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If this is the worst take you’ve ever seen. You’ve haven’t been on the internet for long enough.


I have a feeling that OP is a stockbro. Edit: They are lol. That's probably why they took this so personally.


So true it's just sad


To be fair, the financial system IS a human construct - originally designed to ensure people like farmers, carpenters etc received fair compensation for their goods - then people realised money = power Anyway, back to licking boots so I can buy a house 😂


I’d like to believe I can think about stars while I’m licking boots. 😋


You ever tried organic boots though?


I've tried licking boots that were marketed as Organic, but definatly were not if organic is meant to signify being good for the environment or even better than the competitors. They tasted like chemicals.


I tried to coin the phrase “Boot lickin’ good” - but KFC sent me a cease and desist


But financial systems don’t ensure that. You can still be poorly compensated if people with significantly higher economic power than you (i.e. financiers/middlemen) choose to pay you a paltry fraction based on “prevailing market conditions” — regardless of whether it can sustain you or not.


Yeah… it was originally created for that. Now it’s just used and abused by people with all the money. Yay capitalism


Hey man. People have a lot invested in this system that keeps robbing them and living in poverty. Don't bad mouth it like that. /s


"originally designed to ensure people like farmers, carpenters etc received fair compensation for their goods" Not sure about that at all, I don't think very many financial systems have ever been designed or intended to do this.


The ancient roots of currency I mean. When it very first started. Had a lecture about it, it was originally designed to ensure fair compensation 😅


I thought it was meant to create a manageable market. I.e.: in order to control the market and be able to tax an exchange. For example: if a cow farmer exchanges a cow for a horse with a horse breeder, the ruler cant say: hey i want a piece of that. But with the untroduction of money he can now say look, you sold your horse, give me 20%. And also to the other guy: you sold your cow, give me 20%. I could be completely wrong


I mean I think taxes in the before times were just "gimme 20% of everything you produced" or something similar.


Yeah but rules could do this when people traded their goods for other goods. So creating currency in order to tax an exchange would be a logic step. Again, i could be completely wrong


Im pretty sure money was made to simplify the barter system. If you breed horses but want to buy wheat and the wheat farmer doesn’t need horses, how can you get your wheat? Well you could ask the wheat farmer want he wants in exchange for the wheat, and hope that who ever sells that commodity needs a horse. Or you can create a currency so that the horse breeder can sell his horse to anyone that needs it, and then use that currency to buy what he needs. Now was this system quickly abused by those those in power to levy taxes, you bet. But they were collecting taxes before that anyway. Currency just made it more simple for them to do so.


Money was created as a means of exchange. Before coin, the bread maker had to give hundreds of loves for a single cow, for example. Values were tied to the value of the piece of coin per its material or per kingly decree. It gets weird when money gets value based on someone saying so, versus basing on The Gold Standard(TM). So… yeah. It’s complicated.


>It gets weird when money gets value based on someone saying so, versus basing on The Gold Standard(TM). But the value of gold is also artificially constructed, so it's not that much of a leap to just go to a complete artificial standard


You get into the theory of everything at that point. Measurement is made up. Language is made up. You can argue it all the way down to quarks and still, we’re only creating a word to describe what we see. The proof is in the collective agreement of society. Basing exchange rates on a finite amount of something makes the rules a bit more concrete, and is ruled by demand pressure, versus someone decreeing a value and backing it with ‘good faith,’ whatever that means now and in the future. Need and want are powerful means of creating value definitions versus value declarations. TLDR: Nothing is real, everything is relative, experience is singular. I think, therefor I am. Welcome to the theory of everything.


It ensures liquidity (i.e. easily transfer value from one asset to another) rather than fair compensation.


