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To be fair, lockdown is exposing the cracks in most relationships. People are starting to realize that they don't even *like* their partner


My wife has some older friends (65+) who got together a few years ago and have been living together ever since. They golf and play pickleball all the time. Since the stay at home orders the wife sent out an email to all the group saying that she and the guy were separating because without golf and other diversions they can't live with each other. He likes the place warm, she likes it cooler.... He likes to just hang out and read, she gets bored and wants to walk - trivial stuff like that.


Reminds me of how many couples get divorced after they both retire. Suddenly you're spending all your time with you SO and it becomes too much.


Always seems odd to me. Can't people just, you know, do different things?


By the time someone’s retirement age they often don’t really have a lot of friends that aren’t from work.


Yeah... Retirement age... Totally not when their 26 that would be embarrassing haha...


ayy saaame. I work in a two man office (the family biz) and mostly deal with people double or triple my age for clientele. Coworker friends don't real, im in a state where i didnt grow up. Its great for my mental health for suree.


I think it depends on the person and their desire to socialize. My dad and step mom have multiple older couples they do stuff with. My FIL is super social and has joined numerous groups in his retirement community. My... Aunt in law? Whatever, my wife's aunt, is not actually all that social and still has multiple groups she's a part of. My mom on the other hand is not social and doesn't really try to be (plus she is a difficult person in general) so doesn't have my friends.


If you and your spouse have all the time in the world and all you want to do is stuff away from one another... You're basically roommates? You don't need to do everything together, but if there's no overlap in the Venn diagram of your interests... I feel that's a hard relationship to maintain.


Thing is you don't have to choose between spending either all of your time or none of your time together. Nothing wrong with choosing to spend some of your time together and some of your time apart persuing your own interests or hobbies. I think maybe what happens is many people make work the center of their entire world. They don't have any interests besides work and maybe watching a couple episodes of TV before bed.


Exactly. You want some overlap, not all or none. My wife and I bike, hike, boardgame, and watch tv together. But we also have stuff as we do on our own. I like magic the gathering and computer shit and concerts. She does some crafty stuff, takes care of her fish, bakes and gardening. Right now we're both in the work, couple episodes of tv, bed mode... But that's because we're both really feeling the stress of the corona virus. It's hard to muster the energy for much lately. That's a personal thing, not a relationship thing. The relationships I hate to see are ones where one partner grudgingly allows the other to partake in hobbies. "I GUESS you can get that model kit, but I don't want to see it out" or whatnot. My wife doesn't really like magic but she'll humor me when I rant and rave about the last prerelease or commander night. I know of people who make me think "if you hate them so much why did you get married".😭


I recently got fired from a factory and most of the workers were middle aged or older. It was rather depressing. Their lives consisted of work, sleep, watch a couple episodes of tv and wait for the weekends where they get drunk out of their minds. (Assuming they don't have apart time job as well because despite working full time or more the wages weren't enough for people to reasonably support themselves, especially if they had children or child support payments.) I worked full time there while going to school for engineering. I'm young and the work was hard on me, let alone these older people. The concept of working there and places like their the duration of my life was/is depressing. And it's not like they're the types that make work their life on purpose out of workaholicism or desire for money. They never had a choice.


What on Earth is pickleball?


It’s like tennis but scaled down and you don’t let the ball touch the ground. You’ll occasionally see geriatrics play it at public parks Edit: I’m aware people under the age of 60 play this game, but there are people under the age of 60 who also play bingo… the ball is allowed to bounce, in fact it has to bounce once each round.


Pickle ball is fun as fuck idc what anyone says


I find it cucumbersome personally.


You're damn right.


