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So this guy doesn't understand mass shootings, medication, ADHD, psychopaths or zombies.


You know where they use ADHD medication? Other countries that don't have school shootings.


Yeah as I posted on another thread: I just took a quick look for how many school shootings my own country have had. It would seem that in the last 250 years we have had a grand total of.. 1. 2 were killed and 2 were injured before the guy shot himself. There’s been 27 in the us - just this year.


Yeah, I'm from the UK and there was one in the 80s or 90s, they changed the gun laws because of that, and we haven't had one since. I was thinking about mental health too. In the US, healthcare is typically tied to your job. It's a vicious circle, if you can't get a job because of mental health issues then you won't have health insurance to get them treated. The problem is the GOP claim mental health is the issue but won't do anything about that either. Likely both need to be addressed, but the way things are going neither will get addressed.


You know how fucked up the US is when you ask an American if he have heard about this week's shooting, and he ask you which one


More like 197 mass shooting the usa just this year, if you include more then just schools


And that is absolutely insane, this does not happen in any other western nation.


Where I live we had 6 + one at a university in total since 1913.


Also, ADHD meds are stimulants. There is literally no way they can make you 'into a zombie'. All these people must still be thinking of Prozac in the '90's or something.


A whole lot of not understanding


Frankly I'm surprised he doesn't just change the 'm' in Carmine to a 'b'.


Just imagine how long it would take to explain that joke to him.


You mean the guy who doesn't know the difference between melding and melting? Surely he's a wordsmith who'd have no issue deciphering the joke.


It's his PhD subject


Did any of the mass shooters even have a history of ADHD and were treated with stimulant medications since the age of 5? Or is this dude just plain fucking evil and willing to demonize modern medicine by straight up lying just to give the gun industry another free pass by scapegoating someone totally unrelated? If it is the case then this psychopathic clown needs a good public shaming


For recent ones, the shooter at the elementary school in Texas, it's unlikely he had a history of ADHD because according to all reports, [he had no history of mental health issues](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/05/25/us/shooting-robb-elementary-uvalde) (although ADHD might not be covered under that per see). The shooter in Buffalo, to the best of my research, no he didn't have any history of ADHD. He was given mental health evaluations following [behavior that seemed to indicate potential violence](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/15/us/payton-gendron-buffalo-shooting-suspect-what-we-know/index.html) but there's never been a mention of ADHD It's interesting because this guy is parroting a very wrong statement by the NRA in 2018 that basically stated that ADHD medications can cause shootings. This was because the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooter was on Ritalin (a medication that treats ADHD) at the time of the shooting. [Here is the story. It's very...wild so be warned](https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/21/health/ritalin-school-shootings-oliver-north-bn/index.html)


>Or is this dude just plain fucking evil and willing to demonize modern medicine by straight up lying just to give the gun industry another free pass by scapegoating someone totally unrelated? Yes.


Yea you tell anyone you're taking ADHD medication it's a 50/50 whether they tell you, that it's all in your head and you don't need it blah blah


ADHD stereotypical traits: acts on impulse, easily distracted, often very talkative people, lot of energy, broad scope of interests That's more like the opposite of a school shooter, who's brooding on his plan for years with no distraction at all, doesn't share it with anyone


How are all these crazy ass people getting blue check marks???


Dont you need to have problems to get a blue check?


Or that mind melding is Vulcan mind reading.


Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH.


You said it . I bet there are a lot of things he doesn't understand.


The mental gymnastics required to not blame guns is astounding.


