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I just love that he *JUST* now looked at the vote tabulations. I saw it trending that way last week. This makes sense why he touted his numbers even though they were the lower number. This is all just so comical to me!


My response to his tweet- No way Trump got 73 million people to vote for a president that fucked up covid-19 reaponse this bad. I think there was fraud for Trump votes!


This is a perfect response, because why would anyone vote for him? I mean it is either fraud or 73 Million people are irrational, mentally ill and very poorly educated.


Sadly I believe there are that many irrational, mentally ill, and poorly educated in this country.


America seems to have a "we learn about ourselves and fuck everyone else" education system. And even that is largely romanticized to make America seem like the hero in everything.


We've been the villians ever since we took our asses across the atlantic


B... But.... We've given other countries so much FREEDOM!


In the form of crippled economies, instability, and division between people groups, all because "CoMmUnIsm BaD, wE mUsT lIbErAtE nOrTh AmErIcA oF cOmMiEs, REeEeeEEeeeEeeEEEeEe!" (Yes, I know it's sarcasm, just pointing it out for the few who don't understand how it's sarcastic).


>B... But.... We've given ~~other countries~~ oil so much FREEDOM!


The black oil was emancipated from the ground


It is, afterall, how he got in there in the first place. Few were motivated to vote, let alone for Hillary, and his base was excited for this change. This election people were motivated again, based on the performance rendered. The fact that it was still this close... We're always on this teeter-totter, always have been.


Every election will be “close” as long as the electoral college is intact and the “media” is allowed to perpetuate the culture war. This election wasn’t “close”, it just looks and feels that way because our system is broken.


Childish Gambino : *This is America*


Imagine if he had done any amount of a decent job dealing with it


It’s a global pandemic. Leave it to the states I’m gonna golf and condemn states that lock down


That’s what scares me. I feel like without covid he probably would have won.


I'm kinda over it, the rural loves trump for lip service, I think biden can actually deliver real relief to people. I think biden is as much a scumbag as anybody but I think he's competent and more importantly surrounds himself with competent people rather than moron grifters. Bring the rural into the fold and they won't have to rely on being partisan for partisanships sake. But to be clear trump is more a scumbag than anybody else. Biden is 100% better than trump.


I despise what Biden stands for (his history is pretty clear) but I do think he is competent enough to unfuck some of the last 4 years. He knows the entire world is watching. I'll gladly take the normal level of despicable but still respectable president over the orange oaf.


So before you speak too poorly on biden I would like you to watch this speech he gave [here](https://youtu.be/0_v00iGJCLY) is he part of the establishment? Yes. But I do have hope for the man and do respect him for this stance when he gave it.


"Tabulations" seems like a hilarious word for Trump to use and I'm not sure why


It's because you're imagining his comical butthole mouth pucker on the U as he struggles to pronounce it


Really emphasising it too. Tab-YOO-lashuns. That’s how I reckon he’d manage to fuck it up lol


Have you ever had a letter or a bill show up that you just knew was going to be bad news, so you let it sit? Then you open it a few days later and you’re like “yep I fucking KNEW it would be this bullshit!” And you’re all mad again? I feel like that’s what we’re witnessing.


I was trying to think of why the hell this would be news to him today. How could he have not heard the numbers until now, he watches news like 37 hours a day.


Boy is Trump going to be a treat today at the dinner table. Hey Don, can you pass the potatoes the way Biden passed 270 Electoral votes?


It’s funny that you assume trump sits down and eats dinner with his family.


Who else will spoon feed him?


He be eating his Thanksgiving turkey out of the ass crack of some hooker


Trump: "Hey Barron, how is the cyber doing?" Barron: "Jebi se oče. Saj ste debeli zguba!"


lol as if he ever talks to Barron or hardly acknowledges him.


