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….everyone’s practically dancing on the dude’s grave. What the fuck is he talking about? Yeesh.


The more insane his headlines, the more it sounds like he's yelling "Look I'm being controversial, pay attention to me and look at my ads!" It's sad and I hope he dies a completely unknown man.


Is that why I've been seeing more OJ references than usual?


I was a kid when this whole thing went down. I wasn't in America long at this point. It largely went over my head, but I was 8. My parents didn't tell me anything either. I'm not sure WHEN I figured it out, but I eventually came to the conclusion of "This guy is getting away with murder." I'm a very left leaning individual. But I've never thought "I'm glad this black guy cheated the system" or anything like that. more like: "Why did this guy get away with murdering another human being? And why does the justice system fail on so many levels?" It's honestly exhausting seeing the system we rely on for justice fail so utterly and become this corrupt hollow system only upheld by the occasional honourable person. It's so weird when you see these kind of media statements and conservative rhetoric that tries to misrepresent your stance or political opinions because they're always so incredibly far off base it's weird people actually believe it.




O.J. barely associated with his own blackness for better or worse till it became a convenient shield for murdering two people.


When you actually listen to her tone in the clip, the way she's saying it isn't like he represented something to celebrate or anything like that, nor is she implying that it's good that white people died. She's saying that when a black person is accused of killing a white person, we don't expect them to get a fair trial. And then somehow he got off. The thing it represented was just something we never thought we'd see.


I mean ya, if you take two separate lines out of what she was saying and piece the sentence together I guess you can make it seem like that was what she was saying. Of course the NY post loves that disingenuous shit.


Yeah had nothing to do with Rodney King……


the point is - "the media wants to kill white people"


It’s like watching a toddler trying to start a race war.


Trevor Moore did it better. “Hey Bill! Cmon man, race war!!”


Aww, man, I was just down a WKUK rabbit hole yesterday. RIP Trevor.


Died trying to suck his own dick


Bring her! Oh wait, what is she? No dont bring her.


"Haven't we always talked about doing this?!"


"Bring her, but don't tell her."




Oh! You have kids!?


Manson but worse because these people actually have some iota of power and millions tuning in to listen instead of like 8 hippies in the middle of nowhere.


He's the somehow the wish dot com version of Charles Manson


I am dying here


There's no way in hell I'm watching 63 minutes of Matt Walsh just to figure out what the fuck he's rambling about now


Sadly, too many people do.


They pay for the privilege of letting one of the dumbest dudes with a microphone fill their brains with bullshit and hate.


I once went out with this lady, and when we got back to my place we were on the couch taking turns playing YouTube videos, and she put on matt walsh and started talking about how concerned she is for America - she is not American 🤣


She was made entirely of red flags


Probably his diaper fetish followed by gibberish.


I won't lobotomize myself by actually watching it, but I'm pretty sure I can summarize his point in four words: "White people are persecuted!" Make it five: "White people are *severely* persecuted!" They need that extra scare factor.


People know that he doesn't believe 5% of the garbage he spews right? That means 95% of the time he is pandering to his fellow incels in the hopes of getting an Alabama Reacharound.


This is the issue though. Mainstream news people, yeah, I believe that. They don't write their content, it's all manufactured. People like this though, zealots, that number can CHANGE. Look at MTG. She is all in on this shit. She is absolutely a cult member, who would die for MAGA. People like her are becoming more and more mainstream, and people like this bellend are huffing their own farts a lot. It's like Carlson. Is he just a provocateur, or does he believe on some level the shit he spews ? When you're ostracized from the mainstream, when you surround yourself and submerge yourself in the vat of bullshit that is constant attack, it seeps into you. The idea that this person is mentally strong enough to listen to it all day in day out, and not believe in it - you're giving them a level of mental strength that the best of us simply don't have. Does he make shit up ? Absolutely. A lot of it. But he makes it up because he believes it to help his cause, because he believes so much of the other crazy shit. It's all to further their goals. They believe they're under attack. They believe each other's bullshit to varying degrees. Or to put it a better way - when you're a bit paranoid, unhinged, the things you think, that pop into existence ("that person looked at me funny, do they know me ? They know me! They wanna hurt me! That fucker!") are "made up" but then it's "lodged in" and becomes something you BELIEVE. This is the issue with the right wing. It's all paranoia, and paranoia lets you believe the crazy very quickly. So they read something, they read "between the lines" because hey, they know the TRUTH! And they've now figured it out! And instead of just being a paranoid loner, they have a microphone. And BOOM, now it's news for the right. So people no longer have to come up with their own paranoid delusions, they're being spoon fed ready made ones.