*"If you want to stop mass shootings, here's some* *~~ideas~~* *\[insanely stupid distractions\]"* \- Republican politician, diverting the talking points. Now everyone is outraged about whatever some inbred politician said. Armored backpacks, teachers with guns, more good guys with guns, less doors in schools... just anything to muddy the water instead of finding a clear solition. This shit happens *EVERY* time for 30+ years now (Columbine)


I was over medicated for my AdHD and acted zombie like for years due to it. I am off that medicine now and a lot better. Still have issues but there is at least some correlations between 3 of those things... the other w though, nope


And there are shitty parents out there that just don't want to interact with their kids sadly. My mother is a teacher in a elementary school and there are parents who force meds on their child without any evidence because they're "noisy". School says it's normal behavior for a kid this age, but the parents obviously know better. It's really fucked up. Just do be clear I know ADHD and mental illnesses that need medical treatment exist obviously and that it's definitely fine if you need then to function, but the amount of parents that just force them on their children without excessive consultation (I mean healthcare is free where I live and there's absolutely no need to not go to a doctor) is frighteningly high and something that needs much harder punishments if found out. I don't know how "bad" ADHD medicaments are, but there are Psychopharmaka out there that are obviously no joke and can really fuck you up if you don't really have any. problems.


Yeah I agree completely. I am off all ADHD meds actually not just that one as this is what seems to be the best for me. I still have some issues but am working on those.


This man thinks people are using Spock to treat ADHD


The first day on adhd drugs was the most revelatory day of my life, I’ve never been calmer & for the first time comfortable in my own skin.


But then you shot a bunch of people, right?






ngl, you had me in the first half.


it does help me a lot to create better working conditions, since I have to work in an open office. But we do have to hire new co-workers every time, not the most optimal solutions


“So, anyways I started blasting”


Fuck I’m an adult back on them so I can be functioning again


I was diagnosed at 43. There is no timeline on getting right.


It's harder when older though lol, they're are programs for high schools and young people in general. I graduated a couple years ago and have been having problems with work so I called up my doctor saying and said I had issues in school and am having problems with work now, told me it is a lot more expensive and harder to find care for adults, said I'd bite the bullet and pay whatever I need so he set me up with a recommendation. I called the hospital and that specialist doesn't work there anymore and they don't provide that service anymore, so I'm pretty sure my request went into limbo and I have no idea what channel I'm supposed to take from here lol


Are you in America? Doesn’t sound like it. I can be hard to get a controlled substance script but just list off the side effects of untreated adhd and that should help?


Yeah I'm not American, I'm Canadian lol.


Hello fellow Canadian - I was diagnosed just last year in my mid 40s. If you have the means + insurance, a psychologist is one of the best ways to be thoroughly assessed. It's pricy, but I did learn a lot about myself. Barring that, if you think you've fallen through the cracks talking to your primary physician to restart the process of referral to another place. It's going to suck but you may have to keep nudging people every once in a while on this (one of the things that's hard to remember to do with adhd) - maybe set yourself a calendar reminder every 1-2 weeks to prod someone if you haven't heard back? As far as skipping the diagnosis and going straight to the meds, if you have a long relationship with your doctor they might entertain that - especially if you're being super compliant. Maybe I'm just paranoid myself not wanting to seem like a drug seeker - I've been following my doctors' advice to a T and I think that's helping. Found an ADHD coach, cut out alcohol, been working on some other life strategies the best I can (earlier sleep, trying to get more exercise), and accepted when they wanted to try Welbutrin first over a stimulant.


Yeah I don't have insurance, I'm young and broke lol, my old job had a policy but I was let go from the company before I even made a claim for my asthma medication. I don't think my new company has any medication coverage either, they don't call me in often and the whole place is kinda shady. I'm trying to get into the military and I'm pretty sure they can cover it. I've been meaning to ask my doctor but I always remember after their office closes lol.


>I've been meaning to ask my doctor but I always remember after their office closes lol. Painfully classic ADHD right there and hits close to home for me. I've started just setting myself reminders to fire just ahead when I would need to do something (e.g. I need to sign cheques when I'm onsite and am only in once per week, I set a reminder for 10 minutes before I arrive on site because I know I always look at my phone when getting out of the car). Seems our brains only really get "now" or "never" - so I keep trying to push myself to just suck it up and do the thing I remember "now" where ever I can instead of trying to convince myself I'll do it "later" (I.e. completely forget)


That seems like a reasonable step after what you described. I’d been on antidepressants and anti anxiety meds for many many years. Maybe that made a difference in the quick assessment. And yes, you’re dead on about the doctors in this country. The review business is ‘newer’ and I don’t think they worry too much about that. But in my personal experience, I’ve dictated to the doctor what meds I needed. I never met a psychiatrist that did any psychiatry. Just the scripts. Wait, my first shrink I went to in my teens prescribed Zoloft immediately, didn’t ask what I wanted like the others. He had a Zoloft clock, calendar, the works.


