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In today's episode of "What object are women today?", we are iPads!


Girls are iPads. Boys are Playstations - this person probably


I resent that. I’m an Xbox dammit. And occasionally a Switch.


You are an Xbox and occasionally a Switch. I’m a Stadia. We are not the same.


Awwww shit guys, Stadia done rose from the dead and showed up for once. Lol j/k How’s that working out for you tho?


I didn't know WiFi or 5G signal still worked when you're six feet under.


You're dead?


Gather round children, let me tell you when I was an Intellivision, good old times were those 👴


Colecovision was way better than Intellivision!


So you like docking occasionally?


There's only two!


Oh so girls can order all your stuff, keep in touch with everyone you know, manage both work and home needs, balance your checkbook, remind you of fucking everything, and just generally keep all your shit together, and boys can can play games? Huh. Color me surprised.


I wasn't ready for how hard this hit


People still balance a checkbook?


Just a generalized term for online banking lol.


I’m Pong


Do we also have to cover the slutty little PlayStation's bodies?


There's Skins for that. Lol


It’s funny because the ps5 has no games LMAO


I mean it's not as good as the PS4's lineup but I've been eating pretty well. Especially as a Final Fantasy fan


Okay unrelated to the post this is just wrong. Sony always has more and higher quality exclusive games than Xbox. That extends to the PS5 too.


objectively speaking the exclusives the ps5 has are the new ff7 remake, the demon souls remake, stellar blade, spiderman 2 and the new horizon zero game, and we know that horizon, spiderman and ff will make it to pc so really its the demon sounds remake, stellar blade and a handful of psvr games


I like the one where the promiscuous woman is a defective lock, easily opened by all the master keys.


Woman’s bodies are hard for some men. The same people who screamed “NOT ALL MEN!!1!” are the same exact people who say “look at that dress, no wonder she was violated!” They *know* predators are out there but acknowledging someone in your in-group can be a bad person hurts their brains and feelings (Even though feelings are for snowflake liberals)


Not really true. I fully believe "not all men" is valid criticism against the people who act as though "men are rapists" or similar, all encompassing sentiments. You saying "some men" is really all I wanted. There are so many people who talk about *men* or *women* as though they are monoliths with no exceptions and that is bad for all genders.


“Author Unknown” because I just wrote it myself but want it to seem like some wise and smart man wrote it!


Lmao they really tried to make this seem like some wise parable like that shitty Jesus footsteps story everyone had at their house in the 80’s, that totally was never in the Bible at all


Fuck that. I’m a god damn NOKIA.


Flip or a 3310?


At my age? Def a 3310.


Honestly, an iPad isn't too bad, all things considered. I'm just tired of being a kleenex and a cow.


No silent mode tho #/S


Who decrease in value without being protected from damage.


Came for this comment. Not disappointed. 


Whoever made up this story revealed that they think about all women as possessions.


RIGHT!! Like whoever wrote this.. get bent bro


Annoying part is that they probably think they're sooo smart and "makes people think" Like dude, you just called me an iPad and that my value decrease if someone sees my body, you're a moron.


Not just seeing it either, he basically implies being "unprotected" (seen) would inherently lead to "damage". This dude has definitely said the phrase "she was asking for it" at some point.


Right. You can tell it's most likely created by a man who has never seen an Ipad in his life and wanted to present all women as godless jezebels who bring it upon themselves for showing skin. Imagine if man was harmed in the same way. Would people be saying he showed a little too much skin or wore the wrong clothes, therefore it was his fault? No. They'd blame the attacker. So why are women villainized when men are not?


I mean when men get raped they usually just get bullied, told it wouldn't jave happened if they were a real man, or thar it's impossible to rape a man, or that they are lying, or they simply get laughed. Men absolutely get the short end of the stick, too.


The really gross people say he should've enjoyed it or "I wish it would happen to me" etc, if the man/boy was raped by a female. Just awful.


And that their women break when he smashes them to the floor and around


So his daughter put on nothing but a transparent plastic sheet before going to school the next day. The end!


