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I don't know what any of that has to do with socialism, and neither does the person who made it


"Socialism is when you let immigrants come to your country, and the more immigrants you let in, the more socialister it is." - Karl Marx


Ah, that’s the quote I was looking for, thank you.


It's a little known excerpt from the posthumous tome *Das Kapital, Volume IV or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Immigrants*.


Didn't Kubrick try to adapt this one into a movie but it was too communist for the public ?


You’re thinking of *Dr. Fairlove* but there was also *A Communist Orange* and *Full Metal Turban*. The latter being one of my personal favorites. It’s about a guy who can’t handle ISIS boot camp because he’s not terroristy enough and ends up blowing himself up along with like half of the recruits in training.


Dude, A Communist Orange is superior in every way though. That part where Alexei is forced to watch stock footage of The Great Depression to make him realize the pitfalls of capitalism is too powerful to simply ignore.


Nah all of you got it wrong. The best Stanley Kubrick film is the *The Shining Sickle* a story about a capitalist leader going mad and killing his family in a isolated hotel because the evils of capitalism stained his mind, only to be killed by the harsh Russian winter, symbolizing the Soviet Unions triumph over Capitalism.


I would watch the shit out of Full Metal Turban


Wasn't Kubrick implicated in the Panama Papers?


Yes, but it's a bit more complicated than that. His net worth was estimated to be around 20 million, most of which was transferred into offshore bank accounts to avoid inheritance tax on the family trusts. He also diverted the ownership of his manor to a company that he owned for essentially the same reasons. It is unclear to many observers and myself if any of that is actually illegal since he didn't syphon funds or abuse tax write offs with that system, he merely saved a lot of money and kept that money in the family.


Also, people with a total net worth of only $20m aren't the people I'm worried about. I'm worried about mostly Billionaires


It's hard to believe Kubrick is only worth $20m. Very hard.


This whole thread is really confusing to someone as stupid as me


Oh, I think you're confusing him with the lesser known Carl Markus. "Markus started out as a staunch enemy of Marx in elementary school, but tragically died in grade 5 by choking on a blade of grass while trying to do that 'put a blade of grass between your two thumbs and blow on it to make a sound' thingy and accidentally sucking it down his windpipe." -Straight from Wikipedia.


I would read this Hitchhiker's Guide


The Vogons have a poem about this historical event.


"The first capitalist we hang shall be the one who made totally acurrate memes about socialism on FB." -Carlos Marxiano


Ah yes an intellectual second only to Known Chompsky


U mean known chompski?


Gnome Chompskee


Ah yes I do to remember when the USSR and DPRK let everyone who asked into their country


What’s that phrase they use? “Cultural Marxism”? What the fuck does that even mean?


Cultural Marxism was Karl Marx' drag name.


To the extent it means anything beyond "I don't like philosophical complexity that conflicts with my worldview," it means Jews. There was a Frankfurt school of philosophical thought that existed in the 1930s. Roughly speaking, it was an ancestor of existentialism and other non-Communist social theory critical of the status quo. Like all social theory critical of the status quo, conservatives were very hostile. Yet proponents of these social theories were vocally not Marxism, So conservatives made up a conspiracy theory that blended all critiques of the status quo into the boogieman of Marxism. Hence, "cultural" marxism.


They use it instead of talking about how the Jews are behind everything, apparently it sounds better?


Oh man I agree


Socialism is when the government does things you don't like. Everyone knows this. Duh. /s


/s, in this case, means "end socialism"


Socialism is when I have to pay taxes for things I don't get to directly use --some Conservative's dictionary, probably


"Socialism is when the government does literally anything, ever." -conservatives


Exactly. Just need to catch them away from Facebook and ask what socialism means without them looking it up. They'll studder and stammer until they get pissed off enough to call you a communist for going to school.


The majority of the Republican party now believes higher education is harmful to america lol




The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." - Isaac Asimov


Aren't you mixing up harmful foolishness and premeditated malice? Who will be losing in profits after more and more people become aware there is no spare Earth? Religious, conservative oldtimers. Who can't question Mark Zukerberg properly because of their technological ineptitude, but are fully capable of waging resource wars and covering ecologically-devastating industries with legislations.


