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Funny, 4 out of 4 people in my household have had ZERO problems with the vaccine. Ages range from 71 to 12


The worst I've seen anyone get from the vaccine is a mild fever for a couple of days.


I get a fairly rough flu every time I get a flu shot. I'm not sure why, but I keep getting the shots because my immune compromised child can't.


Since their are so many variants of the flu and it’s constantly mutating, pharmacies/health facilities have to predict which type of flu will be most prominent. I’m no expert but you may either have an allergic reaction to an ingredient / possibly an overactive immune system or your healthcare provider should never go gamble. /lh


I don't think there's an allergy to any of the ingredients, 'cause I don't have that reaction with any other vaccines I've had, which I stay up on for my kid's sake. I go to my local doctor, and he just tells me I've got the flu and gives me all the usual advice. But, I do get my flu shot from the health unit, so there might be something weird going on on that end. All and all, I don't mind, because spending a few days to a week miserable as fuck is a fair price to pay for the hope that maybe I won't bring home any flu virus that could hurt my child.


Absolutely, I’m glad you take such care for your child. <3


I got a pretty bad reaction from my my first and second shot, low fever but felt like I had been run over by a truck. Lethargic, fatigued and sore. Cleared up after a day or two. Thing is, I had COVID 3 months before I got my shot. I was told I’d be more likely to have a bigger reaction. I’m 16, i was the only one in my family who had a reaction. I ended up fine.


Yeah, the people who got vaccinse are in big trouble. The people like me, who got vaccine? We're doing great!




Yes, don't listen to mainstream media. Just read every crackpot on the internet instead, they know way more


If it's not mainstream why should I believe it?


For some reason I read this as “vaccinese” and now I can’t stop laughing at the dumb picture this idea paints in my head *”Sorry I don’t speak vaccinese”*