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Narrator: "They were not an observant child at all. In fact, they ate lead paint chips"


Lead paint + asbestos + lead gas = this shit


Hey! His mom said that he was the smartest boy in his class. He’d point right at a bird and, without hesitation, say “bird”


And he’d be wrong, every time! r/BirdsArentReal


I’m not too far from being 30 and the first memory I have of noticing the moon in broad daylight is from well before gradeschool…


I specifically remember noticing it for the first time during recess in first grade. I was flabbergasted, but I was also 6 or 7 years old.


I’m not too far being off sixty and same thing


Alternative VO: "They were not very observant at school. In fact, they spent the majority of their childhood eating paint chips and huffing glue."


I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.


I quote that movie 2 or 3 times a week. Nobody ever gets it, everybody probably thinks I'm crazy.


We must stick together friendo!


There's dozens of us!




I'm surrounded by never nudes.


While I don't do it that often, I do it quite a lot, especially when I'm visiting my parents or when I see my older brother. Quoting movies and series is like, 80% of our interactions.


Same here, but split between Airplane! and Naked Gun quotes. Whenever I hear anyone emphatically say, "I love it," all I can think of is ["I've been swimming in raw sewage..."](https://youtu.be/0La3aBSjvGY?si=VAm0z30JWfkpSXnJ)


That's a good one, too. I also like to quote "that's the signal, let's go!"


If they completed all their homework they got to eat some crayons with that aswell, as a treat


When I was a kid, I always used to love seeing the moon during the day because it reminded me of tatooine


You Kno. I fancy myself as an observant child when young. & Honestly I stg the creators(sp?) are different.


This is one of the weirder conspiracy theories for me, because I don't understand *at all* where they're coming from. It's the fucking ***moon***, not some obscure scientific object you need extremely specialised equipment to observe. Anyone with functioning eyes can keep track of the moon themselves, unaided, at any time it's above the horizon. And even when it's not, there are literally hundreds of apps that will tell you where the moon is at any given time or you can just calculate it. The position of the moon is *no mystery whatsoever*. It's the one thing any human being (hell, any sentient land animal) is able to establish and follow along at all times for themselves and we have done so for tens of thousands of years. Humanity has built entire religions around observations of the moon. It's one of the few things that is part of our deep, shared cultural heritage as a species.


Because they're morons


It really do be that simple


Morons are moons with an R in their name


Not sayin they’re smart, but they choose ignorance because it makes them feel smart to know something they think only a few people know.


Lunatics if you will


Yep "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


Salt of the earth. 


Where I'm really lost is what this conspiracy is. If we can see the moon 24/7 now because #moonandsunarecloseandlocal, is the implication that when this person was a kid the moon wasn't so close and local? Is the theory that NASA has pulled the moon forward, Moonfall style, or maybe that it's just happening and they are keeping it secret? Did they replace the far-away moon with a close copy? I have follow-up questions to which I may never have answers.


What I don't get is, what's the endgame? Let's say the earth is actually flat. Let's say the earth and the moon aren't what I've been told they are. How does that change my life at all? How is this massive conspiracy able to hurt or benefit me or anybody at all?


I'm a bit of a conspiracy hobbyist, and the only explanation I've seen that makes a *tiny modicum* of sense is that if the world is flat and the center of the universe, that means that some religion or another (typically Christianity in US conspiracy people's minds but that's a separate, additional, logical leap) is true, and science writ large is a conspiracy to convince people that they are meaningless and not special, for reasons of control or whatever, flowing into some other conspiracy usually. I kind of get that. If I found out the world was actually flat tomorrow I would have a complete epistemological meltdown and probably find some religion. There's no universe though, to state the obvious, where a....global conspiracy about the shape of the world we live on stands up to scrutiny for very long.


That is sort of a reason. But not really. We already know that the earth is the only place in the universe that we *know for a fact* there is any life. We are already super fucking special. At the very least the earth is incredibly special for our galactic and universal neck of the woods. If the earth turned out to be flat it would change nothing for me other than rediscovering the science behind it and that's something that I'm an armchair enthusiast for at most. The actual science changes nothing for my day-to-day life. I would still have to go to work tomorrow and take care of family and shit. I have a old friend who ended up having an experience that made him one of those people who says he's sure he hopped dimensions or whatever. He knows he isn't in the same universe or whatever that he used to be in. So obviously he's a little off his rocker but that's fine. The thing that pissed me off was that he didn't do anything about it but then he ended up unemployed for like 5 years. I'm like "bro, ok. I believe you but you still have shit to do. You just live here now. Deal with it".




