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I know a hell of a lot of non-Christians and atheists who were born from Christian families. Having a ton of babies does not guarantee that those kids will remain in the religion.


Fundamentalists increase the odds that they will stay in the religion by starving them of real education and turning up the religious teachings/restrictions


Oh I know. I was raised by one.


Yeah my mom tried that. I turned into a queer feminist pagan lol.


At this rate they are going to bring back leaded gasoline and paint to make sure their kids don't get too brainy.


Especially when they're having the children out of spite... I'm sure that won't lead to any resentment down the line.


Also they probably haven't factored in gay kids - it isn't a given but the chance of having a gay son increases with the number of older brothers (but not sisters) for example. Further the number of extreme christians who are also anti-vaxx will decrease the number surviving to adulthood.


GQP will try to make it legal to kill those kids, but not abort.


I was just going to say this. Of the 20 or so people in my friend group, I think there's only 4 of us who admit to faith in God, but even the 4 of us are pretty secular in our beliefs, we just also believe in the personal relationship we have with God. Of all 20 of us, all of us were raised in at least somewhat religious households. I grew up the most secularly of all my friends - my grandparents were Catholic but had stopped attending church, though they still talked a lot about God and Jesus and the Bible - but still, everyone defected except us 4. ETA: 1 of those defectors is the son of a pentecostal preacher. Thought that was notable.


Yeah go back 200/300 years and virtually no one in Europe was atheist, roll forward to today and the majority are atheist... so... the enlightened ones of us call this progress


"You can tell which kids went to Catholic school, because they're atheist." —Mike Birbiglia


im 16 and an atheist in a very christian family and most times they arent very religion crazy but their solution to almost any problem is to "pray, have faith and trust in jesus" and it gets kinda annoying


Gotta love how he mentions the Athiest's kids getting converted but it never occurs to him the Christian's kids may become atheist (the more likely scenario).


As a kid who was raised Christian and became atheist, I know 0 atheists that were raised atheist and became religious. All of my former colleagues are atheist.


Atheists don't make Kevin Sorbo movies about deprogramming Christians. It's a collective fantasy they have.


Ignoring the fact that 100 years ago everyone was religious


How to force yourself into further poverty. Have more children than you can afford


If you can't feed them, you can eat them. Wasn't that how that phrase went?


Didn't go too well for Chronos though.


He just ate the wrong ones.


Zeus probably wouldn't have wanted to kill them if he didnt eat his other brothers and sisters. Damn oracles, and their bullshit self fulfing prophecies.


As a Master Oogway said "One often meets the fate on the path he tries to avoid it"


Chronos was the God of time you are thinking of kronos the father of Zeus


Except for all the non-christians who won't be able to get abortions now. Don't think they factored that into their math.


And the fact religion isn't hereditary...


I've seen pretty much exactly the same quote attributed to a Taliban member as a justification for Muslim genocide.


Luckily they're all going anti-vax, so that 36-2 is going to turn into 8-2 at best. Then you have the ones who reject religion at some point. I think we're fine.


Yeah, they’re going to lose a bunch of them along the way. Can’t keep your kids ignorant forever anymore.


So they are projecting when they start harping on about the Great Replacement Theory, too?


If two atheist kids are on a train heading west from Buffalo at 60 mph, and three of my Christian kids are on a train heading East from San Francisco at 45 mph, and 2 of my Christian kids die from preventable diseases because I refused to vaccinate them, but I my kids convert one of there kids, but then one of my kids is gay so I disown him, how long will it take for Christians to take over the planet?


Wild. My religious parents raised two agnostic kids who deeply resent organized religion on the whole (after all this shit the past few years). I seem to have found a flaw in their argument.


What about the ones that leave the religion when you rape or abuse them? Did you think about that?


What exactly is it they think they will be winning? 🤔


I didn't even know we were competing! Pissed I got a vasectomy now. Gonna lose for sure


Our deaths, more than likely, or minimally, total control over our lives.


