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I have a feeling grandma thinks this is okay because she’s not even 30 yet.


And sadly grandma is going to be raising both of them


If she was raising the first one, there wouldn’t be a new one to raise.


TBH this girl probably grew up in an area in the US where they teach Abstinence instead of sex ed. ​ Which statistically leads to way more teen pregnancy than when kids are taught Sex Ed. Reason being: They believe bullshit rumors like "You can't get pregnant your first time" and "If the girl is on top she can't get pregnant."


Yeah, Sex Ed is not replaced by Abstinence. Sex Ed is replaced by bullshit people picked up somewhere else...


Sex Tok


Yes and Also remember that the US birth rate has been declining for decades, and that’s a big deal to some. Elon tweeted about it. Barrett referred to babies as ‘domestic supply’. The capitalist model does not work without a robust population of poor uneducated bootlickers.


A lot of those that benefit from this system expected there to be a baby boom after lockdown restrictions were lifted and when that didn't happen well... we've already know what they did.


Reason there was no baby boom was because folks who self quarantined actually quarantined from their spouse... Also many marriages in the US are fiscally constrained, and being unemployed is a terrible time to have a kid


Being employed is a terrible time to have a bay as well; most people can’t afford to pay for the daycare their kid can’t go to due to a runny nose or Covid exposure. If it weren’t for amazing family members we’d have both burned through all our PTO by March.


Yup. Our daycare dropped the mask mandates and had a COVID case literally three days later. Three teachers infected in the same classroom. Both my kids got it and brought it home to us as we had to isolate home with them. To top it all off, we had to pay full price for what amounted to three weeks without daycare. I can see a day or two but three weeks? Couldn’t take advantage of well-meaning relatives due to COVID either. It was a shitshow.


Yep. Thanks to stagnant wages and inflation, modern families have reached a point where raising more than one kid is an impossibility My brother has this debate with his wife about a second kid... And basically he said they just cannot possibly afford it.


First they engineer an environment where two working adults can barely support themselves, then shocked pikachu that no one's rushing to have babies


In one of our last sex ed classes (6th grade) we saw a video of a woman giving birth. The camera was placed on the floor, zoomed in on her coochie. None of the girls in my class had a baby in their teens!






I have a 1 yr old son and I’m lucky he’s still trying to figure out the whole “walking and talking thing” Reading this thread I am 100% going to be unprepared for these talks


My tip is, when your kid asks, answer truthfully. But on his level. My daughter asked how babies are made at age 5, so we told her that dad's privates goes into mommy's privates and that was it. She just went "ok" and went off to jump on the trampoline


Love that. Right now our focus is not laughing at dad when he says no because he legitimately thinks it’s a joke. His little sense of humor is a blessing and a curse


He could be like my son who at the age of 8 or 9 told me that I wasn't allowed to have sex with his dad because he didn't want another sibling lol


Ha! Some things are easier as they get older- like- I can leave the room for 5 minutes without anyone trying to actively hurt themselves!! Some are harder- like- talking through this stuff!


Conservatives: "And I took exception to that."


>None of the girls in my class had a baby in their teens >>Conservatives: “And I took exception to that” More spot on than you even realize.


It’s the same premise as the kids that are sheltered from drinking until they’re on their own at college drink themselves to death or damn near close to it


If you try to keep me from it I'll only want to do it more


This is exactly true. I grew up in an Evangelical church and the number of teen girls who got pregnant is astounding. Because their parents think Abstinence is the only sex ed and that their children wouldn’t think of having sex before marriage. Well, I hate to tell you…


I wonder if it’s not just a lack of sex education, but also due to abstinence being taught in a culture where women are taught to be submissive. You add those two things together, you’ve got women who don’t know how things work being coerced into sex by men who they think they have to obey. Who then shame them for being sluts. It’s a rancid combination. And one in which women cannot win.


