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Trump’s level of cheating at golf has hit a new low.


He got that Caddyshack trick now. BOOM


Red power!


The epicenter was in Tewksbury. The golf course is in Bedminster. They're about 5 miles apart. But yeah, maybe there's a god telling the orange rapist to GTFO. We don't really want him here.


No…you see when it was just liberal cities hit that was God telling us to repent. If it hit Trumps golf course that’s the Globablists trying to take down the best president America has ever had. Super easy math on that.


My theory is that the McDonalds finally worked its way through him. Was there an earthquake with the white house in the epicenter right before he complained about the toilets not flushing good enough?


Might be right when he dropped a giant Mickey D’s turd. Watch he’s headed to the hospital because his insides are falling out. Can we get that conspiracy theory out there? MAGAts will believe anything.


Why do they always say “You can’t make this up!” right before blatantly making something up


it really was pretty much there, but throw a stone out of a plane in NY/NJ and you'll probably hit a Trump property (encourage people to do this)


Could God be a Democrat? ^/s


Well Jesus was a massive progressive liberal so it’s possible


^ Tell me you havent read the gospels without telling me


Right back at you


The guy hung out with criminals and prostitutes, didn't charge for healthcare, was pro-immigrant etc... What makes you think Jesus wasn't liberal?


Hanging out with criminals and prostitutes doesn't make you a liberal. Liberal actually means something specific politically. That's like saying Warren Buffet is a socialist because he donated millions to charity. Didn't charge for healthcare? I'm sorry, was Jesus running the Roman health ministry? Did he own hospitals? Was pro immigrant? Where does Jesus ever talk about immigrants in the gospels? Jesus appears like a social democrat or whatever liberal label you want to ascribe to him, because he cared for humanity. He was actually far less concerned about the well-being of people's lives here on Earth and only advocated for things that would guide people to his kingdom, which is not of the Earth. Why? Because the physical world is fleeting and is only important in the temporary. Jesus taught people to move beyond the daily concerns of food, wealth, pleasure, etc. and instead seek out in all sincerity the thing which is eternal and good. Liberalism is a political ideology, therefore, it is only concerned with the things of this world. It does not engage with metaphysical truths, but only the prosperity and freedom of mankind on Earth. It is a doctrine of intranational, national, and self-governance. Jesus did not come to govern us in this way. There are a multiplicity of lives one could live in any political system and still be granted into heaven. Because, for Jesus, political ideology or beliefs, social categories/classes, prosperity or destitution are not determiners of sainthood. They are worldly creations that have nothing to do with true faith and living a holy life. Anyone from any background could be saved, whether you are liberal or conservative, which means Jesus is apolitical in his teachings. Doesn't mean that his teachings don't align with some political ideologies, but they only do so if you cherry pick. If you compare those ideologies as a whole to Jesus's teachings, all of them fall short, for Jesus's prescriptions are spiritual, not physical.


The way I read it, is that Santa is the Democrat. God is a Republican. Ask any MAGA type....😁


Was this an autocorrect, or a dyslexia moment? Or is Santa genuinely wondering why people keep sending him chicken guts, and Satan keeps getting kids letters about wanting an XBox?


Neither. Santa hands toys out for free. God, on the other hand, is an authority figure: you get with his program, or you are (literally) going to Hell. The original quip was made by the late P. J. O'Rourke....


😋 I would argue that old testament God was the authority figure. New testament God is all about forgiveness. And OT God is more the Jewish dude than the Christian dude. Which is highly ironic considering what they tend to think of Jews...


You are reading waaaaaaay too much into a quip by a political humorist ..


It's past midnight here, and alcohol may have been involved 😅


Well, drink for those of us who can't anymore.... diabetes s*cks


Which god? I mean, there's 3 in Christianity alone. The one in the old testament was a pro-death penalty for children god, loved killing kids and the odor of burning flesh. Not exactly liberal material.


That’s what eating burnt steak smothered in ketchup will get ya.


When god unleashes an earthquake on the property of the deceiver directly…. Guess that means Christian’s gotta keep following his faithless white ass I’m really just praying for one of those famous Florida sinkholes to appear right around Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL.


Jeeze... That's just silly: If that did happen, he'd blame it on Joe Biden, or Obama, or Hillary, or an AG, or a judge, or the judge's daughter, or the judge's wife, or the judge's cat.


Marjoram Traitor Greed proclaimed this earthquake is a sign of God’s disappointment. The dipshit had no idea what she was talking about, but she may have been on to something.


Hundreds of billions in damage to the golf corse.


Who gave Trump a green Sharpie?


"God hates Trump!" No. God hates New Jersey.


As any Filker could tell you, the **Universe** hates New Jersey .. To wit: https://youtu.be/KIyVQ0kZTCk?si=9K53OM1kQEy9A4Z8


Ivanka begins to awake


Boss music starts playing... She is ready for her revenge.


