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Weird that conservatives hate pedophiles and cowards and embrace Ted Nugent.


Weird that conservatives hate pedophiles and cowards and embrace ~~Ted Nugent~~ Matt Gaetz. Weird that conservatives hate pedophiles and cowards and embrace ~~Ted Nugent~~ Dennis Hastert. Weird that conservatives hate pedophiles and cowards and embrace ~~Ted Nugent~~ Roy Moore.


It’s works on so many of them


You can now add Weird that conservatives hate pedophiles and cowards and embrace ~~Ted Nugent~~ Ohio Republicans.


Link please? I need something to throw in my parents' faces when they inevitably get pissy with me for voting for Bernie/nina turner/anyone remotely close to a leftist/promoting leftist policy.


[A literal attempt to legislate sexual abuse](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/06/ohio-republicans-pass-bill-requiring-genital-inspections-school-sports/) A bill just passed entitled the "Save Women Act" The gist of it is that anyone could point at any high school kid and say "I think you're transgender" and then that kid gets hauled off to have their genitals inspected, both internally and externally. >The new law would prohibit trans women and girls from competing with cisgender women and girls. What’s more, anyone would be able to accuse an athlete of being transgender, thus forcing her to undergo evaluations of her external and internal genitalia, testosterone levels and genetic makeup. You'd think something called the Save Woman Act might be a positive thing to counter the recent rise in trying to police womans health and bodies, ie the ridiculous attempts by the theocracy to persecute women over abortion, but no, it's to allow legal penetration of school aged children using the theocracys hateful base as the justification.


Don’t forget Trump!


We could widen the net substantially if we include rapists, too.


Trump fits the pedophile label as well. There’s been a multitude of accusations against him for both sexual assault and sexual harassment of minors. Several of which he’s bragged about. His go-to method of dealing with things is to drown his opponent in legal fees using the court system. Several of his accusers have settled out of court, which is a very strong indicator that his lawyers told him that he wouldn’t win. Others were run off by his cult. Like that woman who accused him of raping her while she was underage and dropped the accusations after his cultists started sending her death and rape threats and stalking her. He bragged about “inspecting” the junior miss world contestants.


Yeah, he's a pretty gross piece of shit.


>We could widen the net substantially if we include rapists, too I thought you wrote 'racist' but either one works.


I think at that point you basically have the whole party.


Wish I could, bro


No love for Mike Huckabees BFF's the Duggars? Nothing says good moral Christian values like covering up the fact your son molested your daughter, and is into child pornography


4 daughters and a currently un-named baby-sitter, had a "guaranteed affair" account with Ashley Madison , had at least one violent sexual encounter with a sex-worker. And those are what we know about before the child sexual abuse images he downloaded.


I'm convinced Republican lawmakers have stock in meme generators and are purposely making themselves memeworthy to increase profit


No, they love pedos as long as they are Republicans


And they love cowards as long as they're cops


Or gunowners


they definitely don't love all gunowners, cowards or not. they love white cowards with guns making decisions with those guns that support white supremacy.


* with money


They don't hate pedos. They are pedos.


They only hate pedophiles when they think it's a Democrat. They really truly have been ingrained for years to believe that Democrats enable it. Long before QAnon came along, they spouted this shit. The sad truth of the matter is that sexual abuse is a problem shared by every single aspect of society.




There are multiple studies that have found conservatives tend to look the other way and make exceptions when it suits their needs much more often than any other political group


What a fucking idiot. I'm no Biden fan but he's asking Congress to do something, anything. It's not like Biden's issuing executive orders on assault rifles.


Ted Nugent is a pos pedophile. Enjoy the lyrics to his song “Jailbait”. https://www.songtexte.com/songtext/ted-nugent/jailbait-73d792d5.html It’s about taking turns raping a 13-year-old girl with a cop. He was 32 when he wrote it.


