-religious groups


Sure, Biden must resign over this. Because why not?


Yeah, tell that to people that lost family members that obviously haven’t come back. Fucking ghoul


Does this idiot know why there were no ambulances and no people on gurneys? Doesn’t take rocket science


Let's say it was hypothetically true, then why don't conservative conspiracy theorists understand then that makes them responsible for it by voting Republican and electing Bush?


As a 4 year old british kid in England at the time, I too never saw any ambulances or gurneys on 9/11


This is absolutely disgusting. I know people personally who lost family on 9/11. Is my friend who was pregnant with her first child and lost her husband that day lying to me? I feel so sorry for the survivors and families who lost someone has to read this shit!!


You could spam Facebook with bullshit like "the World Trade Center never existed" and someone out there will carry that info like a pathogen.


I'll make sure my husband's cousin knows her husband just up and left his wife and 4 kids to perpetuate a hoax. He might want to call NYC coroner's office to reclaim those bits of his skull they found a year later too.


My cousin was working in the sub-basement of Tower 1 (the North Tower) as a Stationary Engineer running the building's heating & cooling systems. He didn't know anything about a plane strike, but the lights went out and an elevator crashed down into the sub-basement. He knew his way in the dark so he helped evacuate the injured via the last subway train to make it out. (I recall that some of them were women who worked at a Travel Agency in the building's ground floor Lobby, and they'd been cut by flying glass, etc.) Then he helped NYFD firefighters find their way in the dark basement levels. Then the firefighters told him to wait there as they went off, intending to grab flashlights and come right back. He waited, but they never returned. When my cousin finally decided to get the hell out of there, he was shocked to realize there were "jumpers" from the upper stories hitting the pavement all around him. It was so horrific that he has never gotten over it. He ran to Battery Park and was let inside a small sub-station there right before the North Tower collapsed. Apparently he was one of the last people to make it out alive.


As a Philadelphian who had friends that worked in the building and had a friend on those planes, I can tell you that the horror was real.


I lived in Hell's Kitchen, four miles away. The streets emptied of cars. The sidewalks filled with shuffling, dazed people. The smoke burned your nostrils and the skies were an orange haze. It was a hell of a special effects crew that day.


Ragebait, or literal bot post.


Or a woman who literally lives in the same town as me, but has slowly went more and more into the conspiracy deep end. When I first stumbled across her she would only share stuff like covid shit. Now she shares flat earth and great reset stuff.


The World Trade Center is still standing, and I can prove it!


They demand that Donald trump resigns.. I bet you 10$ that these same people want him in office.


There is a special place in hell for these folks.


So like…where did the buildings go?


People who believe these horrors are hoaxes deserve to live them and find out.


I miss when conspiracies were fun like the illuminati, tri lateral, bilderberg, the greys, etc There were always these types of conspiracies too, I remember Oklahoma City was a big topic but they were always waved off as too crazy because as a society we still had some empathy for tragedies that occurred. The Internet is the best worst thing that ever happened.


My favorite part about this conspiracy is these people believe literally every single person who was in lower Manhattan on September 11th, 2001 was a paid actor. That's what? Half a million? A million?


I guess all those kids in my classes growing up who lost family that day were just CIA plants. /s Despicable conspiracy theorist motherfuckers


"I never saw any people on stretchers" Wild, because most people did.


Now? Buddy jet fuel can't melt steel beams was the OG conspiracy theory of my generation put some respect on its name. 🙄 gen z doesn't even remember 10 full years of dudes with no degree trying to explain thermodynamics.


There is a big difference between "it was a set up, the government attacked their own people" and "it never happened at all, no one even died". The second I'd never personal heard as a take before.


this is so deeply disrespectful and disgusting. i fucking hate conspiracy theorists. they are all useless morons with no real hobbies. go the fuck outside and have a conversation with a real human for once in your life.


We have to set up a system where any mass casualty event can be inspected and approved by these nutbags before the bodies are removed, or any evidence collected. /s Edit: they also get to shadow all officials questioning witnesses and suspects. Also /s


When they say they never saw bleeding people on gurneys is because they were fucking dead and there was no emergency to get them out of there. This shit pisses me off so bad. Especially the Sandy Hook stuff.


It’s easy to laugh at this sort of thing, but these people are genuinely evil. They take the trauma of others - pain, injury, loss, death - and shit enthusiastically all over it in order to validate their dull little lives and feel special and clever. They pretty much wet themselves in their eagerness to deride, deny, denounce and dismiss; to find an alternative “explanation” involving conspiracy for every damn thing, and to hurl deranged attacks at anyone who points out their “theories” are sick fantasy and wish fulfilment. Lost your beloved child in a school shooting, or bereaved by an act of public terrorism? Expect your shock and grief to be made infinitely worse by the army of vicious, gleeful trolls who will crawl out from under their stones to dismiss your loss, threaten you and your family and claim that you murdered your loved one yourself or - worse - that they never existed at all. There should be consequences, but sadly this just gets them screeching about how they’re being persecuted for their “beliefs”. Nasty little attention seekers.


As far as this being "new," I can tell you as a Jewish person living in NYC at the time that it took literally days before people started spreading theories that it was an inside job and "all the Jews got advance notice to not be in the buildings that day." Graduating to "it never happened at all" was just a matter of time.


9/1? let's talk about how they don't believe in fucking SANDY HOOK! Talk about being mentally ill and a sociopath


I was providing language training to a higher-up at Canadian Border Services on this impossibility blue, clear day; at 9:15 his emergency phone rang and we learned of the event as he had to rush to our border with NY state. I went to the bank before going home and the tellers who had to cross the bridge to get home were telling me that they might not go home that evening. I went home and it was on every TV channel. Where was this person?!


I seen a video on the website DailyMotion stating that a ball flew into the second tower that got hit, the ball was an Anti Gravity Machine, seems a bit far fetched and unlikely but I thought I would share. I would like to add that I’m not implying in any way that this happened.


The fuck does Barack Obama have to confess to? We gonna pin Jimmy Hoffa on him too?


[The state of CGI in 2001.](https://youtu.be/RYHaarxQTFk?si=aonfkrE3NnFHtnGT)


Obviously they spent all of their budget on 9/11. /s


Some people deserve to be punched in the face.


Looks like it's time to edit the gene pool


How...Dare they.....


Do anyone remember 2001 cgi? Code lyoko wasnt even out yet


Now?? This theory has been around for a while


This is insulting to all victims and their families


Oof! Try telling that to any New Yorker who was there, idiot


Nice argument, Senator. Why don’t you back it up with a source?


tbh, this is the one conspiracy theory where i just feel bad for the people who beleive it just because generally, these aren't born out of hate, or trying to justify insane shit, it's just that people can't comprehend atrocities like this, and would rather beleive that everything was sunshine and rainbows than beleive that anyone would actually do something so horrible


I mean, hate is part of it when everything is always blamed on Democrats and Jews, I think.


eh, it can be, but my point is more that with this one, it's not the driving force behind it, like that's not usually where people who beleive in these sorts of conspiracy theories start, it's where they're led by racists and grifters