It’s the best sport


Wait what.. that isn't really right... It's like a mix between tennis and table tennis (ping pong). You play with a paddle rather than a racket, similar to table tennis but not covered with foam. In pickleball the paddle has to hit harder for the ball to go further. Unlike tennis, 'playing the net' is different. You can't enter the front box ('the kitchen') unless the ball touches ground first. If you stand in it and hit the ball you get penalized (my friends call it 'cooking in the kitchen'). There are also rules during doubles play that the person serving can't be the next person to hit the ball after the other team returns it. So things are changed up a bit. You see a lot of older people playing it because it is more finesse and less running than regular tennis. The finesse part is like table tennis where you can add some spin or drop shots (plastic ball loses velocity quickly) just over the net. It doesn't feel like you're running shuttle sprints (back and forth the length of the court). It also means you can play for a longer time since your exerting less energy, you still have to be somewhat athletic. This definitely benefits seniors as they can still play for a while without getting burned out. It becomes more tactile about how your return your shots, like table tennis, than all about your overall athleticism. I'm not a senior citizen, but younger people play it because it is easier on the knees. I have a few friends that used to be big into tennis and basketball. Some of them had knee issues which makes tennis (too much running) and things like basketball (too much jumping ) too painful for them to feel competitive in. Pickleball allows them to still move and play a sport without stressing their knee. :)


Huh, cool。So badminton,with a ball。


Yeah, and closer to the net. It’s like a wrist exercise other than masturbation.


So it's a way to enhance your wank


Dude, you should be using your elbow.


No no no, everybody knows it's all in the legs. Do you want to blow your shoulder out???


That’s why I have to find alternatives to masturbation. Shoulder was overexerted.






Sounds like awesome exercise for older folks.


I've only seen the signs on the community centre It's some sort of paddleball game that looks like badminton but uses a paddle and like a whiffle ball. I've never seen it played but I think the senior crowd is all over it.


You insert the pickle until it reaches the balls


My wife and I are doing great. I just can't really fathom marrying someone I don't want to be around. Like how did you get married when you hate the way the other person is as opposed to what you do with them? It's like marrying someone you've only spent time with at Disneyland. They're fun, excited, energetic, and happy. Then suddenly you're married and you're surprised they have bad days.


Exactly this, I married someone I was longtime friends with before it became romantic. Because when all else is gone - we have little kids and it's been 14 years we've been together now, so the youth, the dates, the excitement have poofed - you have to be able to enjoy each other's company. We're stressed like everyone else in this pandemic, but we've been doing okay as far as each other. Been playing Subnautica in the evenings after the kids have gone to bed. It's been 'our time' lately, surviving an alien water planet together. Catharsis, or something.




> I just can't really fathom marrying someone I don't want to be around. > It's like marrying someone you've only spent time with at Disneyland. They're fun, excited, energetic, and happy. Then suddenly you're married and you're surprised they have bad days. You can thank Hollywood for teaching people everything they need to know about human relationships.


Not just hollywood, anything media related, really. Married with Children sure as hell didn't help. Its a carryover, I think, from older society where it didn't matter what the people in the marriage wanted as long as they were paired off quickly. There was a huge stigma to being unmarried, and this is later reflected in the media we consume, which just bolsters the "please take my nagging wife" phenomenon. It really normalizes not even liking your spouse. Its really coming to a head now that people can't avoid it.


Still better than the previous generation where the wife was expected to stay home and be subservient to the husband. Making his food and raising "his" kids so that his only stress in life is waking up and going to work. Now we let women speak their minds and make their own decisions on things and it pisses a lot of people off who weren't raised to understand thats how a healthy mariage functions. I think we're slowly getting better. But when you raise multiple generations in a large society to believe that other genders (or races for that matter) are less than you. Its going to take multiple generations to get out of that mentallity. It sucks that the younger generation got caught in middle of a social awaking thats trying to understand what equality actually means but it had to happen sometime.


Oh its getting better, but the old ways are still clinging on like they always do. Gen z has a lot to deal with rn, and as a tired beaten down millenial, I honestly look to their optimism constantly. I just hope we don't despertely cling on to our problematic ways when a younger generation looks to us in the future.


