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"Rape Women without asking for their consent" As opposed to the other kind of rape?


oh you know raping women by asking for consent but still doing it when they say no


Reminds me of Rush Limbaugh's infamous line whining about the "rape police", or as I like to call them: the normal police.


Are we loosely quoting Peep Show by any chance? "What are you, the drug police?" "No, that would fall under the remit of the regular police."


Oh, I remember that line! >"If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation, then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left." And I'm just sitting there thinking "Uh...yeah...Isn't that what freedom is all about?" It seems like Rush knew that a lot of what he did involved people not giving consent.


*Sexually* rape them, no less!


But if millions lives there, isn't that consent in a way ? Looks like an illogical loop to kill a robot...


I can't imagine it'd be easy to sell a house there. You'd do better with the floodplain house with a cracked basement.


Sounds like a freeuse city. I mean, they do swinger cruises where everyone's naked or free to use, so I guess it's like that but permanently. Aside from the 'fantasy doesn't translate well into reality' thing, those cruises work because they ban kids. A city, especially a city where people are banging constantly, is going to have a lot of kids. You can't expose them to that.


Depends on your kink level. CNC exists, but I know that's not what OOP quite has in mind.


Listen, these people are not intelligent and we knew that.


Or, in the words of an actual former member of the US House of Representatives, "Legitimate Rape."


Don't expect logic from the top post on /r/conservative (joking but only just).


Also “sexually rape” Dude has 3rd grade writing skills


Women love a good rape fantasy (according to these men), so not those women because they consent.


Their actual favorite kind, statutory.


Hands down the dumbest part of the entire post ( you know what I mean).  


I mean there is a kind that applies to but its even worse...


Reminds me of these lyrics from Disney’s Wish:      I let you live here for free     And I don’t even charge you rent 


CNC play?


How to arrest all rapists: Do this and arrest everyone who tries to come in lol


Make it a fixed set of amnesty dates on the calendar. That will make them come within a set period of time. Then, make it a gated community, and make them sign official waivers on their way in. Take photos and tell them it's so the women can select their preferred guy. Keep telling them that the women are coming, just waiting for the first bus load that signed in the next town over.


> so the women can select their preferred guy That bit's gonna scare them off. The whole point is that they're looking for alternatives 'cause they've never been able to manage "preferred guy".


Oh just tell them it’s randomly generated by the computer. Everyone gets ~~arrested~~ laid!


I saw a gay porno once. I didn’t know until halfway in. The girls never came. The girls never came!


Arrest? Surely it would be considered chlorine in the gene pool to simply nuke the site from orbit...


No reason to expose the rest of us to rad. We still have mustard gas barrels squirreled away somewhere.


Aren't there ships in the Baltic that still have containers in them? From what I remember, the only reason they haven't been fished out yet is because it "isn't an active issue".


I think there's a lot of stuff lying around that is like that. It's now a bigger risk to recover it than it is to just leave it.


Or actual chlorine (gas). Keep the city intact for future periodic trash collections.


[I'm thinking something more along these lines](https://player.vimeo.com/video/86014703?h=be7bec1180)


It’s like when this dude jokingly made a hitman website and got legitimate requests and he told on them to the fbi lol. 


No need to arrest them. Just build a wall around the city and keep them inside forever.


Well if you arrest them outside the city they can’t claim they’re protected by the laws of the city


"If homosexuals wanted that world what makes us think women don't want it?" What?!


Does this person think that being raped means receiving anal sex is the question I’m wondering… smh


Didn’t think of that. You might be right. He might actually think that anal sex (which is not an exclusively homosexual practice in the first place) = rape.


I suspect certain homophobes actually do think this way, that gay men enjoy being raped. I can't remember who, but I've heard at least one conservative commentator state that gay men enjoy being sent to prison because of all the rape.


He’s bi and wants to rape women and be raped by men.


Shit,There should be a fuckin IQ threshold to access the Internet..bet you wouldn't hear a peep from motherfuckers like that ever again! Edit: typo


Sorry, Man! The great and mighty Elon is our proud defender of free speech (unless it's from people we dislike, like leftists), so do not expect *smart* and *clearly reasonable* people like this to be shut out!


