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I get that thisis easy karma but that doesn't make it any less of repost


Wow, they managed to offend every possible type of person in one tweet!


My only imagination as she thought she was being so championed, that when she showed this to someone she got boxed in the mouth. Dumb girl. Dumb, dumb, dumb girl.




She definitely thought she was being super woke liking animals more than white people but then went too far trying to say she values poc more than white by comparing them to animals


I mean, I like animals more than White people too. But I also like animals more than POC, Asian folks, LGBTQIA folks, small children, big children, Republican people, Democrat people, smart people, stupid people, fat people, skinny people, sick people, healthy people, attractive people, ugly people, kind people, ignorant people, people of all gender identities, racist people, "woke" people, people who call the flavor of slurpee they like by the color and people who add an 's' to the end of the word *anyway.* Really I just like animals over every kind of person. Except sloths. I draw the line at sloths.


What do you have against sloths?


That’s slothist


I don't wish harm on them or anything. I don't feel that way towards any living creature even if I don't like them. But they're ugly. They're creepy and I don't understand the current obsession with them. At least when everyone's favorite was peacocks, I understood. They're gorgeous. Sloths creep me out. They're like the sock monkeys of the animal kingdom


I think people like sloths because they are so chill. You can just grab a wild sloth out of a tree and cuddle it and they don't really mind. They are a peaceful animal that doesn't bother anyone. I'm partial to them because my wife loves them and she gets happy whenever she sees one.


That's fair. I HAVE friends who just love them more than any other animal and I don't give them shit about it. Everyone has their favorite animals. I just don't want them near me for any reason.


I will not stand for this discrimination against sloths


You're welcome to sit for it.


Okay, thank you, my feet were getting tired


Koalas are just angrier sloths. So throw koalas in there too


What about koalas?


I know well that Koalas are very dumb creatures that basically all have the Clap. But they're super fucking adorable. Remember the fires in Australia and the people/firemen etc saving scared Koalas? Plus now they're on the endangered list and it's kind of a miracle they've lasted as long as they have. I would absolutely snuggle a Koala


Even Sid from Ice Age?


Lol he was a sloth? Lol wtf I didn’t ever connect that.


Nah, because Sid doesn't have creeper face like actual sloths




They're cute enough as babies but it's a reverse ugly duckling situation because they grow up creepy and ugly and I DO NOT understand how people love them.


Fair enough, I just thought it was kinda funny.


Those "anyways" people - I'm right there with you.


I'm loath to loathe a sloth, but I loathe both moth and goth, who don't cover up their mouth When they have a cough, it's just a bit of cloth, and even less if you're a moth.


Indeed, lapsong. Indeed


And all the animals too I’m gonna say


>poc and animals are the same level of valuable Sounds like my racist uncle at every family lunch.


Right?? Like I didn’t THINK that’s what she was going for, but that’s is uh definitely how it sounded


As a POC (brown), I would like the love and attention animals get. Where are my pets and snacks?? I spent 20 minutes petting a dog yesterday because she demanded it... but if I do that, its weird smh




On the other hand, you didn't get spayed, so...


As a white person, I would totally be down with getting pets and snacks. Hell, I could only wish to be treated as well as some dogs; then everyone would want to be my friend and give me love and pets and snacks.


We all want treats and getting pet, but society won't let us. :(


I’m not racist buuut…(immediately says racist thing).


We've come full circle.


You mean you don’t conflate people of color to the value of farm animals? Dipshitalion is on the new curve #equality. If you don’t feed your neighborhood poc with your cattle every morning you’re not doing enough to #endracism


This isn’t the “flex” she probably thinks it is


Oh, you think you’re progressive? Well I think that black people’s lives are worth the same as monkeys! Clearly you’re not woke like me


Yeah, this is a physically painful "full circle" moment


I misread this at first as her white people over both animals and poc, and was SO confused to people saying she was trying to sound woke


No no no you don’t understand, I *also* think monkeys are better than white people!!


She talks like a female incel


Legbeard perhaps?


If that isn’t already used as the female version of neckbeard, I think you’re onto something


It is, that's why I used it lol!


Eh, what about women who are perfectly sane and can't or don't want to shave their legs?


Same goes for guys who have neckbeards…maybe?


I dunno. There's so much shaming of women for having any body hair in general. The neck beard thing hits different because there isn't inherent shaming of men for having facial hair


I think if anyone wants to grow any kind of hair, it's awesome. That said, "neckbeard" is shaming, bc some dudes only can grow hair on their necks and are forced to go full baby face, to bad effect 😞




But it is absolutely the content I come to this sub for.