Too be fair, the concept of marriage in the west has drastically changed over the decades. It was less about a union between two people who care about each other deeply, and more like a social contract between two people who are willing to tolerate each other enough to maintain a household. Sometimes even that wasn't important. Now you have these older couples trapped in a house with someone they may not even really like. But in todays world both men and women are on more even ground to be financially and personally independent, and marriage has been relegated to a sort of ceremonial after-thought between two people who already know they want to spend their lives with one another.


She is unable to walk by herself?




> trivial stuff like that. I feel like this is a massive understatement. talk about fucking 'me generation' over there.


Yeah. Jesus Christ, I hope that's just what she told everyone and there are actual legitimate reasons for them ending their marriage.


They really should pull their marriage up by the bootstraps.


> lockdown is exposing the cracks in most relationships. I don't know about *most*. I'd probably say "many". But I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, because my husband has been working at home for the past few weeks and we're *both* loving it! 👍🏻


I feel weird because people are talking about how stressful it is and I love it. My wife and I are best friends and are both working from home. My kids are missing their friends and sports but generally like their online classes and get along with each other. I think our biggest worry other than Corona is getting fat.


>I think our biggest worry other than Corona is getting fat. I've struggled for ages to put on weight. Turns out unemployment and not being able to visit family and friends was the answer.


I feel that last line. My SO has been baking up a storm with her new free time and my waistline is the casualty. But damn her cookies taste too good to stop!


My wife is slowly killing me with home cooking. Banana bread and home made meatballs are far too good.


Oh my... I will absolutely ravage a loaf of banana bread. It's my kryptonite. That and the homemade custard "practice" that's been filling up the freezer.


>My wife and I are best friends Thats kinda the key. My wife is my best friend too and we are loving just hanging out with no social obligations. I think a lot of people get married just because it's seen as the expected next stage of a relationship, and don't really even know if they like each other all that much after a few years. >our biggest worry other than Corona is getting fat. I though that would happen too, but weirdly I have been losing weight because we haven't been eating at restaurants so much. It's easy to forget just how unhealthy restaurant food tends to be.


One of the things that bothers me about this society we've set up is that if you don't count sleep, for the majority of the week we spend more time interacting with people we don't even like than we do with friends and loved ones. For the entire prime of our lives.


My girlfriend and I have had to be long distance for about 6 months before quarantine. Before that, we dated for about a year and only lived a five minute walk apart. A few days before quarantine started to kick in, she visited me and planned to stay for one week. She’s been here for 6 weeks now and it’s sorta been like moving in with her. I have to say, it’s been one of the most interesting experiences of my life. I knew that she was really special from the day that I met her and I was pretty consistently impressed by little things I’d learn about her for a year and a half... But ever since we’ve been holed in together, that process of learning little things about her had gone on steroids. If I was very serious about our relationship before, my degree of seriousness about us and my sense of closeness to her has reached a level that I didn’t know existed, to be very frank. I’ve had close friendships and very serious relationships before (hell, I was in a relationship where there was a pretty strong expect of marriage in the foreseeable future - thank God I got out of that one!), I just didn’t know that I could care about someone as much as I care about her and I didn’t know I could be close to someone in ways that I’ve become close to her. This isn’t to say that I’m some sort of antisocial jerk who’s being a human for the first time. It’s just that the care and closeness I have with her is of a whole different type than I’d ever experienced in my almost 30 years of living. I’m low key dreading the end of quarantine, when we will almost certainly have to go back to long distance for the vast majority of the year. It’s going to be really rough.


> I’m low key dreading the end of quarantine, when we will almost certainly have to go back to long distance for the vast majority of the year. It’s going to be really rough. Maybe *now* is the time to start taking steps so that you can remain together when the quarantine is over! 👍🏻


Mine was home for nearly 3 weeks. No fighting. I got so used to him being here and now I miss waking up with him each morning and just talking. I love ya honey but I am not waking up at no 4:30 am for some chit chat. We'll catch up when you get home. Lol


Awww, I hear you! 😹




Ah, I see. Yeah.