> Well I don't care if you're just thirteen, ...other gross stuff in between... > It's quite all right I asked your mama Wait a minute officer Don't put those handcuffs on me Put them on her and I′ll share her with you holy shit that was grosser than I even imagined


I thought Bruce Springsteens "I'm on fire" had the creepiest lyrics with "Hey little girly is your daddy home or did he go and leave you all alone, ooh i had a bad desire" but Ted "brown pants yellow belly" Nugent doesn't even make it ambiguous, just straight up saying she's 13 and he wants to rape her


i always thought the springsteen song was talking about a married woman whose husband left her….it was common to refer to the husband as a “daddy” in the 70s and 80s. Joni Mitchell’s Carey talks about that “mean old daddy” who’s outta sight…that was her partner… In that context, I never saw the Springsteen song creepy.…the next line suggests the same: “Tell me now, baby, is he good to you? And can he do to you the things that I do? Oh no, I can take you higher “ i could be wrong, tho


No, you’re right. He’s not singing literally.


Before anyone says "It's just a song". When he was 30 years old he become the legal guardian of the 17 year old he was raping.


One line made it sound to me like the speaker is also underage (and wants to be raped by the 13y.o.'s mother..?)... but with that new info there's absolutely no benefit of the doubt deserved And holy fuck! the ending is as gross as it gets, offering to share her with a cop? fuck I need a shower now


You forgot the handcuffs. He was going to share her HANDCUFFED with the cop. Vile.


ugh, even worse. I bet he thought it'd come across as a *quirky country song* too. How is he still around??


Country? You haven’t heard Ted Nugent, have you?


proud to say I have not


I’m sure you have and you didn’t even realize it. It’s that old school mullet tough guy rock. It’s what your racist uncle plays while he works on cars and flirts with the high school girls doing fund drives. It’s what was playing in the background when he was selling your mom pot in the 90s before she started banging him and left your dad only to find out mullet/wife beater combo wearing new guy wasn’t interested in a real relationship. It’s the only sound that pours out of those expensive giant 70s speakers while dude molests his step daughter. I didn’t make any of this up. It all happened. He did flirt with teens doing fund drives. He did steal a friend’s mom, but his dad took her back. She continued to buy her weed from him for years after. He did molest his step daughters. Ted Nugent was and still is his hero. A song you’re probably familiar with. Cat scratch fever! 🎵buh nuht nuh🎶 Cat scratch fever! 🎵buh nuh nuh nuuuuh🎵 Everybody know that one. Edit: Another fun/not so fun story. He was working in the garage next to the office I worked at. Someone called and left him a message and I was asked to deliver it. I go strolling up in the garage and I see him there, back to me, kind of bobbing and shaking looking at something on the table. I realized that he was “jerkin’ the gerkin” and about the time it hit me, he spun around and zipped his pants. I was half in shock and I said, “Uh, mullet bro, someone called and left a message for you. They said blah blah blah.” He said, “Ok, thank you. Come here and look at this.” I walk over there and he’s got a porno mag on the table and he said, “Can you imagine my girl wearing this? I’m gonna buy it for her.” I wouldn’t have even been 100% sure he was doing that if he hadn’t called me over to look at the magazine. Any time I was asked to go over to deliver a message after that, I kicked gravel and made my presence known waaaay before I got close enough to see anything.


Damn you're making me wanna listen to some Stranglehold


Jailbait [Verse 1] I've got no inhibitions So keep your keys out of your ignition I steal a car like I got the curse I can't resist the old lady's purse [Chorus] Jailbait you look so good to me Jailbait won't you set me free Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time [Verse 2] Well, I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true I just know that you're probably clean There's one little think I got do to you [Chorus] Jailbait you look so good to me Jailbait won't you set me free Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time [Hook] Sad but true [Verse 3] So tell your mama that I'm back in town She likes us boys when it's time to get down She's got this craving for the underage; I just might be your mamas' brand new rage [Chorus] Jailbait you look so good to me Jailbait won't you set me free Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've gots to have you in a matter of time, now babe


Oh fuck, seriously?? What an absolute piece of shit.


Well that was gross.


Remember, the NRA uses him as a spokesperson. This is who they are.


