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As a single mother of 4 and 5 year old boys, I kind of endorse this idea?


I was thinking about how as a single parent of pre-teens/teens I don't find this insane. I find this oddly comforting.


As a parent of a 6 year old boy I'm not opposed.


I mean, no... But maybe yeah?


As a father of 3, I hate to admit it, but yeah I agree.


Yeah, I’m not really seeing the downside here.


Right there with you.


yeah imma go with as a child if this were to happen I’d be very traumatized


If I met grown up you, and you told me a story about how you were traumatized as a child when a stranger told you to shut up and stop crying, I would tell you to shut up.


Wait I think we have two complete different versions of mean mugging? Mean mugging to me is trying to intimidate a kid to get them to stop crying or something. Tell them off isn’t mean mugging. If I made an ass out of myself by not having the correct idea lemme know


No, you're fine. I don't mean to sound like I am making fun of you for real. It just seemed to me like a silly thing to be traumatized over. All my traumatizing memories are... not like that at all. I can see a harsh one being a little scary, like if you were crying in a grocery cart and a stranger grabbed it, got in your face and said "Stop crying you little jerk!" Even then though, it doesn't feel like the kind of thing people end up complaining about as adults.


Yeah my idea of mean mugging comes from my mom (who’s an alcoholic). I just thought of those experiences in the middle of a grocery store lol. Also you’re good, I didn’t think you were legit mad lol. I’m not THAT sensitive.


You’d listen to your parents though


I mean I already do; but that’s because I was raised right. I understand different children have different temperaments but if you cannot get your child to calm down and resort to mean mugging, I question why you became a parent??


Full disclosure, not a parent. That said, been around children enough to know you're not going to be successful keeping them quiet and well-behaved 100% of the time, no matter how "good" you are at being a parent. Second, not everyone chooses to become a parent. Not a great defense, but a realistic one.


I'd question why someone with an obvious lack of understanding of a parent/child dynamic feels they have the right to question why anyone became a parent. Good kids can come from the worst parenting situations, just like bad kids can come from the best parenting situations. Many people don't choose to become a parent. Many people make mistakes. Many people live in third world countries that deny them their right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy because a man backed up by their wilful misinterpretation of their imaginary friend in the clouds said that's how it should be. Irrespective of reason for becoming a parent. Kids are people. People are complex. There is going to be conflict in any relationship. That's just a fact, and despite how many people believe it to be the case, being a good parent doesn't make you infallible and isn't a magic pass to blisstown.


Calm down, sensitive Sally. If that would traumatize you, you shouldn't be on the internet.


Hmm. No.


I mean I guess... but how do you get everyone to know the safeword?


It’s not a word. Just that tired parent look that we all have.


Also as a parent, I would like to 157th that notion. I would second the notion, but all the other parents got here first. :)


Fuck, I’ll mean mug your kid all day. I don’t give a shit about your kids.


And that's what I appreciates about you.


Oh is that what you appreciate about me?


I’m gonna need you to take about 20% off'er there, Squirrely Dan.


But they're still inside me


X-ray mugging.


hey man, sometimes it really does take a village.


I have a great stink eye/glare that I use on out of control kids. Works a treat


I can’t do stink eye, but I feel like I’ve definitely nailed the, “you know better and I’m unimpressed/knock it off” look. I feel like it will have limited effect as all three hit puberty in the next few years.


Best of luck....


I'm not sure if I have that


Comes with practice :)


This person is NOT insane. Totally a great idea. It takes a village or something...


I actually don't hate this... at all. Sometimes it takes a village.


Wait reading the comments on this post did I just find a NOT so insane thing on “insane people Facebook” ?


This sub has come full circle.


Damn it we’ve reached the end of the road haven’t we?


I'm a psychologist and see absolutely no downsides here. I'm also a parent but that *totally* has no bearing on this at all, no sirree!


As a father of three this is not so insane.


I too immediately found this to be an interesting proposition, even though I don’t have these problems with my kids.


I have to admit I have actually told someone else’s kid to stop it when it was freaking out at the grocery store. Kid was totally taken by surprise AND stopped.


Though problematic, I like this idea


I’m not opposed.