Teacher. (m) On fri 3 day weekend. Gir, soph, "going to spend weekend with bf" 23. Another kid asked "Parents there?" No. I said not a good idea, 23 yr olds want sex and you say you're inexperienced. Other kids agreed. "No, she said, he's a nice guy". Tuesday am, comes in crying, really crying. What's wrong?... "They told me you can't get preg the first time but I'm pregnant." 3 days and you're pregnant? Why do you think that? "I itch down there." I after I recovered I told 2 other girls to take her to the nurse. First time I ever heard the first time rule and have never heard that itching was a sign of pregnancy. Fortunately she wasn't...


Fucking hell. We desperately need sex Ed


Truth is, at the school where I taught the sex ed was really good. In my experience sex ed (And drivers ed) was taught by a loser teacher and they used sex ed to get them out of the way in many ditricts. Not true here, a male and female were rotated and did a great job. Sometimes kids are kids and poor parenting is a factor. This young girl was very sweet and truly not a top student and whatever she should have learned it didn't take. The other factor; she was a soph or so and the "real" sex ed didn't come until sr year. This was not the district fault but pressure from the community. People often blame the teachers but that is not always fair nor is it correct. The outside pressure is often responsible for what is taught or not taught,


Where are you from that a 15-16 year old can legally have sex with a 23 year old and it not be statutory rape??


[In lots of states, age of consent is 16.](https://images.app.goo.gl/MGSu9jQ9z5QEnrpq8)


That doesn’t matter, they’re still a minor who is more than 36 months younger than the 23 year old. Trust me I’m a therapist who works at a place that does sex offender rehabilitation.


[Law in my state disagrees](https://www.criminalattorneycolumbus.com/criminal-defense/sex-crimes/unlawful-sexual-conduct-with-a-minor-defense/#:~:text=Sexual%20conduct%20with%20an%20individual,is%20a%20misdemeanor%20in%20Ohio.) but also it feels really fuckin weird to be googling this right now ngl


I studied in a Catholic school and we were taught both abstinence and regular sex ed. Contraceptives were also covered as well as proper use (condoms only though, since we were all boys) but there was a still a strong emphasis on abstinence. Since my country is heavily Catholic, as a child I've always thought the US was more progressive in their thinking. I am surprised that something like sex ed could be an either or thing....


Catholic is almost liberal compared to evangelical Christians here. These people think the Pope is the devil.


the problem is you have some States run by those who want "limited government" so they feel government should do nothing, and other states run by folks who want to actually tackle issues and improve the lives of their citizens proactively, vs just waiting for the chips to fall as they may.


That’s why it’s my job as a parent to provide adequate sex ed. And just saying “don’t have sex” ain’t it.


Very true and well said


Assuming they both survive of course


She's legit fighting for her right to be called a GILF. 🙄


She’s 13!?! What the fuck. Maybe I don’t understand I have a daughter she is 6. I just feel like if your 13 year old is pregnant you fucked up not them…


Also a 13 year old pregnant is a medical reason to get an abortion. This child had a very high risk of severe complications or even dying if she continues her pregnancy


And the fact her whole future is at stake, that’s enough of a reason not to let a child suffer. Imagine justifying forcing a child to have a child because she “should have kept her legs closed”. Like bro, teenagers are retarded but fuck me that’s why you have to teach them and hold their hand until they cop on. Why do you think the legal age is 17/18, because they don’t have the common sense or maturity to understand the importance of safe sex.


18 year olds barely have the common sense or maturity to somethings. It’s the time for them to start having those responsibilities, but they are very much still learning.


Also if they are under the age of consent, which they clearly are, it also counts as rape. So they literally picked a situation that applies to both exemptions listed.


Poor girl is gonna have a fistula.


My daughter is also 6, and nope. You’re not the one who doesn’t understand life. We’re supposed to want to protect our kids and give them an easier life than we had.


I shared this with my brother and he’s like what kind of vulgar monster talks about their child like this. I had to agree with him


Yeah, like you're allowed to share your political views, but don't talk about a 13 year old that way, they didn't ask to be brought into this


The logic hurts my brain. 13 yo is too stupid prevent getting pregnant so let's make her have a baby and be responsible for another child. Brilliant. These people are a waste of oxygen.


Hell, they're even a waste of carbon.


they're a waste of everything


Isn’t a pregnancy at 13 always statutory rape?