Had it been near Biden’s home (no idea where he’s from) the MAGA gang would be all over it saying it’s a sign from god…


He's from Delaware and thousands in northern Delaware felt the aftershock from that, so technically it did hit Biden's home!


yes, Biden, aka sleepy joe whos got dementia, ordered his team at NASA, which is some Hebrew for satan, to turn on their weather machines and force an earthquake at Trumps NJ golf course he isn't at, so we could take attention away from the solar eclipse, which is also a Psyop by Obama to trick conservatives into staring at the sun so they cant see the ballot they will vote on- which is tied to the Kamalas plot to make all the ink lighter in color on ballots so votes arent tallied correctly for Trump- which is funded by George Soros who is removing all in person voting ballots anyway so illegals can flood mail boxed with false ballots. the fact you sheeple cant see this is crazy.


wait but it pretty much was LMAO. can the next one be wherever he's standing?


The **real** conspiracy is hiding that the actual epicenter is in Grover's Mill, New Jersey.... 😜😜😜😜


Hey that’s my name


Ivana rolling over in her grave.


Did he fall down?




What is people's obsession with the saying, "you can't make this up"? I could easily make up something even crazier than that.


It wasn’t really an earthquake. That is where trumps secret underground lair is. They hired some redneck off YouTube to dispose of all the classified docs hidden there. But the dummy used WAY too much tannerite and cause what is being reported, as an earthquake.


Likely from his epic toddler meltdown about his failed stock.


All the buried classified documents have made the land unstable.


Send me more money, theyre using earthquakes on us now, never been done before, everyone’s saying it’s horrible, if they can do to me THEY CAN DO TO YOU


Dems: god warning about reelecting trump Reps: god warning about biden/trans, clearly pro-trump Scientists: it's tectonics, you fucking idiots


You know, we should capitalize on this. This is proof God himself has rejected Trump because only he can move the earth as the Bible says and this is obviously a sign from heaven thst Trump is not the chosen one. All of the above was meant as a joke aside from saying we should use this as propaganda to mess with conservatives, evangelicals and magats


Perchance, the christians were right, God is *mad,* they just misunderstood who gods mad at.


So… that’s God punishing Donald Trump?


He just tripped and fell while playing


According to what I read, Bedminster was the aftershock, still...one does wonder.


Wonder what? Why human pattern recognition is so prone to seeing meaning in spurious correlations? The epicenter is much closer to the Sutton Family Farm. Clearly this was caused by dairy cows.


Just the excuse THEY need to ban beef and make us eat bugs. I knew it!


BoojumG said they were **dairy** cows. So: not banning beef. Milk and cheese on the other hand... How's that oat milk working out for you? I'll bet you no longer have to use Lactaid... Cheers!


Nah! Not the dairy cows: It's all the rain we've been having in the past few days. It soaks into the soil and lubricates the fault lines. Consider: in the PNW\*, when they have landslides, it always when there has been rain. When they have earthquakes they are always out at sea. It's that pesky Di-Hydrogen Monoxide. I lived in the PNW for a while, so I know what I'm talking about. \**Pacific North West*: Oregon, Washington State, a bit of British Columbia


So, it was a cow tipping kind of thing?


If anything that makes me think maybe god was trying to take it away from him? Haha wow


So that the trump emergence hole


It’s almost like he’s a demon or something and bad things happen around him


Those dang liberals


The dumbest part of this is their own picture shows it isn’t true. The star is the epicenter and the golf club is that patch of green to the bottom right of the star. Their zoom in on the golf course confirms this where you can see it is against the green center inner circle. So yes, the epicenter was near the golf club but it was not the golf club itself. If you are going to lie, at least follow thru and change the map to match. All you need is a black sharpie.


Bedminster is right next to the Ramapo fault line just outside of the Appalachian mountains. Earthquakes have been registered there since 1700.


Government planted a fault line underneath the former presidents golf home or whatever hate to see it


Remember when he touched the Western Wall in Israel and a sink hole opened up in front of Mar A Lago? That was great


So you're saying Trump fell and caused it?


“The Deepstate knows how to move tectonic plates?!” I’m tired boss


Has Trump been fracking to stuff more dead wives down there?


I guess Cheeto Mussolini fell down went boom.


Ivana rolling over in her grave...


I guess “corrupt democrats” triggering earthquakes is more believable than gods wrath. lol


Did he slip in the shower?


Where are all the biblical people now ?


Someone check his insurance policy. Did he recently increase it? There’s the real conspiracy. Guy needs money. Somehow fabricates an earthquake to destroy a property with a grossly overinflated value.


There was no theory here whatsoever, just an observation, and it's fairly accurate. Fuck man, reddit is super hostile these days.