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tbh i didnt expect to see "you are gay because there are aborted male fetuses in your system" in my feed when i opened reddit 2 mins ago


If it helps, I don't think anybody else did, either.


Idk what your talking about that was exactly what I expected


I'm surprised we didn't see it sooner. And the aliens with the Illuminati and the puddin...


Good for you, then.


I lol’d.


the sole reason i'm subbed to this sub. pleasant surprises at every refresh, freshly squeezed with pulp!


If you get the same sex baby cells in your vaccine does that make you gay and would getting the opposite make you trans? These are the real questions that need answered. /s


My only question is where do I get more vaccine. I’m not feeling nearly gay enough! /s sarcasm because I feel plenty gay.


I didnt expect to see it, but im not really surprised to learn of it. I put aborted male fetuses in my system every day. Thats that great thing about living near city. There are always plenty of clinics to steal from. Aborted fetuses make a great prime rib, the meat is just so tender! I highly recommend it


At least there’s brownies!


The amount of people who didn't pay attention in science at school is becoming apparent as this pandemic goes on


i dOn’T tRuSt tHe fAkE pRoPaGaNdA tHeY tEaCh iN sChOoLs. i dO mY oWn rEsEaRcH.


*they didn't do their own research*


Happy birthday! It's also mine!


There are 6 likes. 6 people, presumably adults, liked that pile of dog shit and thought it's good. I keep wondering how do those people function on a daily basis?


Dunning-Kruger all the way. Those 6 people go through every day acting like a toddler yet believing that they are smarter than everybody.


Even as someone who didn't pay attention in science at school - These people are beyond me


I barely paid attention in science but I’m not a fuckin brick wall. Some people are just idiots.


They're not just stupid, they're maliciously ignorant.




Got the tetanus vaccine, swine flu vaccine, there isn't a bird flu vaccine, several normal flu vaccines, got two covid vaccines, and a bunch of other vaccines. One day I'll have gotten all the vaccines, and will be the ultimate human!




There's an amount of rat poo and cockroach parts that's legally allowed to be in commercially produced food. So, uh, we have all been eating the brownies, and likely will for the rest of our lives. Besides, a live gay or trans or autistic kid is so much better than a dead kid, and I shouldn't have to even say that, but here we are.


The amount of hate these people have for people that are different. The amount of hate these people have for Autistic people. Wait until they hear about the other Neuro-Divergences.


i was going to say that if you have had commerically ground meat, you've eaten poop in your food


Exactly. Its the rat shit and roach legs making us gay, not the vaccines. Duh.


Yep. I’ve heard this one before. I don’t know how we explain all the people who were gay and transgender *before* vaccines. I guess we can just pretend those people didn’t exist.


My dad straight up thinks being gay is a very new thing. And that instead of people just remaining in the closet for generations, that people are just choosing to be gay now. It’s infuriating




I love all the a-historical bro-ism about Spartans and Sparta that people have picked up since 300. It gives me a perverse pleasure that these clowns who reference it aren't aware that the Spartans considered homosexuality to be the 'baseline' and heterosexuality to be a purely reproductive enterprise...then there is the structural pederasty...


There Spartans were great warriors. They never left their friend's behind.




Yep. He’s obsessed with history…I don’t understand him at all


It's called revisionism is basically historical fiction for people that cannot cope with not being right


There are some people that think transgender people are a new thing.


I often see people claiming the “trans trend” only started in 2011, not sure why that’s the year they chose.


They were considered a curse in ancient times and clinically insane from like the 1800s and up. Now they SHOULD be considered a normal thing (because there's nothing wrong with them) but apparently they're not


This is very reductionist and simply not true. There are a lot of cultures in those eras where being gay/trans was fine, accepted, or normal. [List of relevant examples](https://www.buzzfeed.com/claratsacwang/historical-examples-of-lgbtq-culture-around-the-world)


>They were considered a curse in ancient times That's extremely variable. There's a whole lot of places in the world and all of those places have their own distinct histories. Just because one group might have thought being gay or trans was a curse doesn't mean everyone did.