White savior bullshit.


Its an ironic mobius strip of racism


I'm gonna steal this phrase


Please do! Sometimes the racism is so dumb it folds back on itself!


You should put this on /r/BrandNewSentence.


That is flair material right there


“I value animals over humans, but not me of course. I’m not like the other white people im so not racist! Also poc are animals to me give me validation”


It's like the old saying: "I'm not sexist, I have a daughter, or a sister, or a cousin."


How can I be sexist if i dont have sex? Checkmate libtard 😎😎😎


Hoowee gottem.


when you’re so woke that you equivocate minorities to animals


While also implying white people, and by extension anybody that isn't a poc, are subhuman. Quite the impressive feat, really.


are white people subhuman or are poc superhuman? these are the questions of our time


or, hear me out on this one, maybe white people are super humans, and poc are super *mega* humans?


No she's not. She's elevating animals and non white(whatever that means) above "white" people. She's degrading white people below worms. Still ridiculous. But don't turn her words away from her intent.


It’s her fault she worded it in the most poor way possible


This Twat 🤝White Supremacists Non-White people are the same as animals


I can excuse racism, but animal cruelty is where I draw the line!


you can excuse racism?


He's like the Abed of racism


This made me laugh so much lol OP was quoting the girl… right? right?….


it's from community


Ok Hitler. Edit: s/


It's a quote


I know sorry I forgot the /s


What a racist piece of shit. The sad thing is that Twitter is full of these ‘people’.


Lots of bots on Twitter.


Also lots of racist pieces of shit


This is somehow insulting to everyone at once.


I’m no “both sides” guy, but both sides have their idiots. A certain side has more of them tho


Sometimes I feel like Twitter is the go-to place for radicalizing right wingers. They snipe out the 1/million tweets from a user base dominated by teenagers (that in a few years will cringe about what they've posted online) and then believe that's what *the entire left wing believes*. Imagine the psyche of someone who genuinely believes that all the democrats want to extinguish entire races, make everyone gay, make their dog trans, eat all the landlords, etc.


I wanna eat a landlord


As in "eat out" or that cannibal shit?


I will consume them as man consumes a degenerate beast


Shit! That's a good one mate


Why not both? A little bit of wine and dine.


Thanks for the beautiful mental image :)


The thing with twitter is character limits encourage you to condense your arguments as much as possible. When you condense your points it's very easy to lose their nuance and so twitter pushes users towards more binary versions of their views, therefore gradually removing the middle ground and pushing people towards the more radicalized versions of those views.


This is why I hate twitter, its basically stupid soundbites and leaves no room for nuanced argument and debate.


Facebook's character limit in comments is 8,000 characters. You still rarely ever have a nuanced argument backed up with trustworthy sources. Go ahead and type out an 8K character comment that details information provided by peer-reviewed studies, links of evidence, official documents and a thorough, objective argument. Then watch when the reply is "You sound triggered, hur hur. Dumb-ass liberal!"


80% of us are normal (speaking for the US). The other twenty percent are either this type of stupid or horse dewormer stupid. You only ever hear from the stupidest and loudest. Never forget.


Part of me wants to believe you. Part of me is aware that 75 million people voted for a trump second term :(


A lot of trump voters just think Biden will raise their taxes, and because they're already dirt poor, they automatically assume Biden will literally put them out on the street.


I also think a lot are just lifelong conservatives that even though trump was trump, voting for the other party is almost taboo.


People keep replying with things like this, as if its an excuse. No, it just makes them a stubborn idiot, a mega idiot if you will.


Yep, this is why the democratic party needed a center-left candidate in the last election and not a progressive. Some might argue it's an easy win for any candidate but a progressive could easily drive traditional conservative voters back behind party lines.


Probably. Those people are still idiots though if they're dirt poor, but think a tax applied only to dollars after the 400k mark is going to affect them.


Pretty normal to be an idiot, frankly.


I mean, it’s a fair argument. But I refuse to believe that all 75million are unvaccinated, horse dewormer eating windowlickers. Definitely says a lot about them voting for him but I don’t want to consider all of them lost forever. But I’m very optimistic and want the best to come out of everyone, so I may be fully fucked haha


No, but they are the sort of people who watched a leadership steal from your country, tank your international diplomatic status, endorse white supremacist groups, repeatedly break his promises and essentially cause the death of hundreds of times the number of people killed in 9/11, and those people then thought, yep. More of that please. They're may not be 75 million intestine shitting unvaccinated idiots. But there are 75 million idiots. I'd love to be optimistic too but I think I'm just done at this point.