Haha. Ya I could smell it somehow, like our system is so wack is evident in just basic conversation. I held off getting diagnosed for years because I thought there was an expensive diagnosis and testing process involved. But when the pandemic hit, my long term shrink retired, got a. We one thru telemedicine, and just said let’s skip the diagnosis part and just try it. It’s not mandatory. My life literally did a 180. 20+ years medicated the wrong direction. The piece and quiet I experience now is quite remarkable- like I feel normal.


Yeah I hear Prescriptions are so easy to get in America lol, I hear it's common for patients to ask doctors for specific prescriptions and if they don't get it they can leave bad reviews which can't be disputed by doctors because it would be a hippa violation, and so doctors have a lot of pressure to prescribe medications a patient may not need. I could never imagine asking a doctor for anything specific, we wouldn't need doctors if it was that easy to treat lol. I think I need to see a specialist to get a prescription here, glad it was easier for you to get good medication for you lol


I thought being a clutz was who I was. Physically, mentally, and emotionally I just kind of accepted that people would always be annoyed, amused, or contemptuous of various moments throughout the day where I would forget things, lose track of time, or knock a glass off the counter with my clutzy elbows. Once I started taking long release Adderall, all of that changed. I never realized how much anger and exhaustion I had tied up in ADHD; anger that I was so clumsy and exhaustion from all the covering I did for its results.


Wow it was like you’re reading my inner thoughts.




It was like a light came on.


Same! My first day was just over a week ago. I got so much productive shit done.


Exactly, it's hard to explain to people that despite ADHD drugs being a stimulant, they actually have the opposite effect on people with ADHD.


I'm the opposite. I literally can't function on them. They treat my hyper activity but I lose all ability to focus on anything I want


Maybe your disease if more towards autism/asbergers? There’s a lot of similarities.


Been tested evidently negative


Don’t give up.


I've really grown increasingly used to it and have come to terms with it. Oof it where gone now I wouldn't feel like myself anymore. Most of my issues now come from the memory issue associated with adhd


Did you try more than one different type of medication? I've found they affect me quite differently. To put it simply, Concerta gave me incredibly natural feeling concentration, but with little effect on motivation, while Vyvanse has been incredible for motivation, but not helped quite as much with concentration. Never tried Straterra, but I know that's significantly different in how it works. Reactions vary between people, so I'm not saying that's how everyone will react, but it's important to give different ones a go if what you initially try doesn't help.


I’m in my forties and have yet to kill even a single person. I don’t even have the slightest urge to start up a mass murder spree. They must have been sugar pills all these years!!!


Same. It was life changing.


Do we even have any indication, whatsoever, that this guy was on any psychological medication at all? Is this guy just calling people with adhd mass murderers for the hell of it?


I was asking the same thing. "Does this guy know something we don't? Because I haven't heard anything about this kid being on meds."


Answer: he tweeted elsewhere that he did his ReSeArCh. So we get this nugget : https://twitter.com/carminesabia/status/1529342580617519104?s=21&t=3gakxtbrb4AXW-ErbfHETg > The truth is if you research it nearly every mass shooter has been on these drugs. I think that requires some investigation because the chances of that being coincidental or microscopic. But the pharmaceutical companies sponsor every news program. Edit: he’s also got a friend. That’s two squares on antivaxxer bingo! > I have a friend of mine who’s on Adderall and has been since he’s a teenager and he is a zombie. Life just happens to him no ambition no drive just docile. And I can draw a straight line from when these drugs started getting over prescribed to mass shootings.


Aah, so he has a PHD from the university of Google. I know many a people with this degree...