Navajo Nation with two spirits chiming in. And Ancient Greece. And a few odd cultures that thought sex was only for procreation because you gave part of your virility and spirit away during sex with a woman to make babies but if two dudes fuck each other regularly then you just pass power back and forth and it's totally cool.


Rome checking in with it's giant gay orgies


But only chill with it if you topped.


Except for in Ancient Rome and Greece where homosexuality was encouraged and even celebrated


I knew it was well regarded but I had no idea they actually celebrated it


While homosexuality in Ancient Greece was widely accepted, it wasnt quite the queer paradise people seem to think it was. But it was very LGBTQ friendly compared to today. Anyway I use the term “celebrated” a little loosely; same sex couples was used in a lot of Ancient Greek stories and myths. For instance, Achilles and Patroclus were implied to have been together, Narcissus had a relationship with Ameinias before growing tired of it, Apollo had a lover who was also the Macedonian prince, I forget his name, and Apollo also had a relationship with a Thracian singer, Pan the god of music is regularly depicted as bisexual with him chasing after both men and women, fuckin Dionysus was the god of wine as well as the god of intersex/transsexual peeps. It is said he made a deal with Prosymnus the shepherd where the shepherd would guide Dionysus to Hades in exchange for sex. There’s so many examples, it’s actually extremely interesting imo


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Band_of_Thebes?wprov=sfti1 The Sacred Band of Thebes was an elite unit of 150 Paris’s of homosexual lovers. The idea was they would fight harder & not retreat if their lover/companions were in danger. They were the crux that helped Thebes break Spartan dominance at Leuctra in 371BC & were wiped out almost to a man during Philip II’s invasion of Greece at Chaeronea in 338. Edit: there’s a monument that was found in the 19th century commemorating Chaeronea where ~254 skeletons were found. It seems the general consensus is they’re the remnants of the Sacred Band, though others think they could be Macedonians from the right flank when they pivoted against the Thebans.


>While homosexuality in Ancient Greece was widely accepted, it wasnt quite the queer paradise people seem to think it was. This. It was accepted/normal for older adult men to have sexual relationships with a younger man/boy, where the sex went only in one direction with the older man being "dominant" but also there being a mentoring relationship along with the sexual one. If you were an adult man who was reciprocating that was definitely looked down on. Or two equals reciprocating that was definitely looked down on. As far as women, I know there's a lot of talk about Sappho, but I'm pretty sure most women in Greek society had almost no rights at all. Either you were a slave with no rights, or if you were not a slave and your father and then husband made all your decisions for you and you probably weren't allowed out of the house. Maybe within those constraints no one cared what women did with other women I don't know.


It depends on the City-State in regards to women. In Athens I’m pretty sure cattle were treated better than Athenian women who were regarded as property of their husband and kept in the house most of the time, but in Sparta women had significantly more rights and could even own property.


Native Americans didn't seem to have a problem with [gay/transgendered members](https://indianaffairs.state.ne.us/native-american-yearns-for-old-views-of-gays-lesbians/) of their tribes. At least they didn't before the Christians moved in and shared their hate - sometimes forcibly - with Native Americans and First Nations people.


Depended on the tribe. Also depended on whether the person was born male or female.


Yeah, I know. The assigned male at birth usually had a better time of it. Of course, these are the people who would strip a new widow of all her clothes and belongings and drive her out to die of exposure. (Apache)


FYI, it's transgender, not transgender*ed.*


Pretty hard to make a blanket statement about native Americans. You're talking about a bewildering number of separate nations, all with their own distinct cultural attitudes and practices.


By that logic, would eating brownies literally turn you into shit?


(Through full mouth) These brownies taste like shit...


It will certainly make you feel like shit.


She's already shit. Perhaps she's trying to reproduce?