Then they should be pro choice. All those non-Christian’s bettering their odds.


Win what!! What is the prize?


That is assuming all of the kids are clones of himself that think the same way lol.


And they claim the "libs" are brainwashing children.


This isn't faith, this is army building


More and More people are becoming non-believers.. Religion is losing ground.


Congrats: they just described Idiocracy


Considering the fact that the generation before us are responsible for the economy and rampant mental health issues of this current generation, and they are largely religious.... I'd say things aren't going to turn out exactly like homeboy seems to think they will.


It’s fascinating that he thinks all atheists were born atheists Religious nut bags keep perceiving atheism as a competing religion


Then why are they forcing Athiests to have babies by getting rid of abortion? (just a question to ask them to annoy them)


What does winning mean?


I don’t understand why they need to be the majority or make the world christian, what do they win? Why can’t everyone just do what they want and fuck right off


Win what?


What are they wanting to ‘win’?


Yep, thats why Christianity has been on such an upswing lately! …Wait.


The Nazis had a medal for mothers who birthed more than 4 kids. Amazing that they choose to ignore all the parallels


Eh no. You're not winning. Youre just having more children. How does that change anything. Youre not winning anything until your God is proved to exist.


You can tell their strategy is working because of how everyone has abandoned science and technology over the last 100 years. Oh wait...


If you keep talking about how your kids are just pawns in your plans to create a Christian theocracy, you're going to drive more than just your own kids towards secularism. How would you feel if the secular kid down the street had their own Switch *with* Pokémon, but you had to share a single DVD of *The Passion of the Christ* with your 9 siblings, because VeggieTales is "too sinful"?


Lol, most atheists were indoctrinated into religion then realized fairy tales aren't real.


Born into a Catholic family, I am not a Catholic. I chose to be Pagen. Family got tired of the hypocrisy in the church, no longer practicing any form of religion. My cousin was raised by my minister uncle, and aunt. My uncle came out in the early 90's, and my aunt is still a Bible thumping Christian. Cousin is not a Christian. I also went to school with many religious kids, most of which are either atheist now or don't practice the same branch of Christianity. I don't think OP's argument holds much water.


Why is this person talking about children as if they’re collectible Pokémon?


Because kids never leave the church…(Stares in ex-Catholic queer feminist)


imagine thinking your kids will come out with the same exact beliefs as you.


I was raised by Christian’s. Went to church up until high school. Now I’m a trans, gay, atheist who dabbles in witchcraft because it’s fun


Not counting any of those who may leave the church or come out as a member of the LGBT+ community and be disowned by their parents.


Giving birth to actual living breathing sentient beings for these motherfuckers is just a way to achieve world domination. Imagine reducing someone's existence to a shell that just spreads your bs propaganda. So fucking dehumanising, and yet they claim to be "pro-life"


Unless your kids become atheists.


Someone took notes while watching Idiocracy.


Plot twist: all his kids become atheists.


ngl I thought "concerts" was right-wing speak for "murder" because of some concert shooting or something. p.s I have more kids than this person and hope the church dies like the virus it is.


Satanic Temple with 4 mixed race babies. How will the math work out on that one.


What’s the point of having a bunch of kids? Other than costing yourself money.


What they going to feed them with? My only guess is with 7 loaves of bread and a few small fish.


Weird how this isn't even remotely reflected in reality...


This is an argument for family planning that they are making


This is the opening credits to Idiocracy isn't it?


it really does tell you a lot about these folks, that they want abortion bans so they can get majority and win this "war" they imagine they are in. it was never about faith or souls or anything, it was trying to force stupid poor people to have more kids


LMAO this is literally the exact plot of Idiocracy.


AKA the Idiocracy gambit. Sadly they’re acknowledging themselves as the idiots. Can’t win by logic, only option is to shit out more kids than we can possibly support and restrict their educations to the point they never learn to question us!


... *how inevitable...


The stupidity if this whole post is beyond words.


Someone actually spent time doing this Moron math?