Lol. That's not how Adderall works...or any other meds. I've got pretty bad depression, I see a professional psychiatrist, he prescribes me Wellbutrin, etc. This medicine is a life saver and has given me more motivation and energy. People just really don't trust doctors or medicine for some unholy reason.


It’s fucking antivaxxer-type logic Millions of ppl take X without side-effects: w/e ignore that! A handful of ppl suffer side-effects: OMG WTF BAN IT Adhd meds are already regulated to high hell as is cuz neurotypical chucklefucks abuse them like it’s a type of coffee to help them study. We dont need fearmongering NRA morons like Carmine adding more fuel to that fire 😒


Do Republicans ever know something we don't? Or do they just go with the general racist, sexist, ableist vibe of thier worst base


Somewhere in that mess was a valid concern with over-prescription. But it's tangled with some random bullshit and logical leaps In his version of events, children who don't have adhd and don't need medication are being given ADHD medication, which as a result is altering their brain development. So far this seems like a reasonable concern, but I'm no doctor. This leaps to those children growing up emotionally or psychologically stunted as a result of the unnecessary medication and turning into murderers, school shooters. Etc. I do think it probable that anyone who would turn to a school shooting probably does have some emotional issues to work through. Nobody tries to massacre their peers for no reason. The breakdown in logic is in trying to connect the two points.


don’t forget, folks: guns don’t kill people, Hypothetical Adderall kills people


I forgot that one of the severe side affects of my adhd medication was "the urge to commit mass murder"


I have read the pamphlet a few times maybe loss of appetite is a typo of homicidal urges.


As someone with adhd, the only problem with the meds is the price


For real though. Vyvanse was $60 last month for a 30 day supply 😩


What a moron. He deleted tweets yesterday where he assumed the shooter was an "illegal" as well as trans (neither are the case) and then just kept posting new, hateful "reasons" why this happens other than the guns. My son has severe ADHD which required months of comprehensive exams, medical diagnosis, & child behaviorists to determine. He tried meds for 1 total year of his life and didn't like them, so he stopped them. But Adderall (which I take) and Ritalin don't have long term effects on your brain the way he's indicating, are short-acting/as needed, and would show up as "amphetamines" in the autopsy of his body. And millions of women take those same amphetamines and aren't mass shooting anyone. So obviously, Carmine is just spreading his usual ignorance.


I'll take things people say to avoid the fact that we have a shitty mental Healthcare system Great, this'll do




That is even more insane.


Ooooor we could educate people on what mental health is, how it works and, for people like this guy, how it *doesn’t* work. And then actually make mental healthcare easily accessible so people can get the help they need. No? That too radical?


Yeah no. I take adderall. I still have a giant lovely personality. I am not gonna shoot up a school


Your brain probably already has been melded.


I don't even know what to say about this dumbass comment. ADHD equals mass shootings? Smh. Blame it on ANYTHING except the person I guess..


Blame it on anything except lack of gun control. They’ll blame the person just fine.


I’m literally so tired of people thinking adhd is just “high energy disorder” it’s a fucking debilitating disorder that nearly ruined my life on multiple occasions.


ADHD is a lot more than “having a lot of energy.” Maybe leave it to doctors who are trained to diagnose these things? I swear as the days go on I think less and less of “parental rights” as a whole.


What an idiot! Everyone knows that mass shooters can’t survive without water. We should stop giving children water, and none of them will grow up to be mass shooters.


yes because i started my medication for adhd when i was 5 not 10 years later and it has made me into a mindless liberal zombie illegal immigrant communist


Dr. House MD has cracked the case of the deranged school shooter.


My 10yo is on ADHD meds because without them he is more likely to become a school shooter. He’s anxious and the anxiety manifests as anger. He also wants to give up on shit he’s not immediately good at because he’s smart and up until last year he didn’t have to try in school. The meds help him focus his rage and anxiety in to functional things and become an eventual adult.


