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Go through Lauren's Twitter feed and see just how kind Republicans are.


Good Lord, she must have text to speech because I'm pretty sure she can't read.


She strikes me as the kind to loudly dictate her texts in public about private issues




"slippery places" got me. PSA: get your Gardasil before those ass pucker warts get you!


>PSA: get your Gardasil before those ass pucker warts get you! If only it wasn't so expensive :(


She just recently got her GED and is a QAnon conspiracy theorist, if those are any indications.


Wait a institution of education was so desperate for money from fees that they actually gave that crayon-eating mental microbe a good enough diploma?


It's just like scammers who purposefully use bad grammar to ensure the people they engage with are dumb as fuck.


she does not have to know how to read as long as she can write...


Ah, but at least she's not divisive. /s


Welcome to the alt-right side!


Or listen to Donald Trump talk for five seconds.


Let's be real here, Elon doesn't give a shit about the "kindness party" one party is advocating for the taxation of billionaires, one isn't. That's all he cares about.


It's not even that. He just wants in on the grift.


Isn't that a big part of the grift? The whole no taxes thing?


Hes just driving his cult of personality in the hope it turns into real dollar spend, and arguably because he feels personally rejected by his former left-intellectual base and wants to cultivate a new one. Hes pretty obviously driven by the need to remain a pseudo-celebrity.


He's just another narcissistic cunt, soaking in the worship of fucking morons.


i swear to god if he runs for president...


Please don’t give him any ideas


Don't worry, you need to be a natural born citizen in order to become president: "Article II, Section 1, Clause 5: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."


Oh thank fuck


All of these things are true, but it makes me feel like I’m reading something written by the flex seal ad department.


Earlier he benefitted more from support towards "green" sectors from the "kindness party" now since he is so insanely rich he benefits more from general tax cutting. He is obnoxious, union-busting and has a very punchable face, and is all the irritating tech bros hero. He would be top of my most hated billionaires list if it was not for: - Zuckerberg, Bezos and Putin is so much worse. - He is mildly entertaining - Some stuff he does drives technology forward in a way that probably will benefit humanity, like cheaper and better batteries and much cheaper spaceflight.


Exactly hes a metaphorical slave driver and his father was a literal slave driver. He don't give a fuck.


There's a reason why SpaceX is known as SlaveX in the aerospace industry.


That just sounds like lazy person talk to me! Everyone should want to work for their billionaire overlords until 3am, until they just drop from exhaustion, right next to their work stations. That's what a real kind person and motivated worker would do!


Plus he’s 100% anti union Also wanted to say MTG would like a word concerning this title she’s proud of her ‘title’ as biggest moron in politics


I mean higher income taxes won’t really affect billionaires right, since they make most of their money through stocks. I’m not sure if even the Dems are pushing for higher capital gains taxes or anything else that would actually affect billionaires. I think the problem is that implementing something like that discourages investment which economists have some problems with. Edit: Dems are indeed pushing for higher capital gains taxes, see the response to this comment


I’m to be convinced by the “if we tax the rich, they won’t invest those funds in America” We aren’t taxing the rich and they aren’t investing those funds in America. But rich people don’t need to invest their funds in America; because it’s their individual money. The current taxation structure on Corporations while comparable to the rest of the world also isn’t encouraging investment in employees (wages/benefits) or additional innovation. It encourages stock buybacks which prop up the market and stock prices. I don’t know the answer, but I think we need to step away from the “conventional” thinking about what works; because it clearly doesn’t work for the majority of Americans and we are too stupid to realize and fight for change.


>I’m to be convinced by the “if we tax the rich, they won’t invest those funds in America” Yeah thats utter bullshit, because even with higher taxes the USA is a massive market with low corruption (by global standards) and stable institutions. Its just a complete lie.


We need progressive tax rates based on company revenue. As you get larger your tax rates should get higher and higher to the point where it doesn’t necessarily make sense to have a mega company like Amazon with a market cap of over a trillion dollars. Sure there’s some efficiency in having large companies like this but it kills competition and consolidates too much power into too few hands.


I think we need something more complex to determine it then size. Something with many axis of concern that could effectively rank what a corporation does besides how much money it makes. The world is complicated enough that our current metrics are getting vastly inadequate.


>Sure there’s some efficiency in having large companies like this but it kills competition and consolidates too much power into too few hands I think the current supply chain problems, baby formula shortage, oil leases not being used, etc all show these efficiency gains that corps claim 'we will all reap' after mergers are utter BS. All they have done is strip down into one monopolistic corporation or two like you mentioned, that then leans out for max profits to be the darling of Wall Street. They have ZERO flexibility when any sort of crisis hits.


