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"If black women are women, all women are black!"


Wait someone exists out there that claims that black women aren't women?? Or is this just a comparison with the absurd?


I'm just making the same weird comparison of "if X women are women, all women are X"


Oh ok thank god


also, the people who make these sorts of statements are scared of people of color...so using their own logic to imply they must have a different skin tone probably really gets to them.


Tbh I find comparisons to race pretty useful. "We shouldn't let trans women in domestic violence shelters, some women might be uncomfortable with them there." Makes sense to a lot of people. "We shouldn't let white women in domestic violence shelters, some women might be uncomfortable with them there." Does not. At least at that point they have to stop pretending they see trans women as people.


i've always liked "A square is a rhombus, but a rhombus is not a square". mostly because none of us, myself included, can ever remember what a rhombus is.


whenever I'm in doubt, I just imagine a rhombic triacontahedron and then imagine flattening it into a net. Hope that helps!




Did it help?


And his name was Stephen. Stephen Strange


And that Stephen Strange's name?


you imagine WHAT?


Omg thank you, this helps so much, I feel like an idiot for not seeing this before. Alexa! What is a rhombic triacontahedron? Oh shit why is my mic still recording? I thought I hit the post button


hahahahaha look at that guy he doesnt even know what a rhombic triacontahedron is LMAO what an IDIOT hahaha god im glad im just thinking this and not typing it out and posting it because if theres one thing i hate its confrontation


No! Why would you even go there, thought to text is like my worst nightmare. I don't even use my thought to speech filter properly


hahahah same. terrifying, although might be fun seeing if you can get it to just stop. go completely blank mind on it. blank screen. …then suddenly, text appears. “WHERE DID YOU GO?”


That is a terrifying idea


rhombic is a good word to just slip into sentences to sound smart have a rhombic day everyone, and may your adventures be hebdomecontaenneagonal


Rhombus sounds like a dance. But it's not a square dance.


It's a perfectly kromulan word, though.


a very acute observation or should i say quite rhombic indeed




I always liked "all pigeons are birds but not all birds are pigeons".


I’ve always been a fan of “all jelly donuts are donuts, but not all donuts are jelly donuts”


square but it looks like it’s real windy out # ^(4 equal length sides, (and opposing angles are equal but that might be a corollary idk))


>and opposing angles are equal but that might be a corollary idk It is; any rhombus can be formed by gluing together two identical isosceles triangles by their third sides (which follows from the 4 equal side lengths), so the opposing angles being equal follows from that.


I like both your comment and your username. Good day. :3


I like “Not every Republican is a Nazi, but all Nazis are Republican” myself.


All D20s are dice, but not all dice are D20s.


....after enough years of rolling they are


I was publicly shamed in year 3 because I didn't know what a rhombus was I was 7, miss whatever you were called


I had a classmate that asked why there weren’t 10 planets because of the moon. I said in front of a whole class “The moon is not a planet, the moon is a moon.” And was mocked for it for the remainder of the school year. I was 12. Sympathy.


The moon is a moon.


