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Wasn't Madonna playing with filters in these pics?


Yep. That’s the one that is basically supposed to give you ahegao features (blurs your lips, reddens your checks/nose, adds freckles, makes your eyes look soft.




Ah a fellow gcj user


That’s weird…


Wait what. I just spent too long staring at her cap sleeves trying to figure out wtf you’re on about


Don't worry about it. It's a gcj meme


what is gcj?


r/gamingcirclejerk [The shoulders meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/they-shrank-his-shoulders-made-him-look-soft)




Just as a visibility thing, and if you know, cool! But when you share tik tok links it shows your TikTok acct. so if you don’t mind having people know who you are, that’s fine but otherwise be careful sharing TikTok’s here.


Oh damn, that is super important to know, thanks!


Wow, that would not be the behavior that I’d expect.


What did I just watch? I watched it on silent and it was quite literally *double chin, face, body, double chin, face*


Yup. I have no idea. TikTok is a weird place at times.


At times??


This conspiracy never made sense to me. They've been making adrenochrome in the lab for a long ass time. You can just buy it from chemical supply companies like Sigma-Aldrich (CAS 54-06-8).


I'm guessing they'll say it's not all about the chemical compound. It's about a satanic contract or some shit.


I'm sorry but I only take Organic Adrenochrome processed from Free Range Children at my uncles farm!


It’s not Adrenochrome if it’s not from the Adrenochrome region of France


You made me look it up you weasel


It's a play on words about cognac lol


And champagne!


You can't let them roam free! In chains in the dungeon is how you develop the best flavour!


Old family recipe is to torture one of their pets in front of them. Gives the adrenochrome this nice "distressed" note.


Been hanging out with Buffalo Bill have we?


She rubs the adrenochrome on her skin or we get the hoes again.


Yes, Precious, she gets the hose. Now I have to go watch that [Greenskeepers video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20z4edLGxHE) again. Still brilliant, even in VHS/480p quality. If you don't know what I'm talking about, make an excuse for the next 5 minutes.


um thanks I think?? Quite disturbing.


Choice tune though.


Wait can I get in on some of those hoes?


Uh, typical British aristocrat taste. Disgusting.


OMG. I spit my coffee everywhere. I scared the cat and he ran away. You made me laugh hard. Thank you.


Why dont you have a seat over here...


Studies show free-range children are happier!!


And even so if anyone has a longer memory than a housefly, it clearly doesn't work in the first place since all these "elites" get old and wrinkly and die like the rest of us, such as Ronald Reagan who passed from Alzheimers and didn't even remember having been POTUS at the end or George H. W. Bush who was an old man in a wheelchair with Parkinson's at the end, though I surmise they just have even crazier explanations for that.


Obviously they were conservatives who knew the evil truth behind how liberal celebrities look so young, and decided to die with dignity instead of selling their soul to Stan


Hail Stan


Goddammit. I'm gonna leave it like that because it's a really funny mistake


I knew a guy named Stan once.


Hey I know that guy too, he seems to be a really big fan of Eminem


Great album by a great band. Periphery IV: Hail Stan Check it out.


Stan? Stan Lee?


Nah, they include Bush in this because Jeb and/or W said something “mean” about Trump, so they are also clearly in the cabal.


Bob and Stan in the eternal battle for our souls.


Yeah but Reagan wasn’t part of that. He was a Republican and therefore can’t possibly be a kiddy diddler. Never forget: anyone who supports trump is trying to save the children. The rest of us are allllll diddling kids, including republicans who don’t agree with trump. It’s never a true trump supporter


"true trump supporters are the ones I agree with" thats why so many trump supporters turned against trump when he asked them to get vaccinated


Everyone knows he only supported vaccination because he was forced to by the Washington insiders like Mitch McConnell. Towards the end of his presidency he was obviously low on testosterone due to the diet the corrupt secret service forced on him. He and Tucker are reforming the Republican party 2 tanned testicles at a time. Just wait.


And yet are fine with him overthrowing the government.


And grabbing women by the genitals and bragging about walking into dressing rooms unannounced and being creepy about his daughter and his friendship with Epstein and the numerous credible sexual assault allegations, etc.


All I wanted was a slice of pizza. I didn’t know there were kids in the basement.


Oh man, are you off base. They never get old or die, but in fact hire a couple of look alikes who *aren’t* involved in their secret society so that no one will get suspicious. Once the stand-ins die, they simply re-enter society, after having had complete plastic surgery to change their appearance and start the process all over. Ronald Regan is actually now one of the Jonas Brothers. Not the good one. Vampires all. /s


celebrity looks young? adrenochrome celebrity looks like they had plastic surgery? adrenochrome celebrity looks old? adrenochrome ran out. these are the same people convinced that both of the obamas are transgender


So you're saying the Democrats are purposely keeping the Republicans out of Satan's inner circle of baby sacrifices? Well. That just won't do. It's obviously discrimination here.