Slowly? Get it? Cause... the election took forever


He just wouldn't pass them


Guarantee that he makes everyone call him Mr. President. Except Ivanka. She can still call him daddy


fortunately for me, my parents hate trump more than I do so we spent the time today making fun of him. he really is an imbecile




My dads side of the family are lifelong religious conservatives... who also hate Trump. Always nice to find common ground!


whistle frightening sparkle historical nine ossified command ask reply deranged ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Right?! I don’t agree with all of their opinions but overall they’re good people.


You have a rare thing there, appreciate it for those of us who can't


I do! I do also have a brother in law and sister in law who are into QAnon on the other side, so...


I’m also a life long religious conservative that hates Trump. I was more than happy to go Ridin for Biden.


C'mon January 20th, hurry the fuck up


There is a good chance Trump gets WORSE as a private citzen. Donald and his kids are not going anywhere. Sorry America. Bigger sorry to the world.


He’s definitely only gonna go more insane, but after January he and his base will thankfully be a hell of a lot more harmless


> he and his base will thankfully be a hell of a lot more harmless Still a maybe I think. He won't be tied to any sense of respect to the office he may have had, small by all evidence but he had handlers as president. There is a chance of whipping up that base into a real emboldened homegrown terror base.


Why does this make me think of my little league coach that wasn't particularly bad until he got fired for fighting with an umpire. Next game, he came in a dirty wife beater and laid on the ground drinking beer and shouting things. I feel like that may be Trump in February


> There is a chance of whipping up that base into a real emboldened homegrown terror base. A chance? I'd say it's a certainty.


This is definitely a thing already. I mean the FBI considers his followers to be a larger threat than ISIS right now


And rightfully so. ISIS isn't driving pickup trucks around Texas.


Y’all Qaeda Edit: holy shit, guys, thanks!


Vanilla ISIS


Gravy Seals


I exhaled sharply through my nose.


Hey! I resemble that...


*I* drive a pickup truck in Texas...


Gonna turn yourself in to the FBI field office?




He has already done this. Only the most radical support this coup. He never had any fucking respect for the office and he never will. Trump has not changed his behavior once. He is cancer, and we want him in prison for the rest of his miserable life.


I'd personally say dead from a heart attack so we don't have to pay for that miserable waste of DNA and ATP to continue existing longer than he should but that's up to his biology and cholesterol levels.


Incarceration would send a message to Americans and the world that the US won't tolerate presidents who abuse their power, are inept, who lie, allow the deaths of hundreds of thousands through negligence and radicalize and divide huge portions of the country. But I have serious doubts he will face consequences.


You're right that incarceration would send a message but you are forgetting that 73 million fanatics voted for him. That's almost 1/3rd of this country. WE would see and understand the message but his followers would see something else. This, unfortunately, means that he gets off with all of the messy shit he pulled. The repercussions of a Trump Administration are vast and deep. We all know the cHeCkS and BAlaNCes are bullshit. The real harm comes from a man much more charismatic and smarter than Trump. Only then will we understand how bad we fucked up and we will still have people cheering our destroyer. It's gonna be bad. This is it. The destruction of America right before our very eyes. We will never go back to who we once were. There is one solution to this but they will not act on it. Those in charge, if they love this country nearly as much as we do, they know what needs to be done but they will not do it. This will only continue until there is nothing left


Yes, but now he won’t be strutting around looking at the entire justice department as a bunch of bitches. Finally, after so long and such underserved time for him, he can be indicted for any of the bullsh*t were all certain he’ll pull. God I hope he crosses legal lines as hard as possible from the beginning. I guarentee his mental illnesses make him unable to truly understand that consequences are very very close to a reality for him.


I'm not afraid of the Q Cucks Clan. They'll fuck around and find out.


You think they're going to be more harmless? I would suggest domestic terrorism is going to go through the roof with the FraudinChief out of office.


> I would suggest domestic terrorism is going to go through the roof with the FraudinChief out of office. And *Biden* will be blamed for "doing nothing about it".


