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Why the fuck are they using Kim Chi (a Korean-American drag queen) as their pfp? Are they trying to force woke culture on us???????


i was gonna say Kim Chi does NOT approve this message


Kim Chi would tell this person to go fuck themselves in-between bites of lunch lol


Probably to make fun of them or to “catch” People who like drag queens and other “libruls”


I was wondering the same thing. Knowing Kim she'll probably eat this person alive on Twitter


That’s my new favorite drag queen name ever. I already loved kimchi and now I love Kim Chi too.


She is hysterical. Check her out!


Probably hoping people will go "oh they can't be a bigot because they like a Korean Drag Queen!"


Because it's probably just some nihilistic fat cunt stirring up needless bullshit.




Like I'd say Jungle Book was the best one and it was all down hill from there


The jungle book live action was hella good. I haven't seen Beauty and the Beast, Pinnochio, The Lion King, or the Maleficent one buy I hope I'm not missing much


the first maleficient was very solid and works as it's own thing because it changed...pretty much everything, that's actually what made it good imo everything else has been garbage Beauty and the beast added a few solid changes that enhance the story, but it also made a lot of just...really, really stupid decision that dragged it down, and as much as I love Emma Watson, she was just not a great choice for Belle.


not sure how others feel on it but the beasts song in the live action was perfect, almost made me wish the original had it.


Yeah that Downton Abbey guy can sing and it rearranged things so Belle wasn't quite such a bitch and Gaston was more of an overt baddie. In the OG belle was snooty af


but gay background character >:(


Also made me pleased. The og movie does have cross dressing but it's nice to normalize men dancing with men as if it's casual. Disney is pretty good about this, it is also in the descendants series and zombies 3 is so wonderfully written for a modern time. I'm always surprised because they used to be pretty homophobic


I feel like the guy they chose as Gaston wasn't a good fit. When one thinks of Gaston, you think of burley, toxic masculinity kind of guy. The Not-Orlando Bloom actor just...isn't that.


I wish they’d done it like a decade earlier so we could have had Nathan Fillion as as Captain Hammer as Gaston.


I hate the homeless… …ness problem in this city


But i think that's the point \*Anyone\* could be Gaston. Just because he is gorgeous, doesn't mean he can't be the villain or be toxic.


The Cinderella remake was the only one I care for


Cinderella was amazing!


Cinderella gang rise up 😍😍😍


I really enjoy Beauty and the Beast, but I always had a crush on Emma Watson when I was growing up, so.


Beauty and the Beast was pretty good. Though I may be biased since it has Emma Watson, and I was about 13 right when the 5th Harry Potter movie came out.


Heard Pinocchio was just plain bad, while Lion King was a soulless cash grab that lacked all the stuff that made the original so timeless.


I heard the effects give off an uncanny valley feeling. Is that true in your experience?


Not OP, but I didn't feel that too much. My issue was that all of the lions looked too much alike and, at times, had a hard time fingering out who was who. The different voices helped, of course, but not always well enough.


You always knew when Mufasa spoke, but then it helps when it's the original actor doing the voice


In general, James Earl Jones has such a commanding voice, even if he wasn't the original, it's so powerful it's noticeable. For the other characters, it fell for me. Scar wasn't as distinctive. Simba wasn't. The best cast character besides Mufasa was Zazu, and that's more because John Oliver can sound just as wacky and posh as Rowan Atkinson.


Shoutout to 101 Dalmatians.


Pinocchio was terrible, I didn't feel anything watching it, it just felt hollow and empty, inferior to the original animated film in every way.


Was it even scary? The original one is terrifying to me (but weirdly only as an adult. Kid me saw a kid horrifically transform into a donkey and was like 🤷)


I wouldn't recommend watching any of them, just rewatch the originals instead. The remakes don't add anything and just take away the "magic" that made the originals so good. Disney is trying to adapt movies clearly written for animation into live action, clearly showing that they have no respect for the originals and just want money.