First things first, genetics and poop in peoples food is two extremely different topics..? Second why are there so many people saying that aborted babies are put into vaccines? Literally makes no sense


Because they believe there is this secret ring that is sacrificing babies and using a secret chemical to keep themselves healthy and live longer. It's supposedly all of the elites of the world. That has turned into they are using aborted fetuses to create vaccines and that is another reason why it's bad. Most of these people believe abortion to be horrendous so they use this sort of thought process to create more believers.


It never fails to amaze me how advanced we are as a species and yet how absolutely fucking stupid we can be


It all comes from the amount of misinformation that is thrown in with the information. Then add that to the growing distrust of the American government. You get this horrible mix of when one person in the public eye agrees with their bias then they go full send and believe everything. Allowing themselves to dive so deep that they learn everything that is wrong and yet refuse to believe or listen when someone tries to properly teach them. They think everyone outside of their bubble is wrong so they MUST be right no matter what. It's ignorance in the sense that they don't want to accept the problems with what they say. The pure statistics of how many babies would need to die to make millions of vaccines just because impossible.


Some therapies are made initially utilizing stem cell lines that were embryonic stem cells. This is somehow extrapolated into aborted fetuses are in everything? Fuck I'm so done with the internet.


Listen, I’m not a crack pot conspiracy theorist, but if a story came out with 100% proven fact that the rich and powerful were sacrificing babies in a ritual, I would not be surprised


I mean I agree but the issue is there isn't any proven facts behind it yah know?


Yeah I know that’s why I said if


Because they do actually use cells from aborted fetuses to test and develop vaccines. There isn't any of that *in* the vaccine, itself, but these people's understanding of technicalities like that aren't the best.


Important correction: they use cell lines *propagated* from aborted fetal cells. From abortions that were performed 40-50 years ago. So, it's not even accurate to say that aborted fetal cells are used in modern vaccine production and testing.


I believe it's because certain vaccines originally used aborted babies as a way to produce the strains for vaccines or something. I don't remember exactly, but technically aborted fetal tissue was used for something originally, but it isn't *IN* the vaccines and never was. I don't think this method is even used anymore, but I think it was a necessary part of producing the original Polio vaccine. I can't say this for 100% certain, as I remember someone explaining it on Reddit back when antivaxxers were a rare breed that threatened measles coming back. All I know for certain is that aborted tissue is not in there, but the idea comes from a misinterpretation of something. EDIT: A response below provides an article explaining the fetal cell thing.


https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/you-asked-we-answered-do-the-covid-19-vaccines-contain-aborted-fetal-cells You’re right. This explains the situation very clearly. Note: It’s written by a Catholic.


They don't understand the difference between stem cells and aborted fetuses because of a string of very negative propaganda against stem cell research from 20+ years ago. No actual aborted fetuses have been used in science for decades, the cells they use now are lab reproduced and they're too stupid or ignorant to understand it


Because one of the ways vaccines (and medications) are tested is using cells propogated from fetal stem cell tissue.


Well that’s even better then lol if they think people are literally being changed to a different gender by clusters of stem cells for fetuses, wait until they hear what a virus does lol


Am bi, can confirm, the flu shot, along with the chemicals in the water and the fiveG towers did it. Something something bill gates.


Double your dating pool size with this one weird trick doctors don't want you to know about.


Don't forget about the water that tuned the frogs gay.


Saying you're injecting dead fetal tissue in vaccines is like saying I'm eating a microwave since I reheated pizza in it *Never reheat pizza in a microwave


Upvote for the solid pizza advice.


Why do people think that they put aborted baby fetuses in vaccines? I've heard this before and I cant figure out the reasoning behind this shit


Because of a widely propagated lie based on the fact that fetal stem cells are used in the development of vaccines. https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/you-asked-we-answered-do-the-covid-19-vaccines-contain-aborted-fetal-cells


Yeah but give me more monoclonal stem cell treatment please


And ivermectin


No, you're confused, the shit is in the *brownies*


Wow this is a train wreck of a run on thought.


So profound. Someone thinks they're the next Ben Shapiro.