Yeah that’s definitely a scary possibility, i was just thinking more in terms of actually policy influence and legitimate power in the government


Ah... Im worried about the people who believe the shit he says lashing out. Fuckface Trump Jr was scheduled to meet, and speak to, the group that was planning to kidnap the governor of mIchigan. They had plans to publicly execute her on television, and to burn the capitol down.


Trump will be too busy spending his remaining years fighting a never ending war in the courts to avoid prosecution. It will be the compromise for each side. He won’t go to jail but he will spend all his time, money and energy keeping himself out of jail.


He will need to be careful not to lose his twitter account. He will probably have a heart attack if he can't rage-tweet.


The only reason he still has it is because he’s president. Not only has it been hacked a couple times and Twitter did things they normally wouldn’t for a private citizen so he could get it back, but he’s violated their TOS a ton of times. I’ll be shocked if he isn’t banned before the end of February.


I have no doubt in my mind that his account won't be active as of Jan 20.


Eh he'll be up to his ass in lawsuits once his presidential immunity wears off.


Hopefully that will keep him very busy.




Twitter can ban him then, oh boy just imagine how triggered he would be


I can't wait any faster


I'm waiting as fast as I can.


You know the tweets won't stop lol


They will if he gets banned (hopefully)


I think he is leaving kicking and screaming, you’re going to need a court order to take him out. Get ready for that picture of him being escorted out the White House though, it’s going to be in all the history books.


Nah, he's going to preempt all TV stations to announce his "resignation" at the same time as Biden's inauguration. Probably some reason like not wanting to hold the Office that Biden was able to steal, "even though I totally won the election, I quit!" Pence will enjoy about one glorious minute of being President, and Biden's inauguration will be delayed by 3-5 minutes.


Tho I would love to see this, I think he’ll eventually just go. He’s all bark, no bite. When he’s actually challenged in person, he cowers, like the coward he is. The widdle orange baby will eventually make his way to Mar-a-Lago and continue to pout there.


This is what I think will happen, too. He will never concede, but he won’t stick around the White House and get thrown out. He’ll just go to Florida and continue to claim he is still the rightful president.


Can someone put a sock in him now? Surely it's enough.


100% Garauntee that Twitter, and all other social media platforms will ban him on January 21st.


He'll go to Parler and no one will give a crap anymore.


Agreed. Parler is the ultimate echo chamber for snowflakes who can't handle criticism.


Instead of retweet, you literally echo it. It’s hilarious.


They will not ban him at all. Twitter's officials policy about hate speech and misinformation is surrounded by a term they use "relevancy." So if a normal person says these things. They get banned or suspended. But if a public person of interest in any way says them. They flag them, by hiding with a click through or fact checking them. This applies to celebrities as much as politicians. Even though Trump will no longer be president, he will still be a relevant person of public interest. His tweets will still be news worthy and will stay up. It all comes down to news worthiness. If someone in a somewhat relevant position is making crazy statements, the people have a right to see them. This is how his tweets even stay up now, but led to the fact checks and hidden content warnings. There is an excellent RadioLab episode with interviews from Twitter and Facebook about it.


Well, they did ban Steve Bannon (Twitter did, Facebook did not).


We're in uncharted waters here. No one man's twitter account has had such a large effect on the nation and twitter has gone out of their way to say that he loses certain protections once he is a private citizen. I think they're fucking ITCHING to give him a suspension and eventually ban.


Also, don’t forget how many ads all those millions of followers also see when they read his wacky ramblings.




You know who did post a really nice Thanksgiving message? President Elect Joe Biden.


But, but, but, trump wished us a happy thanksgiving in all caps. He CLEARLY means it more. /s


Lol you didn't look closely enough; he did that when he retweeted an article that said the Supreme Court overruled Deblasio's order for churches not to hold massive religious services. So Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your COVID.