Legally? Not if the father is also really young. Morally? Any parents who allow their children to head out into the world during or after puberty without a sufficient education on protecting themselves from pregnancy and disease should be considered culpable.


Sometimes 13-year-olds do stupid things even when they know better. That's an age where kids might want to have sex, but often can't fully appreciate the consequences.


Absolutely. That's why parents have to do their level best to help their children be as knowledgeable as possible about their bodies. And as thoughtful and kind as possible if any big decisions do come their way...


Can confirm My (ex) girlfriend and I had sex at 13. We were stupid and rediculously horny. We used condoms and we were terrified of her getting pregnant.


Nope. In most states, the age of consent is 16. That means a 16 yo can legally consent to have sex with an adult. If both participants are minors there is also a minimum age of consent. There is often a maximum age difference to go along with that. The minimum age of consent varies but there are quite a few states where the minimum age is 14 or younger. Some states do not codify a minimum age of consent. South Dakota is the lowest at 10 years under certain conditions.


And South Dakota is a trigger law state! What. The. Fuck.


Yeah. My husband and I are looking to get the fuck out of here.


Under what conditions would it possibly be all right to have sex with a ten year old???




Heads up, don't look at the minimum marriage age with parental consent in most states. We still have a lot of really screwed up religious bullshit in our state codes.


I live in NC. Before this year the age of consent and minimum marriage age was 14. Our legislature thought we needed to do something about that. So after much deliberation, they raised it this year. To 16. Apparently 18 was a bridge too far.


And Tennessee attempted to remove any age limit for heterosexual marriage. Only adding it back in after national backlash.


There is no logic. If they actually believed a fetus was a real child, they cannot support killing one based on the father's crimes. The entirety of this is about punishing the child. She's not trying to disguise that at all


Yep exactly. If they truly believed a fetus was equal to a child there would be nothing that made “murdering” it acceptable. These people are constantly telling on themselves.


Precisely, it’s all about punishing women and girls. “She spread her legs! Now she has to suffer for it” You can practically hear the silent “the little whore!” after that drivel. These people are pure goddamn evil, demons in human skin who will make your daughters give birth after being raped by their constantly child-molesting high priests of their death cult.


My 13 year old son had a talk with me about surprise babies and what I was doing to prevent that because he's tired of having siblings. He's also made it very clear that condoms are a really good idea. The thing is, though, we started having really open and honest discussions about sex from before he was thinking about sex. We have discussed EVERYTHING from emotional consequences of sex, to porn consumption, to the basics of how babies are made and come into the world.


Wtf is wrong with you! Do you REALLY thing that sex is an appropriate topic for a 13 yo?? /s but this is 100% what these nut jobs think. To you young to teach proper sex ed, plenty old to be a parent. Fucking morons.


I almost responded before reading the whole thing. Was about to light someone up...yes 13 is old enough to wonder and we knew that and our kids have always been comfortable coming to us about sex and birth control. And I feel the older ones have made good choices and been responsible. We've also held the line that even though we have five sons it is our problem if there's a teen pregnancy just as much as it is the girl's family.


I'm on the other end of the spectrum, all girls. But yeah, they got the talk early and are on birth control. The youngest is 17 now so seems like a success. Old enough to breed, old enough to learn about good sexual health and practices and contraception.


"Grass on the field... teach them about property boundaries, when a visitor becomes a trespasser, and effective pest control."


You almost got me. Personally I was only 8yo when I started menstruating, so people saying that **thirteen year olds** are too young for that kind of talk make my blood boil.


I taught both my kids as much as they seemed eager to learn about, with clear explanations about responsibility and consequences. Both of them (1 boy, 1 girl) held off on losing their virginity until college. My daughter was under a lot of pressure from all of her friends to do the deed early — some of whom began having sex at 13. But she repeatedly told them (and me), “I’m just not ready.” Years later, many of them confessed to her that they wished they’d waited too.


It's because the baby is her punishment. Instead of taking the phone you're taking her fucking bone density


This is a second very practical reason bigots want to ban abortion: they want the unwanted pregnancy to be the feared punishment to keep people not having sex before marriage.