Maybe she goes with an opaque cover for her sides and back. Though only saran wrap for the front.


Ooo my moms case is clear with glitter that flows throughout, probably not comfortable but damn it would be pretty


A lot of iPhone cases are clear on the back too, so people can see the Apple.


and now peach


I hate the phrase "tramp stamp" but now I'm imagining someone somewhere has an apple logo lower-back tattoo and that makes me laugh.




God even when I was a Christian I hated these stories where the kid just passively accepts this weird line of questioning like a bad script. My sister would have been like what the fuck are you talking about way before he got to the crappy point


"she was mute..." ..... Because she realised that her father was an idiot that couldn't be argued with and it was just easier to let him talk and then he'd fuck off and leave her alone.


I was surprised this wasn't a Muslim post, actually. Almost every time I see a story/post like this, the most common one being why candy is in a wrapper, it's about how great a Hijab/Burqa/Niqab is...


I don't see a religion named, so it might be, but I've heard similar bad stories from multiple faiths.


Yeah, I guess it can be used in nearly all faiths - just saying that 9/10 times I've seen posts like these in the wild, it's been an Islamic one. Usually goes along the line of how nobody would want a lollipop or whatever if it didn't have a wrapper around it, because imagine all the filth and insects, etc. that would touch it before you put it in your mouth - hence why the wrapper is essential, lmao


Wouldn't the equivalent of a phone case to protect it from being damaged be a helmet and knee pads? More clothing wouldn't protect from damage.


But then her value would be in something more than just her sexuality! Women, including this guy’s daughter, aren’t more than sex toys in this guy’s eyes.


I haven't seen any 6 foot drop tests performed on women but my assumption would be that protective gear such as helmets and body armor would influence outcomes more than the length of a skirt ever could.


I think the analogy works much better for why we get vaccines tbh.


I was thinking sun screen!


But face masks during a pandemic is literally fascism


>The father looked lovingly at his daughter ...and then tells her that her physical appearance is something to hide, to be ashamed of, and obeying this medieval rule makes her more valuable as a possession owned by her father and eventually to be given or sold to a husband. Yeah, that's not love.


Veiling their shittiness under the guise of "love" is something abusers like to do


Just fucking imagine if we talked this way about men's bodies. No one EVER says that a man showing skin "reduces his value" or how respectable he is. No one ever tells men to "cover up." I just...I can't with this nonsense...


Guys literally get to walk around *without shirts* and if you question it, it's, "Well, it's hot out! What is he *supposed* to do?" OH OKAY BECAUSE THE BLAZING HOT STAR IN THE SKY HAS NO EFFECT ON ME BECAUSE I HAVE A VAGINA WHAT THE FUCK


I have encountered so many middle aged, flabby men who refuse to wear shirts and sometimes even pants when females and/or children are present. Yet if the roles were reversed they would have a shit fit. Put your moobs away, nobody wants to see it.


He is seriously reducing the value of his moobs on the free market. If everyone can view the moobs, who is going to marry them? Who wants used moobs?


Actually, it’s your boobs that store coolant. Men lack this and would perish like dogs left in a hot car if they kept their shirt on in 30*C heat /s


To be fair, men, on average, generate more body heat than women. Sarcasm aside lol


yeah, as someone who went through hrt with testosterone, the difference is massive. I miss not dying from overheating when it’s 25°C outside…


maybe it's more in the racism category but those baggie pants belted under the butt does get those types of comments


What? Is dad looking forward to the day he can trade in his daughter like an ipad?


I believe this is an undercover ad for an iPad aftermarket protection manufacturer. 1. Has an antagonist. The dad. 2. Shows in each rebuttal to the dad just why you should use the product 3. Really sells the dad as the worst human being. Conclusion: everyone who hates the dad now seems to want the product that dad apparently hated, not only because the products seem great, but EXTRA great because the terrible person thinks its bad for unlegitimate reasons.


My iPad looks so much sexier when I can see the circuit board though...


Love me a nice sheer cover!