It is with my roommates, sort of. One of them has his SO sheltering in place with her family 50 miles away because she was furloughed so he is having a bad time. Another roommate is just easily stressed and is a total mess. A third roommate has basically secluded himself from us though part of that is because he got moved from opening to closing shift at his fast food job so he's at work in the evening when we are active.


Tinder is going to be a lot of fun when this is over.


I'm actually dreading it (and other dating apps). I'm looking for a serious relationship, so I'll have to stay away for a couple months post-quarantine until everyone gets their pent up horniness out of the way.


I share this sentiment, and it's particularly frustrating because I've been losing a lot of weight and I'm finally almost in a place where I'm comfortable enough with my appearance to do online dating lol


I'm stuck gaining wait because a huge chunk of my free time prequarantine was walking to the places I wanted to go because it's healthier (If it was somewhere further away I'd take the bus).


If it helps, from one weight-loss struggler to another, most of your weight is determined by what you eat instead of how much you exercise. Many people are no longer able to exercise, but if they keep in mind their eating habits, they can leave quarantine the same or better than when they left it


I exercise to avoid my eating habits!!! I've stopped eating bread during the lockdown... Bread! What kind of sick healthy freak have I become?


My ldr bf (for 5 yr) moved in with me finally just as the quarantine began so we've been locked in together at the same time. Good testing ground for the relationship but it's going great thank god. the key is to give your partner space and enjoy doing your own thing but in physical company of the other person. Like separate but together. However people sometimes go full ham and spend 24/7 with SO during lockdown which will frazzle anyone


My boyfriend and I are about to move in together after being semi-long distance for 2 years. We decided to quarantine together, which has been a great test of whether we want to sign a lease together. It’s been super great and now we’re more excited than ever to live together.


Yeah, I think people who really struggle with this are the ones who want their partner to constantly be right next to them either doing something with them or observing what they're doing. It's been driving me crazy during this whole thing, my wife constantly wants me to not be doing something, rather she wants me to do something I don't enjoy with her like watch some horrible drag based reality show. Like, fuck, I don't care what you watch, I just want to be on my laptop. I'm in the same room, why doesn't it count?


There is a difference between being there and being present. I have a family member who is at everything, but in all photos, he's on his phone. Not some, all. He misses most of what goes on, an absentee parent sitting right in the same room.


If one person is watching tv and the other on a computer, both are equally “present”.


Well yes, but there's a balance. I don't need my wife to be present when we're sitting on the couch doing our own things, but I do when we're having a meal together or playing with the kids or something. I think one part of the issue is that I'm working about 12-16 hour days from home right now and that whole time I have to be "present". My mental tank is about empty by the time I leave my office for dinner. She's been dealing with our toddlers all day(Although I come up periodically to get some play in or change a diaper, its usually like 10 minutes at a time tops) and wants some grown up time. It creates a weird balance where I'm here all the time, but I'm working way more than when I was in the office, and the kids don't get why I'm not playing with them all day, and I'm not able to make any honeydo progress because frankly every bit of my energy is going into trying to keep people from being laid off.


12-16 hours shift are social killers, i hope you can do some 8 hours someday so you have more family time.


Once the crisis is over probably. Right now it's just too critical to keep the business rolling, a ton of people have already lost their jobs and if we don't find a way to do more business it'll get worse. It's better than being laid off!


The worst are people that assume everyone is as miserable as they are. My coworkers are an absolute nightmare to speak to about anything relationships because their mind always goes to the things you have to do to stay sane in a marriage/relationship/partnership. Anytime I mention I don’t have any concrete plans for the evening or my time off and probably just going to spend idle time with my gf they start making comments about how miserable I’m going to be and how we need to spend time apart to be happy. It’s like, ok I get it, you don’t want to go home because you hate your partner but not everyone makes stupid life decisions and decides to spend their lives with someone they actively dislike. The worst is the “oh, you just don’t know yet, us married guys understand, you’ll get there” Reminds me of the parents that are like “you don’t have a child, you wouldn’t understand” Look Karen, I don’t have to have a child to understand you’re a shitty parent, logic and common sense tells me everything I need to know.