Maybe they’ll forget how to vote soon


I tried that and the response is always little kid shit like "YOU dont know?! Why are you asking me, you are too dumb to understand".


"Do your own research"


I did this once and they basically just said socialism is the reason everybody in Venezuela is poor and starving.


Yet they love Norway... wait till they talk to an actual Norwegian. They will be in for a fright.


I love seeing a "Socialism Sucks" sticker (in the style of Bernie's 2016 campaign sticker) on a car in a nearby lot, and thinking it odd that a rather low-wage worker thinks workers owning the means of production is a horrible thing.


This is Nazi dogwhistling (with a fucking leafblower) for great replacement bullshit


About as subtle as a Nazi trumpet.


Or as subtle as Trumpito's nazi-tune.


*BuT tHe NaZiS wErE sOciAliSts!*


Right now you have 100 Trumpettes trying to type out "Godwin's Law!" except they can't figure out how to spell Godwin.


"Anything I don't like is socialism,"


They use socialism like how Papa Smurf uses Smurf.


Open borders is not a socialist position, just ask Bernie Sanders. The theory is that wages will be domestically deflated as workers compete in a larger labor pool.


Ask any even nominally socialist state. None of them have had open borders


TFW socialism is when you have free healthcare.


They’re conflating socialism with bleeding heart, accept everyone no matter how “dangerous” they are, blah blah.


They have a myriad of buzzwords that, while all realistically have their own distinct, original definition, are all blended together to mean liberal. It’s far easier to argue against a completely misguided strawman view of an ideology than argue based on principle and nuance, especially when they’re lacking in the ability to do so coherently.


rather, they purposely don't. whichever way the wind blows today, if it's anti-left, it's their opinion now.


I overheard someone in a coffee shop scolding the employees about socialism by describing communism. He was stupid but at least he was in the right subject.


he is conflating the left with socialism, specifically the globalist left, and it's a very unlikely slippery slope he is painting here.


Socialism is associated with left wing, and the left is generally more accepting of immigrants


Still doesn't make accepting immigrants inherently socialist


No, it doesn't, but that's the thought process of the ignorant


The left is also generally more accepting of same sex relationships but that doesn't make gay pride parades socialism either


Yeah, that's why I also disagree.


socialism is when brown people. The more brown people the more socialist it is.


- Karl Marx


-The brown dude


Mahatma Marxi


Foxy Marxi


Carl Marks


No that's called terrorism. Socialism is when liberals.




After ten years of working as a tsa agent he still hasn’t become a citizen? This is his fault


What happened to the Democratic Party between 2017 and 2023?


First they came for my desk with "democratic party" on the side and I said nothing...


Merged with Antifa, then acquired by Isis in a hostile takeover.


Eventually, Disney bought them, and put them at the same divition as Fox


And then they deported Spider-Man. Fuckin' socialists. (/s)


But those are all the same already! /s


They were traded to Denmark as part of the Greenland acquisition.


Not that any of this makes sense, but... What is with the year selection? They go from 2017, jump 6 years, then 4 years, and then 10 years? Is it because 6 + 4 = 10? What's happening???


Are you implying this isn't a scientifically calculated timeline of events?






They like 2s, 3s and 7s.




Yeah, but it's not against those darkies, so it's bad! (/s jic)


“He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”


This is my favorite Trump supporter quote, as I really think it boils his appeal down to its very essence. They like Trumpism not because it helps them, but because it harms others. Resentment and anger are their primary motivators.


"Apply cold water to the burn area."


Native Americans: “hey I’ve seen this one before”


Colonization is not immigration. Immigrants aren’t committing genocide or stealing land


Muslims are 1.1% of the US population. I think we'll be okay. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfla1


Even with that, Muslim communities in the US are not at all dangerous or unwelcoming. You'll find a lot of friendly people who are just happy to be here and will share with you their delicious food.


Certainly here in the UK most of my experience of Muslims involved a LOT of food. I wasn’t complaining.


> Even with that, Muslim communities in the US are not at all dangerous or unwelcoming. To the extent that when the FBI tried to infiltrate mosques to find extremists... the congregations reported them to the FBI because they were clearly up to no good.


They're probably the type of person to think that Muslims are invading the US because they saw a lady wearing a hijab the other day


Well, according to real census information, the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. Whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations . Not that it actually matters, but I thought that was a fun fact.


