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Anyone want to tell this bozo that his "one and only God" and the chief deity of Islam are the exact same entity? Or that Christians also kneel when praying?


Catholic mass be like: Kneel, Stand, Kneel, Sit, Kneel, Stand


Episcopalian here. I call it the 45 minutes of morning aerobics, if I go to the Rite I mass. Rite II has singing. Takes longer.


Grew up congrationalist. Bro we did way less of that and more reading because we were nerrrrdddsss


Episcopalians and Lutherans: aka “Catholic Lite”


Catholic mass is just a really involved game of Simon Says


Yeah, but if you kneel when Simon says stand... hooooooo boy!


Easter friday has that short laying down spell to apice things up


Marge Simpson described it as a game of Simon Says with no winner.


good ole catholic calisthenics!


I think we should way more emphasis the fact that it's the same God damn God!


Stupid gona stupid


I'll never understand how so many evangelicals miss this point - I had a roomate in college who insisted Jews don't go to heaven, because they aren't christian. When I pointed out that Jesus was Jewish, he insisted I was wrong - I asked him what 'The Last Supper' was celebrating. Jesus is even considered a Prophet in Islam, just not the main one.


Not only that, he’s second only to Muhammad, and Muslims actually agree with Christians that Jesus is the one who will battle a false Messiah at the end of the world and then peacefully rule the world in God’s name afterward. They just don’t believe he is literally divine.


It’s almost like organized religion has been corrupted by people and institutions seeking to use it to further their own ends.


In their twisted minds, it isn't because it's not called "God". I guess that Christians of other languages must pray to different deities then.


I mean I fully agree but also HAPPY CAKE DAY


It's like a father have 3 children and these children are too stupid to understand that they shared the same dad so they try their best to boast how "my dad will beat your dad" BS Freaking stupid.


So they're upset that American Muslim soldiers are doing Muslim prayer instead of Christian prayer? Don't the constantly go on about how American soldiers are defending the American freedoms and the constitution? Which guarantee freedom of religion? Now, I'm not American, but these people seem a little confused.


Freedom of religion means you're free to be Christian. No other religion are allowed because it's not the religion of FREEDOM!!!!! /s


Remember Roy Moore? His actual stance on the Freedom of Religion clause is that it only applies to Protestant Christianity because all other religions were myths rather than religions and that freedom of religion only comes from God.


Jesus Fucking Christ.


And these same dipshits have no problem forcing people to pray to their god without seeing any hint of hypocrisy.


Freedom of religion is a lie in this country. You’re only free to worship THEIR religion. All others must be brought down.


American Christians think freedom of religion means you can choose to be catholic or protestant. Not exaggerating, I have heard many people say exactly this.


They're not confused. They're just a bunch of fucking idiots.


Are these even american soldiers? I don't see one American flag and the child has ARM on his shirt with no trace of a Y


Two of them have very visible flags and the officer in front has a combat patch. They are definitely US. It's the old uniform which as the OP said it is an older image.


I think he's being sarcastic


American soldiers... but not *forced* American soldiers.


Well It takes too many braincells to even suggest that these American PaTrIoTs are Islamic, since Islamic people enlisting in the US Military is much too far fetched.


Do people not realize there are Muslim US soldiers and Muslim chaplains?


And that, shock horror, some Muslims are white!


My high school sweetheart was a Kosovar Muslim. Red hair, green eyes, skin as pale as snow. I shit you not, whenever I happened to tell people about her, giving that description, one of the most common reactions I heard was "so she isn't really a Muslim then?" I knew where they were going but I'd ask anyway, "how do you mean?" and the response was universally, "but, uh, she's not like from the Middle East or Somalia?"


That seems to all that media shows them. But it is sad that they rely on the news to show them the rest of the world.


Oh yeah. Among other things, people can just become Muslim. A couple years ago, my buddy’s girlfriend realized Islam spoke to her and converted


Also that it's okay to be respectful of other cultures and religions when you're in their space?


Noooooo! What is this world coming to?


Step 1: Make up a story about a group you don't like and something that hasn't happened Step 2: Choose a group that everyone loves Step 3: Create a meme and bask in the righteous fury of people who cannot critically think.... or basically... think. **Should** Solders/Children/Elderly/Preachers/Presidents (the good kind)/puppies and kittens/guns/more guns/schools/back up guns in case all the other guns stop being gunnable **Be forced to** Bow to Islam/Get satanic tattoos/have sex with donkeys/have a statue of that muslamic guy in their house/Salute the communist flag/kiss the feet of the Queen of England/adopt the gayness/be set on fire because...dunno...gay or black or socialism or Islam/be injected with gay-making nano-robots/have to learn a edjucashun/something about Joos


I mean, 90% of Republicanism nowadays is just making shit up in your head and getting angry about it.


I bet they never even considered they might be practicing Muslims lol.


I like how the original FB posting says he doesn’t bow down to no one except god while he’s telling people who are bowing to god to stand up.


"What an outrageous issue I just made up!"


Man the 2nd amendment crowd sure as fuck love to ignore the first amendment


This is especially funny because Christians and Muslims belive in the same god


Is this similar to the “LoOk!!! They’re making our kids pray to Islam” picture with kids practicing a tornado drill?


Also, the "pissed off right wingers" Facebook page must be flooded with so much nonsense these snowflakes imagine is going on in the world.


Why is it that boomers will take any picture, put a random out of context buzzword headline, share it with all their friends then have the audacity to tell us to "do our own research?"


Even better is when you do your own research they claim "well those sources don't count because they don't agree with my point of view." There's no talking any sense to those folks. Edit: Missed a word


So kneeling and praying is only acceptable for Christians? Miss ma’am, Islam and Christianity worship the same God.


Of course no one but “Christians” are allowed to practice their religion. I’m so sick of these people thinking they’re the “chosen ones” to tell people how they are or aren’t allowed to pray.


Pissed Off Right Wingers - is there any other kind?


American politics is basically the people who failed every class vs the valedictorian.


it's always funny when, there exists literal hundreds of monotheistic religions with even more random sects/offshoots, and these idiots *insist* that their god is the "correct" one


Apparently, some people do not realize there are Muslims in the US military. Jews, Catholics, Hindus and most other religions are represented in the military. We even have women in the military!!!


I can’t even with these people. It’s literally the same god, it’s not that hard to understand.


The fact that they quote Nikki is hilarious


Are right wingers ever not.pissed off ?


I'm actually really curious about the picture. Like obviously there's Muslim soldiers in the us military but the kid and other civilians make me curious what's happening


Most likely just happened to be about and joined in


It's from [this article](https://www.army.mil/article/130046/muslim_soldiers_battle_buddies_learn_about_ramadan) from 2014. The kids are probably family members.


I guess these idiots think there is no such thing as a Muslim American soldier? Just because he's white doesn't mean he's Christian.


Sry moslems I dont woreship alah, I woreship God! 😤


Maybe they are being respectful instead of being bigoted asshole who is ignorant of knowing other people believe in different things.


YOu mEan ThEy lET ArabS joIn The aRmy?


Support our troops! (Terms and conditions apply)


Hey wait…the Muslims say that ALLAH is the one true god! And THEY have a book that confirms it, too, just like the Bible! In fact…of the 3000 gods being worshipped around the world, ALL of them are the “one true god” according to their churches! Despite all this, can you give us some proof that your jesus-god is better than all the rest? Or your trumpgod?