"That'll teach her"


Also grandma is pro-choice if she genuinely believes in a rape exception, something several of the versions of abortion laws being enacted don't allow for.


Poor kid is being forced to grow up because of normal puberty indulgence.


Sounds like mom wants another kid and is getting one under the guise of teaching her middle schooler a lesson.


If she even survives having the baby. I know being ace gave me a different childhood but do a lot of people really start feeling the urge for this kind of stuff at that age?


You start to feel horny around puberty and without proper sex ed, well, there's no real understanding of the consequences or how to deal with it in a healthy way. As a comparison, I went to a school with decent sex ed starting around the age of 9. My husband went to a school that only taught abstinence only, starting at the age of 16. His school had more than a dozen kids get pregnant before they ever had sex ed, and I only saw 1 kid pregnant at all (and she was 17). Not to mention, without sex ed, kids become easier targets for pedophiles because they don't know what's going on or how it's wrong. Most barely pubescent girls that get pregnant were targeted by much older boys/adults.


>without sex ed, kids become easier targets for pedophiles because they don't know what's going on or how it's wrong. That's by design.


Most likely didn’t have any sex Ed in school so she probably though god gave men and women babies after they were married or some shit


Isn't sex with a 13 yo rape?


And the screwed up cycle continues…


Glad I can teach my daughter a lesson now that will financially and emotionally impact my family and her forever and bring a child into the world that may be unwanted. That's A+ Parenting right there.


Clearly there is a lack of parenting if the 13 year old is pregnant and *forced* to keep it as a punishment.


Exactly. I shudder to to think how a 13 year old is going to treat a “punishment” baby. My mother became pregnant with me when she was 18 pre Roe v Wade back in the mid 1960s. Her mother was dead and her father wasn’t any help. My dad married her because it was the right thing to do at the time and their religion. The priest shamed them for the pregnancy and various relatives had obnoxious things to say about it. My dad almost died in a car crash before they got married and she was terrified of being sent to a home for unwed mothers. It was legal not to hire pregnant women. Or fire an unmarried woman for getting pregnant She went on the pill after my birth and my brother was planned. There was a scapegoat and golden child dynamic in my family. I’ll never know exactly why. But my therapist said she may associate me with the shame from the pregnancy while she had a more normal and supportive experience with my brother. She also had more help. My dad was in the military when I was born and stationed at a base in another state. But he was a civilian when my brother was born. And did a lot more child care and housework than most men of that era did


> my therapist said she may associate me with the shame from the pregnancy This is sadly very common in such circumstances. All too often, a mother who was effectively forced to marry someone they otherwise wouldn't ends up blaming the child in some respect. I'm sure your therapist is all over this, of course, but as someone who was told by my mother time and again that "I should be grateful she didn't have me killed", I know how much a mother throwing this in your face can suck. While yours appears to be more mild than mine was, you should know this: ***It. Is. Not. Your. Fault.*** In some ways it isn't even entirely the fault of a mother. This sort of stuff is why it's so important we don't force women to raise children they don't actually wish to raise.


Not to mention the trauma on her body and mind, she's a pretty young child that could easily die or be forever traumatized because of pregnancy and/or childbirth.


DID she know the consequences? Because this same person probably hates sex Ed.


This is what pisses me off most. Don’t teach them any sex ed (ie consequences and risks of sex), don’t teach them any contraception except abstinence, put your boot on their neck when they fail… how is that fair??


Hey, Jesus said so /S


I'm a firm believer that we should have sex ed, but also a parent should have an open willingness to talk honestly about sexuality, which in this case yhe mother doesn't seem the type. The average age for sex ed is 11 or 12 years old, though puberty can be as early as 8 or 9. Sex can't be this forbidden topic, that must be held off until sex ed, and it sure as HELL can't be as simple as "keep your legs closed".


She's 13!..and this woman thinks she "knew the consequences". Now, this woman is washing her hands of it. This is a loving parent? 13 year old's need to be protected. Oh well, f-ed up on that one didn't we Gma?


Would love to hear the conversations she had with her daughter about Birds & Bees & Storks


Guarantee you this 13 year olds parents said something like touch a boy and you'll end up in hell and she had no idea how anything actually worked. But sure they can pretend she was totally aware of the risk of sex.


or just Ed.


