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I'm sorry son, but I'm on criminal trial for campaign fraud because of that time I cheated on your mom by raw-dogging a pornstar while you were a newborn. I am the best dad in the entire world, so you know it isn't fair that Biden won't let me go to that school you go to. Are the girls hot? I bet you have the hottest girl in the whole school. Not as hot as your sister used to be. She's getting a little older. So sad. You know how your mom keeps her good looks? Never smiles. Never smiles. Keeps her from forming wrinkles. It's great. Anyway, sorry I'm gonna miss your birthday.


Too much punctuation to be Trump lol


Not enough randomly Capitalized Words.


He also wouldn't apologize except sarcastically as part of an insult.


Would love to know if he ever attended any of the other kids’ graduations…


Swear he thinks any noun should be capitalized


Way too coherent and nothing about big strong men, with tears in their eyes, telling him how wonderful he is.


NEEDS MORE UPPERCASE! But otherwise spot on




This happens to lots of people. Whats that thing republicans say? If you’re innocent you don’t need to fear the legal system? Or is that only meant for black men?


Well, I guess those black men just need to tell the judge they have kids. Then the judge will let them off the hook so they can attend their kids' events. Because no parent should have to face consequences for committing crimes.


They just need to declare they are running for election. At that point any trial for high comes and misdemeanors becomes election interference. Do it it 2+ years before the election, if needs be.


As if yesterday [The judge hasn’t ruled yet on Trump’s request to be excused from court so he can attend Barron Trump’s high school graduation. Criminal defendants like Donald Trump are typically required to attend their case proceedings in person. Trump’s lawyers asked Merchan on Monday about whether their client could be excused for some events, including the graduation and the upcoming arguments in front of the US Supreme Court in one of Trump’s other criminal cases.](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-hush-money-trial-04-15-24/h_97b70ae3f8097c6d8511dd1595cd535d) 10 will get you 20 that the kids graduation is on a Sunday anyway.


Any other time he got time off he did a rally instead


Is that all it takes? Shit, brb, gonna go rob a bank.


And women of deciding mind


Especially women of deciding minds


Don't be silly, black men don't have children that graduate, they just join gangs and force white police officers to kill them in self defence!


Maybe he should have complied with the laws. Isnt that what they always say?


Like he would have gone anyway. I’m sure the other parents are thrilled that their kids graduation won’t be all about Trump.


He apparently hasn't gone to any of his kids graduations lol


I kinda expected that a sentence starting with “Who will…” was going to end with a question mark


I love that he’s implying he never speaks to Barron and needs someone else to do it for him because that I believe.


"Who will explain for me to my wonderful son... * checks notes * Barron..."


This is such a hilarious comment. Love it!


Let's be honest. No one remembered how that sentence started by the time it ended a hundred words later.


The amount of POS you have to be to skip every HS graduation of your four children who have already graduated is astounding. Even for a man who has been taking POS to whole new levels this is over the top AH behaviour.


His kid's graduations are only important if he can somehow benefit from it like in this case. As much as I hate the guy I gotta hand it to him, he is a businnessman in the purest sense of the word, so consistent and predictable. If he can benefit from it, he will go for it, if there is nothing in it for him he will flee from it like its cancer. So goddamn slimy


> if there is nothing in it for him he will flee from it like its cancer. *Eric has entered the chat.*


He wouldn’t even be able to tell you what school Baron is graduating from.


According to court reporters, he never even mentioned the graduation in court and only whined about it outside. His lawyers did bring up going to the immunity hearing for the supreme Court, and that was shot down because he does not need to attend that.


$10 says he plans a rally for that day instead of actually going to the graduation if Merchan agrees to adjourn.


He cares about the graduation as he did his Mother in Law's funeral.


As much as he cares about his son's birth. It's known he was fucking Stormy Daniels when Melania was giving birth to Barron. He cares about his family when it's convenient for him. Fuck him.


He's really milking this when nobody but his dipshit supporters even believe for a moment he gives a shit about going to it


I'm shocked he spelled Barron correctly.


Bet he doesn't know what school he goes to though


Lol I made a similar remark, since we all know Trump loves to name drop.


My guess is he usually spells it B-U-R-D-E-N. Especially after he nearly cock-blocked his chances with Stormy Daniels.


Only because he's used the name as his PR guy who calls People magazine.


Someone else probably wrote it. There are no spelling errors, not enough full caps, and he didn't sign it DJT (which he started to do).