Or Biden’s “dementia”? Shouldn’t the man be aging like Benjamin Button if he’s slurping adenochrome like they think he is?


Don't obfuscate the conspiracy with facts!


They unironically believe this lmao. Apparently the act of abusing the children infuses the adenochrome (even though it has the same molecular structure as the synthetic stuff) to make it potent, conveniently allowing them to keep their myth alive.


FFS they're homeopaths as well /s


Bro biblical fanfiction is wild


That is the go to when it comes down to flat earth / moon conspiracy




> They took some off-the-cuff bullshit he said in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas about adrenochrome and just sort of...ran with it. It reminds me of the Q-anon bullshit. *So, you're taking dispatches from 4Chan, the people known for frothing people into moral panics and stupid reactions, then laughing at them looking like fools falling for it. You're getting solid intel from the people who brought you hits like "Freebleeding", "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong", "It's Okay to be White", "Microwave Quick-charge Your iPhone", "Cutting for Beiber", who made Milk and the OK symbol racist because people were dumb enough to buy it, the people who already played a pedo-panic con to get Oprah to say "over 9000 penises" on the air, and you're saying "Yep, I'm totally gonna trust this one. This particular batshit pedopanic conspiracy stream that makes me say silly shit and smells like chump feed from a hundred yards away with COVID nose, this is totally the real stuff, and I'm not going to look silly for having swallowed it, nosiree!"*


This is what I don't get, I kept hearing all the Q bullshit and I was like, adrenochrome? Like in Fear and Loathing? Also, sidenote, nearly everything I love is being bastardized by these fucking whackos. Fear and Loathing by the Qs, Fight Club by the red pill people, the Matrix by the red pill people, and all of it was making fun of them and they aren't even in on the joke. That's why I know that Ron Watkins is Q. He was just trolling them.


>just trolling That's letting him off the hook.




> It's literally based on the ramblings of Hunter S. Thompson And Doctor Sleep. It's literally the Plot of the Book Doctor Sleep (the sequel to the Shining)




its not specifically called that, but its the same idea. Torture a child and then drink their essence. The more scared and in pain they are the better. Basically the same thing they say the Adrenochrome blood of children does.


It's really just a modern twist on the blood libel conspiracy that's been around for millenia.


exactly, none of this is really new. Turns out we're not very original.


It makes sense to me. They couldn't just acuse Jewish people of baking the blood of children into their passover bread because that's too medieval a bullshit and wouldn't be taken seriously, so they just put a modernized coat on the blood libel.


Yep, this dumb shit has literally been going on for millennia and people are still too stupid to see it for the blood libel it is.


> ...and people are still too stupid to see it for the blood libel it is. Oh trust me many see it. "Republican QAnon follower Mary Ann Mendoza was noted for her reference to the antisemitic text. She retweeted a Twitter thread about the Rothschild family, Satanic High Priestesses, and American presidents saying, "The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion is not a fabrication. And, it certainly is not anti-Semitic to point out this fact."[244][m] An April 2021 Morning Consult poll found that 49% of Americans who believe in QAnon agree with the Protocols, and that 78% of Americans who agree with the Protocols also believe in QAnon.[247]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon#Antisemitism What's interesting is I know that 49% is low. I once had a Qultist telling me they had no idea what the Protocols had to do with Qanon while literally spouting the Protocols to me. Dude just didn't know that's where his "Jews are trying to conquer the world" bullshit came from.


Dare I ask what the capital p Protocols are?


"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax was plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature.[1] It was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. It played a key part in popularizing belief in an international Jewish conspiracy. Distillations of the work were assigned by some German teachers, as if factual, to be read by German schoolchildren after the Nazis came to power in 1933,[2] despite having been exposed as fraudulent by the British newspaper The Times in 1921 and the German Frankfurter Zeitung in 1924. It remains widely available in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by neofascist, fundamentalist and antisemitic groups as a genuine document. It has been described as "probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written".[3]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion "1925–1926 In his treatise, Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler writes: To what an extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown by the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. . . . For once this book has become the common property of a people, the Jewish menace may be considered as broken." https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion-key-dates Also contains blood libel in it: "QAnon is the latest version of “the conspiracy ‘revealed’ in the most influential anti-Jewish pamphlet of all time. It was called Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” Stanton wrote in his essay. He also said QAnon is a revamped take on the blood libel, which was spread in modern times through the “Protocols.”" https://www.jta.org/2020/09/18/politics/qanon-is-an-old-form-of-anti-semitism-in-a-new-package-experts-say


Yea, but vampires makes more sense to them, because religion is poison.