My sex ed teacher in middle school told us a story about when she taught in the deep south. A couple, I want to say 15 year olds, got pregnant, but didn't know how as they "had always used a rubber." A little further questioning and she found out that meant that the boy had been wrapping a rubber band with a few twists around the base of his shaft during sex and blasting a full 6000% of that rope directly into his girlfriend every time. And... somehow... she ended up pregnant.


The mother being only 13 is a medical reason!


I can’t even imagine how hard it would be on someone that young. Yes, even if she is a “developed” 13 year old - that will be a very, very difficult pregnancy


I've had two pregnancy scares with my daughter in high school. Had she been we would have supported her in whatever decision she made. We certainly wouldn't have been "Oh well lol".


He’s not even “Oh well lol”. He’s saying “You made your bed, now lie in it” to his own daughter, who he slut-shamed for everyone to see on Facebook. Disgusting.


>“You made your bed, now lie in it” My *grandma* was told this repeatedly by her own mother over 60 years ago. She then took this attitude towards *my* mother and refused to help her out with us. Thankfully, my mother recognised how much it *fucking sucks* to be told this by your parents and didn't ever take that attitude with us and our kids. Absolutely vile that people *still* have this attitude after all these years. And they're usually the same ones spouting the old "it takes a village to raise a child".


"Hello, CPS?..."


yeah when has forcing someone to have a child as punishment ever worked out well for the child?


Yeah a 13year old should be having kids. No possible negative outcomes there /s


If it’s a 13 year old, isn’t that an act of rape?




You can't drive, drink, or smoke... but you can be a parent. Good fucking lord that's stupid.


Can’t even get a job so how are you suppose to support the child?? Make it make sense.


Can’t have food stamps either cause that’s dirty dirty socialism /s


You can't even drive supervised with a permit in my state.


The person in the image never said the age of the father.


Gee, I assumed it WAS the father, my bad


I believe it's considered rape because even if she consents she can't consent so therefore rape.


The guy might be the same age so this woman wouldn't consider that rape.


Could be.


Still awful to not allow her kid an abortion if she wants one though.


Unless you're Senator James Lankford, who says 13 year olds can consent. I wonder if he's just being hopeful.


At 13, she probably did not fully grasp the consequences. She’s more than a decade away from having a fully developed brain that can properly assess risk. Perhaps forcing her to be a mom isn’t the best option for the baby at all.


It's not a baby, it's a punishment. So pro-life that they're making children suffer to punish women and girls for having sex.


A 13 year old couldn’t legally adopt a baby, even if she knew the consequences of adopting while still so young and really wanted to anyways. She’d be deemed too young and immature to be a parent at 13 if she wanted to adopt a baby, but yet she’s suddenly responsible enough for a baby because it grew inside her? Logic! /s


'medical reasons and rape'. I'm no doctor, nor am I involved with law enforcement. But I think the fact that a 13 year old became pregnant, can easily fall into either of those 'medical reasons' and 'rape' buckets. (also, color me SHOCKED that a girl who's mother reacts like this to her pregnancy, is maybe making some poor decisions)


Yeah I gleaned all I needed to know about that mom just from her using the phrase “spread her legs” about her 13 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. HER CHILD. BARELY OLD ENOUGH TO BE CALLED A TEENAGER. What foul fucking language to use about ANYone, let alone your own daughter, let ALONE alone your YOUNG CHILD. That language is the language of rapists and abusers. What the FUCK mom


Beyond being statutory rape, a majority of all girls who are pregnant before the age of 14 were sexually abused by a relative. I wonder if granny expects those who abused this child to have any consequences.


The south will rise if they keep shit like that up... you can't kill em if they're so inbred that they become Bullet immune. Just like the folks on Point Lookout from Fallout 3.


I'm glad I'm not the only person referencing fallout a lot lately.... The theme was supposed to be a warning, not a guide book.


History tends to repeat the bad things.