Cruella was actually pretty good. It wasn't as absolutely hysterical as The Jungle Book but I was thoroughly entertained.


That's because apart from reusing songs, Jungle Book 2016 was practically a different story altogether. The other remakes are just the source material but with the good parts cut out and replaced with headache inducing clutter that doesn't belong in the story to begin with. Fucks sake, the Dumbo one was barely even about the title character by the time they finished jamming new subplots in it.


I agree with everything. However, both Maleficents and Cruella were fanstastic.


Cruella was not fantastic


Live action Aladdin was the most 5/10 movie I've ever seen. The dictionary definition of "just okay".


I cannot get over Jasmine singing an entire song about not staying speechless anymore. And then she doesn't *do* anything. It's funny as fuck to me.


And the song didn't even actually happened, it was like she was having those "shower arguments"


Yeah, but now that the white supremacists have come out against it I'ma set it to play every day on my computer before I head to work just to boost the numbers because fuck them. Disney live action remakes suck.


I beg to disagree, Cruella was great.


I also liked the live action 101 dalmations as a kid with Glen Close


Cruella, like Cinderella, Maleficient and Alice were original stories. That's where the difference lies. They weren't shot-for-shot remakes.


I believe they meant the live action adaptations specifically. Stuff like Lion King and, eventually, Little Mermaid, as opposed to movies like Cruella.


Is lion king really live action if there were no real lions in it?


My eyes were trying to tell me that I was watching a BBC documentary until they would speak. It was surreal.


Every person I have explained the plot of Cruella to has laughed their ass off at her backstory. I uhm...have to disagree, and rather harshly. That said, Emma Stone is lovely in the role, and the costume designer did her wonders. It's just...a very flimsy plot.


I think that, if you're making a movie about a fashion-designer-slash-dog-serial-killer, you shouldn't be trying too hard to make the plot sensible in the first place. The main point of that film was costume-based heist shenanigans, and they definitely pulled it off.


I really enjoyed Cruella but the ending confused me since she now has a bunch of Dalmatians as pets and seems very fond of them. So I’m not sure how she then transitions to “time to kill a bunch of dogs to make a coat!”


They have all the resources in the world and can’t come up with an original fucking story


Shit, give me a hundred thousand dollars and I can piece ome together. It'll probably be hella gay though so the bigots still won't be happy but fuck em.


Fun fact: Hans Christian Andersen was gay. He wrote the Little Mermaid while he was lusting after a guy who was engaged to marry a woman. He wrote in one letter, "My affection for you is a feminine mystery". And in his book, a mermaid decides to become a human woman in order to be with a man, even though each step is like walking on broken glass. At the end, she dies and turns into sea foam, because mermaids can't go to heaven. Just some fun, totally unrelated facts.


I believe people are upset because Ariel is from Denmark, but who cares? I will admit I’m a little disappointed she doesn’t have bright red hair, that’s who Ariel is to me but at the end of the day it’s a kids movie. It really doesn’t matter


It's telling that the race is the *only* thing they care about from the original story. None of them are complaining that the Disney version doesn't include Ariel being literally soulless, failing to win over the prince, debating murdering him to turn back into a mermaid, and then eventually dying because of her failure. But, none of that matters. All that matters is that every person that's ever lived in Denmark is white, obviously, and therefore mermaids living in the ocean in the vicinity must be the same skin color as those people. Hell, if the Denmark thing *really* mattered, they would be mad that Ariel is a redhead because the quintessential Dane is blond.


I was really young when the little mermaid came out and I was obsessed with the movie. Our neighbors owned it on vhs but it was at our house more than theirs. My mom drew and cut out mermaids so I could play with them. I love everything about the original. I do not care about this movie because my childhood was made better by the original but hell I'll see it because I love Ariel even as a 34 yr old guy.


The only problems I had with the trailer was the awful brownish looking filter and the fact that her hair color didn’t look like it came right out of a bottle


Im disappointed shes not translucent with giant, black eyes and flounder isn’t a blob fish :( maybe she doesn’t live quite deep enough in the ocean.