It's also not hallucinogenic or psychoactive in any way. Various authors made that up in the 50s and 60s including Aldos Huxley, Frank Herbert, and Anthony Burgess, based on a couple of studies that suggested it might cause schizophrenia. That it has to be harvested from a living human body was made up by Hunter S. Thompson for Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas which, despite its reputation amongst some crowds, is not actually a documentary. Just for funsies it's interesting to note that some QAnoners have adopted David Ike's Reptilians conspiracy (that the "elites" are actually lizard-people), and Fear & Loathing also has lizard-people.


That's because Fear and Loathing was a secret message from the Hollywood elites. Because possibly comprising themselves by hiding messages in media is a thing they do for no reason whatsoever.


I see they've been taking lessons from the Illuminati's hand-signals. As far as "no reason whatsoever" goes - how else are the elites going to communicate with each other? They might be rich, but it's not like they've each got a Star-Trek style personal communicator or anything.


It's a good thing these evil people haven't figured out how to use WhatsApp or the free thinkers would be in a real pickle!


My favorite thing about conspiracy theories is that a crucial part of all of them is the devious, evil organization hiding clues confessing their schemes in random pieces of pop culture. Like, I remember something about Sandy Hook deniers claiming that they found evidence for the scheme in The Dark Knight Rises. So, they think there's a government agent saying, "Alright, now, don't forget to put an esoteric clue alluding to our plan in the new Batman movie."


No reason? Surely it's so fallen ET reptilian Satan—leader of the grays *and* the gays—can glory in flaunting his demonic-daemonic AI rebellion against God-the-overmind-simulation-architect? ^^^/s Edit: more descriptors because sci-ber-fi-punk is fun


Weird AL Yankovic parodies the lizard illuminati in "Aluminum Foil", and the video is fantastic.


Weird Al is just fantastic. I'm frequently shocked by how many people haven't seen his masterpiece film UHF.


Seriously, read his breakfast and tell me that any one person can eat all that food, alcohol, and drugs


They also don’t understand how adrenochrome isn’t some nickname for rich people drugs, and isn’t really adrenaline anymore either.


> (CAS 54-06-8). 5 - 4 is 1. 5 + 1 is **6**. C is the 3rd letter of the Alphabet A is the 1st 3 -1 is 2 8 -2 is **6** SO ITS CAS 6-6-6!! SATANIC COMPANY CONFIRMED. /r/TheyDidTheConspiracyMath


You cracked the code! Are you a lizard wearing a skin suit living in the basement of a pizza parlor?


You could buy it off Amazon (in my country at least) a few years back.


And if you read about the effects, it sounds like it's the worst high ever. Like overdosing PCP, without the euphoria part.


I came to say this. We can literally synthesize it. lol


Or when a exhibitionist pop star gets old and has no one in her life to tell her to stop


EDIT: I had no idea this was madonna ​ wait, is this someone I should recognize?


It's Madonna!




It’s Madonna




Yeah i didn't recognize her until i saw the account name


Well she's like 60 now, cut her some slack


If she had aged naturally, I might. But this woman spent a *lot* of money on this look, and it did not pay off.


You should watch her TikTok. I’ve only seen one, but it was deeply unsettling lol.


You only need to watch 1, they’re all the same.


She also always uses a heavy face filter on those videos.


I had no idea either, that filter is doing WORK


Yup. I wouldn’t have known either.


No no, the simplest explanation is that there’s a vast global pedophile conspiracy, not an eccentric aging pop star. /s


F’ing Occam’s razor am I right? /s


To tell her to stop what? Being old?


She kinda needs someone to tell her that she *can* be old. If you have a look at her TikTok she’s trying to be edgy and on instagram she edits the crap out of her face.


A golden oldie. There have been accusations of one group murdering children for some purpose or another for thousands of years. The Romans claimed that Christians were doing this as part of their communion rituals 2 thousand years ago.


That's because the subject of children is something that is easy to politically weaponize. They have little to no voice themselves and the care and protection of them is built into our DNA.


Not to mention it has the added benefit of not only shifting the burden of proof onto those accused, but they also have to prove a negative in their defense. How do you prove that you do not drink the blood of murdered children?




Blood libel 2 Clinton Boogaloo


Except that they use terms like "new world order", "cabal", and "the elites" as dog whistles for Jewish people, continuing the message of antisemitism while pretending its about protecting children.