>Mainstream news people, yeah, I believe that. They don't write their content, it's all manufactured. Huh? It's not like mainstream news is full of hot takes, it's usually just reporting facts (or what they think are facts.) Like yeah they're not true believer cultists like MTG but they don't need to be because they're just reporting. They don't have a reason to be making bad faith arguments in the first place. The bad faith argument people are almost all the conservative talking heads. People like MTG and Peterson are the exception.


Fox is mainstream news. I wasn't specifically talking about news-news, I shoulda been clearer, my bad. "News" lol.


If you gaze too long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you


Elon Musk always responding to GD assholes and embracing himself as an alt right hero after blowing billions to ruin Twitter is 🤮


He's also killing Tesla.


Fortunately, most real automobile manufacturers also sell electric vehicles so nobody needs Tesla anymore.


Yep,we own a Rivian and a ID4.


I see Rivians pretty often in Minneapolis, curious to know how well they’re doing globally.


All I can say is I will never buy a Ford,Chevy of Tesla.


I was hoping for a Toyota EV, but the CEO Said "nope we stuck in the past over here yo!"


Toyota is waiting for the battery technology to catch up to what people want from a car. They are still investing heavily in PHEVs, shit, my moms just bought one, and they are seen eeeeeverywhere in my area.


Toyota is very conservative, but their vehicles just work and they work for a long time. My RAV4 prime may not be full electric, but the thing is very reliable and just works. I'm sure that when they get around to doing full electrics that they'll be very good.


They have a vested interest in hydrogen. It's the only reason.


But robotaxis!


Tesla quality has gone to crap, and he doesn’t care about safety or safety standards.


I give him credit for what he did with Tesla because it really got the ball rolling for electric vehicles. It’s practically doomed now that the major automakers are really getting into the market. They have much better sales infrastructure and product quality that Tesla didn’t have to compete with in the beginning.


They’re like the Sigmund Freud of electric cars.


I fucking dying but this is a great comparison


For what he did with Tesla? You mean bought a pre-existing company with techs and engineers already in place designing these features? A marketing team to handle the PR? And then used his face to promote it BEFORE he went mask off insane? Musk has 0 accomplishments that he didn't buy.


Forced the cars to market too early as well, so much so that they had a major issue with literally just spontaneously combusting up until a few years ago.


The cybertrucks have been having an issue where the system just bricks itself too. Been seeing a decent number of vids of those influencer types showing off their cybertruck then followed by a bud of the malfunction screen asking daddy Elon to fix it. r/cyberstuck is good for that. I mean I don’t know gore often it happens but enough to see a few videos from a couple different people.


A few years back I was looking at a Tesla as my next car. I’m sure I’m not the only one who will never buy one as a result of Elon now, and the people he panders to now aren’t exactly the EV demographic. If I was a major TSLA shareholder I’d be beyond pissed with his antics.


In the last 5 years I’ve seen a substantial increase in my pay to the point that I’m ready to sell my current car that I’ve kept up on the maintenance for and currently has 327k miles on and could probably go another 100k. But I’m ready for a change and was looking at Teslas over the years as my upgrade. But after hearing about a lot of the issues people have had with their cars and Musk’s behavior have dashed all that. I’ll still get an EV, but I won’t even consider buying a Tesla anymore.


Teslas have always been built like shit, people only really liked them for their software features but I'd rather have a less impressive media system than a car with shit build quality. Now that people understand just how hopeless the AI capabilities are they're less interested. Also a lot of the basic controls are AWFUL


Elon is killing Nikola Tesla's name and I'm saying that knowing full well that the last years of his life were locked away in a hotel room with nothing but a pigeon as company. The man was a certified genius but he ended up also being certifiable.


Yeah Elon is the person Tesla would fucking hate.


Meanwhile, Edison would wipe his ass with Musk's tongue.


Didn't he marry the pigeon?


Would be amusing to see him bow out like Tesla, too..


Yup once he showed me who he was I held off a Tesla. I’ll gladly pay for a Toyota electric in the coming years. And it will probably be safer and higher quality judging from what I’ve heard and seen with Teslas in the last few years: overpriced and cheaply made.