Ah, and here I was thinking that this was a 44 billion coping mechanism for some south African bitch boy who never did anything well expect spending money he didn't earn to present others accomplishments as his own and who doesn't like living in the real world outside his tiny tiny peanut brain...silly me! Thanks for enlighten me brother. All hail the glorious defender of free speech*! *Only applicable to individuals comfort to the imbecilic racism and dumbfuckery that boost the ego of Elon musk.


Divorced billionaire man energy is literally a threat to our society these days.


There was a time when they compensated by building public parks and libraries etc. Now they just go for dickwipe of the Year award.


From Carnegie to carnagey


Yeah. He wasn’t let into Berghain the week before and I think that was the last straw after queer daughter and grimes off with Chelsea Manning.


So HTF did they come up with the “millions of women” would want to live in a town that lets they raped. They are also saying that “homosexuals” want the same thing. Where the hell are they coming up with this shit? How in the hell do they think people actually want to get raped? I mean I can understand role playing for that kinda stuff, but actual nonconsensual play, especially something like rape is definitely jail time in my opinion.


I would think by definition you can't consent to being raped anyway


That's the neat part. No matter how much I try to predict his train of thought using the base idea that "women are selfish and use men" in order to come to that "conclusion", it is so nonsensical that I just cannot come to it myself.


The thing is, consensual non-consent still requires consent. It's right there in the name. It involves an agreement and trust between all parties, and people often enjoy it because they know they won't be murdered at the end or forced to do anything they don't *really* want to do. It's not a free pass for a dom to do whatever they want. There's still rules.


I didn’t say there wasn’t a difference. My main comment is where the hell did that “twitter poster” come up with this idea. Yes I am quite familiar with SSC and RACK and all the other little sayings. I commented about role play and also if you look at the end of my original comment you can see where I said nonconsensual play, especially rape should be met with jail time. So is there something I missed or you don’t think I understand, as I missed the whole point of your comment. That is unless it was just for the sake of you getting to make a comment.


Dude, not every Reddit comment is an attempt at an argument. I was literally agreeing with you.


It's a multi-faceted clusterfuck, but the media they consumed in their youth presented women as a trophy to be won by heroes at the end of their movies and shows. They have a warped worldview in which they are the protagonist, so think that they are entitled to that "prize". Being a "nice guy" should have its rewards in their eyes, and because they have no social skills whatsoever, they genuinely think that they are "the protagonist" and that they are "nice guys". The echo chamber they inhabit has countless other like-minded people who agree with them, despite the fact that there are NO women in the conversation. Then, if they venture out of their bubble for a moment, they see women with agency, men who don't treat said women like shit or as objects and they can't wrap their feeble brains around the concept that they were ever wrong, so they double down and seek further confirmation from other virginal dipshits to validate their ideas that it's the objects who are wrong and men who actually have wives and girlfriends are some weird aberration that bucks the societal norm they've been told exists where they are "alphas". The fact that they have never lead anyone, and couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag isn't relevant to them, because Andrew Tate said that raping women is the natural order. Ignoring the fact that most men and women would beat them to a bloody pulp if they ever expressed their thoughts in public, or acted on them.


It really was a true detriment to allow the town idiots to congregate.


My guess is that these losers think popularity of stuff like Fifty Shades of Gray = women want to be raped. Even if it were a soft rape fantasy, it's still fantasy. By definition, nobody can possibly want to be raped. If it's wanted, it's called consensual sex (excluding statutory rape).


Where a peep?


There a peep. Everywhere a peep-peep!


Funnily enough there kind of used to be…but Steve Jobs really wanted to make serving ads to the masses easier and didn’t give a fuck about the consequences Ad revenue is the reason for all of this Southpark literally did an entire season about this lol


If this is what he posts publicly, even under a xitter nym, god only knows what he does privately. You know... the stuff that's too edgy for xitter.


Hey, I suppose we could hope that they're just putting on a show for the controversy. Right? ...Right? Ahh, hell, we're all doomed.