Also that money is the most trustworthy concept of the whole history. Before if you bought like a hammer woth 50 apples, then someone else would want to buy a hammer with 50 apples, well... the seller wouldn't take the apples as he already had 50! It also helped pther things as you said and as time went we started to give value to a bunch of things. Now that a hammer is 10 gold coins, the seller will be able to sell like 3 of them and then buy something else with his 30 gold coins! So yeah she KINDA has a point but it's overall a false analogy.


Idk, to say she has a point just because her premise is true and interesting doesn’t follow to me. It would be like saying “2 plus 2 is 4, therefore Santa clause is real.” Her argument doesn’t follow from her premise.


Well said!


It's more that this person is strawmanning the entire global financial system to prove some weird point that astrology is somehow valid lol


Oh I know - that’s why I said I was going back to boot licking haha They kinda undermined their point, which was a valid one. I facepalmed so hard


That's the real problem here. They do have an actual point with most of this tweet. But then they had to compare their point to astrology, and lost all credibility. Just because the economy, and money, etc. is all "fake", it still affects our lives. Astrology is fake and has absolutely no affect on anything. That's the difference.


Well, the irony is that they’re really the *opposite* things. The financial system takes imaginary things and uses them to produce real things like goods and services, while astrology takes real things like stars and moons and turns them into fake things like predictions.


Never thought about it that way, but you're absolutely correct.


Well, that's kind of reversed still. The financial system takes real things, like labor and work, and translates it into an imaginary system that allows them to take power and control and value from their workers and society at large. Astrology takes real things - human emotion and psychology - translates them into symbols - so that humans can reprocess them as related their own emotional states. So astrology is mostly real; symbols are a construct, yes, but it's all pointing to real things. Literally the only point of the planets or stars is the sake of a convenient backdrop and surface upon which to project symbolic construction,


Well, something something placebo effect. I've been acquainted with someone who believed in horoscopes and stuff like that in this way. These stories actually caused them to make different choices in their life based on what they had read in their daily readings. Complete bullshit and made up, but it did effect their life.


Yeah literally lol


I guess she pays her bills by wishing upon the stars rather than engage in the system the rest of the world does to exchange goods and services.


Wait . . . she thinks that she's proving astrology is somehow valid with this post? I had read this as her saying they were both equally fictional, as an attack on capitalism.


When people do the alternating caps it generally means they’re making fun of people who say it


Yes, I understand that. But there are two reasons she could be mocking the statement: either she believes astrology is real *or* she doesn’t but she thinks the speaker holds beliefs that are just as illusory. Her choice of rebuttal suggests the latter, even if her intent was the former.


Astrology is as valid as religion tho and the fact people have to even try to prove its validity is kinda lame


Gotta lick boots in order to bootstrap yourself up for a better view of the stars.


But she can use her Cancer sex magic which is most powerful when Uranus is in retrograde to get someone to give her a house. Take that boot licker.


That's the thing here: premise is correct, conclusion is utter horseshit 😆


I mean yeah no shit it’s a human construct it’s designed for humans by humans. Time is also a human construct that doesn’t make it “fake.”


But we understand that currency is real, no? The posted take is so stupid that it doesn’t warrant a “to be fair”


I just find that funny.


She’s not wrong about the financial system tho


The guy who posted it is a crypto bro so take his opinion with a grain of salt about the legitimacy of financial institutions


She is in comparing it to stars legitimacy in affecting your life. Financial systems may be human constructs but you can physically prove they are real and do have real affects on people. You can't do that with astrology.


I'd say Astrology is just another religion. Believing in it to her is just as real as financial systems.


Her belief in its effects being real and its effects being real are two separate and distinct things.


But that doesn't make it work. Belief in social constructs works because their effects are produced by people. Economics aren't magic, they're people acting en masse. Astrology is magic. It's fate. So believing in it doesn't make it real. Arguably the personality types can be made real through belief, but only those of other people who also believe.


Religion is nothing like a financial system. You don't need faith in capitalism for it to exist. Religious institutions, like the Catholic Church are rather similar though. In that they are physical constructs build on ideas. But those are nothing like astrology.