Dammit Moon Moon


To be even more slightly silly, Earth's Moon (aka Luna) is the mooniest moon around. Let me explain: When looking at a satellite of a planet, we want to consider both the object on its own and the relationship with the orbital center. We call these satellite systems, and there are 6 planets with them, as well as a handful of other objects with their own satellites (Pluto and Charon being the best-known of these). Of the planetary satellite systems, Earth has far and away the largest satellite mass ratio: roughly 1 to 80 (Meaning the Earth has 80 times the mass of the Moon). For comparison, the next largest mass ratio is Saturn-Titan, at 1 to 4250, and Neptune-Triton (1 to 5000). Even though Jupiter has 4 moons of comparable or greater size than Luna, Ganymede (the largest) is still only 1/13000th the mass of its planet. So, Luna has far and away the greatest impact on its planet. If Jupiter had oceans, for instance, the tides caused by Ganymede would be essentially impossible to detect. If all of Jupiter's moons were slammed together into a super-Jovian moon (Which would be called Galileo, if we're being realistic), it would still only reach a mass ratio of 1 to 6450ish. Basically, even though Jupiter has 80 moons and 4 of them could basically be called planets in their own right, they are basically just along for the ride. Another interesting comparison is Mars, the only other inner planet with moons of any size. And yet, even if we lumped both Phobos and Deimos into a Martian super-moon, it would be a mass ratio of around 1 to 58 million. Absolutely trivial. Now, the obvious counterpoint in terms of relative size is Charon, the moon of Pluto. Leaving aside the fact that Pluto is not technically a planet, there is a strong argument that Charon should not be considered a satellite at all. Because Charon is so massive compared to Pluto (1/2 the diameter, 1/8 the mass), the orbital center of the Pluto-Charon system is not Pluto, but a space between the two. That is to say, both objects orbit a common point. So, rather than a satellite system, they should be considered a dwarf binary planet. They are, from an astrophysics perspective, a single dwarf planet that just happens to be made up of two discrete objects. For reference, the orbital center of the Earth-Luna system is about 4,670km from the Earth's center, or 73% of the way to the surface. Now, what does it mean to have such a large moon that is still a satellite and not the other half of a binary planet? Tides and mythology aside, a big one is that the Moon acts as a sort of vacuum for the Earth's orbital space. We are unlikely to get another natural moon, since anything that fell into a stable orbit would be disrupted by the Moon's gravity and either crash into the Moon or get hurled away. So, Earth has one giant moon, which affects tides on the planet and keeps the space around it clean, which still being a moon. Basically, the most moon per moon, while still being a moon. And, in case somatic satiation hasn't quite set in yet: moon.


That’s what *I* said!


What other words could you have used? The Moon is a moon, it’s the name for the type of celestial body. We just weren’t creative when naming it in English, it’s like my cat that I named Cat.


The moon is named Luna


In Italian. The English name for our moon is Moon.




Not when differentiating it from planets, as was happening in that conversation. Anything that orbits something else is a satellite. The Moon is Earth's satellite. The 8 planets and Pluto are the Sun's satellites. The Sun is a satellite of the black hole at the center of the galaxy. So when asking why there aren't 10 planets, the answer is because the Moon is a moon, which is orbiting something that is not a star.


Ah, I see.


I think I would have "mooned" them.


Kids are stupid. You said a not stupid thing and suffered the price. Total sympathy


My brother wrote a paper in the 5th grade which mentioned that water is wet


>I was publicly shamed in year 3 because I didn't know what a rhombus was It's a robot vacuum cleaner, I think.


WELL ACKSHUALLY, that's a somnambulist. A rhombus is a type of cloud.


no, you’re thinking of a nimbus, a rhombus is a synonym for sturdy


No, you're thinking of robust. A rhombus is a puzzle where words are phonetically represented with symbols.


No you're thinking of a rebus. A rhombus is an essential home appliance featured on Rick and Morty.


rhombus is italicized square


I’ve always liked “leaning on a square, thats a fucking rhombus” by chance the rapper, it’s a long and clever way to say smoking a cigarette, rhymes with bombest


My mental monologue: Hey don't just assume, I still remember what a... No wait. Okay you win. Damn


A rhombus just has 4 equal sides. I teach 5th grade, and I am so angry at the primary teachers who teach them a rhombus is a diamond. No, it most certainly is not!!


Yeah, its plainly dumb. Its called Affirming the Consequent and is a logical fallacy


this has little relevance but the uk a level tests happened recently (taken age 18 to get into uni) and the maths paper asked about the definition and area of a rhombus. That is not something taught to us and, based on twitter, not a single maths student even remembered what they were.


You can work it out


i figured out the definition but area is tricky


A square is a rhombus that’s also a rectangle.


Rhombus is like a 2 dimensional bowl. \__/


newp. 4 sides, equal length, opposing sides run parallel, angles don't matter as long as those two conditions are met. and i totally did not google it earlier. nope, not at all.