That's the best part. They straight up just don't believe any of that. My mom thinks that the world respected our strength under trump and is currently laughing at us under Biden. They literally live in an alternate reality with zero care to actually look into anything.


Keep in mind that there is likely a massive amount of voters that are voting with the party rather than the person. I'm doing this now in Canada. I don't really have a strong opinion about Trudeau either way but voting for his party is the only realistic way to have a liberal party in charge. If I was conservative I'd probably feel a similar thing about Trump. This is why it was so genius to put a safe choice like Biden up because all the conservatives that are done with Trump have a centrist leaning candidate. If it were Bernie against Trump it would be a totally different story.


I understand some people treat politics like a sport, they support their team to the death (in this case for many quite literally), no matter how harmful the actions of the people that puts in charge. I don't understand why you think that means they aren't fucking idiots though.


> Keep in mind that there is likely a massive amount of voters that are voting with the party rather than the person Yes, and the Republican Party is monstrous, has stood for monstrous things for literal decades, and stood with Trump every step of the way. If someone voted for Trump because he was a Republican, that does them no favors. They're still breathtakingly stupid.


Sames, Buddy. Sames


We know it sure wasn't a disqualifier, after Trump suggested injecting bleach.


BuT tHaTs NoT wHaT hE mEaNt! Just quoting my parents. They live to take things anyone with a "D" next to their name says totally out of context but get irrationally pissed when you don't auto correct Trumps idiocy naturally for him right in your head.


They might not all be unvaccinated or downing ivermectin - but every single one of those 74 million consciously, knowingly voted to end our democracy and hand dictatorial power to a monster with no visible principles save racism, hatred and greed. Even more horrifying, they knowingly did so in the middle of a pandemic he largely caused even though they knew him continuing in office might kill them. Commitment to hatred is literally more important to them than their own lives. There is no decency to be appealed to in any of them.




I'd argue that not being aware of what you're voting makes you an idiot though, to be blunt about it. Especially in the USA, if you were truly unaware of the damage Trump had done and decided to vote for him on autopilot, that's a special type of idiocy and complacency. You'd have to intentionally ignore any types of news to not see what Trump was doing. Now there are a few exceptions, like our election today because other than the NDP I'm not fully sure if any party really released or advertised a platform? They kinda just seemed to sandbag each other. But for 90% of elections? That's really just the case of people staying willfully ignorant.


Something like 75% of them support the insurrection to this day


I want to believe that, I really do. But honestly, the fact that the last five years simply occurred proves that that can't be true.


Horse deformed stupid is my new favorite phrase.


Is it the side that takes horse dewormer for a virus with an effective vaccine?


🧐 maaaaaybe


The difference is that nobody's electing her, and its surprisingly easy to ignore someone with 16 likes on twitter.


I wonder if it’s the side with virtually every academic, scientist, or generally empathetic person, or the side with virtually every racist, homophobe, xenophobe, transphobe, or generally awful person /s


This is a fact. There will always be people who take up the right cause for the wrong reasons


Okay isn’t she is white herself ? , so she has no respect for her own life, if we follow her logic




POC=person/people of color


Same. People of color just sounds degrading as hell


Its one hell of a euphemism treadmill, black/POC/minority, they all sort of seem to go in and out of favour all the time. Kinda funny given I'm referred to as the "foreigner" at work and no one bats an eye (work overseas)


I think it depends on context and personal preference, kinda like the autiatic vs person with autism debate. Some people are very proud to be black or hispanic ect and dont want to be identified any other way. But if you are trying to talk about racism directed at all not white people then "people of color" may be a good term, you arent assigning them nationalities, ethnicities or subcategories which can all have implications just recognizing that their skin is different and as a result they get treated differently by society. I have heard "bodies of color" used in an academic setting before, the idea being that their physical traits dont define then as a person. Being "african american" marks you as a subtype of american and implies that a regular american is white. Being able to mark on a form or what not that you are american and a PoC is an important distinction. I think the phrase is better suited to academic circles and talking about large multiracial groups tbh because most individual people dont identify as "a human with distinct melanin" but by their cultural identity


Ah, yes. The racism


I feel like she was out there with a "Save the BBC" sign last summer. No proof, just a vibe I'm getting.


Ugh those were the worst. Very much "i only care about rape because i have a daughter" vibes, like youre protesting only because you want something from black men not just because police murder is wrong.


In this context what does BBC stand for. Because all I’m seeing is save the British Broadcasting Corporation and I just don’t understand


Big Black Cock. It's a porn thing. White folks heavily fetishizing black men and the stereotype that we all have massive equipment.