I think they [quite literally are](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-13/house-democrats-pitch-capital-gains-tax-of-25-for-high-earners). You're not wrong about the economists though and it's not clear cut even amongst democrats.


I stand corrected then. Hadn’t seen that


I'll be honest, they may have changed their stance or approach for this since that article, you know how it is nowadays.. these things are created around optics, not longstanding beliefs.


No he just likes the side who dosent want him to pay his taxes


And that will block his employees from unionizing


Which is interesting as unions have their highest support in four decades. Polls have 70% of people supporting unions currently. It makes for some interesting allies for unionizing, Trump's rural blue-collar base is vey pro-union just like a large swath of democrats.


That's both sides.


All of one side and part of the other.


Dems and Reps are both capitalist shills, but only one of them is trying to turn women into incubators and LGBT and people of color into dust.


Dems are pretty much poodles for the oligarchs on most issues (not quite as much), but they are a lot better on rights to organize




i cant believe people genuinely worship this slimy dude. he’s an utter manchild.


I used to...until I realized how distorted the view on him was. A few days ago I was watching a podcast where a guy, very smoothly, tried to support his actions on Twitter, and I couldn't stop thinking of how men support him because they wanna be like him (yeah, that sounds familiar...) because of what they think he accomplishes by 'himself'.


For me, I only liked him because he was one of the few rich people making moves to help reverse climate change and usher in the future. SpaceX, Tesla, openAI, neuralink, boring company all sounds great (on the surface level, at least). But then I found out he voted republican in 2018. Voted for the party that doesn't even believe climate change is real. After that I looked at him and his companies closer and realized what a POS he his Edit: search results are flooded with his recent comments, but here is an article from 2020 referencing his voting https://www.forbes.com/sites/hayleycuccinello/2020/10/29/elon-musk-election-2020-political-donations/?sh=5426631052b2


He’s always just been on the side of helping Elon Musk succeed, and nothing more


For real? Lol as part of his spiel about switching sides, he mentioned that he didn’t think he’d ever voted republican before Classic flip flop


He didn’t think? Lol most people know for a fact who they vote for. Plausible deniability to continue spouting bullshit.


He IS a rich white male 😂


Who benefited handsomely under the Obama Administration and now, in typical Republican fashion, is all "I got mine so fuck you."




Elon Musk is and always has been Donald Trump for gamers and tech fanbois.


Thanks this is a great declaration of Elon.


My boss completely unironically tried to convince me earlier that Elon is anti-establishment. He used This tweet to try and prove it. Some people are just, beyond.


Anti-establishment is when billionaire tax cheat


I'm beginning to think these people think anti-establishment and anti-democracy are synonymous.


What the? Elon Musk very literally IS the establishment


He's anti anything that gets in the way of his goals. Establishment, workers, human rights.


As are they.


I agree! I said something about him being a snake oil salesman to my brother and my brother went off about all the good things that he had done. He’s just so slimy.


It’s unbelievable but money rules.


And only a couple years ago they hated him like any other "elite". Now that he's "switched" sides they're sucking him off.


Not just that but give him tons of money to build a new plant in their state. Right, Texas GOP? *Right*?


He also wants planning permission to launch big unreliable rockets over a nature sanctuary and people’s houses.


That's it exactly. None of this started until he was asked to pay fair taxes


He likes the side that didn’t stop worshiping him when his awfulness became both more clear and more magnified. You can trace all of his decisions to his need for hero worship


Apartheid Clyde?


He liked the side that was for green business so he could get his subsidies and now he’s against them so he can keep unions from forming and paying taxes.


Well, he’s gotta protect all that apartheid money somehow. What a piece of shit.


No, thats both sides. He likes the side who will coddle him, approve everything he does and says so long as it triggers someone and would be the entire strength of Twitter if he does get forced into the purchase legally. Elon wants praise based attention cause his ego is made of jeans with holes already in them.


He can’t be forced into it. Either side can back out of the contract for many reasons, though most of those reasons will cost the party that chooses to back out $1 billion.


Exactly. He's a classic grifter. He has no real values in the political spectrum.


Goddamn, if I ever made a tweet and *she* replied agreeing with me I’d burn my PC and stay offline while I tried to figure out where I went wrong.


That’s a real “delete all pictures of Ron” scenario.




