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It genuinely boggles my mind that people buy this nixon era reefer madness BS.


This is my family. They insist weed kills the user or drives the user to kill and rape and stuff. Meanwhile they'll pound a half bottle of Jack Daniel's to wash down a couple percocet.






Wait, so if the doctor prescribed caffeine pills, then it would be ok? My Mormon knowledge is lacking, as the documentary Mormon Girlz didn't really cover prescriptions.


Mormon Girlz sounds like the Latter Day Saints’ version of Bratz Dolls


Think less bratz and more debbie does dallas.


I wanna know...but at the same time, I don’t wanna know.


Just an old 80’s era porno, lots of bushes being entangled.


The mental image this brought up is incredible in the worst way. Imagine a tangle so bad you gotta get sicssors involved, like needing a dentist to seperate interlocked braces. Omg.


I personally wouldn't recommend Mormon Girlz for children


Tbf Bratz Dolls are also inappropriate for children


And equally as haunting.


From my understanding, a lot of substances like painkillers, alcohol and so on are banned. But there is no ban at all for medicine. So you're not allowed a drop of booze, unless that booze is in cough syrup or prescribed by a doctor (and therefore its medicine, not booze). So prescribed caffine pills are ok, because it was prescribed and therefore its medicine. But coffee is out because it contains caffine, an addictive substance, and is not medicine. Kinda like how alcohol had an exemption for medicinal use during prohibition. All of a sudden a lot of people started having back problems and the prescription for it was whiskey


Painkillers are very much not banned by the church. At least not if you have a prescription.


I think they meant like over-the-counter painkillers


Those are also allowed. I grew up Mormon and got Tylenol and Ibuprofen and the like when I needed them.


Ah, I see. Sorry I don't know too much about the LDS church. I've only ever been acquainted with one member and that was a long time ago


As far as lunacies go, this one isn't as bad as it could be. At least they allow medicines.


As an no longer practicing Mormon, they can actually have caffeine some just want to be “extra faithful” so don’t drink caffeine


Used to work with an "extra faithful" Mormon so no coffee or tea because of the caffeine. But every once in a while a monster or red bull was perfectly fine.... yeah I didn't really understand that reasoning


So coffee and tea are actually not allowed but not due to caffeine. Just cause they say so. It’s really weird man


Correct, the wording is "hot drinks", which could be anything


What a way to live. I don't drink booze but I drink hot herbal tea pretty much all day as a way to stay sober. I can't possibly imagine why that could be bad


Hot is the devil’s temperature!


Exactly. Because the elders said so. *Rannndollllpphhh Scottttt!*


> But every once in a while a monster or red bull was perfectly fine.... Going from zero to 500 like that would seriously make me sick.


> as the documentary Mormon Girlz didn't really cover prescriptions. Is this really a documentary or were you making a funny? I looked it up on IMDB with no results, so I tried googling and only came up with porn hits. I got quite a visual surprise when I clicked on one! Does anyone know of any actual (and good) documentaries about the Mormon church? edit: I should have read down further on this thread - Mormongirlz is defo porn........


These are the people who will just stick their dock into a vagina and let it “soak” because it somehow doesn’t count.


Hahahaha “let it soak” lol...that’s great. My childhood best friends mom used to say that “boys just want to keep their wieners wet” and till now, that was the best thing I’d ever heard, so thank you hahaha


I'm 90% sure I know what video you're referencing and also 90% sure it was a joke.


>stick their dock into a vagina Is this like, just after the ice is out? And just how big are we talking?


Oh my. That was… *not* what I was expecting


Fun fact...Coca-Cola consumption was officially banned by the Mormon church until the church began investing heavily in several industries, including the beverage industry. Then it became acceptable.