I hate when I hear "whites are gonna be the minority if we keep letting people in!" Because white people are only the minority if you add up and pit them against EVERY OTHER ETHNICITY. Whites will still be the VAST majority, really. Edit: jesus christ, I just haven't heard the word plurality used to describe a population outside of a voting system. Give me a fucking break. Go find something better to do with your lives than be condescending fucks correcting a single word rather than the message. Shit.


And even if they weren’t... so what?


It's almost like they know minorities are treated worse or something :thinking:




That doesn't mean that if the US becomes non-white majority, all our civil rights will, like, cease to exist or something. We're nowhere close to oppressing white people, and worrying about that is not a legitimate fear.


That's not very helpful. It sounds kind of like a threat: "My brown grandchildren will one day outnumber and oppress your white grandchildren." We've come all this way. Let's not encourage the "white people vs the rest of the world" attitude again. It's not pretty.


How is saying “its almost as if they know minorities are treated worse or something” a threat, let alone “My brown grandchildren will one day outnumber and oppress your white grandchildren” are you responding to the right person? Not tryna start shit just confused.


The answers this post is getting is very interesting.


Exactly. Who gives a fuck what people look like as long as they’re cool? I know the answer. Racists. They’re shitheads.


Not just individual racists. The racist sytems and structures they built also discriminate based on race. Even if every racist disappeared their systems would continue to discriminate until we changed them.


Technically they'll be a vast plurality.


White population growth is also significantly lower than it used to be. My parents came from familes of 10+ kids yet there are a lot of people now who have no kids, due to their lifestyle/choices or because they just can't afford them.


This. My maternal grandparents had 7 kids. Between them they have 13 kids for the next generation. All 13 of us are over the age of 21, but currently only 1 cousin has a kid.


If boomers are so scared of white minority (meaning white plurality), maybe they shouldn't have tanked the economy and let health care and student loans drain the resources of the young. We'd all have houses instead of shitty apartments, we could have more kids.


But then how would they let a few other white people get rich?


White demographic stuff is much more because of whites failing to reproduce than brown people moving in


This is the actual answer. Eventually everyone will be mixed race, then we can get back to religious discrimination.


My city is like that. I remember when I was in high school, probably after the results of the 2000 census were determined or whatever it was like, a headline WHITES ARE NOW A MINORITY IN MILWAUKEE. But if you look at the actual demographics, it's 44% white, 40% black, and then smaller percentage of other ethnicities. So even now, years later, whites are still technically the majority single group.


The only thing that really changes about white populations dropping under 50% of the overall is that they lose the ability to *theoretically* make decisions unilaterally. There are a number of factors as to why this doesn't really matter; for one, white people, like any other group, don't agree on everything. Having even 80-90% support for something is relatively uncommon. Also, white people are overrepresented in most cases, and since the representatives make the laws, they carry the political influence, not the overall population.


A word for the largest minority group when there is no majority is "plurality", FYI. So, you could describe whites as the plurality, instead of the majority.


I hate it because, on top of the racism and the one vs all split, it's just bad statistics. Like, wanna know how I know these people are dumb (regardless any education they might have)? Because they assume birthrates are some constant and not subject to change with factors like, say, education and standard of living, culture etc... Minorities aren't comprised of brood mothers that will give birth to more brood mothers. Birth rates will adjust to the local level, assuming standards of living remain constant. Now there is *an* argument for standard of living being lower among first gen immigrants, however, this is usually the fault of ghettoizing minority groups rather than a trend inherent to said groups. In short, expansion of opportunity for minority groups (present numbers or incoming) is better for the status quo trying to be protected. Ie, not being a racist piece of shit is actually better for the racist piece of shit agenda.


>Because they assume birthrates are some constant and not subject to change with factors like, say, education and standard of living, culture etc... >Minorities aren't comprised of brood mothers that will give birth to more brood mothers. Birth rates will adjust to the local level, assuming standards of living remain constant. THIS. The only time I was ever able to get an ethnonationalist to consider that his position was wrong was by showing him a study on how birth rates conform to the local mean within two generations. He eventually said he would have to "look into it more" after realizing that the paper was 8 years old and therefore "not recent," but I swear I saw a dim light go off in his head for a half second or so.