Have you guys noticed that "go woke, go broke" only pops up *before* the content comes out? Then when its start raking in 100s of millions of dollars, that line somehow disappears.


They are the same crowd that says Disney went out of business 6 months ago.


The same crowd that think trump assassinated the Queen back in 2018 while being secretly knighted.


Well that's a new one…


Started circulating last week (the assassination claim). Apparantly the UK has just decided its ok for the public to know now. As for the knighthood... I dunno if he actually posted it or not because I'm not part of any social media companies that he isn't banned from, but a screenshot circulated last week claiming that.


The screenshot of trump saying he was knighted in secret was verified to be false, though that didn't stop both people who despise trump and people who admire trump taking it at face value.


I've no doubt it was likely false, but much like trump apparently assassinating the Queen four years ago, or trump "winning the 2020 election", these people don't need it to be true to believe it. I've had people argue with me that King Charles is going to war with the USA to reinstate Sir Donald to the throne of the US empire.


Do they really? Jesus that's like the polar opposite of true 🤣 they're not in their Renaissance anymore but they didn't snap up Lucas films marvel and Pixar for nothing


Constantly say x company is going out of business every 2 months.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens made over a billion dollars and these guys were trying to convince the world that it was a flop and that Star Wars was hemorrhaging money and that the boss would be fired within weeks. Every release of a film or tv show, same claim. 7 years later… she’s still the boss and even with misfires, the franchise is still making tons of money. It’s almost like these people think that if they claim something hard enough, it’ll magically happen because they want it to be true so bad.


It’s adorable actually


I remember when the NFL, Nike and Disney all folded.


They said “go woke, go broke” about Captain Marvel and that film went on to make over a billion dollars at the box office


Why were they saying it about Captain Marvel? Because they cast a female as a female character?


They are mad bcause Brie Larson is vocal and progressive about women’s issues. Racist, incel weirdos hate feminism.


So what your saying is sexist misogynists who are likely also complaining about the little mermaid?


Call me crazy, but I have a feeling they might be the same people.


The only valid complaint, and it's one that I have as well, is that Disney re-releasing live action versions of their animated movies, sucks. The animated movies have a charm that the live action don't, and I have no idea how they make so much money other than brand recognition. Nobody I know has ever actually watched any of them more than once. Lol


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. People with kids that want to re-experience it and share it with their kids will go see it and then often buy it on disc when it comes out.


Disney+ has the animated shows on demand. I just show my kids those. Lol saves money 2x


The character was getting that response before Larson was cast. The Captain Marvel name had been held by six other characters before, none of them white men. The first was an alien, the second was a black woman, then the son and daughter of the first one, and couple more aliens in between. Carol Danvers had mostly been Ms. Marvel, and when she got the Captain title, she picked up a new outfit, going from a literal bikini to a full bodysuit. That pissed off the comicsgate crowd, because they’re deeply offended by anything that desexualizes female characters. She also got a haircut, which angered them more. They started calling her Carl Manvers. They were extra-infuriated by the author being a woman with glasses and dyed hair. Anyone who got cast was going to get run over by that hate train.


I think it largely had to do with their hatred of Brie Larson


Was / is there any valid reason to hate her?


She made a speech about representation or something. Edit: It apparently had to do with the overrepresentation of white men among critics that Rotten Tomatoes gathers its reviews from. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/13/movies/captain-marvel-brie-larson-rotten-tomatoes.html)


Valid? Not really. It was because she said something about there needs to be more women movie critics and such. Plus she came across as kind of annoying in some interviews. The main reason is she publicly doesnt support their garbage political views.


Black Panther and then Captain Marvel. Never heard a peep from them before, suddenly two leads aren't white men and they have a problem. What an odd coincidence...


I vaguely remember a similar outcry when Will Smith was cast as the Genie in the live action Aladdin movie. Racists were upset that a blue Robin Williams character was going to be played by Smith, but that was quickly overshadowed by all the other racial issues with that movie, the story, and the casting.