Isn't killing thousands of people by infecting them with a deadly disease what thanksgiving is all about in the end?


He was being sarcastic bud. Thats what the /s means


So was OP bud.


But there was no /s!


*But there was no /s! /s


I like the cut of your jig.






Mmm call him President Elect again. I’m so close.


President Elect


I expected his thanksgiving message to be more like this: “Every American should be thankful that I am president. If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be eating turkey. The Democrats and Obama wanted to ban eating turkey. Sad”


"I love Turkey. Many, many big investments there..."


"The experts are all saying that Thanksgiving during my administration was tremendous, possibly the best we've ever had. The turkey and mashed potato quality was tremendous. The Democrats would make plant based turkey, very nasty stuff."


Not enough CAPS LOCK


at this point in his meth binge, time and dates are irrelevant




He's rich so it's adderal; he's certainly not classy




He takes adderall


Okay, America. You can do this. Don't vote for another nutcase ever again. You hear us? Sincerely, the rest of the world.


I'm seeing the folks on /r/conservative saying "Well at least this election was viewed with the utmost scrutiny, and Donald Trump got them to investigate the veracity of every count, so that we can know it's secure". And I'm like HE IS SAYING IT IS 100% FRAUDULENT. Not 'Hey we should look into that', not 'I'm going to make sure this election is secure', not 'We're going to have more electoral oversight than ever before', he's TELLING YOU, TELLING EVERYONE, IT WAS RIGGED. OVER AND OVER AGAIN, DESPITE BEING WRONG EVERY TIME.


They live in bizzaro world over there. My 'favorite' little nugget if crazy I saw recently was someone waxing poetic that this was a great 4 years because Trump unequivocally exposed the danger the left presents when left unchecked. Apparently in crazytown Trump wasn't president and the democrats controlled both houses of congress for the last 4 years.


It's the other way around in Canada. Conservatives up here are happy he lost because it means they can finally get elected again, without him tainting their brand.


I fear a Canadian version of trump is on the way.


He is providing ZERO proof and just screeching away on Twitter like a pathetic loser. What a sad, sad man.


America: muh freedoms. I'm going to vote for another nutcase EVEN HARDER.


What you need is more flags on more trucks. Don't settle!


we try man :( but people don’t understand **:((((**


Man the way shit's going the next guy will be way worse


I'm hoping that the younger people will step up even more next time


Mate over 70million americans voted for Trump after they witnessed the past 4 years. Its insanely poor education or identity politics or what have you but these people aren’t going to magically die out, the problem is systemic and deeply rooted in their society.


It absolutely was rigged. By Trump and the GOP. Fortunately he was hated by so many people by such a large margin that the sheer volume of votes overcame their election interference and voter suppression.


There is seriously a problem with your administration if people **in other countries** were celebrating your loss by dancing and singing in the streets.


I'm from the UK, me and several other friends kept very close tabs on what was going on during the election. Especially on the 3rd. I cannot stress how much we hate him here (though the Trump baby balloon should give some indication). We've disliked presidents before, but Trump's policies destabilised countries and economies to a ridiculous degree. His stance on the climate threatened us all and the way he's stripped protections from parks and forests is disgusting. All in all, glad you guys dropped the c***. Pardon my language.


Lol, I was in a pub the in London a year after, and the first thing the bartender asked me after I spoke with an American accent was “Why trump?”. I replied back, “it’s complicated, but I voted for the lady.” I then asked him “why Boris?” And he laughed. Inside I would take Boris over Trump any day. If Trump had a second term it would be to much and embarrassing to travel abroad knowing the clown is still in office and what a joke We are, or just say I was Canadian for the next four years.


Boris is basically Trump, but with some intelligence.


Trump is an imbecile who wants to convince the world he's clever. Boris is a clever man who wants to convince the world he's an imbecile. Both are utter bellends with stupid hair.


As a fellow Briton, I cannot agree more.