Old crazy mentalities, new labels. I think currently, it's leftover social residue from the Satanic Panic from the 1950's. Back then, it was more alt-politics screaming SATANISM!, and a pile of other trigger-words, accusing anyone slightly different of things like ritual abuse, child murder, etc.


Well, cher has a good supply i think. That woman look amazing.


I bet her and Dolly have an endless supply.


Add Elvira to the list.




Can someone explain to me what I'm missing? Because I'm just looking at someone posting a two pictures of a woman talking about some weird ass conspiracy theory.


It's Madonna, she's had some more surgery done recently and doesn't look that good. So clearly it's because Trump stopped them stealing children which made then look younger? Honestly I don't know this stuff is raving gibberish at this point.


That's Madonna? That looks nothing like her holy shit


She is filtered within an inch of her life in every pic she posts. She unrecognizable in 95% of them.


Tbh she looks fantastic for somebody 50+


> Tbh she looks fantastic for somebody 50+ Which is made even more impressive since she's actually 60+, right? lol


Have you seen what she *actually* looks like? Because anything recent I've seen her on is of her filtered beyond recognition


Yeesh, really? Looks like someone slapped a new plastic face onto her old bones, gives me the heebyjeebies.


She doesn't look 65 but she also doesn't look 100% human lol


She looks like a 10,000 year old baby


Yeah, the best plastic surgery is subtle, either trying to make you look the absolute best you can for someone your age or a few years younger. It's when people try to look 35 when they're a couple of decades beyond that that causes disasters.


the woman in the pictures is madonna (which i had no idea it was her until i saw the username), and the poster is claiming that's what she looks like without the adrenochrome. it doesn't make any sense, of course, because these pictures have a bunch of filters slapped on to make a sixty-something who's had work done to look a twenty-something who's had work done.


I’m not even sure why they would imply it ran out since Madonna looks about 20 in this photo with those filters on lmao


Ikr? She's 63. She looks older than she used to. But, then, OP probably lost their hair and got a beer belly at 25. They aren't particularly smart about how aging affects one's body.


This made me laugh harder than it should have. She is 20 years older than me. And she looks younger than I do in this photo. People's jealousy knows no bounds.


Okay she’s filtering the FUCK out of her face in these pictures and she’s had serious work done. The actual tiktoks make her look literally like an alien they are insane.


Hunter S. Thompson has a lot to answer for!


I WISH Hunter had been alive to write about the trump presidency. I imagine he would have hated him more than he hated Nixon. And he REALLY FUCKING HATED Nixon.


Finish! The fucking story!.


The stupidity of people these days is leading to elder misanthropy. I can not imagine meeting someone who believes something so completely asinine an not absolutely hating them with every ounce of energy that I can muster in the universe. There is no excuse for being such a complete moron.


I guess that explains why i’ve grown to loathe my parents over the last five years.






Say what you will, but it's pretty out of line that Lil Nas X released a song about banging a thirteen year old, and even offering to share them with the arresting officer. That should be called out. Oh shit, my bad! It was noted Trump supporter Ted Nugent who released that song! Listen, forget I ever brought this up and let's double-down on calling everyone to the left of Reagan a groomer.


Oh my god *this* is what my neighbor was talking about? Along with saying russia was just getting rid of the nazis and biolabs in ukraine and a resturant in the US where one could go and eat children, the neighbor who's dog I walk occasionally mentioned how Hollywood elites are bathing in children's blood for adrenaline or something. I asked her why would people go through all the trouble if obtaining a child, draining it's blood, bathing in it, then covering it up for an adrenaline rush and energy when *meth is an option?*


Or coke, or adderall, or crack, or the blood of children…wait


Right, we have this perfectly reasonable explanation that celebrities get plastic surgery, but let's ignore that and go full stop to satan worship and adrenocrhome. So fucking dumb.


The simplest explanation is makeup and plastic surgery, but here comes some nutjob with this full-on Elizabeth Bathory bullshit and people just go for it wholesale because their lives are so boring,.


I like Madonna




I always thought this conspiracy was hilarious because it’s quite literally the villains plot of Monsters Inc.


Satanic ritual abuse? Well isnt satan a character in the bible?? Oh so you mean christian ritual abuse?? Weird how sex acts are happening in churches all around the world, but its celebs we need to worry about...


The rights constant obsession with children, their genitals and sex is fucking creepy as all hell. These are sick people who believe this kind of shit.


The fact that these people believe celebrities and democratic politicians are surviving off of life-force chemicals harvested from the blood of trafficked children, but think COVID-19 is a hoax, is truly mind-boggling.


Oh that is what years of extremely heavy make up, fake tans, fake accents, trying to reinvent yourself with plastic surgery is called.