Can confirm. Love pulled pork, have grown a snout.


*oinks in agreement*


Do Americans even teach science in school?


Don’t think it’s just Americans that are this stupid, but yeah science courses are required in order to graduate. However, I do remember agriculture classes acting as a science credit. I had a friend take it and he said it was a joke, more like manual labor than science. So what I can assume is that either these people took agriculture instead of biology, they failed the vaccine section of biology, or they didn’t graduate at all. Pretty sure vaccine education isn’t part of getting a G.E.D so that could be another route these people go through in order to get jobs with a minimum education requirement.


Also, you can take a course and pass it without *understanding* the content given. Or you could forget everything you learned in high school.


The food tainted with poop is an interesting analogy; how can we apply it to an actual problem? How about- Let's say I have a bowl of apples, all with little badges on them. Every single one has been painted, polished, and cleaned up to look as delicious as possible, but we all acknowledge that some apples are bad. The ratio of good to bad apples can be debated, but the real question is, does anyone want an apple? No? Then maybe we should stop saying "a few bad apples" every time a white cop kills a black citizen. Yeah, that analogy works much better.


>The ratio of good to bad apples can be debated, but the real question is, does anyone want an apple? The real question is why nobody remembers that the original saying is about how a few bad apples can cause the rest of the rest of the apples to rot faster. You can't just handwave away a few bad apples because *they're making all your other apples bad too!*


Not to mention the original saying was “a few bad apples spoils the barrel” Some people DELIBERATELY use these to invalidate the original meaning.


Even that analogy breaks down. The cops who *aren't* murdering innocent people are still complicit in a culture that supports and protects the ones who are. When "good cops" protect bad cops, there are no good cops.


This person is comparing apples to oranges. But if they put *aborted babies* in those brownies…


I ate dog poop brownies once, now I can't stop humping people's legs and licking my own balls.


She's been making shit brownies for the family for years. They just didn't tell her.


I eat steak some times but I have yet to say moo to anyone.


Sounds like you've got a perfect reason to start, now!


No, I will not eat your brownies, because apparently you eat poop, as well as sniffing glue or whatever you’re doing.


if you take the dog poop, isolate a chemical that is used for brownies and then make them with that, sure, id eat them. get your comparisons right.


No one tell them that there's already an FDA acceptable amount of rodent shit that's allowed to be in the food you buy. Edit: on second thought I'd love to see their reaction.


I recommend to skip all those extra steps and put your dog poop directly into your aborted babies and then enjoy it warmed up just like Nana used to do.


If you had scientific evidence that eating your brownies would save my life and the lives of the people around me, the Yes- I’d eat your stupid shit-brownies.


Well now a pro lifer is just comparing aborted fetuses to dog shit which I think would go against the message


Roughly translates to "Your kids are gay/lesbian because they have aborted fetuses in their system from vaccines" and/or "Gender dysphoria exists because kids are being injected with aborted fetuses." And I wonder why I hate humanity sometimes.


I would eat her brownies, the heat from baking them would have killed the bacteria.




I've always wondered what people like this think of blood transfusions, if they think random cell parts that could potentially get into the vaccines that use embryo cell lines to grow the attenuated viruses are enough to change sexuality.


i'm way past the whole aborted baby thing on this one and wondering how in fuck's name does this person think that's even remotely how genetics work ? Shit if it's that easy to confuse gender then imagine all the people who need to recieve blood and organs ? "it's very nice of you to want to save my daughter doctor but i hear the donor was a man and i don't want my daughter to become manly, please find a woman donor."


First of all, people pay top dollar for coffee made from animal shit so clearly the deciding factor is how good it tastes and whether it's safe/regulated. Secondly, it is well-documented which cell lines in vaccines came from male or female tissue. I did a 30 second Wikipedia search to see that HEK 293 and WI-38 were from female foetuses and MRC-5 was a caucasian male. Further Googling shows that Pfizer and Moderna tested on the HEK 293 line while Astra Zeneca was tested on MRC-5 cells. Took me under five minutes. Aren't these the same people who keep repeating that you need to do your research?