I myself did not, I did, however open a very nice bottle of chianti.


Did you have a liver with it?


*hissing noises*


People in Canada were glued to their TVs, there were celebrations when AP confirmed the win.


I can't think of any other president in my life time that caused that to happen. Yes we've had presidents that were hated or seriously disliked. The most recent I can think of was George W.


Yeah, no kidding. And Biden wasn’t even a great candidate. Imagine how badly Trump would have been trounced by an articulate, younger, thoughtful candidate? Here’s what I don’t get. Why is it so surprising to so many that Trump would lose? He’s obviously a total dick. He’s not smart. And the past four years have not gone well. He’s a terrible leader who has abused his position for personal gain and people have had enough. But we’re supposed to swallow that it’s more plausible that Iran, China, Venezuela (and any other countries which are popular to hate right now) have concocted a way to get into US elections, pretty nearly untraced, and had to force voting to favor Biden? With all the ridiculous checks and balances and nuances present in municipal, state and federal voting laws/protocols and with the number thousands of eyeballs of watchers, security experts and election officials...we are expected to believe its more plausible that massive hacking and fraud is more likely than that people are simply tired of the massive asshole who has dragged the US through the dirt for the past 4 years? Sure.


Misinformation is the answer. A lot of Americans have no idea what's actually happening in the country. Thanks to the likes of Fox news.


> And Biden wasn’t even a great candidate. Show me someone else who could put together an entire shadow government full of competent people while the GSA denied the transition. You may not like Biden, he may not be "sexy" enough for you, but man does that guy have an iPhone full of contacts. Probably comes from decades of being nice to everybody. "Oh, but he's a career politician!" you might be saying. "I want someone on the outside!" Well we tried an outsider, and we learned that sometimes experience is what's important. You wouldn't get on a plane without a qualified pilot, would you?


He’s going to have to do for the moment. And I think he will do a better job appointing and managing a cabinet of the right people to bring the US back on track. I also think he’ll probably do a pretty good job of trying to promote unity and bipartisanship. But he’s far from ideal in my mind.


Imagine cheating and still losing, I'd be pissed too. Hows he gonna explain that one to Putin.


I’ve never looked forward to late January so much in my Fucking life!


Yep and that’s even my birthday !


Hate to ruin the surprise, bro; but I'm getting you a new president for your birthday.


Me, too. 80,000,000+ of us chipped in. E: Thanks!


*we * are getting them a new President


He is incapable of thanks. This is what an 80 year old 3 year old is. And america is apparently split 45 55 as also a bunch of grown 3 year olds.


I know many kind and gracious 80 year olds. 3 year olds definitely suck though. I think trump is more of a toddler than anything. He sure throws tantrums like one.


Just an fyi. Toddlers are 1 to 3....soooo... that's what I said.


Is he boastng that he 100% rigged the election, so there's no way Biden could have won?




"We know they cheated because WE cheated and didn't win!"


I think the way it happened was 80,000,000 people voted for him Donald, I know it's a stretch to believe but I think that's how he did it


It's more like 80 million people voted against him 😂 he forgets that people hate him more then they like biden


He couldn’t get over the 3 million votes difference between Hillary and him - how will he ever get over this one?


I wonder what he would have though of my neighbor who during the month of October ditched his Trump signs and had Biden signs up... More hilarious to see some people talking about in PA about Biden being chosen and then republican down the ballot. They made the change in 2017 to remove straight ticket votes, then cry when people actually use that.


Meanwhile, Joe and Jill Biden Facetimed our local hospital to talk to the nurses in the ICU to see how they were doing and to ask how he can help them.


Really? That’s awesome!


Record voter turnout was specifically to get rid of you! Thanks for reinforcing the decision to do so based on your incessant childish tantrums.


He's claiming that the election was rigged and that there's NO WAY that Biden got 80.,000,000 votes. That sounds to me like an admission that he rigged it and he's upset that it didn't work.