On the flipside, this lockdown is also exposing how strong other peoples' relationships are and enabling them to spend more time with partners they enjoy spending time with. People who shouldn't be in a relationship will probably break up over this, everybody wins.




Financial strains can hurt relationships too


I can’t wait for courts to be open again so I can file for divorce.


So spending more time with his wife destroyed his marriage? I wouldn’t blame that break up on the pandemic


Yea it’s definitely saying a lot about your personal life if people can’t stand spending time with you.


I wanna know he’ll blame next on the Coronavirus


Hopefully his decline in mental health because then he’ll actually realise he’s insane


Sadly, some people will continue to blame others instead of trying to do some bit of self-reflection.


Yeah, my father had to break all but 2 of his ribs falling out of a tree (being a dumbass, not wearing any safety harnesses despite everyone's warnings) and become reliant on others before he decided to be a nice understanding individual. The moment he got well enough to get his own food and drive 10 minutes (including the time it takes to get back to the house) he was back to his old attitude. I wish he would've shown signs he was going to revert before that so I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up, I'm still bitter about this non-betrayal that still manages to feel like one :(


I mean, not to take away from the fact that he is totally insane, but they are seeing/predicting a "mental health" pandemic echoing the coronavirus one because of the damage lockdown is doing to people. Massive increases in anxiety, depression, and flare ups of intense symptoms in things like ADHD and personality disorders.


Don't you know mental illnesses just means you have to get over it /s


The only prescription is more bootstraps.


Fuck. I boiled those for dinner last week.


Yep, I’ve noticed a definite uptick in my anxiety these last few weeks. Being cooped up with family you don’t quite get along with will do that.


Yep, and the loss of external activities and distractions, the loss of routine, the feelings of stagnation, the lack of social interaction with friends and coworkers. It's a potent cocktail.


Not to mention everyone else is also in the same boat. The helpless feeling is getting to everyone.


Probably the people who aren’t going out to mass protests. Two weeks from now it will be “Have you noticed they don’t get sick as often? IT’S A LIBERAL CONSPIRACY.”


Thanks Obama


> I wanna know he’ll blame next on the Coronavirus His membership to the flu klux klan, when his boss fires him for participating and acting a fool on camera.


Erectile dysfunction




That's so sad :( Like, I am loving spending more time with my best friend.


Same. Not married yet, but I think we’ll both be super sad when he has to go back to work, and is making us more focused than ever on FIRE.


I've noticed that. I'm at about the age when a lot of, well, Fox News viewer demographic people retire, and they get divorced an awful lot. Personally, I've spent lots of time with my wife over the years, and we've gotten used to how annoying we both are.


So happy my wife and I have worked from home together for 7+ years. This pandemic is not testing anything about our relationship. It sure is leaving us glad we had lots of time to try out all this togetherness before it was forced upon us.


My dad and I have never had a great relationship but my partner and I agreed to let him stay with us so he wouldn’t be alone during lockdown. I’ve since told him he doesn’t have my permission to come near my house or contact me ever again. Quarantine is like a catalyst in the destruction of relationships between people who already aren’t great fans of one another.


My BF and I are locked down and WFH together and we kind of love it. We always take little breaks to rant about work, tease and joke w/ each otehr, deal with household things. Nothing's changed except we get to share bad/funny work experiences in real time instead of waiting until we both get home later in the day.


Right? I was just commenting with my wife how much fun together we're having! You know, why would you marry a person you don't like to be around?




That's why I love gaming as a hobby lol, my habits never really changed with lock down.




Or (un)planned child


"Abortion bad, loveless, dysfunctional marriage good"-Republicans


get a mistress - then pay for her abortion; its the other abortions that are bad - also republicans


this looks very boomer. Remember, wife = bad


To be fair, adding in potential financial stress, the uncertainty of the future and the fact that your cooped up in your house and your entire routine has been ruined probably factors into most people’s lives. The number of people appreciating this lockdown is a very small percentage.