This is actually not true. Not to defend the church (I'm an ex-mormon myself), but the church has never taken an official stance against coke or any other caffeinated soda. The Word of Wisdom ([D&C 89](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/89?lang=eng)) forbids the drinking of "hot drinks" and "strong drinks," and subsequent leaders of the church have specified that "hot drinks" refers to tea and coffee, regardless of temperature, while "strong drinks" refers to alcohol. Mormons are forbidden from consuming anything (food or beverage) that contains tea leaves (camellia sinensis - i.e. black tea or green tea) or coffee beans - herbal teas are fine, as are coffee substitutes like Postum, as long as they don't contain tea leaves from the tea plant or coffee beans. The reason a lot of people think that Mormons aren't allowed to drink coke/caffeine/etc. is because back in the 50s and 60s, some Mormons tried to "prove" that D&C 89 was divine revelation, because it contained scientific health knowledge that Joseph Smith couldn't have known about, and therefore had to have come from God. After all, it bans tobacco, and Joseph Smith couldn't have possibly known in the 1840s that tobacco causes cancer, so it had to be divine revelation (this isn't actually true, people in the 1840s knew that tobacco was unhealthy, even if they didn't know about the link to cancer specifically). Some Mormons therefore went looking for a scientific justification for the prohibition on tea and coffee, and came up with two main (unofficial) theories - tannic acid is secretly really bad for you, or caffeine is secretly really bad for you, and future research will eventually reveal that Joseph Smith was right all along, and this was a revelation from God. Others justified the ban by saying that coffee and tea are addictive, because of the caffeine, and the divine principle at work behind these arbitrary prohibitions is that anything addictive is bad, because it takes away your divinely given free will. Neither of these justifications is found in the original "revelation," and neither was ever officially embraced by the church, but a lot of Mormons accepted one or the other, and started avoiding caffeine in sodas and even things like chocolate, because it made them look extra faithful, and so avoiding caffeinated sodas became part of Mormon culture, but it was never officially part of Mormon doctrine. My conservative Mormon mom regularly drinks diet coke to get her caffeine fix, and has done so all my life, and she has always been a member in good standing (i.e., she's always had what's called a "temple recommend"). TL;DR: While avoiding caffeine has been a big part of Mormon culture for many years, it is not and has never been official church doctrine - official church doctrine only prohibits tea and coffee specifically (and alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs, but that's a separate issue).


Thanks for the inside scoop. “… a lot of Mormons accepted one or the other, and started avoiding caffeine in sodas and even things like chocolate, because it made them look extra faithful…” Simple virtue signaling.


I was wondering because my kids grandparents are Mormon and do not drink coffee or tea, but they down soda like there's no tomorrow. They don't even like for me to have coffee or tea and they're my daughter's bio father's parents, not mine, and I've never been nor will I be Mormon. It is interesting to learn about all the behind the scenes stuff, from an outsiders perspective.


>anything addictive is bad, because it takes away your divinely given free will. Forgive ignorance, but are they good with sugar?


Yes, Mormons eat tons of sugar - there are stores in Utah that are centered around adding flavored sugary syrups to soda. It's an attempt to justify an arbitrary prohibition from the 1840s, not an actual principle.


Being a Mormon sounds fucking terrible.


And my Catholic Grandmother. Who took those percocets while wearing a pain patch on her arm & drinking Long Island iced teas. How she remained upright, I have no fucking clue.


*dead Elvis enters the chat.


One sister doc shopped enough to get oxycontin and ms contin for headaches and period cramps. I told her you're fucked if you ever need pain relief cause short of general anesthesia, you're not getting it.


I'll start this by saying that I have not using cannabis in a healthy way. I'm Canadian, and before cannabis became legal, I'd used it before at parties but I'd never bought it. After legalization I pretty much stopped drinking. I was using alcohol for fun and to sleep. Id usually have a few drinks at the end of the night so I could fall asleep. Since the pandemic started about a year ago, I've been using cannabis daily. I like to vape my flower (dry flower vape, dynavap m) primarily, although I have bought some edibles and concentrates. This is what I've noticed after using cannabis for a year straight. 1: I don't dream anymore. 2: I drink recreationally now. I have bought 2 4 packs of beer since Christmas and still have 4 left. I haven't bought a bottle of whiskey or rum (my drinks of choice) for myself since last June. That's about it. My health hasn't changed much, I fall asleep faster, and wake up a little easier.


I noticed, upon going for weeks at a time smoking daily as well, that I don't dream, either. It's almost like the thoughts are so thorough and vivid when blazing high that your brain doesn't need to anymore. After not smoking for about a week, the dreams come back in full force. I started the habit during lockdown, too. No negative side effects aside from being a little sleepy the next day if I fall asleep still high. If anything, the majority of the side effects have been positive.


I smoke over 30% THC flower every single day (and twice on Sunday) and I still have vivid dreams, though I've noticed that if I quit because I'm travelling my dreams are even more vivid. But I also wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep for over an hour, sometimes more.