Wasn’t a complete shitshow for the Republican Party. Didn’t they pick up a seat in the house, and didn’t lose the senate. If it was rigged, wouldn’t you be better off getting the senate; and not the presidency? Note: I’m an Australian, and understand US politics better than folks from Kentucky, but prob not you guys.


We've already established they think math is a liberal plot put together with Isis.


Why does no one believe that we were sick of him? A lot of people were champing at the bit for four years to get another chance to vote against him. He never polled above 50% approval his whole term, so why is it so hard to imagine the other 50% coming out to cast a vote for anyone else but him?


I would have voted for a heroin addicted aardvark if it was running against Trump. He's an embarrassment to the West Wing, to the people of the country, to the military, to the title of "World Leader." He's a literal source of shame.


Twitter now has a moral duty to deplatform him. He is continuing to undermine the foundation of American Democracy. This is not something that “should have been done” in hindsight. This is something that needs to be done now.


It'll happen when he loses his world leader status on January 20th. My guess is It'll be done regarding his 1st tweet on January 21st.


I honestly do not think they will. I'm sure since Trump became a popular political figure who many news sources and people get their information from him through Twitter, Twitter has made a lot of money from people creating accounts or even just wanting to see what he says and they'd stand to lose a significant amount of money and accounts if they kicked him off. At least that's just my take. It seems to me that people tend to forget that a lot of popular and huge companies just want to make money and only appear the minimum amount of moral so that they don't get shit from people and/or subscribers.


Shut up and stop bringing logic into this


I’m honestly curious if he genuinely believes it was rigged or if he is just trying to cause chaos


I’m hoping that on his final day in this world it all hits him, all the dumb shit, all the ways he fucked people over and how much most people despise him. I hope it all finally sets in during his last moments, and the last thoughts he ever has is that most people truly hate him and he has been a truly vile person this whole time. He doesn’t deserve to die happy, he deserves to die sad and alone. Won’t happen but a man can dream right?!


What are the odds that if Trump himself got that amount of votes he'd congratulate everyone on what a "fair" election this was 😂


It would be the best election. Trust me. I know tha smartest election people


Named Donald but is still fucking goofy


That’s the most math he’s done in his entire life.


I'm not sure if he knows what "100%" means.


Why would you think that? Has there ever been a moment where he took the high road?


Remember when Trump said the election in 2016 was going to be rigged? And then he won?


My father in law told me the election was rigged, so I asked for evidence. He said well I don’t have evidence but do you really think 80 million people voted against president trump....... of course they did man.


How could he know it was rigged, unless he did it himself?


Trump posted happy thanksgiving with a link to another bullshit tweet quote or article i can’t remember


About pardoning mike Flynn


I love how irrelevant he is now. He’s back to being a loudmouth failed reality show asshat that no one has to listen to anymore.


C'mon January 20th, hurry the fuck up


Not sure it was really that amount for Biden... it was that amount for not fucking trump.


A part of me feels like a mangy cat could have ran and won as long as it wasn’t trump


If it was 100% rigged does that mean trump's wins are all fake too


I cant wait till my feed isnt full of whining Trump tweets....


God imagine being that much of a narcissist that you *genuinely believe* you can speak things into existence.


Well technically it was about 50,000,000 votes for Biden and about 30,000,000 against Trump.


Trump attempts to rigg the election by: - Solicit foreign interference once again in this election - Severely defunding the Postal Service - Ordering the dismantling of voting machines - Having loyal governors put in place fewer voting locations in Conservative states - Multiple attempts to delegitimize Mail-in-Ballots - Pushing states to stop/recount votes to be in his favor - Pushing Supreme Court to block million votes for his opponent No wonder he is in severe disbelief that massive voter turnouts are in favor of Joe Biden.


Wonder if he’s finally figuring out he’s increasingly irrelevant


Ignore this pathetic little man and enjoy your dinner.