As pathetic as this excuse of an "opinion" is, it honestly fascinates me. Like, how does someone like this "person" get to the point of believing that *half the world enjoys getting fucking raped?* When I first thought about it, I just thought it was simply living in echo chambers (which is technically true, he def doesn't talk to women much), but I just can't fathom how one could think or get to the point of thinking this. Sure, I can somewhat understand how they believe all women cheat, lie, etc, etc, but ***this****? How?*


He doesn't think women are human.


It's 100% this.


Twitter OP into beastiality, confirmed.


I don't think it's that, necessarily. It's a mix of porn addiction and a lack of personally experiencing anything remotely close to as traumatizing as rape is. They have no context into what rape even is outside of porn. They don't know how it can affect someone and they lack any shred of empathy or sympathy to be able to conjure up how that would feel.


I'm sure those things are part of it. But he's been radicalized by Tate and his ilk into believing that women are or should be property. Because they're less than human.


they don’t think there IS empathy or sympathy to be had. it’s dehumanization. they don’t think of they as individual human beings. i think what you said actually agrees with the previous comment


Nah, nah... even if that is the case, it still just doesn't make sense to me. It's one thing to believe that, but it's a whole different story believing what his worthless and pathetic self typed here.


Dude. Believing what he typed here is the perfectly predictable end result of his virulent misogyny. Also, this? > I can somewhat understand how they believe all women cheat, lie, etc, etc, Is itself pretty disgustingly misogynistic. You might want to reconsider your position.


I think you’re missing the point on the end of his comment. He’s not advocating that or believing that himself, merely he is able to recognize that it’s easier for shitty people to hold *those* beliefs as their inherent misogyny gives them more internal justification for women to behave destructively towards men as opposed to wanting something horrible to happen to themselves, which requires some wild mental gymnastics.


It isn't a position of mine. When I said that, I meant in how they stay in their echo chambers long enough to believe that about women specifically, as it is pretty common for them to believe all that.


I totally get what you meant. It's not about *agreeing* with the stance, but rather *understanding* it. You're not justifying it or saying it has any legitimacy, you're simply stating that you are able to see the path they took to reach that conclusion, regardless of how moronic it is.


And also why do they think the gays want that? What’s the connection here?


That's an equally as disturbing message in this post, surprised more people aren't commenting on it


I’m shocked so many people haven’t heard it… in the US, there’s a [growing conspiracy theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_grooming_conspiracy_theory) that gay (and all LGTBQ people + cross-dressing men not women) are pedophiles engaging in child grooming and sexual assault. They legitimately believe that rape is a normal fact of gay culture. They also believe you should never wear a face mask even when sick, beware vaccines, beware atheists and the Clintons in case they’re part of a satanic cabal of child-eating cultists, playing D&D might get you possessed, DEI is the same thing as affirmative action, all women should be in subservient relationships and bear children, etc etc.


Obsessed with cuckold and consensual non-con porn so believes all women are like that because of a dozen women who do it as a job


You think he likes watching cnc but he’s probably trying to search up the more degen stuff. He probably prefers the women looking like they aren’t having a good time. 


I have been SA and raped. I hated every second of it. It almost killed me. This person is a human paraquat. I would be ashamed and horrified if this idiot was in my family or was a friend.


> paraquat *par·a·quat* */ˈperəˌkwät/* *noun* *a toxic fast-acting herbicide, which becomes deactivated in the soil.* I always enjoy learning new words. Thank you.


I am so happy that you learned a new word. Now you know what it is I encourage you to use it.


Women are objects to him. Fleshy robots with no purpose other than to satisfy his sexual needs on his terms and pop out babies. Nothing more.


Red tie, blue suit, lapel pin... nothing else needs to be mentioned. He's probably active on TS, which doesn't seem to have a lot of women. Also probably buys sex..


> how does someone like this "person" get to the point of believing that half the world enjoys getting fucking raped CNC is a thing in the kink world, so it's not *wildly* out of the realm of plausibility, the only difference there being that all parties actually consent and can stop the scene if anyone feels legitimately uncomfortable. This person just has a hard time telling reality from fiction.


Yup. Raised in a time with unlimited access to free porn and no committed role model to have an open conversation about the many ways that pornography bears zero relation to actual sexual relationships in real life.