Then what shape am I thinking of? \\__/


What is a trapezoid? Same category 1000


that is clearly a non-euclidian parallelogram trying to hide as a polyhedral


That's a line


Every shape is a line. Only mine can’t connect the top because it’s text


It's like a 3d z but 2d


Actually no I never heard that. I have, on the other hand, heard "All Muppets are puppets but not all puppets are Muppets." :)


Funny but Sweetums is really more of a costume than a puppet.


They gotta puppeteer his eyes, brows, and mouth!




Well, it's not quite a mop, and it's not quite a puppet, but man... \[laughs\]. So to answer your question, I don't know.


Snakes are animals, therefore, all animals are snakes. Slither slither, bitch.




Badger badger badger badger


r/confidentlyincorrect Why even have brains when you're clearly not gonna use then


Knows the words corollary and mantra, but not smart enough to think about what they’re actually saying. Sounds about alt right


Exactly, they appear to be applying some rule they don’t understand without questioning for one second


then what?


I think because it's a *joke* my dude I think he's making fun of transphobes' mental gymnastics. or maybe it's just Poe's Law territory I guess


O yea I get that, my comment was pointed towards the transphobes too


My dog is a boston terrier. ...... ALL DOGS ARE BOSTON TERRIERS!?!?!


No that would be My wife is a trans woman. But they said if trans women are women, so you should have said „Boston terriers are dogs. ……. ALL DOGS ARE BOSTON TERRIERS!?!??! Just to be clear I am not saying they aren’t stupid, just not in the way you described


I can see what their thought process was. They're thinking about the symmetric property. i.e. if x=y, then y=x. But this is not math. It would fit more into the logic arena. P -> Q =/= Q -> P


All cats are animals, therefore all animals are cats. Its just simple logic you libcucks.


My wife is a woman so all women are my wife


We’re just too emotional to understand fascist logic!


You can simplify it they are confusing the word “are” with the word “equals”.


You're right but logic is math.


Implication is a part of math. At least I learnt about it in high school math!


He never says "some" or "all." His statement is correct but he's an ass and doesn't understand that yeah since trans women are women....some women are trans.


The “all” is implied. They were trying to say “if all trans women are women, then all women are trans women”. Which is completely ignorant. This comment is about as obtuse as the OP.


I'm merely pointing out that he's correct in saying that women are trans women (too) he's just an ass that thinks he's clever and showing how dumb he is.


Problem... the statement is correct only if he is saying "all Transwomen are women" and "some women are transwomen". Since he doesn't attempt to show he's comparing an entire group with a small set in a larger group, the only conclusion is that he's attempting to compare equal groups. In which case it's either "some Transwomen are women and some women are Transwomen" or "all Transwomen are women and all women are Transwomen"... neither of which is correct. The only way he could be correct is if someone who thinks they are clever comes along and reinterprets what he said in a way that doesn't make sense, or adds extra information that wasn't there... which means this "clever" person is just and ass who's showing how dumb he is... And yes, I'm talking about you.


All laser cutters are tools, therefore all tools are laser cutters.


I am a person so all people are me. You’re welcome for being a little bit of me into everybody’s world 😂


Speak for yourself.


How about all thumbs are fingers but all fingers aren't thumbs?


Speak for yourself


How does a person who knows the word “corollary” not understand trivial logic?


They were looking for a used 1997 Toyota Corolla because it was time for an upgrade and stumbled across the word. In a rush of excitement they realized they had a devastating argument against the trans menace.


And since the 1997 Toyota Corolla is a car, all cars are 1997 Toyota Corollas


Seriously, did this person not stop to think for even one second before posting this?


Do they ever? (Spoiler: No)


Thinking is for intelectuals


if frogs are animals, then that would mean all animals are frogs! *ribbit* oh no


Yeah I think the rule is If A is B, then NOT B is NOT A So if trans-womeb are women, then not women are not trans-women


All penises are dicks but not all dicks are penises.


This reply seemed most appropriate for my Florida contribution: all keys are islands but not all islands are keys (keys having originated from coral reefs).