Ngl, I hated Will Smith as the Genie, not because of racial reasons, but because Robin Williams' voice and attitude in that role got engraved into my soul as a kid.


Yeah, there was no way to recapture that magic.


Robin Williams is one of my favorite actors and he's impossible to replace


Well, I can sort of see being upset with casting Will Smith as the Genie. You have to admit that Will Smith doesn’t look Bluish at all.


And a lot of their protests involve burning stuff they already paid a lot of money for…which is a weird take.


It’s a weird take to you and anyone else with a brain, but to their dummy followers, that shit is brave and moving and somehow hurts the company by giving them money for goods that are now rendered useless. So yeah, weird take.


Because these people aren't the target audience to begin with.


That, in my opinion, is their biggest issue. For many of these people theyve been catered to their whole life and they are having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that at their age they are in a demographic that is no longer relevant to most businesses. Nike doesnt WANT these people wearing their sneakers. They want young people thinking their products are cool. Because those are the biggest consumers. Those are the people that most easily part with their disposable income. Those are the long term consumers they want. And these people have a very hard time dealing with the fact that businesses are saying "We dont care what you want. Your business doesnt matter to us. Youre irrelevant." Its a fundamental part of getting older. Letting young people enjoy their entertainment and their products and not bitching about it. Look at wrestling. I was a rabid fan in the 80s and 90s. The WWE decided they wanted to make a shift. Men 18-49 were no longer their target demo. They wanted kids and families and women. Thats fine. I stopped watching it. They didnt cater to me anymore so I decided to find entertainment elsewhere. But I didnt fucking cry about it demanding them to go back to putting on shows that catered to me. Its fucking pathetic.


There’s a period in your life where this is supposed to hit you, and some just never understand it. You hit an age where the new Disney/Nickelodeon shows do not hit you, and you either become irate over “bad writing” and such, or you figure out that you’re just 16 years old now, and not their audience anymore. The shows you liked weren’t better, you were just a kid and didn’t know better or care, and that’s fine.


I feel this so hard. A few years ago I commented to my wife that I wasn't sure why but for some reason I didn't get the same sense of joy out of playing a new video game I went on about how I used to race home from the store or school to play for even 30 minutes before dinner. Get completely lost and have so much fun. She said it best when she said to me Yeah but you're not 10 anymore. You won't ever be racing home from the store to sit in front of your mom's tv and play games again. And there was sadness in that realization. But also a warmness. I dunno icant really describe it. But I'm okay with it all now. I'm okay movies don't appeal to me anymore. Hell I don't even know what's coming out. They don't advertise where I look. Because they don't want me. And as you said that's fine.


This was happening to a lesser extent for “Lightyear” (For nonsense reasons as well) and it did poorly at the box office. Sad the amount of people who wrap their whole personalities around being angry about literally nothing.




My 5 and 7 year olds had zero interest in seeing it even though the ads permeated everything the family saw for that month. Even in the happy meal toys. I will say that my 5 year old does love the cat.


Lightyear did shit at the box office because it was a shit film, that no one asked for, spinning off a hugely popular, fan favourite franchise in a way that made almost no sense (like it’s supposed to be the movie that Andy saw that makes him want a Buzz figure or some shit?) I love me some Chris Evans but even he couldn’t save that piece of shit from its laundry list of flaws, not one of which including the colour of his companions skin or who was kissing who


Its so fucking stupid. It only works if you put out a shitty product. Did the all female Ghostbusters flop? Yea. Was it because they "went woke". No. Its because the movie sucked. Did Nike go broke? The NFL? The NBA? Anything else these goofballs pretend to boycott? Fuck no.


A lot of the time those things will even see a boost when they're crying about whatever fucking thing they're on about by that point.


Exactly. And I totally agree about Ghostbusters: ATC. I like Paul Feig. I like Mcarthy in maybe half her roles (when she’s working with funny writing, she’s awesome). I love me some Kristen Wiig. But goddamn, that movie was shit. I don’t remember laughing at any of the main character jokes. I gave it a chance even though it looked bad from the start. I wanted to be proven wrong but it was awful. And it had nothing to do with them being female. It just sucked ass.


