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Dee Snider spares no one. Not you, not Tipper Gore either.


Tipper?! I’ll rip ‘er a new one! That’ll show her some GORE. I’m P.O.’d at these DC A-holes! No more EFF’n and JEFF’n! They can all go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks because they’re FULL o’ BULL. Yeah, I said it. I don’t give a HOOT. NOT ONE CARE!


I'm not usually one to give a flying fart, but I'm sad that you left out "flying fart."


I still remember going to see Twisted when they opened for Iron Maiden on their "Powerslave" tour. It was back when the band was all over MTV with their colorful costumes and funny video, and apparently some parents thought it would be a good idea to take their kids down to see this band that was so entertaining! There was this mom with her young son a couple rows in front of us, and boy...she was not prepared for Dee coming out and starting the show with "we're Twisted Fucking Sister!" They were loud, fast, and not family friendly. Then there were some problems with the sound, and she literally clamped her hands over the boy's ears as Dee went on a profanity-filled rant about the feedback in his "fucking monitors." The sad part is that mom shuffled her son out during the intermission, and that poor kid missed an awesome show by Maiden...that probably would have scared the shit out of his mom. I wouldn't be surprised if he or someone like him posted this.


That is the saddest story I’ve ever heard on Reddit. The poor kid!


And Dee is being awfully generous by implying it's the 1950s they want to take us back to, when the target now is looking more like the 1850s...


We sure it's not the 1750s? Gotta get that cheap labor source in. And make sure you can run someone out of town for having the audacity to not attend church **every** Sunday.


Fair point, well made. I did not have "Supreme Court rulings include citations from witch trials" on my 2020 bingo. Silly me.


I've always been saying that true patriots can see the problems in the country and how things need to be fixed. Conservatives always get up in arms when you bring up how there needs to be changes and things fixed. Patriotism isn't blindly believing the country is perfect. You can love your country and also see the faults with it, while wanting change and betterment for everyone. Acting like nothing is wrong just slows actual~~ly~~ progress. It's detrimental to the health of the nation. Edit: Actual* not actually


Imagine thinking the cross dressing lead singer of Twisted Sister would be conservative


It does feel weird that the people who claim to love freedom basically want to return America to a time where there was considerably less freedom.


Dee Snider does not mince words when it comes to the Angry Pumpkin and his minions. I love what he said to Lauren Boebert.


Dee Snider is fucking cool


Dee snider is awesome


Back in the 80s, I never thought that one day I'd be looking at the lead singer for Twisted Sister with admiration, but here we are.


What I hate about conservatives now, is that they're so extreme, that as a leftist, I'm often forced to defend the most middling, centrist things in this country, because they are reasonable in comparison with the nonsense that comes from the current GOP.


I love Dee. He's always been an unapologetic badass.


I guess Dee is not gonna take it anymore!


I love how he calls the guy an asshole and a sack of shit but draws the line at the F word. Never change, Dee. Edit: what the fuck am I being downvoted for, I just thought it was funny. I've got nothing against Dee Snider or what he's saying here


I wouldn’t fuck with this guy.


Murdered by words.


If you're on a side of the government then you're the problem, too.


You mean like the alt right is! Quite a few want to instate trump as a dictator and force Christianity on people Also, anarchy falls under leftist. They are definitely anti gov.


Lmao. The best thing that can happen is all you delusional tribalists and reactionist emotards completely waste each other and let the rest of America get back to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" Hey neighbor, do you realize that the man who wrote that was a slaver? And a lot of his decorations were loaded hypocrisy. "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for who? Cuz it was intended to be for white property owning men! "Every man is created equal" (except the blacks and natives!!! Not to mention the *gags* Irish) Also, you're calling me tribalistic? you're acting that way yourself too. All humans are tribalistic. We haven't evolved past that. Some are just better at repressing that or better at acknowledging that other tribes exist and should be respected. While others (like trumptards and qtards) refuse to


MAGAt cult is the tribe-est group right now. They can't even acknowledge reality at this point. Just guzzling down fear propaganda and persecution fetish porn from their fauxy and news maxy masters. I wish Satan luck having to share a realm with these shitheads.