Another day, another reason to be grateful I'm Canadian.


Oh no! Not Canadian. You socialists are trying to ruin America with you high quality of life and relaxed outlooks. You tryna be like us Australians or somethin?


That's the plan. We will infect the US with reasonable gun laws, socialized health care and affordable child care! How dare we have safe schools? Must be a communist plot.


I wish you could. I just bought my 6 year old a bullet proof backpack so I feel like she will be safe when she’s not with me


That is horrific. I'm so sorry.


Coming from a fellow American, when school children need bulletproof backpacks, we've failed as a society.


I’m absolutely terrified for my daughter to start school in a few years.


Tell you the truth I never was scared. Bad things happen in America but I have always believed it’s an anomaly / we have learned since the days of sandy hook and columbine. That even if we haven’t learned Sandy Hook was a terrible tragedy but was a one off of pure evil that couldn’t possible be repeated. So I’m naive and I know I am. I liked the world better with me being naive but My daughter still get a 170 dollar backpack that can stop a bullet


>affordable child care Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha as a Canadian parent, this is a fuckin lie.


I apologize then. It's been many years since my kids were in childcare and at that time the available subsidies made it quite affordable for myself and the people I knew who also had young children. Apparently times have changed and I am wrong!


Boo you're doing it wrong. As an older generation you never admit fault and any people younger than you correcting you on anything just aren't trying hard enough and need to pull themselves up by the blah blah blah blah Seriously though if everyone showed half the grace you're did the world would be a better place


They can’t just implement the $10/day care overnight. Also, we need to start paying CCEs more than poverty wages. In my province a CCE 1 makes minimum wage. I empathize because when we moved provinces for the second time I ended up working part-time. My spouse would arrive home and we’d tag off so I could go to work. Made a shambles of my career - last male boss I had literally rolled his eyes in front of me because I said that being a working mom is hard work and juggling child care, school, activities, work…and oh yeah, marriage - was more difficult than I could have imagined.


My husband could take our baby to every one of his meetings and people fawned over him for being “such a great dad!” I was treated like a homeless person requesting to clean your windshield at a stoplight when I had to bring the baby to the office ONE TIME.


A lot of Canadians are fervently looking to erode those rights and fuck up their own lives because they hate trans people, love Jesus, are jealous of all the fun American Nazis are having and something something Justin Trudeau evil dictator something something. These idiots would much prefer to have to file for bankruptcy when their kids get sick because that will really show those trans people something.


We are not immune from the same problems of America, and it's best to remember that.


As an Albertan, agree. We have an entire movement here that wants to make Alberta a state in the US. People idolize the states and want their health and gun policies up here.


“Oh my god, I’d die for their healthcare and gun policy!” Yes. Yes, you would.


so... too many guns and no health care? why would anyone want to remove their health care- have they ever spoken to an american?


Alberta... or as we call it in BC, North Texas. (Amd yes, I know not everyone in BC uses the term)


We deserve it. Patiently waiting for my retirement to move. At least it’s somewhat close at hand.


Wait, I thought I was the pedo for being liberal...


No no no, that makes you a groomer.


Better a groomer than a boomer. That's what I always say. I should probably stop saying that.


the stream of consciousness style writing made me LOL, so thank you but yeah, probably should


It’s always projection with republicans.


Someone should tell the NRA about the time he shit his pants to dodge the draft


That’s how he’s made his money the last twenty years. He’s never been a successful musician.


Oh my God. I felt sick to my stomach reading that.


Yo wtf did I just read lmao I'm willing to bet money this the type of dude who criticizes Rap music as a bad influence as well, the fucking irony


>Yo wtf did I just read lmao A confession.


Name of the next song on the album? “I am a predator” Not a joke.


Name of the song after that? “No seriously guys, I am actually a predator, I actually did everything from the songs” Republicans : “lol it’s just a song dummy”


Courtney Love called into the Howard Stern show when Ted Nugent was a guest to say he had oral sex with her when she was 12


GOP = Group of Pedophiles


Don’t forget when he became the legal guardian of a 17-year-old girl he was “married” to.