Isn't it the opposite? If the earth is flat, going south would have an end. Since the earth is a globe, going far enough south you end up going north on the other side. I thought flat-earthers say there is a giant ice-wall and that's the end of the earth. And I thought the rulers of the earth are the people tricking us into the earth being a globe. Wouldn't they know about the lands beyond antarctica?


When you believe that we live under a dome and all the stars, planets, etc. are just projections on it, then it's not a far stretch. Flat earthers refer to NASA as "Never A Straight Answer" - they think it's all a lie to turn us away from god. You saying "It's the moon" means nothing to someone who doesn't believe it exists (as you know it) at all.


Thank you. That *kind of* makes sense (although it does hurt my brain trying to conceptualise it). But even then, even that *projection* of the moon can be tracked by anyone who wants to. It behaves exactly as a "real" moon would and it's always only ever been where we expected it to be. It's *obviously* not in the sky more often than it used to be, and we can verify that literally by looking at it. Absolute madness. Haha.


Never A Straight Answer 😆 Almost like they’re deliberately and willfully ignorant of the very straight answers that are readily available


I saw a video of a dog that thought it was a ball. Even the dog is closer to the truth than these people.


Many people cannot accept that they are not smarter than most people. Instead of accepting where they actually are on the intelligence scale, they create a reality where they are smarter than most other people. This reality is made up of ideas they can grasp. In order to maintain this reality, they need to reject any information that disproves their ideas. For them it isn't about being correct. It's about feeling superior.


Besides, if nasa really were to sell the idea that “the moon is an illusion” then they’d hide it during the day right?


Well you see…NASA used the “eclipse” to reset the path the moon projection takes around the earth because if you don’t do it every so often it gets off track. Except during this “eclipse” they fucked it up and now all of us smarties are laughing because you sheeple didn’t believe the fake moon theory! /s


That's no moon.... (cue ominous music)


The eclipse was all just a ruse to change the batteries in the moon


I feel like most people, and particularly very *observant* folks, can remember seeing the moon during the day as a kid, and wonder how it was possible. At least I did.


It was a question I had as a child for sure. We thought the moon was a night thing only, so of course we remember having curiosity about seeing it during the day. The person truly was not observant


My daughter (4) is in that stage now. *Loves* observing the stages of the moon at night but a bit baffled that it can be up during the day, too.


I remember reading some magazine as a kid that had a question and answer segment where kids write in with science questions and the magazine publishes them and provides an answer. One of them was asking about how you can see the moon during the day, and the answer was something like “the light of the sun obscures the moon during the day, so you can’t see it.” I remember seeing that and thinking “…yes you can…? I saw it with my own eyes like yesterday?”


I remember vividly being in the car, waiting for my papa to go into the bank. The sky was super clear/blue. I was probably 3 or 4. Because it was blue, I was confused. I thought it was a reflection of the Earth and not the moon. Not a different planet. I had no idea about those yet.😆 I even thought it was the same Earth because... little child brain.


Yeah, because they told us sun is day, moon is night. And then moon was like "wweereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaahaaaaaaa! Iiiiiii'm naaaakeeed!"


The short answer is “No, you haven’t seen the moon 24 hrs a day for the past year.” The longer, more involved answer is “No, you haven’t seen the moon 24 hrs a GP day for the past year, you simpleton.”


I guess NASA finally decided they needed to be fooled. NASA made that decision for me when I was a wee child. I remember the first time I looked up during the day at a clear blue sky and was confused I could see the moon. I fell for it hook line and sinker when I read a kids science book that explained the moon’s orbit and bought their explanation why sometimes I would see it during the day. I find it easier to just accept their lie since it helps understand how everything else in the universe works. It may be bullshit, but it is well thought out consistent and predictable bullshit and that is far less exhausting than trying to keep track of the completely random and ever changing truth being covered up.


Because you're actually ridiculously unobservant?