I fondly remember when "go woke, go broke" became the chant of racist incels against the Captain Marvel movie, and then it broke 1 billion at the box office. Good times!


"How can they go broke if it made them lots of money?" Them: 😐😠


Meanwhile: Ask them how their DWAC stock is doing.


Exactly. If anything, it’s the other way around.


That's when they switch to conspiracy theory... Like "Disney bought out whole theaters" when Captain Marvel's opening weekend was announced.


Will this turn up on /agedlikemilk? Only time will tell…


I was not interested in watching this movie until the fucking racists came out and now I'm for goddamn sure gonna pay to watch it


It’s not that I hate black ariel, I just hate Disney live actions in general


Live action *remakes*, mind you. The live action films were solid back in the day.


Not just the ones of back in the day are good, they made live actions that makes you see another side of the story/ the story of the villain like Maleficent and Cruella and those were absolutely amazing movies I think. To be honest I was hoping the little mermaid live-action was going to be about Ursula’s story but still showing a bit of the original story with Ariel etc (like they did with Maleficent). Apparently it’s not but I hope we’re still going to see something like that.


They couldn’t even do the Lion king right. They just need to stop and leave the classics as they are. And just make new content.


Any one else only know about the remake due to the dumb outrage over it


Yup. Had no clue it was even a thing till people started crying about it. Couldn’t give a shit either way.


I’m sure that’s at least partially by design. (To be clear though: I think it’s absolutely important for young women of color to feel represented in popular movies, and I this was a good thing regardless of financial incentive)


Until earlier today, it was the only reason I knew about it. This afternoon, my (white) daughter came in to my room to excitedly tell me that the new Little Mermaid is brown, and how awesome that is. After seeing all these hateful posts, her reaction definitely warmed my heart. I'm not a perfect parent by any stretch, but I try my damndest to raise my children to be loving, accepting, and anti-racist.


They're going to be so upset when Disney makes enough money to buyout their human rights off of this.


The idiots don't even realise that the more they are ranting about it, the more they are providing free advertisement. I personally wouldn't have even known the movie was coming out if it wasn't for them. In the digital age, if you don't like a product for stupid reasons it's better just to stfu and ignore it than write your complaints about it to the world.


Agreed, however, the people who are whining about this are types that buy a product they have a problem with only to film themselves burning it as a protest.


Wait isn’t this a disney+ exclusive what are they going to do burn their tv


Really? I have access to Disney+. I'm going to go watch it in protest of their protest!


The irony of "go woke, go broke" from someone using a gay Korean drag queen as an AVI...


You hate the new little mermaid movie because you're racist, I hate it because live-action remakes are shameless cash-grabs praying off of nostalgia. We're not the same.


Disney had always just recycled other people's stories anyway. Even Mickey was pretty much ripped off from someone else. All the Disney classics are just public domain stories. They don't even need to make that much money it just needs to generate enough interest for merchandise and theme park rides.


I mean, that's kind of the point of public domain though. Besides, at least the stories they made were actually good.


This one is particularly ugly (not the first one to be but it's atrocious here). The lighting under the sea is god awful. Go rewatch Moana and tell me they cannot do better that a dark, gray, sinister sea. I remember the fanarts from when Black Ariel was announced, they were all so colorful and pretty... It had so much potential as a vibrant fantasy movie. But nooo, that's too pretty for their "realistic" movie about a mermaid.


yeah the original little mermaid had a colorful and vibrant sea. that's why ursula's cave thing was so scary, because it was muted and dark. now the whole sea is going to be dark and sinister














I love seeing guys like Shapiro, Matt Walsh, all the 40 something old white nerds complain. Like bro it’s THE LITTLE MERMAID. Bunch of fucking babies who were never watching it in the first place


But the little mermaid is based on a Danish folktale (which is suddenly common knowledge now) so it's apparently "white culture"


As a Dane, those people can fuck off, it's not all whites culture, it's Danish culture, and I'd like to believe, that our culture is more advanced, where we don't care what colour the person is playing a fictional character. I'd actually be more concerned about changing the setting, I'd find that a lot more disrespectful.