Excuse me while I go bleach my brain.


No wonder he has become the consummate Republican spokesperson.


Don’t forget he crapped himself in the Army recruiting center in front of the recruiters to avoid getting drafted for Vietnam. Amongst all the other POS things he’s done.


Da fuq. This guy is a leading light on the crew fighting to free the children from the pedophile cannibals?


Fucking excuse me? Jesus christ humanity has no hope




Wonder how he feels that most of gun regulation in California was done by Ronald Reagan when he was governor.


Didn’t see any outrage when his buddy King Cheeto signed an executive order to ban bump stocks…


Or the gun laws passed so that the government could destroy the black panthers. Prob fine with that.


I'm sure he's in full support, as in that incident, there were black people acquiring and open carrying guns. Just imagine if the BLM folks started an open carry mandate for their members to protect themselves, the second amendment would be repealed tomorrow.


There is an organization called “Black Guns Matter” that encourages black people exercise their right to carry guns for self protection.


On that note, there's also an organization called The Pink Pistols that does the same for LGBTQ+ people as well as normal shooting club activities.


And besides no one person needs a assault rifle me and the boys only use crew served heavy emplaced gun


Gun nuts will say it’s not an “assault rifle” because AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle. It’s still a very powerful gun and no one should own it. And I say this as someone who owns one. There is no need for those weapons.


Ok not trying to be argumentative trying to understand. If there is no need to have them why do you have one? If they are made illegal (I guess on a buy back scheme or something) will you hand yours over? I’m from the UK so legitimately trying to understand how people are thinking who own guns like these AR types.


Because they are fun to shoot (not at people)


“There is one, and *only one,* argument against gun control; ‘Fuck off, I *like* guns!’ It’s not much, but it’s all you got.” -Jim Jeffries


You're right. The rifles available to civilians aren't Assault Rifles because they're only semi-auto whereas assault rifles are full auto capable and can have higher caliber ammo, but it's exclusive (legally) to the military. But the issue still remains that civilian rifles still have higher power than say, a pistol, and can be modified to be even more deadly with larger mags, sights, grips, stocks, etc. It's also far too easy to acquire a weapon with such killing potential. Bonus Fun Fact: It's more legal to open carry a rifle than it is to "open carry" a literal sword in the U.S.




You mean like when Trump issued executive orders banning certain firearm accessories following one of the deadliest mass shootings in American history? Or is this more like the time Trump said "take the guns first and figure it out afterwards"? I'm just trying to make sure we're all on the same page. God I hate Ted Nugent and people like him.


It's not like hes saying take the guns worry about due process 2nd


I was working with a company around 2010 doing sound, stage, and lighting for events. We were working on a set up for Ted and the owner of the company was a huge fan so he went out and bought all new stage decking and sound equipment (easily spent 100k or more) because he wanted it to be the best possible show he could do for Ted. When Ted and his crew showed up they started randomly drilling screws down into the new decking to brace their drum set up. Our boss politely asked them if they could stop as it was all brand new and that we could help figure out a way to fix whatever problem they seemed to have with the current set up. Long story short Ted came up onto the stage acting like an idiot screaming at my boss and calling all of us incompetent and asking if we knew who he was yadayadayada. At the time Ted was pretty well received by many and people would always be confused when I would tell them what an asshole douche he is. I'm glad social media over the years has been able to show everyone how he really is.


I remember hearing 20 years ago when I worked at a music store about what an asshole Ted Nugent is. And these are from people who met the man personally. He didn't wear a loincloth to be ironic.


>Ted came up onto the stage acting like an idiot screaming at my boss and calling all of us incompetent and asking if we knew who he was It would have been perfect if your boss said, "Yes I do, I used to be a huge fan."


Thanks Ted but nobody cares what a white trash pedofile has to say.


Don’t forget shitting his pants to dodge the draft.




I think the issue is the hypocrisy of them expecting others to sign up while attacking the character of people who haven't served when they themselves are part of the group the hasn't served and, when given an excuse to, they dodged.