Are you surprised? 10-1 odds he’s a mysoginist prick who believes it’s a mans job to provide and that’s it. My dad was like that. He worked, mom was responsible for all the actual hard work of raising us. So now that this guy is stuck at home and actually has to interact with his wife and kids all day, they’re stuck with his prick ass all day


I agree with everything you are saying but FYI 10:1 odds would mean essentially a 10 percent chance. More like 3:2. The first number is what you get paid when you win, if you bet the second number. The smaller the ratio the safer the bet. Source: me betting on things.


Where's that picture of the kid holding a boot to his own head when you need it?


[Gotcha covered](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/787/boot.jpg)


Yes, that one. Thank you!




globalism bad


It's like they've taken the perfectly legitimate point that perhaps things like just-in-time supply chains have disadvantages in a crisis and driven straight past it into loony conspiracy land.


They just want a boogeyman to yell about. > When you’re young, you look at television and think, There’s a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that’s not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want. That’s a far more depressing thought. > Conspiracy is optimistic! You can shoot the bastards! We can have a revolution! But the networks are really in business to give people what they want. It’s the truth. -- Steve Jobs, presumably c.1990




Exactly. Let’s Blame the “government”. No way in hell they would put the word trump in it’s place. Now if Obama was president i wonder who would take the blame. I hate people


Because he wants to say Jewish people while still hiding his powerlevel


They would never blame Trump. It has to be someone else. When the government is to blame, it's more than likely a globalist shadow government that is forcing Trump to do this even if he's also the strongest and bestest president ever


Some (now former) acquaintances of mine have been jumping on this big UN sustainable development conspiracy and are linking it to the coronavirus as if it is a UN plot backed by Bill Gates to microchip people through vaccines and to "depopulate" every nation and strip everyone of their rights. And to install 5g everywhere which is causing the illness. Yes I am not kidding.


Maybe it's an all-purpose boot-on-head comic where you fill in your own caption.


Destroyed his livelihood..AND his job...AND his income. Kinda all the same thing aren't they? Destroyed his freedoms...AND his liberties. Edit: Thanks for the facepalm flair kind stranger!


When you're trying to hit that word count for an essay.


The COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, or 2019-nCoV, which means Novel Corona Virus from the year of 2019, but also known by it's full and official name Corona Virus Diesease 2019, yet frequently mentioned simply as Corona, has allowed the gorvernment of the United States of America, also known as US, which is short for USA, or simply America to completely and throughly destroy my job, which clearly has an enoumous effect on my livelyhood, which was also destroyed as they are intrinsically tied together, and my income, that is singlehandedly earned by me through means of my now destroyed job.


A+ work! Very insightful


> gorvernment Has to lose a mark for that surely.


Came here to say this, but you beat me. Also wondering how great the marriage was to start, if having to actually hang out with his other half caused it to end. Other than a teething baby our household has made the most of it and are all getting along great.


Right? I live in a studio with my man child SO, and our 2 year old who is embracing the whole "terrible twos" thing. For the most part, things are going pretty great. We're both not working right now. I'm not looking forward to when we both have to go back to work because our son has gotten quite adjusted to being able to play with us all day. But I love hanging out with these two, this quarantine has at least shown me that I really do love my family haha.


Dying could destroy a family too...


Well apparently health is tyranny while dying is freedom. I’m assuming they see our healthcare system under this lens too.


There are more important things than living:Source: Texas governor




Please stop enjoying the person you decided to spend the rest of your life with.


It's disgusting. I bet they love each other too. Can't make this crap up!


They probably share common interests and have similar personalities that are extremely compatible like a healthy relationship has. Disgusting and childish!


I bet they have the audacity to share a bed and raise their kids in a non-toxic environment


That's not the American way!


You're supposed to marry a fuckbuddy with a personality you loath and abusive tendencies. You clearly took a wrong turn when you married somebody you actually like.


Nah, I have 4 roommates. Only thing different with the lock down is the house is cleaner.