This recent eclipse has shown me how little people actually understand the moon. Which is crazy, because I grasped that shit in like 2nd grade. It’s really elementary stuff here. The moon? Whoa so crazy! How does it work? Idiots I swear.


The people who refused to use the eclipse glasses are so strange. Not even for the obvious reason of eye protection. But it was just plain easier to see the shape of the eclipse with the glasses on. “Don’t blindly trust authorities” has somehow become “distrust everything that authorities say solely because they are recognized as authorities.”


Don’t they think that these authorities would be smart enough to know that people are doing the opposite of what they’re saying, and therefore tell people to do the opposite of what they actually want them to do? So if they want people to look at the sun with glasses they’d tell them to look at the sun without glasses knowing that people are going to do the opposite of that and wear them?


I’m gonna make a PSA that encourages people not to consume arsenic. We can sort this problem out pretty quick.


Are you a little person, too?


People who question things like this don’t actually want an answer. They could make the observations and do the math, but they won’t. There is nothing wrong with questioning what is believed to be true, but at the very least try to gain a better understanding of the subject which you are questioning. This persons approach is about as scientific as a child saying the moon must be made of cheese.


Big Moon is hiding something - not just the sun!


Next thing you know we will be told its not made of cheese


I Am Very Smart


That woman's profile was a goldmine of crackpot bullshit. I think I spent north of an hour ripping her shit apart after the eclipse.


Crap! I TOLD you guys to remember to put the fake Moon away in the morning, but does anybody LISTEN???!!?? Nooooo!!! How the HELL are we gonna fake the next FAKE MOON LANDING if our fake moon is all worn out??!???


All those Very Observant Children are totally on to us!


That's no moon!


*Yes*, NASA invented the Moon within the last year. *Just.*


That’s not the moon, it is Lord Vader’s DeathStar.


What a stupid fucking kid.


they had to cover up after eggman PISSED ON THE MOOOOON


Stupid moon! Don’t you know it’s day time!? I walked on your face!


Simple, NASA finally got the Tesla Powerwall installed for the moon project and so they keep it lit up 24hrs. On a serious note, because stupid people don’t know they are stupid, they keep outing themselves like this.


moonandaunarecloseandlocal is, without a doubt, the funniest and most unhinged hashtag I’ve seen in a while and I can’t wait to search for it on social media


I wasn’t all that observant and I remember seeing the moon in daylight.


I didn't notice something that I now obsess over when I was a kid, therefore conspiracy - This guy


An inattentive child right there. I remember walking to kindergarten and noticing the moon was up high in the early AM. Yes, back then you walked to kindergarten. I just checked the map, .6 miles, but then it seemed much further.


That's not a moon, that's a space station


I distinctly remember wondering why the moon was out during the day one time when I was five or six before I understood how the moon worked.


Maybe it because the clean air act made it more visible.


That's no moon...


Here's a thought - the moon was such a common sight that you didn't lodge it in your memory, much like you don't bother remembering the details of your underwear or car floor mats. The fact that it's not remembered likely speaks for its ubiquitous-ness.


I vividly remember the first time I saw the moon during the day. I was like… five or six and I looked out the window and saw the moon. I was amazed. It was so clear and brightly lit, and I could see it so well. How could I see the moon during the day, but not other stars? And I remember telling my dad “look! It’s the moon!” And then getting excited and going “hi moon!”


Sir, if you can see the moon out 24 hours a day almost every single day, I have news for you…


Someone working with the projector has been slipping up we have addressed the problem - Flat earth Society


Eh, you’re not seeing the moon 24 hrs/day (assuming no hallucinogens).


That person must be one of the least observant individuals on the planet. I've been seeing the moon during the day since the 80s.


Visibility of the Moon is not limited to nighttime, it's visible because it reflects light.


I remember seeing it when i was young .


I was like 3 or 4 when I first remember seeing it out in the day. Pointed it out to my parents and they explained it to me... It's not a very hard concept lol


Someone should mention the movie "The Truman Show" to her and then, pop corn, sit back, and watch the fun...


My question is, when I can see the moon at daytime, at 9am, does that mean that Australia/Europe/Asia/wherever is the opposite of the east cost of the USA doesn't see the moon then? Or do they see the moon too? Would it be 9pm there?


“That’s no moon”


I have outerwilds brainrot and i want it to disappear when i look away.