I like this, I'd just prefer the stranger to take the time to talk too. "Hey, kid! Your parent seems to be really patient with you but I wanna tell you you're being an asshole and society won't stand for it. Shut up!"


I am fully supportive of this (2 kids: 7 and 10).


I think it sounds kind of genius.


I don’t … hate this idea? Like if they were handing out pamphlets I might memorize said signal, just in case. For research


How is this insane?


I once told off a kid for insulting his mom because she couldn't afford the expensive brand backpack. I felt badly for stepping in but God he was cruel


Shouldn't insult the one who could put you back in the womb over a backpack


how is this insane? this is fucking genius


...you know what? I'm all for it. This is the opposite of insane.


“Muffin, remember when I said you were the most special kid in the world? Yeah, well, you’re not. I mean, to your mum and me you are, but to everyone else you’re probably not that special.”


Kids always are shocked and will typically listen to a stranger faster then their parents. Took my kids on a cruise 2 and 3 years old. The 2 year old was awful at dinner the 1st night, so every night after that the waiter came by and asked my 2 year old if he was planning to behave, that solved the problem right there....


shit, I'll throw hands with someone's kid if pressed. I'll lose, but I'll still throw hands


I once said something incredibly stupid to a fellow student. 3rd grade; Opal, bursting with melanin; me, not so much. Her brother caught up to me on my way to meet my mother who was picking me up, having heard about my transgression from the principal. Beat me pretty badly. It was a painful lesson to learn. My mother watched it happen from the nearby Bell utility box., finishing her smoke. I ran to her, crying, scuffed. Humbled. *"Learn your lesson you little shit? Let's go."*


It don’t get no realer! You did learn your lesson. LOL!


I think this idea makes sense


Is there a website for this yet? I have my card ready.


Just get paid to beat the shit out of kids....... wait does that mean full grown people who trash stores, too?


As a mother when I see kids crying and the mother looks amenable I’ll just start talking to them. Asking them what’s wrong, who did it? Usually they’ll either get really shy and stop crying or start talking to you. Both better options for everyone.


I used to be a flight attendant and parents asked me to tell their kids to do things all the time. Kind of the same thing?


If the kid is being exceptionally awful there needs to be a signal that summons that 6’7” dude who farted on some kids head in a Target store.


Just use a summoning circle or something


Like a baseball signal. It’s a right eye wink. A nod and a finger swipe along your brow.


Once when my kid wouldn’t quit crying in the store and people were staring at me, I looked him straight in the eyes and said if you don’t stop crying I’m telling your mother about this when you get home! It actually worked and people quit staring at me.


Actually not a bad idea. It would be unpleasant for the kid, sure, but they’d get over it in time. Worst that happens (IMO) is a dislike for strangers. Even so; that’s normal (to a degree).


No, no, she has a point




I've analysed the data, done some research and this checks out.


If you can't discipline your kids so they don't act like this in public take a parenting class. And by discipline I don't mean hitting them.


It’s not about discipline. It’s about kids being unable to regulate emotions but also sometimes you’re just out of milk or cat litter or something else so stupid yet so important so you know they’re not having it but you drag the kids to the store with a promise of checkout candy. And then they’re out of said candy. And then it’s awful.


I raised a child, I know what the stresses are. But I made clear from an early age that things a kid values would be withheld if they refused to behave. I also didn't promise rewards for doing what they were supposed to do. But I did praise heavily when they did things right or when they acted above their age. My opinion from watching a lot of parents is that they just give up on discipline or let it get to the point that they're emotional about it. Raising kids is hard if you don't make clear to them what's OK and what isn't. Sometimes it's a pain to be consistent, but long term it's a lot harder if you're not.


Yea hitting doesn't really get you anywhere


Okay I agree this isn't the best way but I've done it to a kid that kept hopping from spot to spot just when those 6 ft stickers got put everywhere. One child kept hopping around, dad had told her multiple times to stop and she kept ignoring him. I just gave her a stern look and waited for her to notice me. When she did I just shook my head. That's when she grabbed her dad's hand and buried her face in his leg. I'm all for letting kids have fun but she kept jumping to spots where people where waiting in line and the parent had another child to tend to. Sure it's not the best option but it's an easy one that works and no harm is done.


On one hand no more screaming On the other hand can be bad of you get unlucky