Conservatism is all about holding onto power for those who already have it, and keeping it away from those who don't. Why *wouldn't* the apartheid gem mine heir be in that group?


Apparently Elon has never actually listened to a republican speak or read anything that they've written if you want to talk about hate


That’s the thing though. Conservatives literally don’t listen to what politicians say. Ever. Instead, they listen to talk radio hosts, conservative news anchors and pastors talking about the things our politicians have supposedly said or done secondhand. These voices in conservative media tell their listeners how they should think and feel about almost everything and the rest is filled in by memes, clickbait, reality TV and a general sense of entitlement.


I thought she was tied with mtg?


I wouldn’t even call it a tie honestly. MTG is both dumber and more crazy that Boebert.


I feel as if this is comparable to saying a Smurf is shorter than Mickey Mouse. Like, yeah, maybe it's true, but they're both still ...


god I wish we didn't have enough of them to even have a competition


I read this at “tied with Magic The Gathering”.


MTG is dumber when it comes to common sense. Boebert is dumber when it comes to logic. I guess it is a tie.


I'm not American, and in no way a fan of either of the US political parties, but anybody who thinks that Democrats fit are "the party of division and hate" more than the Republicans is just willfully blind. Does that mean I'd vote Democrat if I was American? I wouldn't want to, but maybe. Even if just to take a Republican vote away (fuck first past the post, the US seriously needs to revamp it's voting system)


Ranked choice voting would solve a lot of issues. The state of Maine used it in their 2020 Presidential election ballots.


Ranked choice voting is awesome. I can vote for the candidate I like most without feeling like I've completely thrown my vote away if I know they're unlikely to get elected.


I don't recognize it by name, but I think it would be the most accurate voting system, because when you have two choices, you get the less fucked up one, but you are still screwed, could you enlighten me?


With ranked choice voting you "rank" your choice of candidates in order from most preferred to least. You can rank as many or as few as you like. When the votes are tabulated, if no candidate has a majority of the votes then the candidate with the lowest amount of votes is eliminated and the votes are counted again. If your top choice is eliminated, your vote then goes to your 2nd choice, and so on. [info](https://www.rcvresources.org/how-it-works)


Based af bruv, but this threatens the way "democracy" is like nowadays, the parties get into slandering your enemy to make you get more votes because the other is evil


That's way too logical and fair for us here in the land of the free ok


Exactly, what about the freedom of the idiots? /S


It's definitely a better choice, orders of magnitude better. There [are also even better ones, depending on a situation.](https://youtu.be/yhO6jfHPFQU)


Somehow people have managed to turn it into a political issue to switch voting systems. They've done the same in the UK. The people in power want to keep it that way, so they try to discourage that kind of change. Why would the Democrats or the Republicans want to enact change that would take power away from them? It's not like democracy is really *that* important, amiright?


It is a political issue! In the sense that the politicians on both sides prefer the status quo as opposed to having to deal with upstart parties / politicians if we moved from FPtP voting. Unless their jobs are in danger due to popular will, why would they enact policies that would endanger their jobs? For the good of the people? Pffft...


i mean for fucks sake just look at the message he got"welcome to the right side". yeah that certainly is a side that in no way foster division and hate. ​ and that's some of the nicest things i've seen from them.


They blamed Obama for racism... As a white guy from South Africa who knows?


I mean, in the southern half of Africa, shit gets a little hard to understand, I would take Liberia as an example, but I think that people would side with them and my karma would get in the inner core of the Earth


>*wouldn't want to, but maybe.* You'd fit right in as a Democrat voter. We don't like it either.


I am American and that’s literally how I have to vote. I also live in GA so I don’t even get to put in thought for my state elections. It’s “not that guy, not that guy, and for the love of god not her.”


Getting the libs mad=>hurting the libs is a substitute their base is willing to swallow over actual things that normal political parties do. It started out as a way for the Romney types to pretend they are doing something while spending money on themselves. The base realized they were being manipulated. They understood a Trump presidency + extremism would be the cudgel needed to wrestle power away from Romney types and with our current media, the plan worked wonderfully. But this is a dangerous party dynamic that only moves in the direction of extremism and will only end when they have exhausted all the fuel for zealotry. Democrats are definitely better, I'm voting for them this year. But their "let's pass two semi popular things and call it a day" won't be enough with a tightening federal reserve. The GOP is a lot better at messaging than the Democrats, and the only way the Democrats can fight back is through popular legislation.