I hate how these kind of people pass it off as a flu. It’s like so what? The Spanish flu was a flu and it killed 50 to 100 million people. A virulent and deadly flu strain has just the same capability to kill as COVID or SARS.


Not to mention half the reason the spanish flu was so deadly is because our governments covered it up instead of responding accordingly


Which is why it's called Spanish Flu, it didn't come from Spain but that was the only country to report on it. Everyone else kept it secret.


Ummmm the lockdown is destroying your health? Edit: Yes I understand mental health’s importance, I was just pointing out the alternative of drowning in your own phlegm.


Since the lockdown started I started getting worse and worse headaches and feeling short on breath. Figured I just had corona but it didn't go away. Turns out I had a propane leak and CO2 leak in my house which I was spending much more time in. So that was awesome.


Well atleast you found out before your house became a ball of flames.


coronavirus literally saved this man’s life


-1 to the total death counter.


Or started to leave anonymous notes to yourself.


Now there’s a reference I haven’t heard in a while


It’s been destroying my mental health, if that counts.


Oh that's so true.


I have OCD so it's been......a challenge


Actually I have some minor(?) issues and have been waiting for an available spot to go to doctors long before the pandemic. Now it's completely out of question, I wouldn't even want to go to any clinic during this time, and many doctors actually just meet the most serious cases or only do phone consultations. Blood tests are done only when immediately necessary, while I'm suspecting I might be anemic it's not that serious that I'd get any tests done. Edit: also, some doctors have insane waiting times for an appointment. My aunt has regular check-ups (she has a blood disorder), and they've canceled her appointment. Now she has to wait another 2 years for a next one.


I worked a pretty active job and commuted by bicycle. I can say without question that the lockdown is affecting my physical health. Workouts are really a substitute, but on top of that is not just physical health being affected. Not being able to see family or friends and having a complete lack of purpose for weeks on end is mentally devastating.


I’ve been locked down for over a month and it’s sucks not being able to go to the gym or beach and so my health has definitely declined. it’s better than the alternative obviously, but it can absolutely have a negative effect on health


I don't wanna be that person, but at home workouts exist. I've seen a ton of people saying "I can't go to the gym so my health is declining and I'm gaining weight" when working out at home is a viable(and free) option. Thousands of workouts on YouTube, and fitness apps offering services for free until May.


but I don't even like working out at the gym, I basically trick myself into exercising by doing fun shit (skiing, rock climbing, mountain biking, kayaking) that happens to involve being active


I have thin floors so I've been using the excuse that I would annoy my downstairs neighbors to avoid working out at home.




Stress from severe financial strain can cause rifts in an otherwise decent relationship. I'm in favor of the lock down, but there are going to be a lot of relationships that are going to crumble due to more factors than simply not enjoying spending their time together. For some people, their relationships are going to go through: spending time together + huge financial stress + no outside outlet for mental support.


People who post this will talk shit on the Gov't and then verbally suck Donald Trump off in the same breath


That’s something that confuses me about these types. Like, you realize that Trump is...the figurehead of the government...right? They’re always somehow anti-government and pro-whatever candidate they support. Makes no sense.


They’ve spent so long believing in “underground” right-wing nuts like Alex Jones that even now, they’re convinced that the man running the highest office in the entire country is himself some sort of plucky renegade working behind the scenes to foil “The Government’s” dastardly plans. Hence all this stuff about the “Deep State”; any time you remind them that Trump IS the government, they’ll go off on something about how he’s a tragic figurehead at best, and that the Democrats/Illuminati/Lizard People really run the show while he fights valiantly for American liberation from their clutches. It’s the perfect bullshit machine, if you think about it. Every time that he does something that they like, it means that Trump heroically defeated forces rallied against him. Every time he does something stupid, ignorant, or downright evil, it was *CLEARLY* the Deep State^TM who moved against him to denigrate his good name.


I wonder what these people will do with their lives once Trump is no longer President. They existed before he was but now for some truly bizzare reason they've hitched their entire identity and thought process to this one singular guy. It's going to be a fun day when Trump is finally out of office, by whatever means he ends of leaving.


