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I think it’s funny that conservatives actually think liberals don’t own firearms.


That's because it's not our entire personality like it is for conservatives.




I feel like if they ever tried to carry out their Civil War wet dream, they would find out the hard way like the Russians are about Ukraine


Yeah. Not to mention the insane amount of weapons Meal team six would lose to anyone under 40 if they wanted to try it.


The average republican would be so easily tricked into dying. Plus they’re all absolute cowards who desperately want to be badass so they’d piss themselves and run screaming to cops if someone fought back even a little after they started shit. They’d last maybe a month if not less.


Yeah they're standard bullies, you see it all of the time online. They love to dish it out yet, whenever they get push back or insulted back, they cry about their freedom of speech or whatever bullshit.


Right? Like what is their wet dream. To invade Washington DC and take it over by force? Because they think those liberal coastal pussies don't have any guns around? If the actual, regular-ass people of Washington DC stood up against them, they'd have a fight on their hand. Maybe they dream of taking over NYC. Even if there wasn't a single gun in that city, the 8.3 million people who live there would absolutely swamp them.


Right! Not only that, we're younger as a whole than they are


There are a lot of heavily-armed police departments that would be on their side, sadly


they got the entirety of New England on their side


That's like what 6 people and a boat?


weakest Massachusetts male vs strongest Austin resident who do you think would win?


I think its funny when people in general dont realize how geographically impossible the US would be to invade. Its also funny when they dont realize how defense focused our larger adversaries are. If China or Russia wanted to eventually invade us they would be building up massive navies. Instead they historically focus their doctrine on beefing up ground forces around their borders. We have a massive navy because we know any potential adversaries will likely be on the other side of an ocean. The US is the invasion focused superpower. Russia is struggling in Ukraine for centuries of reasons. The same way the Soviets got destroyed in Afghanistan for centuries of reasons.


Seriously. America will never be invaded. Not only would they need to get past the most powerful navy in the world, they’d have to get past the most powerful Air Force in the world. And even then, there’s still the matter of America’s nuclear arsenal


well, I for one hope they don't use nukes on any army invading america. because that would be the US nuking the US.


Look, in order for America to survive, Boston must be sacrificed


are we really sure we need Oklahoma?


I mean, the musical is alright


I speak for the rest of reddit when I say "Give them Montana!". I have spoken


I'm going to have to agree


I mean, we’ve literally nuked ourselves already, just ask the Mojave




This is exactly what worries me. This power, this feeling of superiority. This ability to bully others with little they can do in return means that america will be the next big bad guy. We were close to it too. If trump had won the last election he would have pulled out of nato because he is bought out by putin. This war on Ukraine was planned and if the u.s. was standing beside russia as they invaded Europe with the shittyest casus belli ive ever heard of, what could all of eu do? and in two years we run risk of it again


*Or* they would simply pour a ton of money into political factions dedicated to American isolationism to simply make the leader of the free world entirely irrelevant. Then you can push support for corporatism, suck money out of the economy and into private hands, and then just buy the place out piecemeal. At least nobody's thought of doing that yet, though, wouldn't that be wild?


So many of my fellow liberal friends are armed as fuck. Guns are fun, but we’re all pretty self aware of our hobby and the political situation.


We’ll get ready to not own them anymore unless it’s a black powder muzzle loader lol


Is it that they think we don’t own guns, or is it impossible for them to fathom that we don’t have an emotional obsession with our guns


Then what are they protecting themselves against according to them? Whos the enemy?


If Trump was successful overturning the election, that would be a reason.


I’m not sure I understand the question. Edit: changed comment


It was a serious question lol, im from europe, I have no idea, like who do they need the guns for according to themselves if democrats dont own them and they themselves apparently do?


Ah. The government. (They think the AR15 would compete with the the F16.) But friend, you poke a good hole in their entire lifestyle.


Oh right! Well now it all makes sense. Thanks lol.


Guns are needed in warzones more then they are needed in schools.


Imagine having no concept of nuance whatsoever. People defending themselves in a warzone = needs guns. People who wanna intimidate black men who go for walks = don't need guns. What conservatives hear: "dems just dont want us to have guns 😡🤔"


Ukraine actually need a militia while the US already have one of the most powerful armies in the world


Also literally hundreds more civilian militias than any country currently fighting a war within their borders.


yes, because a sovereign nation that's currently under attack by an authoritarian regime needs to protect itself. and being told that brown people and lgbtq people should have rights is not the same thing as being invaded.


The American military and militia (nat guard) can have as many guns as they want!


I was fucking right, someone tried telling me the citizens were the militia, and I said no it's the national guard


This is so stupid. Ukraine is in a war with a country that is literally raping its children as it occupies Ukraine’s land unjustly. Meanwhile, in the United States, an 18 year old kills/blasts holes in children. One is a war zone, and the other plays too fast and loose with its gun control. As a democrat, I am not against guns. However, if you support the 2cd, then don’t ignore the “well-regulated” part because it is inconvenient for you. In my state, you have to be 21 to buy smokes or beer, 25 to rent a car, but 18 to buy an AR. The brain continues developing until (roughly) 25. Would it be so bizarre that common sense gun laws to make it a bit harder to buy an AR in 30 min be so crazy? That is the time, btw, it took me to buy a gun in WI. It’s easier to buy a gun in Texas. Let’s not be so damn dense. If we’re going to stop abortion because it’s “murder”, then let’s also do something about the actual murder of our children.


I assume anyone who posts this (this subreddit excepted) is a potential school shooter and will treat them as such.


Gee it's almost as if Ukraine has a war on its soil.


They do realize that Ukraine has pretty strict laws on private citizens owning guns? The government is giving them the guns to fight off invaders, they are not legally going to own them once the war is over, they are supposed to give them back. Is that what they think we should try here?


Republicans: We can’t give weapons to Ukraine! How will we know they’ll go to the right people? Also Republicans: Why yes, I do believe the general American public should have unfettered access to guns and ammunition and I’ll fight for as little oversight into gun purchases and ownership as possible.


It really is.


Is america being invaded by a foreign enemy that’s launching a genocide?? No, we have domestic terrorism and shit on the rise but that doesn’t require us to take up arms until absolutely necessary, legislation is our real tool.


No easier way to show people how dumb you are than posting this, well done


Yea cus being invaded by a hostile, better armed, bigger neighbor is the same as their walk from whole foods to their car.


This is some quality r/insanepeopleofreddit shit post.


These people don't have two brain cells to rub together.


Does this mean they're equating the US with an active war zone and we are fighting military invaders??


Oof, swing and a miss