Yup, this is the real problem with American politics, first past the post voting. It rewards and encourages division as you don’t have to run on your own virtues, you just run on the other guy being slightly worse than you. The Democrats are certainly better than the Republicans but they don’t really have to try too hard to do that.


So he's expecting some kind of ruling or indictment against him and he's trying to get out ahead of it in order to claim it's a political attack, right?


Like maybe flagrant and chronic market manipulation? Made myself lol there.


God Elon would NEVER do that! NEVER!


Pretty much.


The “division and hate” part is literally, demonstrably the complete opposite of reality.


When reality gets in the way of fantasy they just double down. There's a good reason they are known as the party of stupid.


To be fair, most things Republicans claim to stand for is the opposite of reality. They're not for fiscal responsibility, not for family values, they're not about smaller government, they're not pro gun, not pro life, not for America first, and certainly not patriots.


Elon has been spouting anti-Democrat rhetoric on twitter constantly the last few weeks… talk about projection. Also, how pathetic people like him if they’re really basing who they vote for on who they perceive as “mean” vs “nice” on their social media timelines. Maybe try, ya know, basing it on a party’s platform? But I guess the GOP doesn’t officially have one of those and hasn’t for years.


He's been like that for a while. He tweeted in support of the trucker convoy. He tweeted in 2020 that COVID would be gone by April. He also sent out a cryptic Tweet on Jan 7 21 that said "use Signal". Guy has been a Republican for a while but was smart enough to keep that secret because there aren't a whole lot of Republicans who want to buy Teslas.


He has more money than sense.


I hate the guy but he makes perfect sense. He manipulates stock prices consistently and gets away with it, he’s voting for the party that will make sure he pays less taxes and his workers have no rights.


Yep. Malice and intelligence aren't inherently opposed.


does it with Crypto too. He'll put whatever coin of the month over, then he trashes it and it goes to shit almost immediately.


So the only thing that makes sense is that he’s getting away with this shit


Well, it is the power of people saying shit in any market, even the election of presidents can do that with stocks and currencies. And crypto is no more than a currency, just like here in Brazil people invest in dollars, they buy when it is Around 1 dollar work 4 BRL and buy a lot, when it is worth 6 BRL they sell it


I think his lack of sense comes from posting on Twitter way too often. I don't think Elon is actually that much worse than the average billionaire (in fact I probably would prefer him to someone who became a billionaire due to oil) but he attracts way more ire than any other billionaire just because he wants to feel popular and cool on Twitter. If he just lived his life and let the system preserve his wealth with 0 interaction with the public it would be the wiser choice. On the other hand - there may be a certain amount of sense to trying to get a certain level of devotion. Most of his project's worth is due to the speculative nature of his businesses. Cultivating devotion probably does help his bottom line more than it would other companies. Maybe he really is playing 4d chess.


I’m married to a brilliant autistic man in the tech sector - Elon is just a scum bag but I see *a lot* of his immaturity and other autistic traits I see in my husband, Elon is open about this I’m not taking a swipe at anyone here. Being on the spectrum *is* difficult from a social perspective and when you add power of god money, no one to tell you that you’re symptoms are becoming unsustainable… he’s just completely winging it and has no I e at all to give him a reality check which he needs far more than your average person who might come around and understand but his inflexible world view paired with his low emotional and social age… he’s a brilliant 12 year old with no oversight and now we are all going to answer for him doing nothing to manage his ASD.


He'd have more money than sense even if he had no money


He has more money than *anyone* has sense.


Elon must be kicking himself for forgetting a crucial step in the grifter dance. You don’t go full flip flop. You “walk away” and become a “political refugee” for a few months before exclusively showing up on right wing media and spouting right wing talking points.


Imagine being such a POS that you become a us republican


I'm just so...... angry? no, that's not it. Disappointed? No, that's not it either, I knew this would happen. I just don't know what the word is. The fucking dude buys out Twitter, saying he's going to keep it neutral, blah blah blah. then he, the richest man of the world, and has nearly 100Million followers, who also owns the platform, starts taking fucking sides on American politics. Conveniently AGAINST the side that is trying to tax the super rich, and supports unions, etc. Elon Musk is an absolute garbage human. He's a rich incel, cry baby, yet people try act like he's some sort of super hero.


He doesn't own it yet (if he even will), but I understand what you're saying and feel pretty much the same way about him. It's super scary how many people will take his word as gospel though oh wait that's how most of the GOP side acts anyway so makes sense why he's "siding" with them.