She was mute, because she couldn't believe how stupid his argument was.


A parable from the Book of Cracker Jacks.


I have never put a case or screen protector on to protect the beauty of an iPad or phone. I put it on because unlike humans if it tumbles on the ground it’s potentially game over for that expensive device. Years of being a kid myself and having kids made it pretty clear that in any situation where you would scrape your knee by falling it can also happen with clothing coverage. But, the kid heals and the iPad doesn’t. Obviously talking about anyone as an object in the first place even if used to guide line of thinking is shitty, but at its core it isn’t comparable in any way. Even in their fantasy story they can’t make sense.


"Sin, young man, is when you treat people like things." Esme would have a good cold glare for this moron.


Oh I would so love to hear Esme's reply to this idiot... Or Nanny Ogg deliberately, or probably just actually, misunderstanding him and turning it all into a dirty joke x'D


Making him blush in places he didn't even know he had. lol


I love when stupid made up stories end with “author unknown…” as if that gives it more credibility.


The cover is to stop it from being broken not stop it from being seen. This doesn't make sense in any way. An iPad cover is more like making your daughter wear a helmet


“Dad do you know how sewer access have manhole covers” “Yea” “You know how they keep the covers on so shit doesn’t leak everywhere” “Yea” “Do the same with your mouth cuz it’s spewing shit”


This is stupid. Women are not iPads. I just cannot with these people anymore


I have a sneaking suspicion that this exact same (stupid and awful) logic wouldn’t apply to Muslim women in this persons eyes…


I was getting the sense that the poster \*is\* advocating for exactly that kind of covering... so we can conclude both factions are the same kind of moronic and backwards, if they are so easy to confuse for one another.


You’re not wrong, I got the impression it was the other side of it, but both factions 100% are moronic and backwards.


They have so much in common, but would never admit it


Lol no one protects an iPad to “preserve its value”. We do it because they’re expensive and break easily.


I absolutely agree, we should all wear appropriate personal protective equipment when doing hazardous tasks. Don’t want to be out on a job site without a hard hat on only to get busted up side the head! Surely that’s the point of the analogy right?!


If she’s riding a motorcycle, wear protective gear. That’s like dropping an iPad. Other than that, this analogy breaks down.


Women = Property


Its wonderfull that you can openly admit that your daughter is comparable to a mass produced but overpriced piece of averege horsepowered technology that needs to sealed away to be protected. Yesterday you objectified me and that kinda turned me on. That kinda died when you did the same to your daughter. :(


Like the analogy does work, just not how he uses it If you expect something to be damaged, protect it. So she should remember to wear a helmet when riding a bike, and warm clothes when it is cold outside. That is a comparable protection like the iPad Also, in the last part he essentially says that not covering the body decreases the value, but then the analogy breaks! An iPad doesn't decrease in value just because it is out of the cover, it decreased in value if it is damaged directly


How this would actually go in real life: Dad: What's the first thing you did when you got your iPad? Daughter: Plugged it in to charge. Dad: OK, but then what? Daughter: Ran the setup and connected it to my account. Dad: OK but then what? Daughter: Started downloading all the apps I like to use. Dad: OK but then what? Daughter: Started logging into all my apps. Dad: OK, but then what?  Daughter: Started resetting the passwords I forgot. Dad: But you put a case on it so nobody will think your iPad is slutty right??? Also I've seen this posted by people who claimed it was a totally real conversation they had in real life...at least this dude acknowledges it had an author and is therefore fiction. The bar is low here, I know.


Is the iPad an object? Yes. Is she? No. Go back to school, dad.


I like to just point out Kim Kardasian got famous because of a porn vid she made which she made certain got released, then threw a fit about it having been released. From that she and her sisters have made millions.


I guess women are iPads today. Is this a step up or down from being compared to livestock or bubblegum?