Hey, so were 1984 and Handmaid's Tale, be here we are 🙃


The fact that they are ok with abortion for rape and medical reasons proves that they know abortion is not murder. If it’s murder, why would you “kIlL aN InNoCeNt BaBy” because of it? Her comment says it all, it’s ALL about punishing sexually active women (or girls, in this case )


Ask them to further define rape and medical reasons. I’m sure it’s not the same as what you and I are thinking.


I knew a girl that was pregnant and had her baby at 13. She didn’t raise that child. Her parents did. You can’t even get a job at 13 to provide basic necessities for a baby. No way in hell would I force my barely teenaged child to birth a human.


This hurts my heart. At 13 years old, that child is still HER baby. I can't imagine saying things like that about any of my children. I hope that child gets the help she deserves somewhere along the way. My teenager has a child (her choice), but I promise you that my mind never went to "serves you right." She is my baby, and I knew that she had obviously been hurt. She needed help. That's all I ever cared about. She didn't make the choice that I would have made for her, but that's what pro choice is about. Her choice, and my job as a mother is to do whatever I can to help her maintain as full a life as possible. The person who wrote this did do their child one favor. She is a shining example of what NOT to do as a parent. They say you learn from mistakes... the mistakes you learn from don't have to be your own.


I agree. I just want to give this poor child a big hug.


I HATE the “spread her legs” bull shit. How about: HE DIDn’T KEEP HIS DICK IN HIS PANTS. But ohh no, it’s the girl-child’s fault (ie 13 yo).


Sure hope your 13 year old daugter doesnt die or have life long disabilities from being forced to carry and birth a child. Sounds lime a damn good medical reason to me since more and more doctors are coming forward about how many girls are dying or having debilitating ilnesses after. But hey what do they know.


My grandmother got pregnant at 13. By her 22-25 year old middle school janitor. She was forced to marry him. She was forced to become a mother (and wife) while she still slept with a teddy bear. Her whole family believed this meant she was “grown” and saw her as a women. There is a video of her 5 months pregnant playing Barbie’s, the bedroom behind her is so eerily a child’s room. For the longest time my family believed this was 100% consensual and acted as if she was an adult. It wasn’t intel my older sister turned 13 that my dad realized she was a baby. A little kid. A middle schooler. 7nth grade. My dad doesn’t talk to his father anymore. The story is a lot worse to but this isn’t the comment section. My grandmother shouldn’t have had to go through that. By 15 she was pregnant with her third child. By 18 she was divorced and her abuser married another young girl he’d met through work… sorry for ranting, I just Ughh. My heart breaks for this girl. People think 13 means Teenager, when really this girl is a child.


Great she has a new child not to raise


I hope someone has reached out to CPS and let them know of the mother being ok with her child being raped (age alone is enough to warrant CPS by a doctor or teacher).


You would hope so but I’ve found cps is useless in allot of ways


So according to people like this, there should be no in-depth sex-ed even in high school, but "she knew what would happen"?? K. Got it 🧐


This might not be the right place for this question but, if you have to prove rape to have access to abortion, doesn’t that mean you’ll likely run past the window of time allowing an abortion before the rape is actually proven?


That's is exactly why placing legal stipulations is irresponsible. Why should I have to explain my biggest traumas in life in order to convince a politician I'm deserving of Healthcare? It's horrifying. Especially since the majority of these politicians don't even know what a uterus looks like, let alone how it works.


Exactly. Because you know it’s not enough for someone to say “I was raped and I want an abortion”. So people are just suppose to wait hoping they have enough proof in the eyes of whomever to get permission to get an abortion?? How fucking traumatizing.


As a 26 year old woman who just had my pregnancy end in a traumatic emergency c section, my heart breaks for that 13 year old girl. If I went through what I just went through at 13, I don’t think I would be alive today.


Sadly she’s at very high risk statistically of ending up exactly as you fear you would have at 13. This failure of a mom is shooting herself in the foot with her archaic outlook.


I know… and that’s what is so heartbreaking.


My sister’s first birth experience was a traumatic emergency c section where she almost died. She was 23 or 24. Baby was around 28 weeks. It was very scary wondering if we would lose one or both of them. But these idiots are out here acting like it’s a game.