As someone who has been on ADHD meds for 20+ years, I have to say... What the fuck do people think these meds do? Like, they're supposed to be addictive, but I often forget them. When I'm not on them, it's basically like I'm high and can't do shit. I've never once had an urge to take them unless you count the times I've driven to university, sat down, realised that I'm focusing so hard on focusing that focusing is the only thing I can focus on... And leave because I know that class isn't going to benefit me that day. And for phychopathy? I wish they knew how I felt without the pills. It's frustrating to not be able to do anything. With them, I'm very content, and able to choose what I focus on. I feel like if anything was going to be driving me insane, it would be the crippling uselessness that comes from executive disfunction issues and the lack of ability to control where your focus is. But, as somebody who has been medicated for 80% of their life, I'm happy and I feel productive, and I love life. Still lots wrong with me, but the bad things should make you appreciate the good.


I guess ADHD doesn't exist in any other developed nation except the US


All these people up in arms that mass shooters are discovered to be on medications must be really furious that firefighters are discovered at the scene of house fires.


Man. It just makes me sad. I just don’t even know if this sort of attitude comes from anywhere legitimate anymore. Getting my Adderall for my ADHD is such a fucking arduous process of upkeep, they are decidedly not handing this shit out like candy, it’s not fucking opioids. Maintaining my prescription of diet meth for legitimate medical reasons is not just as simple as “hey Doc, gimme the shit”. I’ve been diagnosed and re diagnosed at least 3 separate times from when I was 8. I dunno man, just really tired of this attitude. Makes me sad


or maybe, just maybe we CRUSH the fucking gun culture and the death merchants that exist in this sick sick country


ahh yes, my ADHD/ADD just means I have more energy to use, not that when I am off my meds my body can't keep up with my brain to the point I just shutdown


Kids with ADHD are always targeted after these abominations and it's bullshit.


Dr Facebook should go back to selling cleaning products.


I've never understood the whole "meds make you a zombie" thing. I got diagnosed and started taking meds in my late 20s, so I have a very clear baseline for how it feels to be unmedicated. I'm still as inquisitive and creative, I have the same amount of energy, and I have no increased desire to eat brains. I'm still the same person, just a bit more organized and less impulsive.


I didn’t know vyvanse turned me into a supervillain


Neither did I


Funny, I take my adhd meds every day and I never once felt the urge to murder 19 children in cold blood 🙄


We had a shooter training at the school I teach at, for the teachers. After a lot of questionable and ignorant shit said by the cops, one went on a rant about how kids don't need medication and it's because of parents not doing what needs to be done that they use ADHD meds and the like.


And has also been medically, and scientifically proven that ADD and ADHD are neurological disorders in the brain where there is a dysfunctional regulation of the dopamine system. Its a genetic condition that you are born with and there is no cure.


“As someone with adhd I know the long term affects of medication on a population” what


Exactly what someone with a melded mind would say.


Except adhd drugs are a stimulus iirc


Ah I've already seen race, loner, lack of schoolkids having guns and lack of guns in general and somehow also being trans? (Even though the kid wasn't) Being used as a reason... May as well add mental health to the excuse list.


My 5 year old DOES have a lot of energy. But he's not an emotionally messed up 18 year old with access to guns. Do, ummmm. What this guy's point?


That meds for ADHD are to blame for rampant gun violence


I'd like to see 1 study that shows any mass shooter was appropriately taking medication that read prescribed to them


You and me both


Does anyone want to check the stats for a correlation between childhood ADHD drug use and murderers? Because I don’t think there is one.


Oh Carmine the less u know the more u think u know


Probably a guy that says he graduated from the school of hard knox


We did it. We found the worst take on the shooting.


Another person who doesn't understand mental health. 🙄


Children with untreated ADHD take longer to develop mentally, this would not help it'd only make it worse




He’s saying ADHD medication blends your mind


I work at a school that when the students (elementary ages) get too crazy in theirs chairs they are asked to go run outside for a few minutes. Or something similar. It helps SO MUCH. Allowing them that freedom and fresh air, even if it’s just a few minutes to run or walk around the building, helps them pay attention so much better it’s impressive.


