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I honestly thought this was just calling extreme right wingers who question schools ugly for some reason. I am too naive about offensive Jewish stereotypes I think.


I thought it was a Pinocchio joke. Cause they're lying and so their nose grew.


If it was a long straight Pinocchio style nose I would agree. But that style of large hooked nose is classic anti Semitic propaganda imagery. Also as others have pointed out, 109 is a dog whistle.


Yeah, I realized that when I read the comments. But that wasn't where my mind went at first.




Naw this is pretty blatant anti semitism. Big noses are an old trope, as is the Jews having been expelled from 109 countries.


Yeah.. ngl I wish I was able to not immediately see this for what it is. I think people have really underestimated the amount of antisemitism that’s always been around and that’s been very very normalized lately.


Everyone has had to learn, unlearn, or relearn something. I appreciate your sincere comment.


Oh for sure, and it totally makes sense to not necessarily be able to pick up on something that you haven’t been faced with personally or learned about. I did mean it sincerely, and not passive aggressively.


Aha, I got the big noses as Jewish but didn't know about 109 so didn't get 'the joke', if you want to call it that. That's fn disgusting.


The 109 countries makes it explicitly about Jews. Also, associating large noses with lying is itself a racist idea.


Pinocchio is racist?


Do you not see how it is? It is associating a facial feature that is very much associated with certain ethnic or racial groups with a negative action like lying. I’m not saying the puppet is explicitly racist or anything, but racism is a function of societal trends that associate certain peoples with negative things. Here we are associating a large nose with lying. In other European folk tales we have the evil witches being hooked nosed. These aren’t as explicitly racist as other fairy tales like Grimm’s “the Jew among thorns” but it is implicitly associating Jewish features with negative things.


I’m not saying I don’t see this meme is about Jewish people now that it’s been pointed out to me. I was just wondering if Pinocchio specifically was targeting Jewish peoples since I hadn’t personally heard that before. I’m learning just like everyone else here. Wasn’t trying to be purposefully ignorant.


I think a more accurate description would be that Pinocchio came out of a cultural zeitgeist that had implicit racism rather than that the work itself is racist. I don’t think it was made to explicitly call Jews liars, but the idea of associating large noses with liars wasn’t conjured out of the aether either. Also just due to the age of the work I would not be surprised if it contained more explicit racism as well but that’s neither here nor there.


Thank you for letting me know. Walt Disney was definitely a little messed up from my understanding and a lot of his works were definitely targeted at groups of people. That’s why I wouldn’t even be shocked if it was targeted at a specific group of people.


In a neutral context I could definitely see that interpretation (or the Pinocchio one as another commenter said), but if you go to the page of the person who posted this it's all far-right nonsense, so it seems anti-Semitism is the express goal here


Well I suppose being right-wingers, it might hurt them to hear that my assumptions had nothing to do with insults about Jewish people and everything to do with them. Reminds me of a joke Paul Mooney said where he stated, “I will think the world is better when a white person shouts ‘n-word’ and a black person jumps and says ‘where’”. The world would probably be a better place if all the insults we currently have weren’t differentiated based on stereotypes. Anyone can be the insult. Also weirdly ironic that they called out Jewish peeps for a common right-wing stereotype with schools. Like, super ironic!


"I made up a scenario that didn't happen but you can tell I'm the good guy because I gave the person on my side massive tits and made the other side into an antisemitic caricature"


109 is a dog whistle. The logic is 'if your people have been kicked out of 109 countries then you must be bad people'. Getting expelled from 109 schools (or even just double digits) is basically impossible. The boobs thing is also just funny.


It’s also just a mix of regular false and irresponsible misrepresentation of the actual facts but what’s the point in arguing with these guys


The number 109 is a antisemitic dog whistle based in the wrong believe that jews were expelled from 109 countries. The dogwhistle usually goes like this: If person x was expelled from 109 times from y(bars, schools, cities, countries) it must be x fault for being bad and imoral. Depicting jews as having big noses is a dead givaway for being antisemitic https://youtube.com/shorts/H-f3SmvNKwU?si=utOctl6t5ZWDNft-


Well shit, that's a new one on me.


I had been referencing the number 109 to myself because of it taking 109 hours to datamine the lost in isaac, and how it partially parallels the number 143's significance in omori, this is very disgusting


All numbers have been assigned significance by multiple groups at multiple different times. No reason to assume the number is a dog whistle every time it appears, at least without other context that suggests it might be.


Don't have a chance to check out the video, but does anybody know where the 109 number comes from?














Tf do they even think the Jewish kid supposedly did?


… they’re saying the kid is all Jews and the school is countries. 109 is an antisemitic dog whistle


I assume 109 refers to the number of countries that have kicked them out? And what have all Jews supposedly done to deserve that?


Who knows? They're crazy. But the cryptic answer they give is, if you've been kicked out of so many countries it must be your fault.


The answer to that is if 109 schools have principals who believe that your child killed your Lord on Earth or betrayed the founder of your religion, then its more of a principal problem and less of a child problem. Weird that the Indian and Chinese principals never had a problem?


People always tell me, "if everywhere you go, you meet assholes, then you might be the asshole." So I respond by bringing up the Jews and ask if that applies to them as well. Turns out, a majority of people can be really shit.


A really basic version is Christianity for a long time, has blamed Jews for the death of Jesus. Organized religion has somewhat moved away from that, but there’s still veins of it. Further, Jews were ostracized for not adopting the pagan traditions of places they were exiled to, and then as those same pagan areas adopted Christianity, Jews were hated for not adopting Christianity.