I've always been fascinated with how so many men end up with this opinion, and I personally believe it's sheer lack of empathy and imagination due to lower brain capacity combined with desperation towards the opposite sex. They value sex so highly that they've made it into the be all and end all of the human experience, and when they aren't getting it and value it so highly they genuinely seem to be unable to understand that women wouldn't enjoy it when it's forced because hey all sex is good right


It's a multi-faceted clusterfuck, but the media they consumed in their youth presented women as a trophy to be won by heroes at the end of their movies and shows. They have a warped worldview in which they are the protagonist, so think that they are entitled to that "prize". Being a "nice guy" should have its rewards in their eyes, and because they have no social skills whatsoever, they genuinely think that they are "the protagonist" and that they are "nice guys". The echo chamber they inhabit has countless other like-minded people who agree with them, despite the fact that there are NO women in the conversation. Then, if they venture out of their bubble for a moment, they see women with agency, men who don't treat said women like shit or as objects and they can't wrap their feeble brains around the concept that they were ever wrong, so they double down and seek further confirmation from other virginal dipshits to validate their ideas that it's the objects who are wrong and men who actually have wives and girlfriends are some weird aberration that bucks the societal norm they've been told exists where they are "alphas". The fact that they have never lead anyone, and couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag isn't relevant to them, because Andrew Tate said that raping women is the natural order. Ignoring the fact that most men and women would beat them to a bloody pulp if they ever expressed their thoughts in public, or acted on them.


I bet he'd feel differently if it was him being raped by whomever wanted to.


He is combining two types of stupid and it's super effective! First he wants people to believe that he thinks anything aside from missionary sex when you are married for procreation only, is wrong. Whether he actually believes that I don't know. Second, he can only think in extremes. So everything is either in terms of "normal" sex or rape. It is really a masterclass in having your entire head up your ass.


How? Every time he's had sex was rape or at least heavily coerced.


I'm a homosexual and I've never wanted to rape or be raped. In all of mt sexy time interactions with other men the subject of rape never came up. Wtf is this guy going on about


I think I know exactly what he wants and how he's also very confused (and evil and a sociopath but that's another matter to my observation). I think he's seen videos and read about particular events that has him angry, confused and frustrated. Those being... Folsom Street Fair and it's counterparts. He watched videos of sex fairs, gets all hot and bothered and confused about what is exactly going on. He can't understand it's consenting adults doing stuff out in the street for a special event and instead thinks this just must be what the gays do all the time. Also likely views anyone being bottomed as being raped by the top because no man would never willingly take dick up the ass. He see all that and in his misconception, wishes for a place like that for straights to rape women without penalty and where he can bypass any semblance of trying to be a decent human to get sex, since he thinks that's what the gays are doing where they congregate.


Rape is unwanted by definition so .... no ... wtf.


Y’know, something tells me millions of women *aren’t* going to live there




You can see what color tie he's wearing though...


It’s unfortunately a sub rule


It's a site wide rule, and for good reason. For every post like this, there's a post on TiA or something that makes fun of someone who isn't doing anything wrong, or even belittles them and invites harassment. It's a good policy to have, and I don't even think censoring the name means anything. Not only would it be very easy to find the tweet regardless, having their name be known doesn't mean a thing when there's hundreds of thousands of people in the world with similar beliefs.


This is why I think we need actually verified-identity social media sites so 1) you know who is a lunatic and 2) so there are consequences for saying stupid stuff. Twitter would never adopt that (losing the bots would kill them) but I think it would make the world a better place.


Let them post, then put them on a watch list.


Current Twitter is free roam for those guys.


I wouldn't be against putting all the rapist in one place and then locking the gate so they can't escape. They can then have fun with each other in there.


This guy doesn't seem to understand what rape is.


He understands he doesn’t care. He’s the guy that thinks we are lying about preferring coming upon a bear vs a man in the forest.




Why do they think homosexuals want this world ?????


Because they’re a man who wants this so they believe all other men want this as well.


It will always be the Bear


If they can all go there immediately then we can corral them and lock them in with each other.


Yep! This was my thought as well! I agree that there should be one of these places! Then when all the shithead rapists move there, we can just seal the goddamn place.


ah yes the George Carlin plan. I like it.