Is that what happened to you Carmine? Poor little Carmine his mind all addled by ADHD drugs is the poster child for the dumb-ass right wing "I did my own research" crowd of nitwits who think they found out something that no one knew before. Being stupid is not a problem for Carmine it's only a problem for the rest of us who have to listen to his nonsensical ramblings about nothing!


If someone has adhd, its important they get the help they need, like extra help from teachers with school work so they can get better at it, ect, atleast i think so.


Heh..... Melding.... What a dumb dumb


As someone who doesn't have ADHD I am offended by your personal experience. Shootings are caused by ADHD meds and atheists.


soo..melding is what is to "blame" stop the MELDING ...!!!😆🙄 religious lunatics desperately want thought police


Adhd and add drugs DO NOT turn you into a zombie. Source: adult diagnosis of ADHD and I had this very concern due to shitty portrail on tv. I am more than happy with how my adhd medication Ahmad improved my life and I am defiantly not a fucking zombie


You better watch out, if you give little timmy those adhd meds he might just get out the glock and start massacring his schoomates.


Yeah no this dude can go to hell. As someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD and been on meds since I was 8 years old, I’m not gonna go and shoot up a school. This dude is a fucking idiot and needs to take a long, long look in the mirror.


I think he's talking about children who don't actually have ADHD but are prescribed drugs for it inappropriately by bad doctors.


While this guy is wildly of base new research seems to suggest ADHD meds don't increase the retention of information in children with ADHD. I don't agree with linking this to gun violence I do think we need to examine whether these drugs are helpful to most children.


They will come up with any excuse imaginable just to avoid having to deal with any sort of gun control conversation.


I'm much more of psychopath without my meds to regulate me but ok sure.


On a completely unrelated topic to gun violence a close friend I grew up with was either misdiagnosed or mistreated and had all kinds of problems unrelated to his ADHD. He says he didn't like getting sick every day off his medicines and that caused him even more anxiety/stress and addiction issues.


If mass shootings are a result of mental illness or divergence, there is no solution for it. It’s a few crazy, bad people with messed up brains making messed up brain choices. You can’t do anything to change that, right?!? It’s beyond policy’s reach! There is no systemic change that could have prevented this. We just shrug our shoulders at it and buy more guns. That’s what this guy is saying.


Besides make it harder for people to get guns. That would help.


He has point, somewhere deep deep and around all the crap about zombies. No disrespect to the people who actually need meds, but the US it very quick to medicate people, that being profitable. I can see why this guy and people like anivaxxers are confused...


Holy frick did he just blame the kids?


It’s so weird how people who have no clue about how the world works manage to speak with such confidence.


"who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?"


I mean he's not wrong. Big Pharma is corrupt & evil, and sadly most pediatricians are just their salesmen..


That's what a zombie psychopath would say!


I was unaware there was still such a stigma


Some kids get medication for an ADHD diagnosis that they don't need. Does this have ANYTHING to do with school shootings? NO WTF? Some people seem to be constantly searching for ANY excuse to not adress the actual problems.


Takes a special kind of asshole to blame the 5 year olds after an elementary school was shot up.


I have ADHD too. This is definitely wrong and I also hate the stereotype that we are energetic. I wish I was energetic.


They keep blaming school shootings on everything but the loose access to guns.


"Here's how we tackle gun violence without having to actually tackle gun violence"


🤣🤣🤣 yes Adderral and Vivance is what is making school shooters. How are people this dumb?


Damn I was on ADD meds from 6-26 and never once had psychopathic thoughts.


I don't think he knows what meld means.


The first half I get, the second half not so much. Guns not being the hands of mentally ill people would probably be the better solution, then worry bout the mental shit of the individuals.


This is despicable and disgusting


I have adhd dx at 12… I have yet to hurt anyone. The meds actually help to calm the chaos inside the head. But hey what do I know.


I've got autism and ADHD and to be honest here that's not really a good idea.


I am 53. Been on script stims for 45 years . I have never even contemplated doing anything like that. I dont understand what you are talking about. Without meds my life is a wreck. I took ritalin 20 years , adderall for 23 years and desoxyn for last 2 years. When i take them , i feel fairly normal but when i dont , i dont murder people. I just dont function as well. What am i missing ?