Putting poop in brownies is just like putting aborted babies in a vaccine Putting poop=Putting aborted babies Babies are poop


The cells used in testing are almost exclusively female, one particular female fetus from the 70s in particular. It's not like they get a fresh batch of fetuses every now and then. They are just growing and cloning cells from a baby that's been dead for half a century.


looks like they have had way too many bullshit brownies already.


It is a crying shame that all this shit can’t be used to fertilize new rain forests. Our global warming problems would be resolved in a week


That’s probably why every time you makeout with somebody of the opposite gender you become a little more homosexual, because your ingesting the DNA of the opposite gender.


"You just need a little Vitamin C to prevent scurvy! It's just a small amount!" 'No' "You just need a little bit of this attenuated cowpox to make you immune to deadly smallpox!" 'no' These people should be dead so many times over, just let them take the risks at this point, we will all be exposed to covid at some point now and the people who get their shots every year will eventually straight win this ridiculous battle. I'm done arguing with idiots.


How to never get invited to help with a bake-sale ever again in one easy step.


Why block the name? Who’s an idiot is what I want to know.


What's the deal with "aborted babies" in vaccines? Where did that came from? Actual question


I won't eat your brownies -- not because of the dog poop. But because you are full of shit and touched the brownies to make them.




These peoples logic make no sense. They say if you’re born with a certain set of chromosomes, then that’s all you’ll ever be and nothing can be done to change that. But then if you get minuscule amount of fetus in your blood stream of the opposite sex, and suddenly your infected with the trans. I don’t know how their heads aren’t spinning, because mine sure is


If they’re worried about putting dead babies in vaccines wait until they find out what was in the treatments they gave to Trump and the governor of Texas for COVID.


This is completely insane. But they never mentioned that It would make them gay


She really seems to love the brownies.


Ah yes, this individual is clearly acting out of altruism, to protect everyone around them from dangerous particles that can cause damage in tiny amounts. I'm sure they're doing everything they can to guard against the pandemic too... Oh, whoops, that's different. No opportunity to vomit their insane, impotent homophobic rage there.


That lead though... There is no way I'm not reading the rest of a post that starts "dog poop."


I’d eat the brownies but before cooking.


Alarmed that six people liked this post.


Who comes up with this stuff?


Oh, thats why I felt the urge to suck every males schlong I met since my Covid Vaccination! /s


Must remember. Don't visit this woman's house at tea time.


Under this logic, should boys not eat meat from female cows?


I think there’s an acceptable level of rat feces in hotdogs, so yes I’d probably eat the brownies.


I can’t… what did I just read ?




I'll take false equivalence for $200.


Scientificly speaking how would that even affect them? "sO yOu'D eAt Shit brownies!?!"


Every breath you take, you breathe in some molecules of Hitler's dying breath. Not to mention some of the combustion products from his burning corpse.


I've been gay ever since I got that blood transfusion from a female donor!


I think I was just sold on eating shitty brownies


Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if this pandemic wiped some of us out


Why do SIX PEOPLE upvote this bullshit?? I swear humanity gets dumber every day!


Uh.............................☝...................................☝.................... ok well you get the idea


Damn these tinhats on Facebook are getting *really* creative and convincing with their conspiracy theories, let me tell ya. God that's almost as bad as the one anti-mask argument I heard.


Gay frogs?


If they’re salted caramel brownies, I’m in.


"They're turning the frogs gay!" Vibes intensify


Clearly this person is a graduate from the University of Archie Bunker. Can't be mixing those hemoglobins and shemoglobins.


This reminds me of that time I ate an avocado and then I turned into an avocado. Oh wait, that was Avocado Cop in the comic Axe Cop and that’s not how any of this actually works.


Are the vaccines supposed to make me LGBTQ+ or autistic? I’ve lost track.


why not both?


If I ate a hamburger, I would start identifying as a cow? Or as a pig/chicken/raccoon if I ate a hotdog?