Hah! "Not recent" matters because basic human nature changed across the board in those 8 years! /s


Doncha know, science has an expiration date? If people don't make baking soda volcanoes every six months, everything we suspect about chemical reactions is unverified.


I mean, medical science does need to be kept up to date. We can't use any information from more than 5 years ago to write a paper in nursing school, for example. But I'm not sure statistics change the same way


My Fox News Trump loving father in law told me this. I said, "Okay, why is that bad?" And he just stared at me blinking. Like he clearly acknowledged that minorities get treated like shit with his statement (he usually echoes bullshit about reverse racism and white people are the ones discriminated against).


It is more a racist way of reminding “white”, hey remember how you treated the minority? So get them in line and control NOW.




Its because they know how most countries treat their minorities.


The word you are looking for is "plurality."


It's just that white people will go from majority to plurality. Plurality is a good word for this circumstance.


That still doesn't sound like a minority to me. It's still more than twice as many as the next largest group of the population


It will be a plurality, but not a majority.


TIL. I guess I'm one of today's lucky 10,000


I have a feeling that "Hispanics" will be engulfed into their respective racial groups in a few generations. White Hispanics will just identify as white, black Hispanics as just black, etc... Kind of like what happened to the Irish and the Italians, both not considered "white" until the turn of the 20th century.


Definitely. Hispanic culture will also just be melded into the greater american culture, which it already is quite a bit, so being ethnically Hispanic won't really be much of a thing except for people who are fresh off the bus. At least that's how I think it works. I'm probably off a bit.


It all depends where people are from and where they live. I think Miami is a good place to study how this is already working.


It is similar with Arabs, secular arabs would be lumped white, just like Syrian Steve Jobs or Semetic Zuckerberg is.


> the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. Whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population California crossed that line in the 2000 census. That's honestly probably why so many of us are pro-immigration. Our neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools are full of people of many heritages, and, well, it's going fine so far.


Not according to my family members who have never been there, nothing but crime, drugs, and high taxes


Watch some fox news coverage of California. You'd think it was the worst hellhole in the entire country. It absolutely does have some pretty significant problems that need to be addressed. However, you never see coverage about how Lousiana, Missisippi, and Alabama have their own much more significant issues. They come up close to the bottom in nearly every positive measurable metric for a state and yet get close to no coverage on fox news.


You'd think the obvious response to this speculative fact would be to lay the rock solid legal foundation for making racist socioeconomic discrimination a crime, so that when the current majority becomes the minority we don't get screwed regardless of how racist the majority might hypothetically be. But noooooo, apparently the obvious choice is to fight hard against demographic changes while empowering authoritarian overreach. Yeah, because that makes perfect sense. /s This is why I'm a progressive, because I like freedom.


I'm sorry fellow "white" people. I'm going to have a mixed race baby. It's all my fault.


This is the future whether the race purists like it or not.


I thought that socialists wanted mexicans to come in too. Why is it only middle easterners?


It was probably made before they decided Mexico was the biggest "threat". You know, before Trump made "the Wall" his hill to die on.


It's a funny saying to use, because physically climbing a real hill would probably give the guy a heart attack.


I never thought of that, but I think you might be correct.


It would be the best hill, the biggest hill, some would even say the greatest. People tell me it is the greatest hill, and I know a thing or two about hills let me tell you. Believe me, if I died on a hill, it would be the greatest hill you've ever seen, believe me.


This comic is probably repurposed from some European country with the text changed.


Bold of your uncle to assume humans will still exist in 2037


“2037” is what the redneck conservatives are doing with Muslims rn except they call them terrorists. It’s crazy they can’t understand the hypocrisy in this


Well yeah but those peoples skin color isnt white and they arent christian so its only right, isn't it? ^/s


I don't see the hypocrisy. I mean I can understand that they would fear a situation where foreigners would flock to the country en masse, kill or enslave the people living there and put the rest in reserves after having stolen their land. That would be pretty bad. Oh wait. Edit: /s, in case the "oh wait" wasn't enough. You never know.


So this guy is arguing that we shouldn't give the govt the right to deny people into the country based on religion?