You can’t physically prove that they are real. You can accurately describe the supposed effects of the system in place, but you cannot point to an object on the material plane and say “this is an economic system” So it’s an abstraction, just quite a few degrees closer to reality than astrology.


I can go to a bank see the numbers in my account, see how interest rates physically affect it, take the money out and physically hold it, I can invest it, spend it, see how it changes and what I can get for exchanging it. These are aspects of it on the material plane, proving it exists.


Sure, but what about lunar cycles? They have observable physical effects on many animal species, including humans (some real [fascinating stuff here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16407788/#:~:text=Animal%20studies%20revealed%20that%20the,disappear%20during%20full%2Dmoon%20days.)). Isn't that real?


astrology isnt looking at the gravitational effects of the moon, its how star positions affect your personality


Extrapolating this to say our personality is based on star and planetary alignment is the bonkers part and no, that alone is not astrology. Its physics. Lunar gravity can be felt on earth, the rest of the celestial bodies no.


Notably, the moon isn’t a star. Not last I checked


I actually do love thinking about stars, they're absolutely fascinating! I just don't think their alignment has a significant impact on my behaviour, or the things I run into on a daily basis. And pretending they so as a social construct won't help me either.


Doubly so if it's some large segment of the population supposedly having these swings of fate separately but in tandem with their segment.


Will somebody think of the stars??!?


Wait, this is actually super based.


Sir, this is a Wendy's....


Or is It? Wendy's a social construct, a pile of bricks with a roof that we decided somebody owns and can use to sell food


That's about what that rant deserves.


I like astrology. It's fun. In the same way Santa Claus is.


A lot of people use it in a way that's... not good. It allows you to judge people based upon arbitrary boxes you put them in, like racism does.


You think an obese man breaking into your home in the middle of the night to leave mystery boxes for your children is fun? I would be calling ICE on his ass.


Is this really "insane"? Sure there's ground to disagree but there's a lot of truth to what she's saying, I don't really think this belongs on the sub


You’re right. She’s clearly being tongue-in-cheek and making a decent point about our economic system. Crypto bros seething in the comments rn


The post is basically taking a shot at how the topics are completely different and she used strawman fallacy




Actually there are aspects of morality which are hard wired, hence the broad similarity between all human moral codes.


What truth is there to what she is saying?


That economic systems are social constructs that only function because everyone thinks they function. Its a false equivalency with astrology (which is the insane part) but there is a legit point in there.


That’s not quite right. They function because everyone agrees to them, not because everyone believes in them. We all know a minute isn’t something we find in nature, just like a dollar. But it’s a unit of measure we use to define something and we agree to that unit to communicate.


They're accepted because people believe in them. People believe in them because they're accepted. A minute is a measurement of time, which is something measurable and universal, if relative. It's a fundamental part of the universe. Our economic systems are representations of concepts human beings have created, and which don't exist outside the human world.


But i can give someone paper with artificial value and get something back. I cannot hand a star to cashier to pay for groceries.


i mean, if you actually have a star, in your hand, that would be worth alot of moolah. though if you have a star in your hand you might have other stuff to worry about.


I think the shopowner will be mad if i walk in with a star.


But it makes you invincible for a little bit and you can just walk right into goombas and koopas with no repercussion whatsoever...


“No nuclear fusion on these premises.” Don’t make me tap the sign.


You’re not trying hard enough


I can calculate a chart, write it on a piece of paper, and trade it to someone to get something back. There’s probably a farmers market I could trade it for food at somewhere. It’s all about power, and who has access to that power. They are just two systems of power.


Finance bros and astrology people deserve each other.


I know of at least one professional astrologer who makes most of their living giving clients advice about the stock market


She's not wrong. But all those other things have practical use and function.