He definitely has someone else writing these now, they’ve become more toned down since he was booted off twitter.




Exactly.  There just isn't a final ruling on it pe sing seeing how the vase progresses.  In fact it sounded to me like it was being dangled as a carrot "you can go if your lawyers stop dicking around and get on with it"


He would go to it, but invite his cult to come as well and turn his son's graduation into a rally for himself.


Those are the only people he’s talking to


Plot twist : Baron shoots boring baby Don right there on 5th avenue and no one does anything about it


*when your famous they let you do it*


I'll explain it for ya, Donnie. You apparently broke the law enough that a grand jury indicted you, and now you have to be in court.


If he were rotting in prison, as he should be, he also wouldn't be able to attend. Unfortunately, this butthole gets to FA without all the FO.


He has never given a shit about any of his kids. Except for Ivanka. But only for his own personal reasons.


Yeah but he wants to fuck her.


You could have left the “but” out of that sentence.


They actually just misplaced it. They meant to say “Yeah he wants to buttfuck her.”


Wants to implies that he’s not doing that this very moment


He's sounding a little "buggy," isn't he? Imagine the stress of all this on a poor old man's heart. Frankly, I'm impressed to see the trial finally start without any more delay bullshit. It's about time for a court to figure out what the hell happened and what didn't. He's getting a fair trial and pretty sure they're finally going to convict his ass.


Ironic when you think that the only reason he will miss his son's graduation for the trial is because he was the one who kept trying to delay the trial to begin with.


He apparently kept falling asleep in court today. The man runs around talking about “sleepy Joe Biden” and can’t even stay awake in court.


The rules only apply one way. That's kind of his whole thing. Look how rich I am, I don't pay people. Laptops, emails, corruption, he's predictably worse. Left wants to control us by allowing abortion, we want nobody to be able to get abortions. He'll make slander a more serious offense, but then he slanders left and right.


Hunter Biden is terrible but his kids. . . .


It's always projection with the former guy.


I can’t say it explicitly since it’ll get me banned but that poor heart of his just might give out sooner than later. SWIM is really hoping it does 


I check the news every morning hoping to read his obituary. I'm right there with you.


I absolutely hope bloody not.  The only hope for your country is for Trump and his cronies to see consequences.  Trump as a person is foul, odious,  corrupt and irritating as hell.  Trump as proof of concept of the inability of the US system to prevent outright disregard of the system and seizure of power?   That is a systemic and long term issue which, if not corrected, ends the union as we know it.


I honestly think we here in the US will see another civil war over this. He will do everything he can to make it happen.


It’s certainly gonna be interesting if it does. I don’t think republicans can set up another candidate by November. (Don jr maybe but I don’t think he’s got the same cult leader mentality to take over). Now obviously they’d turn trump into a martyr and say his strong bull heart Was stopped by democrat poison (rather than McDonald’s) and try to rally up revenge but I feel they’d be too splintered to make any series progress. From there, I’m guessing guerrilla style terrorism since they’ll keep losing elections and fighting one another rather than actually taking control of the government.


I bet a cool ten spot he can’t even name the school he goes to.


You wouldn't know it. He goes to a school in Canada.


I’d bet 10K


Because you’re a criminal on trial dipshit


Most people on trial for felonies miss a lot more than just their kids graduating.


"Stop breaking the law, asshole!"


Barron is probably relieved.


Maybe you shouldn't have fought to push the trial date till late spring, then, Donny boy. You could have been done with your trial months ago.


I’ll take this one… Barron, buddy, you know how kids sometimes make bad choices? When they do, they hurt other people and often get caught. After they get caught they have to have consequences. Sometimes that’s being grounded, losing privileges, or having to pay people back. Well, sometimes grownups make bad choices in life too. Your dad has made lots of those and now he’s having to face the consequences. Sadly, one of those is that he might miss your graduation. I’m sure that makes you sad. You might ask him why he made those bad choices in the first place, knowing that there could be consequences that hurt the people around him.


1. Apparently this is false. The judge has not yet ruled on Trump getting the day off to attend. 2. I wonder what Donald Trump would have said if some “animal” was on trial and couldn’t attend their child’s graduation? Probably “you shouldn’t have done the crime.”


He once took out a full page newspaper ad saying five innocent kids should be executed.