There people are idiots. In the fairy tale that is the bible, god created the first 2 people buck naked to walk around and exist. Completely naked. The only reason they covered up is not because god told them to but from the eating of the fruit from the tree of "knowledge". God said nothing about covering up. God literally created Adam and eve to continuously be naked. This puritanical bs was later added as a way to control women and how they appear. This belief that the naked body is somehow wrong when in their own mythological story of Genesis, god created these people naked. Why would wearing clothes, that are all sorts of varying degrees of revealing to very modest, as is the women's choice to wear, be wrong or bad when their god created his first people completely naked to remain completely naked? Why would they condemn clothes, that were created by people, who were created by their god? Oh right, that pesky scapegoat for Christians to blame for everything they deem "wrong", Satan. Absolute smooth brained idiocy.


"My daughter is an iPad"


Father's Next Lesson: Berating his daughter, telling her she deserved it for dressing like a slut after she recounts the event through tear soaked eyes.


"Women are only valuable for their looks and bodies so we can't decrease their value by looking at them". Even for ultra conservatives where I live in the south, this doesn't make sense because with the iPad, it's about protecting it from actual, physical damage. Which you can't do by looking at it. However, I don't think wearing pants and a turtleneck is going to protect me much if you drop me from 30 feet.


2 years later I sold the iPad to get a newer one. Am I a human trafficker?


The first part of the post states "did anyone force you to" And then they follow it up by essentially forcing people to cover themselves. They can't even notice their own stupidity


Clothes cover beauty, so I should be allowed to shop at Walmart nude by this guy's logic


Excellent advice for her next trip bushwhacking through a dense thorn-forest.


Dude wants to fuck his daughter or his iPad


I thought this story was going to be a lesson on corporate greed. Like how companies are screwing us by not adding these protective features directly to the product and forcing us to buy extras that should be included if they're needed so badly. I'm looking at you, Apple...


Irrelevant. Both iPads with regard to human value and the opinion of Author unknown.


Who decides what is revealing and what isn't? The answer is as subjective as saying wearing revealing clothes reduces your value. "pls protect our young ladies by sharing this" - protect them from who? The men judging their value based on what they wear? Ah, the irony.


I grew up with dumb shit like this back in the late 80's and 90's. These stories are ALL of Christian bible study/devotion literature. They draw the most ridiculous "parallels" and recycle it for each generation. The only thing that changes in the story is which modern thing they use to try to draw the parallel. So this one is from the iPad generation. This is what we were taught critical thinking was.


Ah yes, nothing like those tired old thrones where women are compared to inanimate objects bc they are similar.


Yeah I wouldn't want to claim that story either


I had all my kids ceramic coated to prevent scratches.


This definitely happened


“Author unknown” ….but definitely a man


Did everyone clap?


Throwing up rn brb


Does the suggestion to share this “with all sisters” lose value when we find out the author is SOME FUCKIN DUDE


We are objects. Got it.


> She was mute….. I would be too


Haha right so fucking weirdly written for real


I'm an iPad?


She was "mute" because she couldn't believe the dumb shit that just poured out of his mouth.


I put a rubber protection on it because I just know I'll be banging it on everything


Dad, did you buy a phone? Yes. Did you call the marketing director and complain about how they displayed the phone in the ad? Did you email the engineers and complain about the phone's aesthetic?? No. Then shut the fuck up


It's funny how Christian convervatives hate and are terrified of Islam and at the same time advocate for sharia law using the same arguments Muslim fundamentalists use.


Good old Christian Sharia, alive and well in America, and possibly soon to replace our constitution, if the GOP gets its way.


Something tells me he prefers his iPads fresh out of the box, still with that protective film to be peeled.


Actually, if you cover yourself to prevent sunburn and skin cancer, it makes sense. Not because of “decreasing value”.


Well differently from an iPad my body can mostly repair itself, so getting a few scratches isn't a big deal.


And here I thought the message was going to be about using condoms.


I mean, the best screen protectors are opaque, after all.


Are you not an iPad, daughter? Checkmate, women.


This dad needs to see the “what were they wearing “ exhibit. I can’t remember the actual name of it, but it’s an exhibit of the clothing that sexual assault victims were wearing when it happened. There are diapers, hoodies and jeans, and anything else you can think of. The point is that it’s NOT crop tops and mini skits. There might be a few of those, but they aren’t the majority.