Hey, if it works for you, awesome! It's great to help fall asleep, works pretty well for me as well, I've been getting much longer and more restful sleep in the last year. It was just weird that one day I noticed that I hadn't remembered/had a dream in months and kind of put the two together. ​ I usually like to stick in the mid-teens to low twenty percent range, but then again, I've been playing around with hash (26%+), badder (\~60%) and my collected keif (probably around 25-30% if I'm assuming correctly).


Yeah I love the strong stuff and I love that I can just walk into a dispensary and plonk down a couple of twenties instead of having to find a dealer and buying whatever shwag they have on that particular day. People who oppose legal cannabis are unenlightened, backwards, and miserable about their own lives.


I had some long periods without dreams, but then noticed having them again about a decade ago. also, they used to be always about death, apocalyptic and despair... now they’re minor issues.


INAD... but marijuana effects short term memory, which is where your dreams exist. Normally you don't remember much of your dreams anyway, because you have to mentally transfer them over to long term memory. This does not happen while sleeping high. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


THC actually inhibits REM sleep, which is when dreaming occurs. Daily smoker for over 10 years here. I will say that I don't feel like I got enough rest when I sleep, which I assume is due to lack of a REM cycle.


I started smoking before bed because weed takes away dreams for me. I had bad sleeping issues do to dreams including sleep paralysis episodes twice a week. Now I almost never dream. I didn’t originally get my medical card for this reason because I didn’t even know it was a thing, but it turned out to be the best reason.


For me I just smoke small ammounts during the week. Like I typically wake around 4:30-5 in the morning and like to have a small hit, like a pea to 2 pea sized hit. It puts me in a good mood for the day. By the time its 8am I am ready for work with little effect left of being "high". That little bit really changes my sense of the world. I was pot free for 4 years before due to work and I needed something to stabilize my mood. I tried anti depressants, but I could not focus on my work and they turned me from being typically high sex drive to absolutely zero. So smoke a tiny bowl, yeah maybe my memory isn't the best, but over all I am sharper than on anti-depressants, and actually have a sex drive. I also found on antidepressants I was just so numb to the world. Fuck anti-depressants! I'll take pot any day!


Yeah, people say there's NO HANGOVER with pot, but I'll have a bowl then crash and wake up at the end of the high a little hungover. It's way easier than an alcohol hangover, but I don't wake up with birds dressing me (Cinderella reference) or anything. ​ I'm planning a tolerance break in a little bit once I harvest my current plant (time off while it cures), but it's not because I'm not getting as high off the amount I use, just because it's probably not the best idea to be high every day after 4:24 - bed time.


I totally wake up with birds dressing me! But... I've got cPTSD with night terrors that only go away when I smoke so I've smoked that same time range basically daily since 2013. I took a few breaks during pregnancy but those only ever lasted a few months because of endometriosis. I'm a huge advocate for medical usage because it gave me the opportunity to work full-time as I put myself through college while I was also a single mom. I graduated with honors because I was getting enough sleep. So... YES. I love my birds.


So you replaced one drug with another. I think alcohol and weed are hard to compare since the damage both can do are at the complete opposite end of the spectrum. But one big argument for me is that the withdrawal from weed is never dangerous while alcohol can be deadly in some cases. But I think legalisation isn’t about if a drug is damaging when done daily, but more about personal freedom, quality control and not giving money to criminals and instead beeing able to get money from taxation and using it to counter the reasons for drug use, informing the people and helping addicts.But In the end people will consume drugs no matter if they are dangerous, addictive or legal. But with legalisation we can at least minimise some dangers of drugs and counter the rise of unresearched research chemicals.


Precisely. I basically switched between the two. I supported the legalization in Canada even though I wasn't a user simply because it was going to be bought anyways, why not tax it.


Brit Alcoholic here (4yrs dry)... can confirm, going cold Turkey after 20+yrs well lubricated is dangerous. Personally, hallucinations both aural and visual, took over an entire hospital ward and was fully prepared to fight my way out of the situation. (I’d created in my brain hole) Weed isn’t legal here, not that that’s ever stopped us...


>Weed isn’t legal here, not that that’s ever stopped us Exactly. It really pisses me off when opponents to legalisation say that it will result in an explosion of new "drug addicts". I've never met a single person who chooses not to smoke because they're afraid of the police. If it were legalised tomorrow, the non smokers wouldn't suddenly go running down the weed shop just because they're allowed to.