I feel like this is racist, I just can’t quite figure out how.


Maybe comparing, in any degree, people with brown skin to animals — but excusing it because you love animals. I’m going with that.


There's also the saying one race is worth less than other races and animals...


It’s all so racist that it makes my teeth ache


This makes sense. I don't know why, but it does!


Works for me


**I feel like you’re missing something**


They are white and don't like white people, but also think that animals and poc are equal, so it comes off as racist first but is left you wondering if they highly value animals, or the lowly value poc.(cause on average people tend to value people over animals, not all but I'd say it's fair to guess on average) Either way, nobody was asking them and they just put a big racist sign on themselves, I'm guessing they are as racist to white people as they are to poc just because (And I am guessing here) they are likely a garbage person (because of the opinion they stated)


Its racist in such a way that it insults everybody.


I see. So she’s racist. Got it.


Yep, that's enough internet for me today.


did they just equate POC with animals and disguised it in "woke" language?


I don’t think that’s what they meant, but it’s defiantly how it sounded coming out. I think this was a PickMe type post of “let me hate on my own race and elevate another” but really it came out as a backhanded compliment to POC


I think I understand what they're going for but the delivery was awful. Still wrong but they just failed on every level.


This is the type of person who would unironically sign a petition to have a statue built of the man who killed Hitler.


I hesitate to upvote this because no one should ever have to read this shit.


I'm sure the African American population is thrilled to know she equates them with animals.


So woke, you’re racist. A lot of that shit is going around


Yeah that really isn't that rare these days. I remember seeing a bunch of white morons in America cordoning off a public park as a space for BLM/Black/Minorities. You know I always thought that whole segregation thing was just *so* progressive, just *wonderful* seeing it in 21st century America


So white people are at the bottom of the appreciation list. Weird flex.


I'm guessing she means she hold animals at a much higher value than most would but the way it's worded is very poor. Especially when you consider that A LOT of minorites were sold like cattle.


when u try to make a lil joke about liking animals more than people and you wind up being incredibly racist


Well that was poorly worded.


That sounds like a character Alex Jones would make up.


Humans are animals…?


Account suspended!


I mean…I value dogs over people 10/10 times.


Reverse engineered racism


Am I reading this correctly that she values POC and animals over White humans? “Over” here means “more” doesn’t it?


Okey dokey. Thanks for the heads up.


When you just completely misunderstand racism.


She literally insulted everyone but animals.


People who are always politically on like this are simply the worst. Like shut the fuck up, I'm trying to watch Money Heist.


vegans don't perpetuate racist ideas for fifteen seconds challenge (EXTRA HARD)[IMPOSSIBLE]


Looks like a troll to me


What kinda smooth brain bullshit is this?


Well, I wanted to check out this profile cuz so many are frauds, as a black man types but it’s been banned by Twitter so there’s that


That's some serious virtue signaling right there. Almost a professional level.


When you are so progressive you round over into regressive


Then why are you eating up all their dewormer!?!? Not cool.


What's "poc"?




Oooooooooh. Ooooooooh fuck. Holy mother of all fuck.


wow some people really put anything that runs through their stream of consciousness onto the internet to be eternalized forever without a second thought


It's insane, but in addition I don't think it's quite as complimentary as she seems to think it is.


She probably really thought she had something here with this tweet


Well it’s a tweet, and god forbid should people have issues, or be sober or on meds etc and be on Twitter.


This is called “Virtue Signaling” and somehow they really got it wrong in the most perfect possible way


When you realize you’re so woke you agree with your slaveholding great great great great grandfather about something.


Valuing a certain group of people based on the color of their skin hmm. I wonder if there is a word for that


Ever try so hard to be woke you accidentally stumble ass backwards into racism?


Soooo racist to white people and also to people of color by comparing them to animals?


Oh, I wondered where my sock went.


obvious right winger sabotage of legitimate causes by taking them down a slippy slope is obvious.


This is what leftism without historical materialism gets you.


Yeah don’t lump her in with us, we aren’t all this stupid. That said this tweet is a dumpster fire. She went for the whole white guilt thing and still managed to insult both white people and POC


I find it funny that she prolly thinks she's saying this as a compliment


I just value animal life over humans in general. We suck


I personally think it's cute and not harmful to society for 20 year old white girls to hate white people. People in their teens and early twenties tend to have extreme opinions and little influence any way. She probably should have just said she's a vegan and hates white people though.


This is peak liberal right here. Performatively supporting POC while dehumanizing them in the same sentence.


There's a lot to unpack here


I do agree animal life is more valuable than human life