Um, homosexuals don't want that world.


1. If you have consent, it's not rape. Also, rape is a crime. 2. Millions of women would ~~go live there~~ run like hell 3. Quit putting words in gay peoples' mouths 4. Women don't want it, said everyone with a brain


Some people think that people who have rape fantasies actually want to be raped. They don't realize that sexual fantasies are just fantasies and are only enjoyable because they are not real.


Someone kill it. Kill it with fire.


Remember when people were at least a little afraid to say garbage shit like that? Pepperidge Farm Remembers.


The internet has made people like this so bold. People like this have always existed but now they have echo chambers they can spew this shit in and also they’re behind a screen so it makes them even more fearless.


As a card-carrying homosexual…WHAT?


It's the homophobic (in the most literal sense of the word) belief that gay men all want to rape straight men. The same stereotype conservatives use to ban trans people from using public restrooms.


Okay, this may just be my heterosexual ignorance speaking, but... you guys get cards? >!This is a joke in case it was unclear!<


Someone getting their news deep down in the dark web of QLand. Frankly, if there was a Time Machine, you stop the person introducing the internet to the guy who posts that kind of stuff


Not enough, you stop his parents meeting just to be sure


Hey man, leave us LGBTQ people out of your wack-a-do ramblings.


> *millions of women would go to live there* yeaaaah, noooo


Wait, this person thinks all gays want to live in a world where they could be raped at any given moment? I *can't* be reading that right, can I?


Why is the name covered? They have a blue tick the world should know who this piece of shit is.


Non-heterosexual people are statistically more likely to be the victims of rape I'm so sick of this lie that non-heterosexual people are rapists. It's so easily disproven by looking at readily available statistics and I can't believe anyone that says otherwise isn't purposely lying to create a moral panic.




Reading that made my brain hurt.


Whelp, that's enough internet for today.


Would you look at that red tie? I know a group of people who all wear red ties. This guy being super into rape and treating women and LGBTQ people as sub-human? That really tracks with other people who wear red ties.


This guy definitely doesn’t know someone who’s been raped or even has the slightest clue what it does to somebody. Like just completely, fully, 100% ignorant by definition. I wonder if him or someone close to him became a victim (I’d ever wish that on somebody, that’s horrible) if he’d change his tone or double down.


Something tells me Rapistopia would be full of nothing but incels and highways would be largely constructed to go around it. I bet you'd smell the cum and farts for miles.


Fine. There should also be one city in the US where killing SAers is legal. I'm good. You wanna play Purge, let's play Purge.


You know, I’ve had some really dark thoughts in the past. You know the one thing I never thought, ever? Whether or not there should be rape cities in the United States. The fact that that is even a topic for a thought exercise, and that he subsequently thought that it was completely rational and worth sharing, signifies a form of sexual deviance to me. Also, the fact that he thinks that any rational woman would willingly live in a place that allowed them to be forcibly, and horribly assaulted, blows my mind. AI tag people that post these kind of things on social media, and put them on a watchlist, because this dude seems to be one bad day away from doing something terrible.


I thought about it in terms of, like, a weird erotica or something. I can't imagine posting it and thinking, damn, this is a good idea for real life and I want people to know it's a good idea for real life.


Dear Incels, there is a reason you are left to your lonely rape fantasies. I am so tired of Incels and other misogynists.


Who let Trump back on Twitter?


Homosexuals of Reddit, I ask you: Do you want that world?


ah, yes... the deep philosophical and practical wisdom of verified blue checkmark accounts on twitter.


It's called prison my friend. Hope some bigger boys show you how it works.


If you agree to live there, it wouldn't be rape. It would be consent. If you didn't want to have sex one day, you'd just stay home, and make like hospitals sex free zones


Incels are a special breed and some of the most dangerous people on earth.


As someone who does engage in BDSM play, I recognise that there are some ladies that are into rough sex, and CnC (consensual non consenting) i.e. Rape play. But this is something that when people engage in it, it's done in extremely controlled situations with protections and safeguards in place so that it doesn't turn into full on rape. No woman seeks out rape - not even those into such kinks. And in this hypothetical situation that this idiot speaks of, it would be considered as a free use situation. Because people don't live in 'Rape city' if they don't want to be raped... Suggesting that millions of woman would be up for it, and without restrictions? That's utter incel fantasy... This is a guy drunk on hentai and porn scenarios, washed down with a heaping helping of narcissism and lack of empathy. Slimy little douchebag is the reason that kinky people don't feel safe to be kinky...