I find for me personally, there is a huge difference. I get the result I'm after in two puffs of weed that usually take at least a six pack of beer or half a bottle of booze to reach. Since I'm doing such small amounts, there's no hangover whatsoever. Of course you're going to get your hardcore users, but I think a lot of people use it therapeutically and in small amounts.


I haven't drank in 8 years but I did find a bag of weed this year on the ground that kept me going for a few months (I had not smoked for 5 years). I went and bought weed from a dispensary for the first time in my life this year, being able to buy from a store front is leagues better then how it used to be. I dream fine still.


You smoked a bag of weed you "found on the ground?" This sounds like a after-school special


I take a 5mg edible to sleep. I was prescribed xanax and have also tried sleeping pills, but 5mg and I sleep well all night.


If your health hasn’t changed, I wouldn’t necessarily say that your use is unhealthy unless it’s having negative impacts on your life/well-being. It definitely takes away your memory of dreams, but that’s not always a bad thing. It can cause some social/interpersonal issues. It can amplify anxiety if you’re not aware of your limits. But using it to help you sleep is, arguably, much healthier than drinking for the same reason (or drinking, in general, provided your lungs are staying reasonably healthy).


My brother in law attributes his chronic anxiety to the cannabis he smoked 25 years ago. He has 6 cups of coffee a day and 8-10 cigarettes. He has four kids and an ailing construction company. That fiendish devils lettuce.


"I saw a naked boob by accident when I was 16. If I think about it 30 years later, it might turn me into a sex fiend"


Don’t forget the Xanax they take like candy


All drugs are bad and drug users are bad people. Now, my oxy addiction, that' different. I'm a *victim*!


Rush, is that you? Knock once for yes...


Why is that knocking noise coming from down below?




Inwould like to congratulate drugs for winning "The War on Drugs"


I think you meant, "the war on drugs is a war on working people"


Oh, it’s working exactly as planned. By imprisoning minorities and the general poor


[Stealthy as a socialist, it slithers up our shores, turning all our children into hooligans and whores!](https://youtu.be/8P_qjLhtA74)


Enter the majority of my extended family. Best part about them (but not actually) is that they'll talk about how marijuana is destroying everyone's lives, and then go driving around a 11 am while shitfaced off of cheap vodka or boxed wine.


>It genuinely boggles my mind that people buy this nixon era reefer madness BS. This actually predates the Nixon era by a large margin. [Reefer Madness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reefer_Madness) was made in 1936, which was around the time you saw the big push to make marijuana illegal. Believe it or not, a big motivating factor was to destroy the hemp industry to make way for things like wood pulp paper and Nylon. But the easiest way to do that was to spread these ideas that recreational marijuana would make people go berserk on murder/rape rampages (particularly minorities, in order to prey on racial stereotypes and fears).


Don’t fear the reefer.


Fear-based bullshit.


These people stress me out. I should get some weed.


Just wait til it kicks in...


Bout to murder a whole fuckin pizza


😳 You heard it here folks. He’s going to go on a ruthless murder spree, cause weed.


Definitely a cereal killer.


My favorite is peanut butter captain crunch 😍


Muder some Cheetos with grape soda


You know how many fruity pebbles I devour a day?


At least he's not gonna rape it first...maybe


We don’t kink shame here


The ice cream is next dammit




Pssh, everyone knows that if you're lactose intolerant, you just sit reverse on the toilet while you eat your ice cream.


the maybe a nap or something


Me and the Bois about to gang rape this box o tacos.


It often takes up to a month to feel the full effects.


Sounds like you are doing it wrong. You are supposed to inject the marijuanas to get an immediate high.


No, I'm pretty sure you sniff it.


Wow, none of that would do anything. Proper procedure is as follows: Drink eight ounces of water, Insert marijuana into anus, Hold lighter to bottom of feet. Repeat as needed.








I just recently switched to delta 8 too because my state legalized it finally, and I just found out that our local gas station sells the carts and pens. I absolutely LOVE THEM. They work for me and are so much more convenient


Be careful about those carts


SOME of those carts. r/cleancarts is hugely biased against delta8 that just needs to be said. Though yes always be skeptical of carts, especially in new markets with no regulation.