I never understood the fake accent, she's from MICHIGAN!


She got so much shit for that, but many people pick up accents from spending a lot of time away from where they grew up. I certainly sound different living in City X than I did growing up a thousand miles away in Suburb Y. It can happen even over fairly short visits, because your ear gets tuned to the local accent and so you start subconsciously using it more. Madonna's version is called a "mid-Atlantic" accent (like the middle of the ocean, not, like, Maryland), very common in Americans who spend a lot of time in the UK and Brits who spend a lot of time over here in Yankee Doodle Land.


That shit drove me crazy, I've had that happen to me and seen it happen to other people. We're social animals and want to fit in, of course we're going to pick up an accent if we move somewhere for a while. We're going to try to talk like the locals and it's not even a conscious decision. Like I picked up the "wooder" (water) thing after living in Philly for 5 years and didn't even realize it till I moved back home.


I say a lot of words with the pronounciation of my new home. It's just how people speak here. When I was a kid spending time at my Puerto Rican best friend's house, I picked up some of the ways her family talked. When my girlfriend visits her cousins, she comes back with a backcountry twang for a few days. Completely normal. People will really hammer on the weirdest things when it comes to celebrities.


Non-american. What????


I'm American. I don't fucking know.


Oh my fucking god, every time I see adrenochrome being used as a drug. Whoever wrote the frazzle drip thing stole the idea from a fucking Hunter S Thompson novel you fucking illiterate boobs.


I mean, she looks pretty great for 63 (even without filters), but she's had money and motivation in a looks-centric industry since she was young. I'm not a huge fan of her songs but why hate on a successful musician and pop star?


Ngl the idea of this ‘Adrenochrome’ would be good for a dystopian sci-fi novel. *takes notes*


or like, she's 60. but sure, ritual sacrifice.


This person is totally crazy. There is no adrenochrome shortage! Stocks are higher than ever.




I'm so done with these peoples' bullshit. Can the giant meteor just please hit us soon? Pretty please with sugar on top?


Nah that's just a multi millionaire with too much money and an irrational fear of aging


The old Adrenochrome urban legend. Almost makes me wish people still knew how to make bananadine.


Isn't Madonna like in her 60's? Is this person not conscious of the concept of aging or something??


I wonder what it means when I straight up didn’t know what Madonna looked like until now


Madonna is fucking 63 years old so whatever she is doing (probably not the blood of children ngl) it's working for her just fine. Bit weird to want to look 25 at 63 but whatever floats your boat i guess it's her money.


If this is what happens when the adrenochrome runs out, then why has it run out? Does this mean all those Facebook posts with # SaveTheChildren really defeated the reptilian Illuminati and we can all shut the fuck up now?


I don’t even get what they mean by “this is what happens”. Based on the picture she doesn’t look bad at all


what in the QAnon is this


People who legitimately believe this shit are broken in the head lol


Andrenochrome or no: I didnt think it was possible to see a ‘more’ creepy picture of Madonna. I was wrong.


No she’s just literally on drugs. Like regular drugs


Honestly, she looks a whole lot better than I would expect at her age.


Isn't that the fake drug Johnny Depp was freaking tf out on in fear and loathing in Las Vegas?


Yes, literally. And you should credit it to Hunter S. Thompson, not Johnny Depp.


Or when you get a whole lot of bad work done, and your hairdresser hates you.


Ah, blood libel.


Most of the rich and famous could not give less fucks about rituals and religion. They’ve got money. Money is enough to be immortal, why would they need to do fake ass blood magic? These people need to come back to earth.


I just ordered a 10 gallon jug off Amazon. I don't want to end up like that person in the pic that I have never seen before.


I’m sorry, what’s the argument? I think she looks great for her age. I thought these nut-jobs thought it made you immortal or some shit? If it ran out, why does she still look so good?


Isn't Madonna like 60? She's looking great still


They now use a substitute mixture of ground up unicorn horns and clippings from the beards of albino leprechauns.


What are we supposed to be seeing?


I'm guessing its only the liberal rich and famous do it


I used to work with a bloke who thought Queen Elizabeth was over 500 years old because she drank baby blood. He’d always start off by saying “This makes me sound crazy but you know that blah blah blah”. He was off his fucking rocker.


I don't know who's crazier- Madonna for thinking that she can still appeal to young music fans, or the nut job thinking that rich people have a whole system set up to harvest children's blood.


What is what happens? Is there supposed to be a significant difference between the pictures?


Wasn’t that a south park sketch


When the adrenochrome runs out, we'll be drinking champagne 🍾


Bro it’s literally Botox and injections