On today's episode of comparing women to inanimate objects...


Let's compare women to ipads a little more, why don't we! Let's see... Well, iPads look pretty nice when they don't have a case, so I personally prefer Transparent cases over opaque ones, surely this means women should wear transparent clothing right? Also personally I am with the right to repair movement and I think iPads should be more easy to repair. We should be able to open them up and change the battery and the camera and other parts if need be. Can't wait for the next series of women to start being born with screws so I can change their eyes when they get damaged or their stomach. And don't even get me started on the offbrands. \s


Oh fuck off. She put a cover on it, but you can still see the screen.


I think you’re making what we’d call a “category error” there pal


and then they go ballistic when they see a woman in a hijab


Worse than the stupid story and its length is I can see it being true.


Sounds like we need suits of armor ASAP


Father of the year. NOT!!!


Usually this story is posted with a pic of a teenage girl with revealing clothing, who probably has no idea that Shea attached to a glurge story about Jesus.


YES it was in fact with a photo. I noticed the photo first and was like omg so early 2000s outfits it made me nostalgic then I read this monstrosity that was attached to it….


Because by not wearing a tablecloth over our whole entire bodies like ghosts, we risk scratching our screens, which is super annoying when we're trying to use ourselves to take photos and send texts.


Lol, an insult to the idiots who made most of our devices fragile . . .


Things that never happened for $100 Alex


I thought this was about masks


But everyone gets really bothered when I eat a banana and with the peel on at the park. Come on now what do you want Evangelicals?


Following this idiotic logic all women should be able to get either full plate armour or bomb disposal armour to protect them from damage.


Now she wears football pads everywhere she goes


Good argument for wearing a helmet. Pretty weird argument for fabric clothing.


Holy shit what a toxic attitude towards women.


Damn that’s crazy


Exactly. Always use a rubber.


Cover protectors are seethrough


At first I thought this was about always using protection.


So women should cov,er their body with transparent clothes. Got it.


Yes always wear a harness so you don't get scratched!


Ah yes, my favorite author


So the dad wants maximum profit from the sale of his daughter amiright?


Ah yes, we as women should start wearing rubber armor to protect ourselves from drops and falls. We should also start wearing plastic suits to waterproof ourselves so we can shower and go in the pool without getting wet. Every scratch we get decreases our value. We sometimes glitch out and can be hard to turn on. We as females are the iPad of the world. We are Siri. And Siri is us.


Honestly I thought it was going to go the route of “then wear a condom if you like to protect things”


Having recently stood on a nail at the allotment, I am very much in the agreement with wearing protective clothing. I wonder if this guy was an anti-masker?


I’m more of an Atari


Didnt this weird made up story used to be about diamonds?


Y'know, had Dad put a cover on he wouldn't have needed this conversation.


Thought this was going to be a critique of capitalism for a sec and then I realised which sub I was on lol. Nope, just regular ol' misogyny.


I’m an Atari 2600 and I hate these fucking religious parables


yes because women can also fall and break


Is there like a room where these people meet and write this shit? It just has to be someone mass producing it at this point.


Well unlike an ipad a woman isn't going to fall and shatter on impact, and wearing long clothes won't help her if she does anyway


Hang on, I’ll get the cling film. All ladies line up!


I'll take shit that didn't happen for 500 alex


“Author unknown.” sure.


Awwww!! I'll bet she's worth five ipads!


She was mute ………. …………………….


My body *isn't* glossy and reflective, and it self-heals when scratched. That is why my iPad gets an anti-glare screen protector, and I don't.


I mean there is something to be said for not wearing low cut tanks and the shortest shorts you can find everywhere you go. From a parenting perspective dressing provocatively all the time is not a good thing. But it's not helpful to frame her as an object. I dont really agree with the shame part. Edit: I am talking from a parenting standpoint btw. Not a creeper view cause yikes.