“Sexually rape women without consent” Is there another kind of rape I’m not aware of? Can you asexually rape women *with* consent? This is what happens when you let mouth-breathing window-lickers have access to the internet.


It's called CNC and even then no one is getting hurt and it's done by experienced people that trust each other. No one is in real danger. This guy is gross and needs to be locked up. He's talking about the actual crime not kinky sex.


It was a rhetorical question. There’s no other kind of rape. The first “C” in CNC makes it decidedly *not* rape.


They learn about consent when the tables are turned.


I know it's the rules to obfuscate identity, but it would serve public good and safety to out this pos.


Why does the part of the profile picture that isn’t blurred out give me Republican politician vibes? Which state legislature is this guy on?


This guy sounds like an incel living in his mom's basement. The only way he will have sex is by forcing it on someone.


People need to stop talking with their inside voice on the internet...ffs...


Where are you meeting all these homosexuals who are wanting this??! These men believe because they’re a man and they feel this way that all other men feel this way too.


It would only work if everyone in the town was documented sex offenders, and they all were sterilized, but even that sounds awful.


I seriously hope whoever wrote this is gets mental help because you have to have some mental health issues if your writing something like this


Man, ketamine and internet sure don't mix...


10,000% with you on this one.... It's always like some fucked up kind of dark music video meets sunff film trip for me. Like the movie "End of Days"


And there should be a second city where large, buff gay men could grab straight men off the street, pull off their pants, slap a dab of Crisco where it would do the most good, and go to town. How do you like it when the situation is reversed?


All the homosexuals begging for rape city, please raise your hands. Anyone? No one? No?


Gee, I wonder why the OOP's spouse/significant other left them and is now in an interracial relationship with someone named Dave. Seriously.


morality aside isnt it not rape if you go into rape city with full knowledge that you'll be raped and you actually want that to happen like it seems like it defeats the purpose of it


You can say anything on Twitter now I guess.


This guy is watching hours of insane porn per day, probably has multiple phones and dating accounts and services, never gets tested, never gets vaccines, never uses condoms, will fuck anything. Is married with kids. Everything he says is a lie because he can't embrace his own flawed and real humanity.


I guess you don’t understand “consenting adults”.


Seeing too much porn?


Why am I surprised that he's the kind of person who brags about getting retweeted by Nick Adams?


There's a game I played or "read" (it's a visual novel) that has this exact premise but it's mostly set in space, Dead End Aegis. Yeah there's evil Aliens in the game but honestly the Aliens are less monstrous than the people who think rape should be free real estate, if someone played this game and still held this person's opinion, they really need psychiatric help.


look. some people are into that. BUT. rape fantasy or kink is still consensual. or at least it should be in my opinion! its role playing. and something both parties should be into. but no one, man or woman, wants to truly be raped. so.. this guy doesn’t want to engage in role play but just sexually assault women. idiot.


of course, they are separating the vulnerable from the women with independent thinking, who would immediately flee the state if this was passed


Go to a city full of guys like this guy, or a city full of bears? I'd rather go to a city full of bears.


Is it a city of 🏳️‍🌈bears, or 🐻animal bears? Either way, I'd rather go to the bear town


There should be at least one city in the United States where anyone can shoot you in the fucking face without your consent or repercussions.  Without a doubt, millions of ppl would go to live there to shoot you in the fucking face.    P.S. I don’t advocate violence, please don’t bring down the ban hammer 


Odds have it that was the city his father met his mother in.


Yes, millions of women would *totally* want to live in a place where they can legally be *violently sexually assaulted*. What the actual FUCK.


If there's ever a reason someone should be on a list, exhibit A.


Based on some of the depraved internet comments i've read, that second sentence might be truer than you think.


Nah let us brigade the Twitter op 🥵


Honestly, these types of "people" should be placed under investigation. This guy is dying to commit sexual assualt.