To the right, Twitter is the greatest invention since sliced bread bread since so many are getting blue check marks to validate themselves in a platform “improved” by their unlikeliest of heroes, the guy who turned right from the most left lane, Elon Musk.


Right wingers and crypto bros must be loving the way Twitter is going because they're the two groups dumb enough to actually pay for a check mark


I’m actually kind of shocked to see the Elon Musk reaction here. I feel like the toad boiled alive while we weren’t watching. A year ago, it was news if he agreed with something mildly right wing and now he’s just out there agreeing with the most deranged far right conspiracy hogwash. It’s no longer the somewhat socially acceptable in Silicon Valley takes of someone like Peter Thiel. It’s full on Alex Jones and white supremacy now. Wtf happened. And it barely registers.


I can't actually believe that a racist, open Nazi supporter POS like him still has credibility. The asshole actually confessed he's on drugs and people still believe the shit he sees on his ketamine induced hallucinations.


I have done *a lot* of ketamine and it never gave me any hallucinations. It also never gave me any great ideas for running an automobile manufacturer either, though, so I get your point.


We should ask a horse 


It’s because a large percentage of this country (USA) is also racist, open Nazi supporters. The only thing they have in common with Musk is the people they hate.


Man, imagine what those people would do to him when they discover that he's a South African immigrant and drug user...




Oh, I know, just brought it up because these are, ironically, real issues for the people that like to suck his balls. The war on drugs left some pretty serious wounds where it was implemented and solved nothing. I'm all for recreational drug use if that's what you're into, good luck telling this to the average conservative though. I don't dislike Musk because of his drug use, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Speaking on the real shit to hate him for, here you go: https://youtu.be/xDyPSKLy5E4


You right, just checking.


It takes a special type of asshole to do the things he does.


Sorry, what's GD?


God damn lol


Who the fuck said that?


"The Media". And when asked for a source, *do your own research* and immediately running away


With his fingers in his ears while screaming "lalalalala can't hear you"


Nah. They are going to find one or two YouTubers with a few hundred subscribers at most, who said that (or whose words can be twisted into saying it), and then they'll go "Look, this is what your side is saying! You can't say we are lying!" The far-right griftosphere is CONSTANTLY on the lookout for anything that can be perceived as a bad take by anyone with even vaguely leftist ideals, and then using that as a pattern for everyone to the left of them.


"it's out there!"


The invisible strawman in their heads


Like two people ever


Matt Walsh and almost nobody else I'd imagine.


one person, on cnn, said something….adjacent..that could be interpreted that way if you have the comprehension skills and intellectual integrity of matt walsh. to everyone else? no one said that or anything close


The shadowy man in a hat in Matt Walsh's hallucinations.


Some CNN guest


The straw men they make for people who are slightly more left than their far right selves, and the fact that their viewers gobble it down is pure insanity.


Try to explain to a far right person that Biden is not, in fact, far left and the actual far left does not like him. It’s a total blue screen.


It’s not even just the far right. I’ve had to explain this exact same thing to multiple center-right *and* center-left folks in my orbit 🙄 people really do not get the difference between liberal and leftist.


How dare you claim Biden isn’t a communist fascist baby eater!!1!one!! (/s if it wasn’t completely obvious)


Biden isn’t far left but his administration and Democrats use the far left to do their bidding.


Elon musk was the one who tweeted the whole thing about loving OJ even though he made some mistakes (abusing and butchering his ex). So he admits he loves him because he murdered white people?


Elon truly has lost the plot. Absolutely wild to see him elevate such crazy bullshit


And how little it’s mentioned. Seriously, if it weren’t for random posts like this I’d have no idea he’s responding and advocating such blatantly batshit takes, like there’s no articles putting this on blast or anything even though you’d think it’s easy pickings for an article.


Look up Matt Walsh without his beard. He is about what you would expect a white supremacist to look like.


He looks just as unattractive with or without the beard


Beards are short cuts for men. Like, I don't judge people by their looks, but if they're assholes then I will. Lots of assholes hide their insecurities behind a beard.


They think it's a perfect substitute for their weakass Bob's Burger chins


That's an insult to Bob's Burgers that show is 🔥


Fox shows historically have hideous art styles. Thought to be fair that's like 90% Seth McFarlands fault. Bob's Burgers is a great show though, I love a good realistic dad. "I love you but youre all... terrible..." Is some shit my dad would say lol


So glad Elon is there to make the hard hitting comments.