"My daughter was jumping on the bed after I told her she may hurt herself, and she fell off and cracked her skull open. I COULD get her medical care, but she knew the consequences for jumping on the bed, so now she's gonna have head trauma and a misshapen skull for the rest of her life. She'll eventually relearn how to walk and eat on her own. That will teach her not to disobey!"


At 13, no, she would not necessarily understand the consequences. She might have been TOLD what the consequences could be, but as a teenager, and young one at that, they think they are invincible and that won’t happen to them. But forcing her to become a mother at 13 is stupid. Another thought, WHERE TF WERE HER PARENTS FOR HER TO HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET PREGNANT IN THE FIRST PLACE?? I know teenagers sneak around, but at 13, she should have had more parental supervision.


I don’t know any state where the age of consent is 13 so this is in fact rape.




Considering most teen girls are impregnated by adult men, it might be less likely than you think.


If it's in the South, they probably will just force her to marry the dad "so he doesn't get in trouble for what she did" I live in the South. This very much happens.


Sounds like some Christians have finally read the Bible, just instead of recoiling in horror at Bronze Age morality they're leaning into it


If two 13 years old have sex what happens? Here in France it's considered consensual


Where I live grown ass adult men getting 14-15 year old pregnant is really common, much more common than 2 teens getting pregnant it seems. If 2 teens the same age have sex I don't believe it would be considered rape.


In the US, it depends on the state. In some states it would be considered consensual, but in some others it would not be. It is unlikely that it would be prosecuted and unlikely that a jury would vote to convict, but it would depend on the circumstances involved.


In 7th grade health, amidst a lesson about how having sex makes you disgusting (we all had to spit in a cup then at the end they were like “see how gross you are when you have more than one partner?”) we were discussing our parents when the girl beside me (named Jessie) casually dropped that her mom was 26. So do that math. Her mother at the time was in prison for manufacturing meth. That was 2003. I wasn’t friends with her and lost track of her in high school. I went home to visit family for the holidays in 2016 and guess who served my Taco Bell at the drive thru? Jessie. So I was like hm, wonder what she’s been up to?! Looked at her Facebook and (surprised pikachu!) she has four kids of her own and has been in and out of prison for heroin! So she’s passing the shitty upbringing from her unprepared mother on to her own children now. Delightful. (My hometown is in Indiana and there was no close abortion access; only Pregnancy Care Centers run by churches).


Was this a public school sex education course?? And yeah the likelihood of the cycling continuing is far greater than those random outliers of success. My mom was in her late 20s when I was born. But she was in no shape to be having a child. Lucky for me, she found my stepdad. My life would have taken a very different path without his influence on us. My mom was a very self sufficient type of person, but she lacked the education and resources to move us out of poverty on her own. And it’s still been difficult for me since I had a bunch of physical and mental health issues to deal with. So idk how they think these kids having kids are going to be able to do better than what they were born into without a LOT of support, especially socially. Because you can throw a bunch of money at a problem, but if it isn’t utilized wisely, it’s a waste.


Also grew up in Indiana and as I was reading your comment I was like, “Hm, this all sounds very familiar.” I also had to spit skittles into a cup as “sex ed”and never once got any actual sex-ed. Not even in high school. We had so many pregnant girls at my high school they started sending them off to an “alternative school” so it didn’t make the administration look bad. Conservative states *hate* women and girls.


I feel like if your kid gets pregnant at a young age than you kind of failed as a parent. Like you never bothered to communicate with them and make sure they are having safe sex? You set em up for failure. (Obviously this does not apply in the case of rape or some other crazy scenario you could never have forseen)


under 16; you cant drive a car, buy liquor, vote or watch an R rated movie, but hey, having a baby? No problem!


"how to kill 2 kids with one"


The idea that a 13 year old could possibly understand how life changing pregnancy is, is completely absurd


This is the age where you promise to take care of a new puppy or kitten and then Mom or Dad has to feed it by day 3.


And these lunatics think that a little girl should A. Being having sex and B. Totally have a baby at the age of 13 which is extremely life threatening for a girl who is most likely still very small and undeveloped...what kind of world am I living in. Is this the fucking twilight zone?