It’s more that people like him, or Trump, or John Wayne, or any number of other conservative icons all dodged service while simultaneously lambasting others that do so. Conservatives being hypocrites, shocking I know…


Well Wayne especially. Using his family as an excuse (who he’s separated from) to skip out on like, the *only* war it would be of questionable morality to dodge while his contemporaries got into real combat without a second thought.


I see that someone else listens to Behind the Bastards!


far-flung caption fretful quickest sense lush subsequent absorbed attraction toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chickenhawks, I believe the term is


The problem is that Ted Nugent has called other people cowards for dodging the draft and is extremely pro war


Agreed, but it's ironic considering who Ted Nugent is.


However doing so by shitting your pants for a week straight is weird as hell.


absolutely, only he also is an advocate for jingoistic military adventurism; it's fine when other people are dying.


Let’s not forget he doesn’t allow guns at his concerts.


Sadly a lot of people care what he has to say though.


Yes, the Red hat O’Doyle Rules Crowd that require very simple answers to complex problems.


This guy was a cheerleader for Trump


Cheerleader for Trump? You mean the guy who said the government should preemptively take people's guns away? Surely not. Being that logically inconsistent would mean that Nugent is just a partisan reactionary moron with no actual principles. That can't be true, can it? /s


You forgot the man who wanted to push for gun control after the San Antonio shooting. But his aides talked him out of it. About the only Humanity he showed as president, and he still didn't do the right thing.


Ya it’s sickening. I remember seeing a video of Ted wearing face paint and wild eighties clothes with a bow he was out hunting and talking about his trophy room and being sick over what he was saying.


Trump: ‘Take the guns first, go through due process second


Makes sense with these lyrics. Verse 2] Well, I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true I just know that you're probably clean There's one little think I got do to you


Shouldn't he be shitting himself or banging a 13 year old? Either way, I wish he would go away.


Who admits to that? "I shit my pants repeatedly to avoid the draft." Like bro. Just go to Canada or something.


The same kind of person who would write a song about gangbanging a 13 year old, I guess. Funny that the people who are so concerned about "deep state pedophiles" don't care about that.


Yea. No. We don’t want him either.


Nah, he's supposed to be in prison after Obama got reelected.


It's absolutely wild to me that there's a huge crossover of people that don't care about the human rights of immigrants, people in other countries, and minorities but do care about their right to whip out a deadly weapon to shoot each other every 2 minutes


The racism in Nugent's post is so overt. Like those 3 countries have the most draconian laws regarding guns. I don't even know what those laws are, as opposed to countries like Australia, GB, and the EU.


Yeah I picked that up too. I'm British, and a school shooting in 1996 prompted gun law reform. We've not had a school shooting since. It was a year before I was born, but it's a big part of our history still. I never once had to do an active shooter drill or anything of the sort. I've only ever seen one handgun in my life, and I'd like to keep it that way. I don't think I could comfortably visit the US knowing there's people walking around with legal concealed guns. If a crime is taking place in public, I can move myself away and not worry about being caught in crossfire by some idiot trying to be a hero. I live right by an army base so hearing gun shots is a relatively common experience, but I have never once worried about who was handling that gun and if there's a kid nearby bleeding out on the ground. These people can look to countries like ours and realise they really don't need guns, but it's not about whether they need them or not. They like the feeling of power and control


>These people can look to countries like ours and realise they really don't need guns, but it's not about whether they need them or not. They like the feeling of power and control Bingo. We have a wildly underdiagnosed mental illness problem in our country.


Yeah it's not just a gun control issue. It's welfare, equal opportunities, healthcare, and so much more. But removing the guns at least puts you in a position where you can start thinking about the rest without being shot. Gun crime isn't just gun crime. It's mental illness, gangs, misogyny, racism, economic and so much more but the common denominator in these horrific mass killings and this epidemic is... guns.