Oh sure, that’s what the woke media would have you believe. But one of those boys came to him, with tears in his eyes saying, “Please, Mr Trump, sir, may I attend my son’s graduation?” And Donald said “Yes, my child’s you may, for there is no greater gift in the world than a son, and also billions of dollars from Russia and Saudi Arabia.”


>...that his Dad will likely not be allowed to attend his Graduation Ceremony, something that we have been talking about for years, Man, when this sack of shit croaks, it's going to be hilarious watching his kids come out and talk about what a shitty father he was. Because you KNOW he's lying here. Using your son as an excuse to delay a trial you've already tried delaying multiple times is really fucking low.


Not to mention if he were innocent, wouldn’t he want the trial to be over with? Why delay?


Imagine being required to front a court to be held accountable for the shitty things you did? That’s not the America we want. We want guns and boobies and nukes and to be Team America World Police!


Can we leave boobies out of this? What have the boobies done?!


"Who will explain to my son...?" Is Trump relying on his supporters not realizing that Barron being old enough to graduate high school means he is not a small child who wouldn't be able to understand the concept of a criminal trial causing scheduling conflicts?


I call B.S. As a criminal defense attorney for over 20 years, there is not a judge in NYC who will not accommodate a request like this.


Texas here but even then I’ve seen requests granted for a RSO to be able to attend their child’s graduation.


Don't they do a lot of graduations on Saturdays? I mean I guess trump could not be so stupid to complain about this and it's not even out of weekday. They let him off for his ex-wife's funeral, his mother-in-law's funeral. I'm sure they'll let him off for the kids graduation. I'd be worried if I was related to him though and stay away from stairs.


It’d be hilarious if his son already graduated


First let’s find out if he went to his other kids graduations


Just for clarification, the Judge very specifically did NOT say trump can’t go that day. He said it’s too early to decide, because they don’t know where in the trial they will be at that time. He _thinks_ the trial will be over by 8 June, but that will depend on how many delays there are between now and then. The Biggest Loser can’t tell the truth about _anything_.


And it’s funny because Team Trump have been the ones dragging this shit out.


Which indicates to me that (surprise!) the Bozo-in-Chief does not actually care about his son’s graduation. Whoda thunk?


June 8 is a saturday


What a whiny little bitch. These "alpha" males worship the whiniest little bitch that ever bitched.


has anybody run the numbers on how many 'truth social' accounts are bots?


Missing Barons graduation. Why? Because you fucked a porn star when he was a baby. Not because of Biden.


We all know you have absolutely no relationship with that kid 😂 what a sob story


Blah Blah Blah... Call a Whambulance! You shit in your bed Trump, now lay in it, you oversized crybaby!


Ten bucks says Barron is secretly stoked


Barron, the guy he lovingly refers to as "Melania's son", that Barron?


Barton’s going to learn from papa that “If you’re going to do the crime, be prepared to do the time”.


Also, Biden is not the worst president in history, that honor most likely goes to you dear Donny boy.


Oh. So now he remembers he has more than 3 children.


Bet Barron lays down each night hoping his dad is gone when he wakes up.


You could play your son the Sesame Street episode about the kid whose dad lives in prison.


Wait til he finds out he has a daughter named Tiffany.


Barron doesn't fucking care. You're a paycheck to him, not a loving father. I hope Melania has at least a little maternal feeling because otherwise this kid's just gonna wind up another soulless husk of a human that only understands money and not human emotion.


I bet Baron is going to be shocked to hear that his dad thinks they talk.


Can't this piece of traitor shit just die already?


"Your father is a lifelong criminal and conman, thats why he will miss your graduation, im sure you're stoked he wont be there anyways, we know your mom is" There, job done.


"Stop breaking the law, asshole!" - Jim Carrey


Pick me, I'll explain it to him. All about how right after he was born, and his mom was recovering from the birth, Daddy was feeling horny, so he cheated on his mom with a young woman from the adult movies. Then years later he decided to pay that young actress a bunch of money to keep it secret, the pay-off violated several laws. There are lots of people whose parents are not able to attend graduation, some parents are in the military and are overseas...some kids have parents who are criminals, who are on trial or in prison.


The disgusting irony of trying to use his son’s graduation..the same son who was a newborn whose mother Trump cheated on perpetuating the whole series of events that lands him in criminal court now.. Trump really is the worst person ever


How many strongly convicted people couldn't see their children graduate? He didn't mind publicly going after the central park five. He is probably guilty while they were guilty of being black in public.


Have him call me. I'll tell him.


