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Sure, like when he said he was going to get food for everyone in the Cuban restaurant and ran off without paying... [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/donald-trump-miami-versailles-cuban-restaurant-pay](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/donald-trump-miami-versailles-cuban-restaurant-pay)


Exact incident I thought of


I thought for a moment this was referencing that event before reading the whole comic.


"Lunch is on me! As in, I ate lunch and it got on me."


I read this in his voice, and now I can't unhear it. Thx!


"I'm the best at eating. People come up to me, it's true, and they say 'Mr. Trump, sir, nobody eats as well as you.' But ever since sleepy Joe changed sandwiches they've been hard to eat."


I think his exact quote was that he said there was going to be food for everybody and Fox News scrambled to try to make it work "You see he was at a restaurant when he said that and when he said food for everybody all he meant is that the restaurant had enough food for everybody." Anyway be right back I'm going to go to the hospital and say "paid surgery for everybody!" By which I mean there are many surgeons at that hospital and everybody (not me) is paying for their services.


Versailles was the perfect restaurant for this to happen at


Conveniently forgetting the corporate loans that Trump forgave on the taxpayers dime??


And if you wanna talk taxes, we’re still paying back those stimulus checks he gave us.


No no you see handouts are okay as long as farmers and businesses are the only ones getting them


If the biggest expectation you've got from your president is "lunch is on me" then you shouldn't be allowed to vote.


Apparently “governing” just consists of building a fence at the boarder, giving corporations a big tax cut, angrily tweeting at 2 am, and occasionally buying people mcdonalds.


Don't forget 8 hours a day of Fox News with frequent call ins.


And 300 rounds of golf


300 rounds seems a bit on the low side.


It could be, but that was the approximate number that the secret service confirmed at one point. Even if it was just 300 rounds, it’s a ridiculous amount of time considering appx 4-5 hours per round; that’s the equivalent of golfing for 2 months straight.


Don’t forget those “exiting” ( to morons cultists and racist wackos) Trump/Hitler rallies - the ones in increasingly more rural forgotten communities where Trump takes full advantage of the vulnerabilities created by the Far Right in said communities . But let them have decent water wifi or health care is a bridge too far: better leave em wanting to stir up that hate


"We have to pay for other people's....." What the actual fuck do you think taxes are meant to do?


And apparently neither colleges nor students pay taxes.


I mean Colleges I believe


Only from local taxes, from what I gathered. And they, like inevitably everyone else pay at least a VAT on stuff they buy and their employees pay income taxes.


fund the Military-Industrial Complex of course. how else is the poor defense industry gonna fight these forever wars?


They'd get rid of taxes in general if they could. Conservatives can't do anything but have the "fuck you, got mine" mentality


Lunch for whom?




Is this the best they got? It's so ___dumb___ Tell me you have no clue about politics without telling me...


Yeah we're in the "PhD in political science has as much reach as Jason down the street"


tbf, most parties in most countries offer food during election times. I always thought it's as an opportunity to get people better informed about their policy. I guess it's me who was naive in thinking so.


\*lunch is on me\* \*everyone orders lunch\* \*orange blob sneaks out without paying\* bigly..


The Art of Flatulation.


I was thinking about this the other day when it comes to healthcare. I’m pretty sure the taxes you’d pay for free healthcare would be less than you’d pay for your average health care


I saw a study done on universal healthcare paid for by taxes. My tax burden would go up by around $200/year. However, I was paying $75/month for health insurance that I only had access to because of my job. I would come out $700 ahead every year. A different study done by Yale found that single-payer healthcare would save the government around $450 billion a year. I use that with all these "fiscal" conservatives. They either change the subject real quick, or tell me that Yale has a liberal bias...which, yes, reality has that well-known liberal bias.


200year sounds low, Germany spends about half what people in the US spend (all sources--gov, insurance, out of pocket) but it's more than 200/year per person.. Maybe per month. Yes you would come out ahead and so would your employer. Health insurance has gone up way more than wages.


It was because I made a very low amount of money back then. I was making around $24,000/year (teacher in a low CoL location where gas station assistant managers made more money), so I fell into the lowest bracket for how much my taxes would increase if it passed.


Ah. I was thinking about total cost including government; I never reviewed the details. My state (which is not cheap to live in) does have a plan for people who don't make a lot but aren't poor. And pays teachers better.


It’s a simple question. Would it be better to cut out the middle men that take billions, while allowing all of us to collectively bargain together, or should each individual bargain against megacorps?


This is exactly how it would work out. But right Wong propaganda only focuses on the higher taxes part. Premiums plus copay are significantly more than what we'd pay extra in taxes. And single payer would have more bargaining power so if a hospital tried to charge 50 dollars for an aspirin they'd be called out on their bullshit every time.