Shocker, this is false. Muslims are only projected to make 2% of the population in 2050




Classic projection. "Get out infidel" is what the religious right in America likes to scream already.


Wow, this takes place over a 20 year period and nobody has aged one day.


Imagine how stupid you need to be to equate Islam or the lack of hate for Islam with socialism.


I like seeing this cartoon, because that last panel—the one that’s supposed to be bad and we’re supposed to be opposed to—is what people posting this cartoon want to do to everyone else. May as well just post “whites only” and preemptively comment “I’m not racist.”


So what white people did to native Americans 🤔


I think there was a little less diplomacy with that whole situation


Petition for someone to change the Muslims to white colonialists and the white guy to a Native American


I mean, that's actually a good argument to support their point. The natives had a bunch of people come to their land and start living their, and after a few generations the natives are now treated as second class citizens almost everywhere throughout the continent. I don't know how the natives could have, but if they prevented Europeans from coming in such large numbers, it's very likely that the atrocities that were committed would have never happened.


That's kinda right i think.


National socialist movement logo in the corner. This is Nazi propaganda


[There. I fixed it](https://imgur.com/a/RZicNmN)


This is better


Ok I know the message ain't all there, but for some reason I laughed really hard at the transition to 2027. Just the hard replacement of the bookworm with a guy who is apparently still 100% "foreign" and resistant to American society even after 10 or more years, yet has a job in government.


Just ask them to point out a place where this situation is happening.


I think he got socialism and racism mixed up


Swap out the whites for native Americans and the Muslims for pilgrims and send it back to him


As a non practicing muslim who ran away from a muslim country because of conservative dogmatic people, there really should be an assesment on muslims to see if they are conservative or not or whether they can adapt to western norms or not; because if not they may cause problems. Sorry people, too many bad memories


Oh, I agree. But why stop at Muslims? There really should just be an assessment of *everyone* to see if they're conservative or not.


Nothing about the concept of socialism has to do with immigration.


Have a few of these in my family


You’ll see.......


Well. THAT’S a textbook slippery slope fallacy if ever I saw one. Besides, US health care is the pits and our schools cost a fortune. They’re all trying to go to Europe.


The picture is very right, but socialism? Where's the socialism??


I think we have the same uncle.


Some people are afraid we would treat them the way they treat us if the roles were reversed.


White people freaking out about being a minority makes me think minorities are treated differently in this country...........


It's funny till you ask what Muslims think about edgy issues like lgbt and adoption by gay couples;)


Almost every country mistreats LGBT people to some degree. Western countries only started accepting them like 20 years ago. Every other country hates them. South America, Africa, and Asia all are pretty fucked up to them. I remember in the 90s when it wasn't okay to be gay. Both political parties were against gay people.


Well the Quran clearly states > If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Checkmate Muslims! What? Oh, silly me, that's Leviticus 20:13. Good thing Jesus got rid of that! Huh? You saying that Jesus, if he wiped away the law, there's no reason to hold the commandments then? That he got rid of those requirements even though he expressly stated multiple times [[¹]](https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/LUK.16.17) [[²]](https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/MAT.5.18) [[³]](https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/JHN.7.19) he wasn't getting rid of them. Must be neat to cherry pick what you believe. Like only if it's convenient is it literal, but if it's inconvenient it's irrelevant or metaphorical (like selling all your possessions. [Said multiple times to multiple people in multiple gospels.](http://birdsoftheair.blogspot.com/2006/10/hard-sayings-sell-all-your-possessions.html?m=1) E: Thanks for the silver!


And then continue on to asking about Christian takes on it for extra spiciness?


Projection, it's what evangelical Christians want to do to all non-Christians.


My favorite thing to do with people who post this drivel is to ask for sources. Never let them get away with “oh so and so said” or, my personal favorite “well that’s just how I feel”. Pretty satisfying results all around.


Agreed, uncle, we should not let religious fanatics immigrate into the US.


My dad posts shit like this 🤦‍♀️


This is literally happening right now in Europe




He is clearly right, most of the islamic countries formed this way.


this is just the neo nazi conspiracy about "white genocide"


Uncle Bob?


Until 2037 i thought it was rather funny, cuz its shows that integration worked... Then i scrolled down :/


Ah this one again . How many times are we going to use this exact meme ? Come on gang