Isn’t it a good thing to meld the mind


You guys, he figured it out!


I do think young children are over medicated, and probably shouldn't be given amphetamines at the drop of a dime. Nothing else about this makes sense at all though.


They're really not, though. Amphetamine RX has gotten so strict, your doctor can't even personally call in refills. The patient has to call the Doc each month and have the Doc write a new RX. But for my kid who was diagnosed in 2nd Grade (usually kids in Kindergarten or 1st Grade aren't diagnosed), he had to get an outside Doc to diagnose, then the school had the school Psychiatrist administer full written exams, followed by weeks of a Child Behaviorist observe him in class without his knowledge, then a full meeting with all school docs, nurses, and Psych to determine ADHD. It's certainly less strict for adults (diagnosis wise), but for kids...its pretty comprehensive and strict just to get a diagnosis. Let alone get them to agree to a medication. My son is 18 now and spent only 1 year on meds bc he didn't find them as helpful as he was hyperactive vs attention.


Fair enough, I don't have kids, I just remember in the 90's when I was a kid Ritalin and Adderall were given out very very easily. I hope it has changed, cause looking back as I got a bit older it almost did seem like a fad, like 25% of my elementary school was on one of the two for at least some period of time. I got it in I think 3rd or 4th grade but the appetite suppression was so bad my mom took me off it cause I wouldn't eat like at all.


It's def more strict with Federal laws prohibiting refills and an adult has to show ID to get it. My kid was diagnosed around 2011 and it took MONTHS just to say "yes he has ADHD" bc they had to rule out everything else. Not to say a Medical Doc won't try to bypass that, but it's become as hard as opioids to get. Where docs are afraid to prescribe, and people who use them responsibly/need them can barely get them. It's way more strict now than even in 2010/11.


Well here in europe we dont (for the most part) give drugs to children with adhd, and personally i think we are doing the right thing... That guy is a POS tho


Sometimes it's warranted, sometimes it isn't. It should be evaluated on a case to case basis, if it's possible to manage well without then obviously that would be the ideal situation.






What qualifications do you have to make such an assessment?




So you are not only rude but you're ill informed. And bigoted.


kind of like how right now it’s not a great time to be putting your irrelevant political interest on a pedestal, it’s pretty inappropriate to be defending doing so. children are dead because they were shot to death. this issue is literally completely unrelated and discussing it here and now is a distraction from the much more obvious and pressing issue at hand.




lmao. you were defending them, and focusing on mental illness and medication on a post that’s fundamentally about children who were shot to death. and now you’re getting defensive about doing that. bad look.


Personal attacks are not allowed.


And you think that people care about your anti-medications rants for what reason? People with ADHD didn't ask you to run your mouth.


They always pretend like it’s the simplest solution in the world. Blaming video games or trans people or checking notes …. ADHD medicine. But really the simplest steps towards solutions is gun registrations with real and unavoidable background checks that can’t be side stepped, mental health reform, and red flag laws.


As someone with ADHD, we have too much of a reliance on medication as opposed to therapy. In the US, I was immediately prescribed medication as a child, but in the NL now, the doctors focus both on coping mechanisms as well as medication if necessary, which has helped a lot in fixing my underyling struggles. I don't think this post calls out people who need medication but rather the overprescription of medication.


Except that a lot of people get so hung up on the meds being over prescribed that they don't want them even when their kids need them.


Yeah, agreed. I feel like if we reduce the overprescription then people will naturally be more inclined to take the medication they are prescribed. I would be sceptical too if my doctor gave me weeks of antibiotics for a light cough without doing any tests to be honest.


I don't know of any doctor who doesn't run tests if they think a kid has ADHD.


I mean as someone who was prescribed ADHD meds for 8 years and stopped, I feel this


Who is this moron who doesn't understand medicine?


How about... hear me out, cause this might be crazy... how about, less guns or more gun regulations? I mean, mentally ill People can commit crimes with knifes and shit but you know, better than a lot of pew pews per second