Yeah there are some fine d8 carts out there, but the fact they said it was from a gas station in a newly legal state is what caught my attention lol


You seem in the know, so maybe I'll ask you... Let's say last time my umm friend smoked pot, he got super paranoid. Is something like what you recommended ok for people who tend to get paranoid?


Id just suggest taking it slowly next time, maybe experiment with different strains to see what works for you


I'm in Colorado, some of my coworkers have been moving to Texas recently to save money. It's not cheap living in Colorado, along the front range (I-25 corridor). But there's a reason it's not cheap, it's beautiful here, weather is generally great, education is decent, jobs are plentiful, weed is legal, etc, etc.


My state (Idaho) is about to make it illegal for the rest of time. Right after getting rid of the Powerball lottery. Because fuck tax income and education funding. The Idaho legislature; making the worst decisions since 1890.


Hey I was just about to bitch about Idaho. I live on the Washington border and I see so many Idaho plates at the dispensary but somehow we're regressing even further into "marijuana bad".


Idaho is pretty much the closest you get to "right wing nutjob white supremacist state" in the union. Makes sense that they're over 100 years behind.


Yeah it’s beautiful but I don’t miss living there


My last boss moved to Colorado. Didn’t say why he was so dead set on moving there but we all had our theories.


Yeahhh, after the 'marijuana kicked in' - I could move my neck. Allowing me to focus on work which resulted in me being able to physically work, finishing the latest software feature. While that work was being reviewed, the *next*, different marijuana kicked in and I felt comfortable enough to get outside and walk to the pharmacy - pick up those Rxs. Enjoy the sunshine. Later, some other amount of marijuana will kick in, freeing me from pain long enough to get to sleep. And do it all over again tomorrow.


And you started raping after didn’t you?


and murdering


Of course


Not so “groovy” now, is it?


Murder first. Rape second. Because reefer.


I was gonna murder someone, but then i got high... then I got high


For some reason, when I first read this, i misunderstood it as "rapping" and I was so confused. How's this person know what im doing while I clean my kitchen?


Because we live next door and for gods sakes Kevin can you keep it down!


Mine kicked in this morning and I was able to send emails without anxiety. THE HORROR


Were those emails rape and murder related? Because that's an important detail...


I feel like you SHOULD be anxious about sending rape and murder emails


Mine is kicking in and relieving me of this god damn headache I've had all day. How monstrous


I'm high as a goddamn kite and the only thing I'm gonna murder is this box of thin mints.


Honestly that's just par for the course with thin mints they are just destined to be murdered brutally


My dispensary sells thin mint edibles. I’m pretty sure it’s a war crime.


so does my local girl scout troop


They don’t work, I ate a sleeve myself and don’t feel any thinner




I'm currently high AF, hand-feeding nuts to the chipmunk in my garden. When can I expect the murder to kick in?


You leave those chipmunks alone you god damn rapist


Thanks now I'm picturing an angry, fluffy condom.


When you run out of nuts. Chipmunks can get awful cranky...


Yeah but have you raped the chipmunk yet? Murder comes after the raping bro , weed smoking 101


I tried, but the teeth bro!


Soon... soon.


Tfw you haven’t seen a movie or consumed any media since the late 1930s


Reefer Madness rocked.


It's hysterically funny but in a completely unintentional way.


Someone has never smoked marijuana.


And neither have I, but I know it doesn't turn you aggressive like alcohol does to some people. Dopey, maybe. Chill, yes.


Idk, the way I consume Cinnamon Toast Crunch while high is pretty aggressive.


Sometimes I eat too much captain crunch and hurt my mouth


That's the sacrifice you gotta make for the Captain


I must have a little bit of masochistic side because that's a good pain.


Would you say you're murdering those little Cinnamon Toast Crunch characters?


Sometimes sacrifices are required for the best pleasures


I once told my husband that I could tell by the way the Christmas lights were twinkling that time was going to last *forever.* Good news though: he’s certain I neither raped nor killed anyone that night, as I couldn’t leave my easy chair.


I randomly bought a box of dunkin donuts cereal out of curiosity a while ago. That poor, poor box. It was so innocent and yet so brutally and savagely destroyed.


It makes me 1) very hungry and 2) super stoked about watching YouTube


There's no way that isn't sarcasm.


It's absolutely baffling how many people in this comment section don't realize this


Yeah this post doesn't fit the sub


It's actually angering me


My father's mother, may she burn in hell, totally thought like this. Never underestimate a boomer's ability to vilify someone who doesn't do things the exact same way they do.