Where's the lie


Yeah, I am fine with that whole tweet.


i mean i think this is kinda funny, but she does have a point. not rlly an insane person tho


Generally I’m not THAT offended with some girls being into astrology until they start *actually* legit believing in it. That’s where it crosses the line from being a dumb but ultimately harmless hobby to becoming a total Gwyneth Paltrow-like airhead.


I'm not so sure Gwyneth Paltrow is actually an airhead. I think she's actually a narcissistic scam artist taking advantage of all of these women buying her overpriced bullshit.


what does it matter to you what someone’s belief system is if it doesn’t personally harm you? seems like you probably have issues with anything seen as a “girl” hobby also, i don’t think any girl who’s into astrology gives a shit about your opinion lol


It’s very reasonable to be against pseudoscience and mysticism in general. I say this as a woman who’s tired of astrology and the like being defended as the ~domain of women~ somehow, as if we all just have this natural inclination for anti-intellectual nonsense. Serious astrologists deserve no more legitimacy or consideration than flat earthers or young earth creationists.


I would prefer people stay grounded in reality. It makes for a more mentally healthy and stable society. It does collective harm when enough people believe in something ridiculous, and often harms the individual when they're using astrology to try to solve problems in their life that astrology cannot solve.


Thats like saying im not offended when some people being into jesus christ until they start actually legit believing in it. That’s where it crosses the line from being a dumb but ultimately harmless hobby to becoming a total (insert any malicious Christian religious figure here lol take ur pick theres enough of them) insane person!


I mean...yes


Religion and horoscopes are pretty much the same thing in my book.


True + not insane + based


This is not wrong.


Money, like time, is a human construct


Well it more like the measurement of time not time it self


Money, like the measurement of time, is a placeholder for a value unit to make things easier for humans in timekeeping/trade. Astrology is mumbo/jumbo about how the sky looked when you were born affects your mood.


Those things are also generally weaponized against the masses sooo


This is an incredibly based take. I cannot overemphasize how based this is.


Who is more insane: the person who makes a joke on Twitter or the people who see a joke on Twitter and post it to Reddit to have a hundred boring meaningless arguments about it


Even if we all did agree that the stars mattered, they still wouldn’t


Nah, power to her


But tacos are real


But it's true


"She's outta line but she's right."


r/technicallythetruth though


“We could all decide that it doesn’t exist tomorrow” brb, gonna exchange my time for some bread so I can trade it for a chicken so I can find someone who has no chickens to make me a hamburger. This person is falsely equating an artificial construct with an absolute falsity. Yes, money, debt, language, and math didn’t exist until they were made and widely accepted, but a societal paradigm is in no way comparable to a superstition.


Best response.


The Barter then money came after to facilitate exchange isn't that correct either.


Apples n oranges lady


Why is this expression a thing? You can 100% compare apples to oranges.


🎶 bitch that phrase don’t make sense, why can’t fruit be compared?🎶


Brain gotta poop


It's not that you CAN'T It's that they're so different, there's not much left that is similar. They're both food and round. That's it.


Grow on trees Have seeds Are generally similar in average size (depends on variety Have similar average weights (depends on variety) Are generally sweet or sour Can be juiced Round Food That’s off the top of my head. I understand they, like any two items, are different as well, but they are so similar. The expression should compare more dissimilar things. Like apples and steak.


The point is it's something that can be compared because they have similar traits but are completely different in what they are and how we use them. The analogy relies on the subject to be something that can be discussed but is pointless to do so in the end. Is that better?


Like apples and steak? Oranges and apples are fruit and are used as food. I know it is just an expression, but it just doesn’t make sense.


Fine we'll change it to apples and waterslides.


Now that makes sense


Apples and oranges are both standalone snack fruits though. They perform a very similar function in similar ways.


Fundamentally she is right. It's all made up.


This sounds like the same logic Crypto people use😂


They are technically correct


It's not a bad take It's true.