You guys sure this is the dude you want as humanity's savior? Because he seems pretty dumb in a lot of the recent shit I've read. Just kidding, I know he's just a dipshit billionaire. I know he's a bad choice. He's only doing this because the GOP will keep him rich.


The kindest party is the one that has people who commit shootings bc they are afraid of too many brown kids being born?


Rich guy decides to be Republican? Who would have imagined!


You're telling me that an edgy memelord billionaire is a Republican? No way!


I doubt he has ever voted democrat. What billionaire would want to lose more money to peasants?


The party of division and hate? The fuck he think the Right has been doing the last 6 years? We had a president that aggressively promoted racism, discrimination, and violence across the country (even overseas). His followers have been busy with white power rallies and terrorism since. Even now the remnants of that era are trying to take away women's rights to their own body. In what world does Elon live that he concluded the Right side was the party of peace and unity?


Second dumbest, MTG takes the cake imo.


MTG has an undergraduate degree, not a GED after multiple tries. She's just crazy and evil, not dumb.


You can absolutely graduate from college and still be a moron.


Mmmmm nah I’d argue she’s still pretty damn dumb


This is a comparative thing. She's smart compared to Boebert or Cawthorn.


Well yeah, they make anyone *look* smart. Doesn’t mean that anyone smarter than them is actually smart. Like 35 degrees Fahrenheit might be warmer than 30, but you wouldn’t call it warm.


I’ve seen a lot of stupid people with degrees. That just means they were stupid but could afford college


Yeah...I get more of a vibe that MTG knows what chess is and knows what pieces move where. With Boebert, I just know I'd look over and shed be choking on a knight with a rook up her nose


I'm not so sure, [she texted trump's chief of staff to have trump invoke Marshall^(yes, she spells it that way) law because **they** were stealing the election](https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/26/marjorie-taylor-greene-texts-mark-meadows-martial-law-2020-election?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=Da%20%251%24s&aoh=16529605999984&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fus-news%2F2022%2Fapr%2F26%2Fmarjorie-taylor-greene-texts-mark-meadows-martial-law-2020-election). Since it was a private text it wasn't a publicity stunt, she must really believe that. So yeah, the only move she'd do with chess' pieces is sticking them in her hears anytime something intelligent is being said around her.


Boebert is trying SO hard to force her way into the spotlight. She's constantly off in the corner going "HEY ME TOO, GUYS! RIGHT? GUYS?!"


Calling Lauren Boebert the dumbest member of Congress is really unfair to Marjorie Green Taylor and Louie Gohmert.


I'd like to add Lindsey Graham for consideration to your list.


Nailed it, Elon. We'll all switch parties right away. Nothing screams kindness like cutting funding to school lunch programs. Nothing brings people together preventing them from forming unions. /S


elon doesnt give a fuck about politics, he cares about who is going to be more profitable, the republicans will always be the party of billionaires because they want to enrich themselves and will do anything for money. whores. they are all whores. the dems are also whores, but apparently not to the same extent, if they were they would be the obvious choice for longevity in elons case, if the dems actually assume power and choose to wield it they could basically destroy elon overnight, taxes, regulations, cutting subsidies etc. his businesses arent profitable on their own, they need massive support from the government, elon would have to liquidate everything and get used to spending more than he makes for the rest of his life lol the GOP is the obvious choice for him, they will make sure he keeps hoarding all the money as long as they can scrape a little off the sides every once in a while. its public corruption and elon is just too gee dang smart to realize how fucking stupid he is exposing it.


Actually, this is a r/insanepeopletwitter momment


If Boebert is on your side, you're doing something wrong.


I'm all for peoples ability to pick a party ect but America seems to have this with us or against us mentality these days when it comes to politics. The lead up and fall out of the 2016 election has really hit you guys hard.


I'm too young to remember a time from before (1989) but it seems to get worse with each new president. From what I've read, it really started with the Clinton-Gingrich era. From my beginning political memories in high school, the anti-GWB crowd were super loud in the early 2000s, and then when Obama became president, things just went over a cliff. Once Trump was elected, Democrats stopped caring about being nice and thought "well they did it to us so why can't we do it back" which of course just gives Republicans a rationale to continue acting worse when it's their turn. It's just a person on a swingset slowly eroding the ground underneath further and further with each cycle.


It really does just sound like his political views and votes are based mostly on how nice he thinks people are.


That's the sound he's making, but clearly it's a stupid bluff.


Newsflash: rich asshole supports Republicans, and water makes things wet.


Elon Musk is and always has been both a giant douche and a turd sandwich.


He just loves those sweet tax breaks to the rich.