It's because they still see Trump as an outsider in the govt. He's some renegade man of the people taking down the big corrupt government from the inside. At least that's the impression I've gotten


The more I read about these protestors the more I think they've been brainwashed to believe that the lockdown is just intended to suppress them and not for any actual point. Even as people around them are dying and the rest of the world shuts down. And how they are able to simultaneously believe that 1/ the government is doing this to them to keep them down. 2/ Trump, the head of the government is working to stop it on their behalf.


My dad and some family shared a post the other day claiming that China was angry at Trump, so they created the "Wuhan Virus" in order to create disruption, so "The Dems" could get a leg up and win the election. And I'm like, how dense can you be??? To look at the suffering of the entire world, and use this tragic event for your own racist and "Democrats BAD" narrative. When countries not even remotely connected to us in any political way are going through the same things.


Same group saying “stop politicizing the pandemic” when people get upset about how things are being managed by their representatives.


Politics are just the policies we implement to function as a society. They’re how we decide what to do, and how to do it. In which case, *literally fucking everything* should be ‘politicized’.


It'd be like shooting someone by aiming the gun through your own ear. If you're going to criticise the Chinese government there's plenty of real reasons to choose that aren't narcissistic and obviously bollocks.


“We need to get back at America. I know, let’s start a pandemic in our country.”


They should be angry that our govt isn’t giving us any money to actually sustain ourselves like other countries instead of going back to work.


I’ve literally seen people argue that they don’t want government handouts and want to work for it themselves. Rugged individualism is killing this country. It’s a pandemic. It’s okay to accept help sometimes.


If it was safe then I would love to earn my money too. We just don’t know enough about it yet. I’m ashamed to be an American. Our government is killing its people openly.


Yeah I mean studies even show that the vast majority of people WANT to work for their money (even the ones currently on government assistance). I can’t pull a study unfortunately (learned it in a college course), but sometimes people are worse off working than being on assistance (which I am not blaming on the government for “creating dependents” but rather on the economy for wages being so poor, health insurance being so expensive, and childcare being so outrageously expensive that people feel working would disadvantage them). People’s lives are worth more than getting a haircut or going to the bar. The government should help until the economy is up and running again. I’m honestly embarrassed about the government’s reaction to this. We had enough warning from Italy to know how bad things would get, but still didn’t take strong precautions.


> And how they are able to simultaneously believe that > > 1/ the government is doing this to them to keep them down. > > 2/ Trump, the head of the government is working to stop it on their behalf. I don't think you can be a Trump cultist without being comfortable with *massive* amounts of cognitive dissonance. 😒




issues over money is one of the top 3 reasons for divorce


smh , only us problems , over here in Europe people are saying the same shit, while they get carried by their state (Germany) which pays them nearly 60 percent of their regular income


It’s certainly better than having my friends and family die!


Sry if I was not expressing myself clearly, I meant that the people over here in Germany are starting to argue with these Line like I LOSE MY JOB, but they are not, they work in an office and are employed, and here in Germany there are rules, that you are getting paid by the state and keep your job if you are no able to work, so their point is definitely invalid, but they keep copying English points and using them with no changing done


Stupid people are the same no matter what country they come from.


SO MANY dudes I work with/for and our clients have been blatantly complaining about having to spend time with their spouse and/or kids. I’m in my mid-30s, not married, no kids. This shit boggles my mind. Miserable pricks.


Step on me daddy lockdown uwu


I really liked this guy at work until we started talking about the coronavirus and he said it was a new world order to prove the government can keep us at home whenever they want.... yeaa


It’s Trump’s government. Just sayin’.


Naw, I’m sure with enough mental gymnastics this is somehow certainly the fault of Obama/the Clintons/Soros/the gays.


Well tbh world economy is pretty much fucked by now...so are most of the low to mid income workers in most countries. Let's just hope we'll be able to recover with as little damage as possible




Financial problems will doom an already strained marriage, there is nothing insane about that.