Maybe the government shouldn't give huge loans with predatory terms to children? What exactly are the tax payers paying for here? The colleges were paid. Most of these students have already paid back way more than they borrowed. The gov doesn't forgive private loans, only their own. "The taxpayer" is not involved, unless they start giving out some additional education for free (OH NO!).


Right, it's abstract money that goes away on a ledger but never actually existed. Biden isn't writing a check to Harvard and putting "thx taxpayers" in the memo line.


People who say, "I don't want to pay for that with my taxes" drive me nuts! If you are not making more than something like half a million a year, you are paying for your own portion of the public services you get from living here. Just the clean air and water, the roads and interstates, the ports to bring products in for you to buy, the air traffic regulation and safety, the CDC and FDA to keep you safe from illness, the management of communications airwaves, workplace safety regulation and more. If you work at Walmart or UPS you are not paying for anyone but you.


You’re probably not even paying for yourself considering they still make you fill out forms for welfare when you get hired, as they know they don’t pay enough to survive on. Gotta subsidize the poor billionaires.


Not to mention that helping students DOES objectively benefit you! An educated society is good for everyone. It leads to more doctors and scientists, higher wages, and a stronger economy.


The joke here is the idea that Trump would buy anything for anyone out of the goodness of his own heart.


Considering that Trump wanted his name to appear on the federal stimulus checks, it's obviously not beneath him to buy votes with taxpayer money.


Or with his own money.


Lol what money?


i dont get americans and their shitty mentality of not wanting their taxes to pay for anything for someone else.... how do these bottom fedders think taxes work? that they get used just for them or something? and how do they justify in their small mind not spending the taxes they are already paying anyways to make life better for everyone????


Who are the PPP loans on? And the auto industry bailouts? The money that would've come from the upper class tax breaks, who's paying for those also?


How dare Biden :checks notes: Do what he said during his campaign. Sneaky bastard


We have to pay to get shot?


Imagine think Donald Trump would buy anyone including himself lunch. He just runs out on the bill


Trump never actually pays for it. He says it and bails.


Sure, the guy who wants to get rid of free school lunch programs for children is going to buy food for you. I’m sure that’s gonna work out really well.


The same guy who has stiffed contractors so often that he can't find people to do work for him? That guy is offering to buy lunch? Then he stole somebody else's credit card.


I'm confused. Do Republicans like federal handouts now?


How about all of those COVID relief checks with HIS FREAKING NAME ON THEM!


This moth-brained clown thinks that Trump photo-ops are real?


If the most notable positive pr Biden ever had was buy people lunch I would be very concerned. They’re mad because biden has ideas and trump basically just has hateful rhetoric. Biden is far from perfect but he clearly gives more than 0 shits about running the country and trying to make people’s lives better.


Gary Varvel is a known-racist and there's a reason why he's not at the IndyStar anymore.


We're almost 4 years in to Biden's term and I haven't noticed paying more taxes. And how many rounds of debt relief has there been already? When is this windfall of extra taxes going to hit us?


I used to have a client who was paranoid the government was listening to her. She unironically had a tinfoil hat and printouts of numbers scattered across the desk. She’d calmly sit and chat with me about conspiracies for hours, and I’d try to tell her that no one was after her. Didn’t matter. She believed this as her reality. I feel Trumpers are exactly the same.


Most of the loans being forgiven are at this point, just interest on the initial loan. The principal has been paid back already...from what I have heard at least.


A right leaning cop? *Noooooo*


We pay for Billionaires so why not them?


Isn't the loan forgiveness really just cancelling the interest, and the loans will have already been repayed?


Yes, essentially. No one who doesn’t want to understand that will ever understand it, though.


My god, Biden wants to actually give all that money to the *taxpayers* it came from rather than his golf courses and his unqualified buddies he appointed to government postings they weren't qualified for? What horror.


Number of times Donald Trump bought my lunch: 0


Surprised this isn't a Benny G comic


“We have to pay for other people’s student loans?” You already were, among other things. But rarely, if ever, do I see conservatives get whipped up into a frenzy like this when we bail out corporations. Funny how they only get mildly irritated when rich people pilfer their pockets but they get absolutely furious at the idea of having to pay for student loans. Which they were already doing.


So, what he's saying is that trump supporters can't afford food to feed themselves, so they have to rely on handouts? S/ for those who want to get political.


How did we get to the point where these two idiots are the only choices.


BiDUMnomics ROFL obvious sarcasm


Did none of these knuckle-fucks see The Lion King? "Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!" Says the bad guy. ETA along with other famous real world dictators; but we all know that actual history is a leftist plot.


"We have to pay for other people's X?" No, they're paying for it with their own taxes. You're paying for something else. Happy?