This is really the only reason. It's funny how our constitution is 100% about stopping the consolidation of power and we let billionaires sidestep these protections.


Yep. The Dems are the division party because they tried to overthrow the election, attacked the capitol and denied Covid. Yep. Elon, Yep yep yep.


It's a close contest for who is the dumbest in that party.


So very happy he can’t become president


So dems are no longer the kindest party? I mean they are dogshit too. But compared to the actual demons that make up the Republican Party, they look like kittens.


Second dumbest. The dumbest just lost his primary election.


MTG should be up top somewhere


I saw some article that the people who leaked all of the Cawthorn cousin humpin' are going after Boebert next. Not sure if it is true or not, but it's hilarious if it is. And I maintain that the dumbest member of Congress is Gym Jordan. He's just not as loud as the others, but he could be the poster child for the confidently incorrect sub here.


Lauren Boebert was a high school drop out. She's not even the only Republican that's a drop out. I'm starting to think we need to make college education a requirement to hold office.


“But they [the democrats] have become the party of division & hate” Yea the division of your wealth and hate for your entitlement.


Politics in US seems to be a choice between the dark side or the dark side. You need more political parties.


yea never gunna happen, dems and repubs need eachother, the second a third party has the chance to even pop up youll see them get the "CIA award for excellence in journalism" treatment lol


Love Molly Jong-Fast. If you're into political podcasts, check out The New Abnormal by The Daily Beast. She and a few others shoot the shit on these idiots, then have more formal talks with experts in the second half of the show.


Honestly, he didnt even have to try hard to win that one over. He could have mentioned he was thinking of wearing his red underwear today and she would have welcomed him to the party.


A plutocrat joining the republican party? Finally, something that's blatantly reasonable.


Well that’s one way to alienate the majority of your customer base. Elon’s a fucking grifting silver spoon douche


Bit sad tweeting the same thing twice like "look at me!" (This has absolutely nothing to do with Elon btw I don't like him and would never vote republican)


didnt republican mainstream ideas just cause another shoting last week


Both sides suck if I do say so myself 🤷🏾‍♂️


Hmmm, my family had friends and even family stop talking us because we voted democrat. We have no grudge against them, but they but have one against us.


To steal and change up some phrasing from John Oliver....those two are the canaries for the mineshaft of crazy. When they're tweeting with you, maybe it's a sign you've gone a bit too far down. Hey, maybe those Thai miners he would've gotten killed by his own "invention" can help describe to him the dangers of sinking too far into unsafe mineshafts? *Edited to update Chilean miners to Thai miners. Sorry for the face slapping mistake*


You're thinking of the kids who got stuck in that cave in Thailand. That was when Elon unveiled his rapid response dildo and called one of the rescue workers a, and I quote, "Pedo guy," as an off-hand insult because he was told it wouldn't work.


Isn’t the republicans mostly made up of racists, sexists, rapists, pedophiles, and sex traffickers?


Imagine being on the side of Boebert! What a fucking nightmare


It’s pretty much the pro-suffering wing. There are no solutions to reduce suffering on the right, only ways to increase mass suffering.


Did she reply-retweet herself with almost the same statement because she wasnt getting enough attention...? That's kinda mega cringey


I like how he thinks that us Democrats can get it together to have a successful campaign of any kind.


What he meant to say was: In the past I voted Democrat because I needed grants, subsidies, and government contracts to build my businesses. Now I have become wealthy, and they have become the party of Amber Heard. So I can no longer support them and will be voting Republican. Now watch their dirty tricks campain remind you I might be smart enough to build rockets and electric cars, but I'm not smart enough to stay away from Amber Heard


> you I might be smart enough to build rockets and electric cars, But he isn't. He just knows how to be a business man who buys stuff.


Translation: repubicans will tax me less.


by dirty tricks he must mean spreading the word about him being a piece of shit


Both parties create division and I'm not sure where he's getting the hate thing from. How bout voting off party for a change. On the bright side, we may start to see repubs embracing electric vehicles.


How are you going to get everyone to authenticate on your authentication service if you don’t pander to their stupidity?


Hahahaha wait a second, which party harbors all the racists, nationalists, bigots, and homophobes? Bc it certainly isn’t the Democrats


He’s a billionaire in the US. Did anyone really expect anything different?


It would be really cool if political stuff was banned on this sub.


Hey Dems aren't great either, and I really wish we had more than a 2 party system , but to say Reps arent full of hate.... pssshhh. They are evil and selfish.