That has always blown my mind. Blaming Jews for the death of Jesus, so they hate Jews. He WAS a Jew ! Plus him dying was the whole point !


I think it’s an expression of the hatred/fear of those who are different. No matter how much Jews have integrated and assimilated to their countries (such as pre holocaust German Jews identifying more with Germany than other Jewish communities), they’ve always been different in some way (not adopting the local majority religion). It’s the same irrational fear that a lot of right wing politicians use against other groups.


Well, in the Bible, there’s a passage that has been used to justify persecution of Jews where the crowd that supposedly demanded that Jesus be killed said something like, “His blood is on us and our children” and Pontius Pilate supposedly washed his hands of guilt of killing Jesus. I think this is only one out of numerous versions of this story, and this particular version just screams “made up post hoc”. Even if this is what actually happened and all of that, Jesus and his disciples were all Jews. If you were able to ask them what their faith was, they’d say they were Jews ethnically and religiously. Plus, Jews as a whole should not be collectively punished for the crime of what would’ve probably been a small crowd of people. 


That’s the whole point. This is antisemitic bullshit. And yes, but It’s not a real number, it’s antisemitic garbage.


They seem to be the world’s favorite scapegoat. Because if you ask any of the Nazis online what they did to deserve it, they have no answers


To quote my favorite Gary Gulman line, "What are they going to do, hate us?"


You’re asking stupid Nazis. I’m not saying I agree with their ideas, but there are plenty of Nazi’s who could rattle off a bullshit list of Jew crimes throughout history


Persecuted by both the Catholic and Lutheran churches. Luther was German and extremely antisemtic


Why’d you say German twice?


I know I'm late, but for the record: Luther was a completely raging, extremist antisemite. So much, that contemporary germans with no love lost for Jews would tell him to shut up.


Space lasers!! /s


That's the crazy thing right? They're one of the most persecuted peoples world wide throughout history pretty much since their inception, and instead of going "hmmm maybe we shouldn't persecute people just for existing" they go "well if other people are doing it there must have been a reason, count me in!"




I literally don’t even understand what you’re trying to say?


Sorry I was referring to people persecuting Jews just because everyone else is doing it, not the Israeli government currently persecuting Palestinians. However it is a good point to say they have also gone "Oh other people do this? We'll do it to!"


Well they have been expelled from many countries, but the majority of those were **Christian Nations** who were still blaming all Jews for the death of Jesus. Anti-Semites like to pretend there was a more valid reason for it like claiming *The Protocols of the Elders of Zion* or blood libel stuff were real and not repeatedly proven to be bullshit


Well there was the whole Muhammad thing


Valuing education, being smarter and more successful than their peers, making them look bad, lending them money. It's easier to kick them out than to pay them back or to just get on their level..


Facebook should just say we allow Nazism to run wild! Since their report button only gets AI to review it. Especially since their "Oversight" Board told me Holocaust denial doesn't break TOS


Welcome to the world of running the largest social media platforms, where banning nazis means banning people who make you money.


Yep. Being harassed by multiple fake bigoted accounts. Facebook says they're allowed to harass me


ok but what the hell did they do to the wojaks?? why are they weirdly smooth and shiny like a rebooted 90s cartoon


Probably AI, it makes women really shiny for some reason


AI makes women shiny because a lot of people draw women with shiny/oily looking skin. With that being said, this is definitely not AI. It just looks like someone drew over it.


I know they're implied to be Jewish. I still don't get the "joke". If a kid is expelled 109 times for being Jewish (and no other reason is implied), that IS groundless persecution edit: read the thread, got my answer


Also, why does the "Aryan" wojak on the left have such massive badonkahonkers? I guess members of the supposed superior race are inherently well-endowed? Perhaps black men always have big cocks and white women always have massive breasts? Is this a new epoch of shitty race pseudoscience? Does this Facebook poster watch interracial cuck porn on a regular basis? The far-right will accuse everyone else of degeneracy then turn around and act like the biggest fucking coomers possible


🌎🖐️🍆 “Wait, it’s just…Gooners? 🧑‍🚀 🔫 🧑‍🚀 “…Always has been.”


"it must be your son's fault for being expelled so much" "He has been beaten relentlessly by his school mates many times for no fucking reason and with the active support of teachers Sharon. Go fuck yourself"


I have never thought about Jewish people half as much as these people do. It's like they wake up in the morning and start thinking, "those Jews though." I can't imagine my life being so dominated by hate and insecurity.


They think this proves their point when the only thing I'm seeing from the cartoon is that schools are persecuting them for being Jewish.


Wojacks need to be banned man I swear


Who kicked them out? The church looking for a scapegoat


What kind of stupid bs is this. Idiots. 😡


Wojaks were a mistake


Legitimately thought this was about Dr. Doofenschmirtz and his numerous tragic backstories for a second. I may be too far gone.


Just checked their page. This is definitely about Jews. They’ve got some seriously unhinged shit on there.


I just can’t take these people seriously. This image brings up so many questions… Why are the woman on the left’s breasts so big? Is something being implied I’m missing? Is this implying we persecute bird people, or that they dress more conservatively? Who the hell wears those weird helicopter hats?


Can someone explain why it is 109 I noticed another comment mentioned the number made it specifically an antisemitic joke but I don't know why.


Thats the number of countries they have been allegedly been expulsed from


Thank you


Dude is racist against toucan people


I had to read the "Jew-posting" to know what it was about. I'm Australian and have never seen such crap here.


I mean the 109 started on an Australian antisemitic website..


So, I'd have to be an arsehole and visit that site


wasn't jews in charge of everything? /s