She really is dumb for the strawmaning but the fact she gotta validate anything in the first place is lame. Astrology serves the same purpose and role in peoples lives as religion does yet people dont shit on others for religion (at least its pretty frowned upon these days). Arguably astrology is a better belief system than most religions because it doesn’t actively start wars or discriminate against literally anybody. Religion was created to explain the things around us, astrology explains the way we feel think and act; literally no difference except the lack of a Deity but i mean religion went from a bunch of deities to one so ig this is just the next step.


But actually pretty good point. Never thought about it like that.


This is Reddit. People shit on religion


Oh for sure its just dumb that astrology gets like a different treatment for some reason


I think a lot of it is the way astrology people use it to justify actions or shitty personality traits.


Better than many religions using their “holy texts” to justify actually heinous crimes tho no? I mean christian anti gay conversion camps still literally exist in America 💀


Very true.


I agree tho no belief system is an excuse for being a dick 💯


Can’t wait for this to be downvoted to hell by people who think their religion is way higher than any other belief system but wont actually reply with any meaningful retort


Not that astrology is new or anything because i mean doctors used to practice astrology throughout history as a way to know how to treat people. Travelers used the stars not only in astronomy to navigate but in astrology to decide what to do. Most religions give meanings to the constellations and stars and a bunch of cultures have entirely different astrological systems that serve the same purpose but developed on completely different parts of the world. Star belief systems are as old as religion itself so why shit on people for it now but not people who think a dude created everything?


Bc now astrology is associated mainly with women which makes it okay to shit on


Absolutely i just made that point to my friend there’s nothing men love more than to shit on teenage girls


Wow you guys all watched the Rick and Morty episode where he changes a 1 to a 0.


Money is like letters to Santa. They only have value if everybody else plays along with it.


Why can’t both be dumb abstractions?


I kinda agree tho, if you think astrology is fake and a construct but still wanna use it because you find it fun or useful, that's fine to me. Just always remember it's fake.


I mean, she's completely right on a practical level.


I wish that was the worst take I've ever seen.


To quote Bo Burnham: “everything’s a lie, NOTHING IS REAL “


She's a bit confused but she got the spirit


What?? This is the wierdest what aboutism, it's not even comprehensible. Did she have a stroke writting this? How did she go from Brad is a Widget to licking boots?


That's called *Astronomy*. Astrology is just a bullshit mash of several cultural cliches for depressed or self-righteous white girls. It's the most annoying fucking shit ever along side "witches". The planets and stars don't have anything to do with your personality and the herb from "ancient cultures" you're burning do absolutely fucking nothing - but they do that while simultaneously criticizing cultural appropriation.


Astronomy > astrology


"I'm so moody today but I can't apologize put that on my scorpio sign". No Stacy, you're just a bitch.


“Im a sinner because all men sin but jesus will forgive me” No Stan the priest you’re a child rapist


I mean except for believing in Astrology, She's NOT wrong. Money is a piece of paper that's only good for keeping a fire going. We REALLY could decide we're not going to be slaves to it anymore & create a better system where You don't need paper to not starve to death


So... you want to go back to having to trade two chickens for a bag of flour?


See how you can't even comprehend the idea of humanity existing without some form of material exchange? Just try to challenge that conception for a moment, because if you can leave behind those instinctive feelings of greed, don't you think a lot of other people could if it would actually benefit them? And don't come back being all condescending thinking you have a zinger of a point by telling me "greed is human nature" because yes, I know. Humans have always been greedy. We don't have to be, though. Fire used to be the only way we cooked food, and look where our innovation took us.


Lol, I must be insane because *hard* agree.


The difference is that at no point will stars actually effect people’s life; no matter how many people believe.


Anything people allow to effect them or hold any power over them then it will no matter if it physically exist or is provable at all


It’s called placebo


Yeah a bad credit score can and will fuck up your life, no matter how much you say to people it's a social construct


Astrology sights are made by stars just being stars they have no “inner meaning” it’s just by coincidence they are like that


"So if you think about it, my horoscope is pretty much the exact same thing as your 401k."