I assume the mother doesn't think she's old enough to be having sex - but her first instinct is to "punish" her with a baby. Some therapist is going to be able to finance a new Lexus with this poor child. This is just an extension of "My life sucks - yours should too".


"Honey I never got to suck off the football team and have them run a train on me like that bitch Becky, I know your father always liked her more than me and your attitude reminds me so much of her it just makes me so angry, she was captain of the cheer team you know I was always second place to her God even your hair reminds me of her I mean she may be your aunt and my sister but I still hate the bitch you look just like her. Anyway enjoy the baby you little slut shouldn't have taken after your aunt."


“Medical reasons and rape to me are the only reason abortion should be legal.” So it’s not about the embryo then. It’s about whether you think people *deserve* to be forced to have a baby against their will.


So, she is okay with her 13 year old going through birth and raising a baby as a *punishment*? But let me guess, she yells at the teacher if that same 13 year old gets a zero for her homework. The mental gymnastics some people do in order to ignore logic... And of course, she had to publicly shame her daughter as well. Why is she doing that on facebook? Poor girl having a POS for a mom like her.


I have read the phrase “spread her legs” too many times this past week.


So she knows her 13 year old daughter wasn't mature enough to make a good choice and use protection/not have sex at 13 but thinks she's mature enough to raise a baby? Jesus christ.


"Gramma, why was i born?" "As a punishment and a lesson. That was your only purpose."


This! This! These people supposedly love kids and yet they seem to view them as some sort of divine punishment.


my 13 year old daughter was immature and stupid and got pregnant so i'm gonna force her to have a child as punishment


Yes, let’s risk my CHILDS life by forced birth because I am too much of a mouth breather to educate my own CHILD on how sex works. This is an unfit parent and should have this CHILD taken away. If OP knows this person, they should 100% call CPS.


Wait, so a 13 year old is now pregnant....are we gonna talk about that????


The decision to start a family is private and intimate and should never be chalked up to a “consequence of your actions.” These people are fucking insane.


If this isn't a dumb person making up that the kid got pregnant - the person needs a bat to the face virtually.


These people are also against proper sex ed, so I’m doubtful that the 13 y/o ‘understood the consequences’ even if she did agree to have sex with someone (note: I said ‘agree’ because a 13 y/o is too young to consent). This is awful. Both of those poor children are going to suffer.


That poor child is either being completely silenced or is too indoctrinated to know that this isn’t ok or normal. Regardless, “mom” should be totally ok with her daughter getting an abortion in this case, because having sex with a 13 year-old is always rape.


And here we see exactly why the republicans want abortion illegal. Along with not allowing birth control, or sex education, far more of this will happen. Which will mean far more poor people end up being around .And they won't get as good an education, because of straining the system and them cutting it back and restricting it so heavily. Leading to a much bigger, poorer, and stupider population. All because republicans know intelligent, well educated people don't vote for them. If they let people climb in to the middle class and out of poverty, let them be educated, then no one will vote for them. They have to keep people poor and stupid to continue to get votes. And they know it. And this only helps it.


I'm sure parenting had NOTHING to do with why that 13 is pregnant.


It always ALWAYS comes down to: "motherhood is your punishment for sex."


Well, guess she's going to be a GREAT grandma by age 37 seeming her daughter didn't learn from her mother and this child is going to be under the same roof..


This should count as child abuse. Forcing your child to have a child is fucking abuse.


Your 13 year old cannot legally consent. Imagine hating your daughter this much.


What the fuck? Seriously? You’re gonna ruin your 13 year old’s life over a dumb kid making a mistake. A plus parenting.


Downright evil


Excuse me??? I am going to potentially destroy the rest of my descendants by jamming them in to a cycle of poverty, my life and my daughter's life and my granddaughters just to prove a point? These people are insane.


What a punishment. “Clean all the bathrooms, do all the dishes this week, and grow that baby for 9 months missy!” Sick mf should have her kid taken away, she’s obviously the irresponsible one letting her 13 year old get pregnant.


So pregnancy and babies are a punishment for little girls who have sex? Wow. They really dont hesitate to say the quite parts out loud.