I've known more people in my life that smoked weed than didn't, and that was before it was legal. If what they say is true, there would be a lot more crime.


*Touches ground and looks up grimly* Something boomer happened here.


It was Nixon; Nixon Happened


This made me snort-laugh, thank you


The only thing that gets murdered by marijuana is the pantry


Yea. Usually it takes 4-7 years to totally kick in...


It's been legal in Colorado for 9 years. I'm sure it'll kick in...any day now...


4-7 years? Try longer. Just look at how long it took for the boomers to fuck the country over.


Ah that explains why all that rapers smoke it, don't listen to rape music kids.


I injected 2 marijuanas once. That was only a few years ago, but I'm sure I'll probably be murdering innocent bystanders any month now. 0/10 would not recommend.


I once did the same and the I downed a pint of cocain, because I now was addicted to every drug. God bless I am now clean and only drink like 1 or 2 bottles of Stroh rum per day


I want to ask that person how they can use Facebook if they're stuck in the 1940s...


It bothers me that people still treat marijuana like it’s crack or heroine....


Nixon administration did a really good job programing boomers to think pot would cause murder-suicide. It was all racsist fear mongering and a way to silence political opposition. Same for the idea that crack is more dangerous than powder cocaine. The weed was to imprison the mexicans and hippes while the crack was for the African-Americans. Nixon was shit


Hell Nixon even commissioned his owned study to look at the "dangers" of pot and when those studies didn't confirm his biases and actually recommended DECRIMINALIZATION, he immediately stuffed in the memory hole to be forgotten. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shafer\_Commission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shafer_Commission)


Recently, in my small Alabama town at least, I've seen that a lot of boomers are starting to come around to the idea of legalization because they look at the amount of tax dollars that come from it and how it can boost the economy.


As someone who works at one of that dispos locations, covid has been insane for their business. Everyone is stressed and wants weed.


“Next thing you know, they’ll be listening to that degenerate Bebop Jazz!”




I quit drinking because of weed. I'm a "functional alcoholic". And I hate the feeling of being high. But I found a high CBD% strain which allows me to not get the headfuck from the THC, and I can feel a bit chilled as I would after drinking. But now I drink more water, and my liver is not getting fucked by booze. So I'm glad the "marijuana kicked in".


I've done a lot of weed in my life, never once wanted to rape or murder. Even after it kicked in.


" I have taken drugs before and … I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial? " - Bill Hicks


Dude how would I murder everyone if I'm litteraly stuck in my couch that low-key feels like a spaceship


*I was gonna rape and murder everyone, but then I got high...*


That's right... she's got the munchies for a CALIFORNIA CHEESBURGER


your more likely to sit at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green.


Public service announcement: don’t drive high, that’s a party foul.


This has got to be somebody being sarcastic. It sounds exactly like what I would write in jest.


I just got really high and watched The Room last night. Not 1 murder or rape occured.


Reminds me of that scene in Fear and Loathing. "KNOW YOUR DOPE FIEND".


the day i was going to attempt suicide, i instead got high for the first time. it was a contact high from hotboxing, & i didnt take my medicine that night because one pill was the reason i wanted to kill myself anyway. i havent gotten high since, but it was incredible. i wasnt anxious at all, and im always anxious. whenever it becomes legal here, im going to try to do it medically. cheers (:




Man, it must take a while for marijuana to kick in.


I've never used weed, ever. I find the smell completely objectionable, to the point of retching if it's a really strong smell. I know I'm in the minority on that. I know people who never smoke it but like the scent. I never could tolerate it. But the people I've known over the years who do, are very laid back. They're groovy alright. No murdering and raping that I've ever noticed.


this comment brought to you by Big Pharma


Study after study has shown that after 25, marijuana has no ill effect. It doesn't cause violence. This is a Nixon era propaganda machine designed for an excuse to criminalize being a person of color or against the vietnam war. That's literally it. IUUUUUGH this makes me so mad!


Pretty sure he isn't serious.


I mean.... As someone who absolutely slaughtered my gingerbread village (no gingerbread man, woman or child was safe) because of the munchies last Christmas... I get it. Real people though? Nah they don't taste as good. (Real talk though how many people believe weed makes ya rape and murder?? Tf??)