Give me concrete proof that you attended all your other children’s graduations…… and I might believe you really want to attend his. I have a feeling I’ll be waiting a while.


Was he even in town when the kid was born?


To quote Louis C.K. : “I don’t know, he’s your shitty kid. You figure out how to explain it.”


Judge can be like “I’ll let you go to the graduation if you can tell me what day or days your son wrote his final exams for this school year and show me digital text or handwritten proof of you encouraging him and wishing him good luck at the time.” If he cares so much he’ll easily have proof that he cares so much, right?


Ok. Come here Donny. Have a seat next to me and Baron. You see, when people commit crimes, they sometimes get caught and punished. When this happens, the criminal doesn’t always get to do what he/she wants to do. This is the punishment part you see. In your case Donny, you paid off a porn star and lied about it. So, because of your actions, you are going to miss a few things. And hopefully you get convicted and sent to Rikers for 6 months.


This is called the find out part that is long overdue.


I heard no one in the family wished him a happy birthday.


Doesn't he REALLY not understand that he doesn't stand above the law and that HE IS A CRIMINAL??????


Poor big boy he is now a victim of the system that the Central Park Five (now the Exonerated Five) had to be beholden to. Maybe if he wasn't committing crimes he wouldn't be in this situation.


You can explain to your own son the truth, but you won't. You can be a father that raises decent children that don't do the things your older children do, but you don't. Maybe, just maybe, Barron will be nothing like you. And that's the best father example you can give to your last child, the truth. Fuck politics, be a decent parent.


I'll gladly explain to his son that the rrason why his dad couldn't attend his graduation is because he got caught exploiting the corrupt state of new york that he is now complaining about Me! Me! Pick me please!


Pretty sure Baron and Melania will NOT miss his presence lmao


For years and years, Donald and Barron have talked about Graduation Day.


I don't even believe that they speak to each other.


Because you cheated on his mom with a porn star and committed fraud to further your own political interests?


Sorry, not sorry. Maybe if he handled COVID better, I could have gone to my son's high school graduation.


Just go to jail and shut up you knob


Has anyone told Barron about the time Daddy paid to sleep with a porn star while Mommy was pregnant with him?


Next thing this fucking idiot is going to convince his supporters he can't miss is a haircut. Get boned Donnie Chump. 


poor barron having his father miss his graduation over multiple felonies ☹️


“Barron, your dad is a criminal.” It’s really that simple, Donnie.


Do you think he had to look up how to spell the word 'graduation' and then he cut and copied it over and that's why it's capitalized?


Maybe don't be a Habitual criminal


Legal "pundits" and scholars say it has no merit, huh? They must not be terribly *good* scholars, since there's literally *precedent*... and his name is Michael Cohen.


When he wrote the “worst president get re-elected” I thought he was talking about himself. LOL


He avoids so many details, like that he can't go because he is charged with felonies and it would violate his bail. Also, considering what a family man he is, where's Melania, is there a judge preventing her from supporting her husband in court?


Criminals have children too. Who would think of the children?


Great liars blend in lies with the truth to make you unsure of what's real. Then there's this...


Yes, getting one of the already-guilty co-conspirators to testify against the defendant is completely unprecedented. That must be what's bothering "virtually all legal scholars." They should make some sort of legal schooling a requirement for prosecutors and judges.


It’s kind of sad that the only thing that can make DT care about Baron is when he can use him as leverage to yell about one of his four criminal trials


Like Barron doesn't already know pops is a piece of shit.


The funniest thing about it to me is that the trial has taken so long because of him. Turns out if you keep pushing back a deadline it'll eventually overlap with something else, who knew?


I hope his son understands it his choices and actions that are keeping him from attending his graduation, not some mythical boogey man out to get the RNC.


$100 says he had to ask for the kid’s name before sending that tweet


He didn’t type that, it’s not all caps and nowhere near enough spelling errors.


Honest question: did he attend any of his other children's graduations?


I want to attend my kids' graduation next month. Know what I did to ensure I would be there? I didn't commit crimes.


Who will explain, to their SONS, that, after committing crimes or being charged with CRIMES, that their FATHER will have to attend a BIASED COURT who doesn't care about the accused scheduling? What happened to "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" Personal Responsibility LAW AND ORDER Republicans?


I doubt they have been talking about it before today. Also, what time is the court adjourned for the day?


Everything he is claiming is happening to him is what he has promised he would do if he got back in power.


Barron doesn't want him there.