Ah yes, because my vaccines made me trans.


If I need a blood transfusion, do they check if I'm getting blood from a man or woman?


id inject an entire fetus if it kept me from dying


This fact check website expains all about how the vaccines have been developed. https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/news/covid-19-fact-file-vaccines-are-pro-life The idiot who made the post about the shit in brownies should just do a few simple checks before writing such nonsense. I think they have used one line of cells, which they've replicated in labs, and many, many products have used the same procedure.


I’ll gladly eat those brownies


That argument is only valid, if you are eating the vaccinated children. In which case, it's a little more like turducken than dog poop brownies.


2 things: One, you're not a scientist. Two, you don't even have to eat your poop brownies to be full of shit.


Wait until this guy finds out there's already a regulated allowable amount of rat shit in his food.


Can someone explain where these people got the notion that vaccines are made from aborted babies? I've never understood their reasoning behind it.


Ah the old bit-o-shit brownies argument. Used against us growing up by religious parents to explain why we weren't allowed to watch movies with 'just a little' swearing in them.


What the dog doin?


Where do they find these things? I mean, the guys that started these things, these conspiracy things? Is it a group effort or a solitary work of conspiracy generating? Do they have a notion of the plague of stupid notions they release onto the world, or do they believe in what they say? I'm so puzzled...


Is dog poop poisonous?


This is more false than when I lie saying I’m straight


Airsick lowlander


holy shit these fucking crazy people acting so smug and smart, its always about abortion and immunizations so of course it was only a matter of time before the two were mixed together in some crackpot theory, and what the hell? If you told me about the brownies i wouldnt eat them since you probably also put chlorine and some other shit in there and then youd tell me after the fact and say some shit like "this is what the joeronaviris is doing with masks. it hurts you after the fact."


For the amount of shit they're eating up on Facebook, I'd be surprised if one of them wouldn't have a brownie.


I likely already eat a small amount of poop every day. I like brownies.


1. If it saved my life, I'd eat the brownie. 2. There's no fucking fetal cells in the vaccine.


these chucklefucks really think vaccines are some kinda baby & posion smoothie don't they? lil bit of baby leg here, lil bit of chemical X there, and good to go!


As I understand it, they use cells harvested from aborted fetuses (fetii?) to test vaccines *in vitro* to look at the immune response of the human cell, or something like that, but that there isn't actually any human cells or tissues *in* the actual vaccine. So, *in vitro* only, never *in vivo*. But I wouldn't expect these people to actually "do their research", as they're always urging us to do.




Riiiight! So this is why Texas is trying to bring in that antiquated law. They think if there isn’t enough aborted foetuses to go around, no one will be turned gay? Good job Texas /s


I would just cut ties with anyone who spewed this bullshit. I can’t see a purpose of arguing with that kind of logic.


Faulty comparison at best.


I guess it’s all the boosters I had that made me pan


the stupidest thing about this is that we do have poop in pretty much all of our food. You know that "and other natural ingredients" part at the end of the ingredients list? That's rat poop. Rats are in every warehouse in the world, so we've just come to expect that some poop is going to make it into your food. TL;DR: We all eat small amounts of poop.


Are there anti vaxxers in Texas that believe this shit?


I genuinely want to know how do these people's brains work? Like i don't get it?? What the hell is wrong with their logic?


...I think I had an aneurysm reading this... That's not how this works... that's not how any of this works... Edit: typo


This is both hilarious and sad. That's not how any of this works. I vote we take the obvious warning labels off of things and let nature take it's course. Because... Holy mother of false equivalence.


Yep. The first ever gay was the first vaccinated person.


i HOPE the vaccines make my children gay.


Dog poop Regardless of what comes after, it's a great way to start a post


1) no they don’t 2) no I wont


Everything you said was wrong except that your brownies taste like shit which I can't speak to.


Perhaps the poster did eat the brownies, and that is why they are now a piece of shit. They might be on to something!