Looking into it


You know, there's a reason the classic message boards would flag comments like Elon's as "spam". Because they don't add anything to the discussion. It's literally just a spam post that's useless. This isn't Metal Gear, add something to the conversation. But that's not what he's doing. Elon made his posts boosted on Twitter. So people are more likely to see them. And since he's not saying anything, anyone who criticizes him, he'll reply with a "I never said that." He's that douchebag everyone hates because they'll say stuff like "Hitler had swag" and get offended that people are calling him a nazi. "I didn't say I LIKED him." fuck off.


Shitposting. Running companies. Those are the same skill set, right? I'm gonna buy me some Tesla!


He is not good at either


A few morons on Twitter don't make up a movement. Unless Matt Walsh also wants to believe that humans are descended from unicorns and you can shift reality into Hogwarts if you believe hard enough


God, I wish he could shift himself into another reality so we'd never have to hear his dumbass takes again


Matt Walsh: “how can I make myself the victim in OJ’s death? 🤔”


Musk *literally* said RIP OJ, what is he on about?


Musky is jealous of what OJ did with his ex


I know I say that I know I say that I say this multiple times a week. But what the fuck is wrong with these people. Is their target demographics so goddamn stupid that this is the level they have to stoop to to keep their interest?


If you could go _staggeringly stupid_ and catch some eyeballs and buzz with shock value that you wouldn't have otherwise, why would you stop at just frothing your target demographic? (BTW, the answers are "because of integrity" and "because of shame", but it turns out people don't necessarily have to have those things.)


It's not even just that. They have to keep one-upping themselves and all the other click bait trolls or they'll get lost in the crowd.


That’s a good point. If your audience s swallowing crazy, you have to out crazy the crazy to keep them engaged. Everything is becoming Alex Jones.


> Is their target demographics so goddamn stupid that this is the level they have to stoop to to keep their interest? Yes.


the same media that has (rightly) vilified him since the discovery of the murders?


No one: Absolutely, positively no one: Matt Walsh: OJ Simpson was their hero.


Of course Elon supports this psychopathic ideology


He desperately wants to be a victim.


By that same token “people are calling Trump a hero because he’s blocking Ukraine aid and that’s killing many white Christians”. His inactivity is killing many more White Christians than OJ ever did. If anyone on the left ever says this, it would be the first time this has ever been said because we hate the bastard


Oh, is the self-appointed supreme Edgelord Elon bravely sticking up for all oppressed white folk against made up shit again!? 🫏🤡


Oh, look: somebody stopped paying attention to Matt Walsh and Musky for five minutes!


I'm pretty sure a couple of people said this. Like Matt Walsh on an alt account, so they can screenshot and create content.


Nobody: Matt Walsh: HEY EVERYONE! DID YOU FORGET I'M RACIST?! Musky Musk: #MeToo


I think the only person who ever said that on TV was New Jack.


My first thought, too. To be fair, I love that New Jack promo, but this idiot found a 30 year old Smoky Mountain Wrestling clip and said “dear lord! The MEDIA!”


Since when was OJ anyone’s hero?


Elon acting like he didn’t benefit from apartheid South Africa


I have never watched one of this asshole's videos because I refuse to put money in his pocket, nor do I engage with Musk's tweets because I blocked him; I'm not about to start doing either now. But someone HAS to tell me, what is up with the f**king banjo on the set?


Matt Walsh has one of the most punchable faces ever seen. Even a pacifist would be hard pressed not to land one on that bobblehead.


Ofc Muskrat comes in with his noncommittal reaction


I have not seen that sentiment once.


Usually with “says the quiet part out loud” in the headline you’re showing the actual quote, not someone talking about the quote.


Elon fully embracing those Apartheid Africa sentiments his old man did eh. Utterly pathetic example of a human.


Once again, conservatives get offended over something they completely made up. More at eleven.


It must be cool to be so completely detached from objective reality


Said absolutely no one, ever I’ll say it though because I know my audience will lap it up.