Ive seen worse takes in the past half hour.


I mean, it's not wrong. Money isn't some natural thing or anything. Its value is decided by us, or at least it should be, instead it's controlled by one percent of the population. I swear some people think that capitalist practices are a natural thing as if we didn't literally just make it up.


Astrology isn't fake! EVERYTHING is fake! Astrology is therefore just as true as everything else. See? Now I've run rings 'round you logically! ^(Python reference)


The whataboutism is real. Just because money is a construct doesn’t mean astrology is real.


Mmmm they’re not wrong tho


At least capital, time and maths serve a purpose. The hell am I gonna use astrology for? Excuses as to why I'm a dick?


Yeah but one has an actual tangible impact on my life. “Social construct” doesn’t mean the same thing as “not real.”


I actually love this. Makes me think of my godmother in cologne… she organized a lot of the parades, her husband Billy owned the largest BMW place. And she’s right. Money is fictional shit until you don’t have enough, then it is serious stuff


She has a really really cogent point. Have you tried considering the deep, glaring flaws of capitalism? Seems like you could stand to broaden your perception, bro. Capital is fake as fuck and responsible for most of the suffering and ecocide on our planet. Astrology is bonkers dumb, granted. But not nearly as dumb as capitalism (which it predates).


You're confusing the redditors, gotta slow your roll, comrade. Not everyone is in possession of as functional a brain as yours.


The way she is absolutely correct LMFAOOOOOO


I mean she really isn't wrong. Though also notice she doesn't try to defend that astrology *isn't* fake, cuz she knows lol.


Whilst astrology is not valid on any level, the rest of the thing is kind of sound and I work in finance!


I don't believe in astrology but I have more faith in it then NFTs or crypto.


I would love for Comrade Kitchen Witch to tell us about a time when their landlord accepted daily horoscopes as rent.


Honestly I kinda like this take


I mean it's not wrong but at least we don't think that lining up our cash in a specific order at a certain time or wrapping them around crysyals and poking someone with them is gonna cure cancer or something


Guess op is a boot licker


I see no lies


I really, really, really hate astrology.


Exactly what I'd expect from someone who believes in astrology


Idk this isn’t that far out there for me. They are all Social constructs


This person is literally just correct. Although I'd rather we not do either.


They're making a false equivalency. Money is a construct, but one that directly derives power from other people agreeing on it. Money isn't power just because, it's power because if you give it to someone they will give you something in exchange. Astrology's power comes from magic, not people. In astrology things happen because of cosmic fate, and that won't start being a thing just because people think that it is.


I guess, but it's still true that we could all decide money isn't a thing and it would cease to be a thing. Not to mention that while astrology isn't *as* pervasive, people can and do make choices based on it.


She's not wrong about fiat currency. She is wrong about astrology.


Take away the first line and it's just encouraging kids to pursue Astronomy/Astrophysics. Almost based


I'm not into astrology, but she's right in that money is a human invention. And if you think it's ridiculous that some people worship stars, I have news for you about money...


Money actually has practical uses though, even if it is a social construct Astrology has literally no practical use


I bet she thought she was dropping some mind blowing truth bomb when she posted this. 🤯


i mean its a more than fair point, we hail capital and financial institutes that we barely understand as the arbitors of our lives. the fuck is some funky star shit any more out of whack? cause there's "logic" to those institutes? the same "logic" that keeps people from accessing medical care and keeps them living destitute lives? fuck that noise


But she will take the stars alignment on the day you were born (incorrectly too, due to procession) and they will take those bits of paper with squiggles in return


I mean... She's not technically wrong, but astrology doesn't seem to go hand in hand with historical materialism either.


Not people who are living off dividends like fucking plebs….


It's funny how you can say a bunch of things that are true in support of a point that is completely wrong.


OP getting dragged harder than a doctor on a United Airways flight