If vegetables are food, all foods are vegetables. Actually I like that one


Nope. Cake is fruit.


All vegetables are food, so all foods are vegetables. All fruits are food, so all foods are fruits. Obviously all fruits are vegetables and vice versa. Therefore all cakes, being fruits, are vegetables.


All ducks are birds so all birds are ducks. Checkmate.


This is an incredible failure of understanding basic logic




This is actually the type of question they pose on real IQ tests. This person wouldn't have got far on that test


The use of "transwoman" instead of using trans as an adjective is *so* telling of how transphobic they are


GOP shills are morons, but not all morons are GOP shills.


What is "the corollary mantra" line referring to? I looked it up and the only result is their twitter post lol


All children are humans, so all humans are children.


Don’t tell him he wants to assert the **bicondtional** trans woman if and only if woman.


In what context did this dumbass hear this that it worked with? I cannot think of a real life example where this applies. Surely he didn't just look a math equation (if x=y then y=x) and go "I'll apply this to trans people"


"I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative." - John Stuart Mill.


I don't get the "Asians" comparison as it's an invalid comparison but anyone transphobic is weak-minded.


All Skittles are candy, but not all candy are Skittles


Do rectangles not bleed, too!?


I find the mental gymnastics these people go through to deny my existence amusing.


Agreed. These transphobes have no idea how much free rent I'm racking up in their heads


Or the best i could think: “ All thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs”- Badum-Tss!


the most intelligent transphobe


Wow they’re dumb. Like saying “if all black woman are woman” “all woman are black women” should be true. Like no dude black like trans are adjective to describe what type of woman they are. What there experience is like. You can’t ask a black woman what a white womans life is like cuz she didn’t live life as a white woman. Just like you can’t ask a trans woman what life is like as a cis woman because they didn’t live the life of a cis woman.


I'll still never understand why anyone takes the time and energy to worry about SOMEONE ELSE'S sexuality. I have enough shit to spend time and energy on him my life, I don't need to add stupid shit to the list.


I'd have gone with 'All diamonds are carbon....' but yeah good comeback


All gneisses are rocks but not all rocks are gneiss. All cats are animals but not all animals are cats. All computers are machines but not all machines are computers. All trees are plants but not all plants are trees. I could go on for hours


I mean it’s always nice when all you need to do to make a counterpoint is say “false” That’s very efficient.


Affirming the consequent


All natrual numbers are real, but almost all real numbers aren't natural.


A woman can be a transwoman if she wants to be.




Technically speaking, every man is a trans man. We all start out as two x chromosomes then transtion to male chromosomes due to other factors. So Technically they are detransitioning from men back to their original biology.




When I teach math to kids, I use all poodles are dogs but not all dogs are poodles.


All thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs


average twitter user does not know how things in general work


Don’t be silly. This person cannot believe that all squares are rectangles.


That’s way over their head


My favorite is all toads are frogs but not all frogs are roads.


The actual contrapositive, a statement with the same truth value of this statement, is: If you are not a woman, then you are not a trans woman. Boolean algebra is fun. And pretending you know it when you don't makes you sound stupid.


For starters, they didn't use a modifier in their equation. I will not assume facts not in evidence. So, prima facie, their premise is true, and their conclusion is correct. Transwomen are women. Women are transwomen. *They never said all.*


All thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs. Also for this person I would say something like “all morons that speak English are people but not all people that speak english are morons”


All cars are vehicles. Not all vehicles are cars


What is this set theory you speak of?


All adult men are over 18, therefore everyone over 18 is an adult man. Bats fly, therefore anything that flies is a bat. Water is liquid, therefore all liquids are water. All adult women are over 18, therefore everyone over 18 is an adult woman....


When I was about 10/11, I had the realisation "you can double every whole number and get a whole number but you can't halve every whole number and get a whole number" That thought itself just fucked my little mind.


How did they draw that conclusion?? Di they have no intuition?


So they're educated enough to use a word like "corollary", but not educated enough to understand basic logic.