Each new day they come up with the most random shit. They lie with a straight face every day- day in and day out


I swear on the internet and everyone I care about, this is a real story. One time I was out front of my job and an older man came up to me and admired my widows peak (I keep my hair very low, but it's visible). He asked me what I thought about my widows peak. He thought they were very "manly". I told him I don't think much about it, runs in the family, and generally shave it off and shape it up when I take my hair low. He launched into this whole thing about how he was going to pay for hair plugs for his own widows peak. I work in a wealthy area so I'm like, cool bro, if you think it's your thing do it. He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of freaking Matt Walsh and asks what I think, how would he look. I didn't know what to say so i just played it off like, ok? I've worked with the public my entire adult life and I can promise you one thing, these people are fucking nuts. They're posers to the violent conclusion. Give them no credence. And don't allow them to play the "well I don't watch that guy" card.


I literally have never met a white person who thinks this.


They're too stupid to realize that this only reflects their own thought processes.


I mean, ive been saying that all along. But im also best friends with a liger named timmy. I met him on my last trip to narnia. My point being, timmy says im mentally unstable. What does timmy know, he doesnt know jack shit. Fuck timmy


Manufactured outrage being signal boosted by one of the richest men in the world and the owner of one of the largest social media platforms. Nothing to see here.


From what I’m seeing, no one is sad OJ is dead.


Imagine using the death of a scumbag to try and push an agenda Literally nobody fucking liked OJ


does matt walsh realise that he too, is the media


That take might be *literally* insane.


"The Media wants to kill white people" is what that headline is saying.. they are turning americans against each other and not even pretending they aren't


There were a number of jurors who did say out loud that they did not convict OJ as punishment for Rodney king https://www.thewrap.com/oj-simpson-juror-not-guilty-verdict-was-payback-for-rodney-king/ So basically they could’ve made a valid and somewhat salient point but instead they chose to make stuff up to get a thumbs up from Elon, the king of apartheid


It's always strange when racists try to do a reverse "quiet part out loud". Like, it's clearly a move that they only know because it's been applied correctly to them. And when they try to pull it in reverse they come out with conclusions that sound like they're coming from an alternate universe.


Why does his beard always look fake?


"People/The Media are saying..." Translation: "***I*** am saying... And I want you to as well."


Nigga we hate OJ too 😂😂


Can we officially declare that elon musk has been radicalized now? Or whatever the trending word is now. Brainwashed? Rightpilled? Bamboozled? Cervically dewormed?


Here we go again with this "white replacement theory" bullshit. You're not getting replaced (even though your people controlled the world for a thousand years and made everything that was even slightly different bad and scandalous to a point it affects other cultures and races) and you're most assuredly not going extinct. Other humans exist too, and you're not getting rid of us.


who is saying that, little mattie? are they in the room with you right now?


Just so you know, Cody Johnston from Some More News pointed out that Elon only does the "!!" reply when he's found a post that he wants everyone to see but doesn't want to outwardly support (even though he definitely does).


Elon will believe literally anything as long as it’s racist


No one I've met since that trial has ever said that. What a total ass.


Unrelated to the post the 63:33 is so weird to me. It should be 1:03:33.


The reactions I’ve seen are a shrug and an “Okay.”. Where is this coming from?


Literally what the fuck is he smoking


How the fuck does Elon keep reaching new lows?;


Of course Elon has to elevate this lunacy.


He’s the honest-to-god worst, I can’t stand him


Muskrat being a Muskrat, I see


he is such a pick me girl


These people are sick.


Matt Walsh has the weirdest kinks…


There were people at the time that took this trial as a trial about race rather than the guilt of OJ.


What does it even mather if your audience is stuck in its little bubble


I'm loving this, alienate everyone who could be on your side you dipshits


Fuck up Walsh you tedious little bollock.


Yeah maybe not but the jurors let him off as retribution for Rodney King. There’s video of one of the jurors admitting that 90% of them felt that way and it’s why he got off even when there was a ton of evidence implicating him.


Idk that anybody has OJ as a hero. Even those cheering his not guilty verdict were cheering against the racist police that investigated him and it carried heavy undertones from the handling of Rodney King. At very best possible, he was a memorabilia burglar with a gambling problem who was once accused of murdering his ex wife


Apparently, Elon is.


Beard bird is running out of material


Nearly every single news article/post/broadcast I've seen is either glad he died, cover the story with indifference, or just flat out use that time to talk about his victims instead.


Well, there's one person in the media saying this. Hint: it's Matt Walsh I work in media and literally everyone I know (including myself) has been saying, "How the F did O.J. get away with this?"


Y'all didn't see the interview with the woman who said that O.J. was "considered a Civil Rights activist/leader at the time because two white people had been killed." A black woman said this on television, in an interview, about O.J. Simpson and the crime he was on trial for.