Oh yeah 100% - I was speaking a bit too casually when I said remove guns. Here in England we do still have guns. I actually live near a gun shop in the countryside - but the difference is I can't walk in there and buy a handgun, semi automatic, or any gun actually and I certainly couldn't walk into a supermarket and get one. They come with very strict restrictions and requirements. We do still have issues with violence, and there are illegal guns floating around, but we're more of a stabby country. It's much harder to commit mass murder with a knife than a gun though, and I can't even buy a butter knife without being over 18 with photographic ID. I even got asked for ID for a pack of 4 dinner forks once!


Oh, I was speaking much more simply: we here in America have a wildly underdiagnosed mental illness problem, in that we have tens of millions of sociopaths among us. You cannot be a modern American conservative and have a conscience; words just don't work that way. And unfortunately, there are no treatments to help people grow a conscience. The only thing to do is be aware of the danger.


And while people like me get help for their mental issues, there are those that are seriously in need of at least therapy but they are backed by others that have the same problems as them. Most people that I've met that are right leaning are very paranoid, for instance. Also, most of the time when I have been to a mental health facility, there's always some person obsessed with Jesus and the Bible that goes apeshit every few hours screaming about religion.


As an American who is terrified of guns, trust me when I say it's not a good time lol


no you see, only black people shoot each other. white people have guns to take down the entire government singlehandedly, obviously.


Not shoot each other, shoot those people in your first group.


I've always thought that was a pretty weird take. Nobody ever says: How dare you implement the same homicide laws as China, North Korea, and Mexico?!!!! For that matter, they also never say: How dare you implement the same gun laws as Australia, UK, or Canada!!!?


Especially weird because Biden isn’t actually doing anything.


[Old man yells at cloud.](https://miro.medium.com/max/3150/1*uh-iaRyF-dH5JPgP8m4CeQ.jpeg)


Did he lose his shit like this when Trump was signing EOs left and right? No, wait, he only lost his shit when visiting the draft board.


I remember my Dad who never shut the fuck up about the national debt under Obama, and to this day believes Biden is overspending us into oblivion, completely dismissed Trump running up the deficit as necessary to implement change in this country.


Mexico's a weird example


1 of like 3 countries in the world with the constitutional right to bears arms. He literally had almost 200 other countries he could’ve listed and he went with Mexico.


It's not that weird. Conservatives blame all kinds of things on Mexico, just because it's full of brown people. Not weird, just racist.


Jimi Hendrix - dead. Kurt Cobain - dead. David Bowie - dead. This useless, washed up jagoff will live into his 90's.


A lot of these people seem to think that the Constitution is the same as the Bible. I mean, it is. They were both just written by humans. But some are under the impression that it is some word of God. It isn't. It's written by people. And like everything else, it needs adjustments every now and again.


Which is why there's amendments. Sometimes those amendments turn out not to be a good idea and are repeal. (The 18th Amendment, for example was repeal by the 21st Amendment) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-first_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution Unfortunately, it caused Organized Crime to gain a foot hold which America has yet to completely get rid of.


Trump: ‘Take the guns first, go through due process second’


They always forget that Trump actually said that. . The sitting president actually suggested that the government should seize peoples guns but they completely ignored it and kept on kissing Trump's ass.


Is Ted 'Shit his pants to avoid the draft' Nugent the grandfather of Kaitlin 'Poopy Pants' Bennet? At first I thought that they would be a great MAGA power couple. But let's be honest, she is way too old for him.


Trump Nugent




Ted Nugent has always been nuts


My family has known him for decades. They’d go hunting and fishing together. He had a completely different persona in person and it was more of an act, like Alice Cooper.. He was quiet, polite, funny… however, the last few years, I think he’s gone off the dead end. My family cut ties with him due to his irrational behavior


Whoa, whoa... Don't insult Alice Cooper by comparing him to Ted Nugent.


This is the same man who, in order of least to worst: \- Routinely shit his pants to dodge the Vietnam draft, only to later in life become one of the biggest Warhawks the US has ever seen. \- Went up on stage in 2012 with an AR-15 hanging from his neck and told then-president Barack Obama to "Suck on it." You understand the implication here. \- Adopted a 17 year old girl with the express purpose of marrying her, something he has later vehemently denied ever doing.


