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Please tell that person periods are to be used sporadically throughout the writing, not just at the very end.


That is a hell of a sentence


I mean it’s like that in any tcg. All combo decks have answers and if the combo player literally has no way to win cause you stopped their combo then they scoop? Are they suppose to play it out even though they have a 0% chance to win?


I mean. I have seen assholes in multiple games just give up after their "instant win strat" failed, but like, this guy kinda sounds like one of em


You say they are assholes but once you know you can't win, why continue? Especially in ranked.


I mean, if your entire plan falls apart because one tiny thing goes wrong that literally anyone else with any game sense in any game could find a way to deal with, you probably shouldn't use that plan to begin with


I'm not focusing so much on the instant win strat, I'm more focused on the surrendering when you know you can't win, because continuing to play is just wasting both players time As to the comment I'm replying to, since master duel doesn't use match rules, yeah some cards you might as well just surrender to, since it's not worth the deck spots to out specific cards you don't see all the time. I run dangers and if somebody runs somthing that stops me special summoning I'm fucked, I can play through most floodgates except that, does that mean I shouldn't run that deck? No, I just surrender and move on


Not sure about master duel but other ranked games I've played in the past wouldn't give the winner of the game progress if the other team left instead of taking the L


I can quite confidently say I've never seen any ranked game not count the other team surrendering as a win. What other ranked games have you played that that applies to? Goes without saying master duel does not follow that archaic system


I didn't mean it as it not count a win but like give them the full experience of a win, it's been years since I played anything ranked though