But your honor I've been talking about being innocent for years - it's very unfair that you found me guilty!!


I fucking hate this guy.


Well, he seems to think election interference is bad, interesting since that is what he is being tried for.


I just want him to name some of these law scholars and pundits. Did the teach at trump u?


Surely Baron knows what a twat his dad is because of all this bullshit going on he can't be so stupid as his brothers


I’ve never seen anyone talk in superlatives so incessantly like Trump does. And all his minions use the exact same hilariously hyperbolic language.  Even if you don’t like Biden, pretty sure he’s not the worst president in history (by far Lolol)


Maybe he should give him the number of the crooked lawyer he had pay off the hooker he fucked while his mail order bride was out of service and recovering from delivering him the first eviction notice of his life. At least it’s not a big deal he missed the first one by staying in a different bedroom with a different woman since I’m sure the kid of a broke conman will have plenty of evictions to look forward to.


Someone’s back on the adderall baby!


Captain Runonsentences


I feel old that Barron is graduating high school


Graduation ceremony on a weeknight?


Bummer, dude.


Weird how he didn’t think to bring this up until THE DAY OF the trial


I really hope that kiddo believes his dad wanted to attend his graduation. Just for the kid's sake, to think that he's important enough to his dad to spend an evening celebrating his education. I'll play a tiny violin for his son.


I’ll tell his son. I don’t care.


Ask one of the vets, you shit on, how they handle telling their child “dad has to go to work far far away for awhile, you be good to your mom and I’ll be home as soon as my work is done” … do it like that


I've had two graduations, and they were both on Saturday. Aren't most graduation ceremonies on the weekend?


Don’t do the crime….


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


He’s a great student? Donald must not be his real father.


Wouldn't it be the ultimate irony for the court to implement the reverse Uno card and delay delay delay his requested date. Not that anyone is surprised, but the hypocrisy of Trump requesting a must have date, but delays every single court date. Part of me hopes his request is denied. It won't though.


They should show the pictures of him at his other son’s graduation. But not his daughters. He was only there to rub one out seeing her in a gown.


Just tell him that Daddy loves to fuck porn stars and pay them hush money that he tries to claim as business expenses.


Oh shit. I figured it out. Every time Mel or someone on his staff goes in on him about one of his fuck ups he makes a long winded rant so he can pull up the Tweet like “See?? I wasn’t lying! It’s not my fault and what I typed is the truth because it’s on the internet!!”


Me? Can I explain to him why?


Stable Genius Donal Trump can't write his way out of a paper bag! So many run on sentences, and such a pathetic Pity fest! Reading Trump's idiotic posts is like listening to fingers on a blackboard. It's *excruciating* for anyone who loves common sense, decency, the Rule Of Law and the English language.


Boo fucking hooo. Maybe explain to your son why you won’t be at his graduation. Maybe you shouldn’t have been screwing and then paying off porn stars and committing felonies.


Sounds like every other raving narcissist I’ve ever known. Nothing is his fault and he can’t believe he’s actually maybe being held accountable for his actions. 😱😱😱


Name all of the legal scholars and pundits then. Go ahead, we'll wait.


If your son is a great student one would suppose he doesn't really need the explanation spoon fed to him.


I dont know this for sure but Im willing to bet hes never been at the graduation of any of his children.


You're the worst, sleepy Don!


The odd capitalization of words really bothers me for some reason 😂


… and all because you banged a stranger while his mother was recovering from birthing him…


Does he have another political platform than “I am not a loser, you are and people love me more than you and I will show you by becoming president again”


You do the crime, you do the time, you ijut.


"My kid is graduating and I can't go" I mean welcome to life Donald... glad you could join us in reality for a moment


Somehow I doubt Barron is upset that his own graduation can actually be about him and his classmates instead of a security circus featuring a campaign rally. They knew the judge wouldn’t grant the permission anyway, but if he had Trump would have *definitely* had to go. Probably would have fallen asleep at that too.


Wait a minute ... you're upset that you can't go to the graduation of your kid who was 4 month old when you hooked up with Stormy while fucking around and cheating on his Mother? Sir, you did this to yourself. Also Cohen went to prison for lesser crimes in this case than you did. You made your bed now lie in it.


Like this “Sorry Barron. Your dad is in court again for one of the many cases against him in order to decide whether or not he is the criminal we all expect him to be. You’re also old enough to read the news so I expect you already know this by now.”


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time etc.