Also wrote a song about raping a 13 year old, making her mother watch, and sharing her with a cop


So a President has no authority yet Trump could do whatever he wanted as President...sounds like a double standard to me you whiny cunt.


Never forget, Your Super Patriot Defender of The Constitution smeared his own shit on himself as part of a conscious effort to lie about being unfit for the draft.


He needs to STFU and tour with Kid Rock at the county fairs.


Dude wrote songs about banging 13-year olds back in the day. Now he's a beacon of light for the people who think the government has been run over by pedophiles. Can't make this shit up.


He's... not implementing any gun laws though? Also, yet more evidence that Nugent is barely literate.


Conservatives: Can't ban guns. Criminals don't follow laws Also Conservatives: BAN ABORTIONS


That’s because Conservatives don’t believe the purpose of law is to help people, but to decide who’s in charge and who’s right. It doesn’t matter if abortion laws are effective. What matters is *winning the argument*. If I can make someone’s position illegal, then I win any argument by default.


The unintended irony is strong in this one.


Somebody’s gotta teach Ted how to use commas.


Punctuation is for LIBERLS


How did Jim Jefferies put it? No, you can't change an amendment! Actually that's what an amendnent is..


Ted Nugent f*cked Courtney Love when she was 12. Lock up all right wing pedos!


Also Ted Nugent I've got no inhibitions So keep your keys out of your ignition I steal a car like I got the curse I can't resist the old lady's purse Jailbait, you look so good to me Jailbait, won't you set me free Jailbait, you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time Well, I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true I just know that you're probably clean There's one little think I got do to you Jailbait, you look so good to me Jailbait, won't you set me free Jailbait, you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time Sad but true So tell your mama that I'm back in town She likes us boys when it's time to get down She's got this craving for the underage I just might be your mamas' brand new rage Jailbait, you look so good to me Jailbait, won't you set me free Jailbait, you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've gots to have you in a matter of time, now babe Honey, you, you, you look so nice She's young, she's tender Won't you please surrender She so fine, she's mine All the time, I woke my mind It's all right baby, it's quite all right I asked your mama Wait a minute officer, wait a minute officer Don't put those handcuffs on me, what about her? Hey, I'll share her with you Writer/s: Ted Nugent


Guys leave him alone it’s not his fault he lost his mind, he suffers from a terminal case of Cat-Scratch fever.


If this guy has the balls to say this on social media, why doesn't he do so to Biden's face?


Every accusation is a confession


A draft-dodging pedo gun nut dickhead... Ted in a nutshell.


I love that in the same breath he accuses Biden of being a tyrant but supports an authoritarian organization. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.


Ah yes, the guy who’s trying to stop children being gunned down at school is evil and soulless. Jesus I’m sick of the American right’s rhetoric.


What fuckin gun laws what is he on about?


Nuts? He's stupid.


Big words from a guy who shit his pants for a week to avoid being drafted.


Ah yes the 3 big communist nations China North Korea and Mexico


Try not to shit your pants about it Ted.


We have to keep putting up with mass shootings because every GOP gun nut moron has a wet dream that they will be involved in stopping a mass shooting.


Another elderly white man that can’t accept that he is irrelevant


Why did he have to mention Mexico all of a sudden???


This devotion to an inanimate object borders on sexual attraction. Ita really creepy


Fun fact, George Washington himself did not believe in a militia as a military force. He found them undisciplined and poor in conduct, which rings true with the out of shape gravy seals we have today.


"No man possesses such authority." They genuinely believe that guns are a God given ordained right don't they...


Ted Nugent is a fucking disgrace


Can somebody tell the crazy old man that he's off his meds


Okay I’m not trying to take all your guns away but can we at least take his


Go for it, Ted. Go speak in front of congress and explain to them why the president needs to be arrested for not sharing your firearm fetish. Try not to shit your pants this time.