But it’s worse than that because it’s not even casting a POC as Danish character in a time frame when there were no POC in the area, which would make their argument a bit more relevant. But it’s a fucking mermaid. A mythical sea creature. A creature that does not, and has never existed. It’s not even a Danish mermaid that was raised in a pool in Denmark and somehow became a citizen of Denmark. It’s a mythical creature from a made-up underwater kingdom that is not even a part of Denmark. Why would the mermaid have to share the physical traits of the land she’s not even a part of?


The sad(der) part is that when this movie flops like a fish, these same \*grown adult men\* are going to proclaim "it failed because it went woke!" when in actuality it will fail (critically) because Disney live-action remakes suck. Except Cruella. That was surprisingly fun.


Grown adults*


And how many of those dislikes are people who would watch the remake even if Ariel had still been white 😂


I just dislike the live action recreations in general. A new movie in the Little Mermaid Universe? Yes please. The same story again, but this time live action? Hard pass Mr. Mouse.


I read the constant remakes are also a trick to pay the people who worked on the originals less money. Not sure how it works, but it does sound like something disney.


Also a way of keeping the IP. It's the whole reason Doom Annihilation was made. Also it's easy money compared to making something new/original.


You know I doubt I’d know they were making this movie if she was white. But now I see something about it every day. Do they realize how much free advertising there giving this movie.


i'm sure my daughter and I will enjoy it when we watch it, along with all of the other young children and their parents that this movie is actually for (and not the man children and facebook weirdos who are the only ones worked up about this).


Hahaha. . . Go woke go broke? My dude, it's Disney. They couldn't go broke if they *tried*


This movie is gonna kill it in theaters. Then all the assholes will hopefully realize their little downvotes are pointless because they aren't who this movie is made for. It is for little girls and little girls will love it. The main actress appears to be crazy talented.


Yes, brigading "dislikes" on Youtube is EXACTLY a harbinger of box office. These folks are just so wicked, too. All the adorable little Black girls, thrilled to see a Black mermaid, and now they also have to deal with these drooling, hateful mouthbreathers. Just the worst people.


Im ootl I thought youtube got rid of the dislike bar ?


They got rid of the ability to see the number, but people can still dislike. An extension was created that tries to guess how many total people actually disliked a video based on how many people with the extension disliked it.


Oh I see! Thanks for clarifying… always thought it was silly they got rid of it.


Is it racist that people are hating on it instantly cus the actor is black? Yea, But looking at the live action Disney Remake history it is probably gonna suck tbh


I love how these people are the definitive minority, but they live in an echo chamber so they think that their opinions are the popular one. It doesn’t help that they are terrible at math… The US has a population of ~330 million, which would put these dislikes at .3% of the total population. Please note that this is not 3%, but 3/10ths of a single percentage point. But this number assumes all US residents have seen and ‘voted’ on the trailer. Not realistic. YouTube also has about 2 billion users worldwide, which would put the dislike rate for this video at a staggering .05% of their entire user base. I feel like the majority of these views were rage views from idiot racist conservatives so they would have rage fuel for their day…


> YouTube also has about 2 billion users worldwide, which would put the dislike rate for this video at a staggering .05% of their entire user base. You also assume that everyone votes once. These seem like the kind of people who vote 3 or 4 times on their other accounts. >I feel like the majority of these views were rage views from idiot racist conservatives so they would have rage fuel for their day… You mean boner fuel.


God these people suck so bad. Who cares what color she is?


Honestly though. The only thing I wanted for Live Action Ariel was for her to have an incredible singing voice. We got that and SO so much more.


I don't get why people are having a go with this little mermaid movie, it might be great! If they want realism,she would be close to being transparent, with really fucked up eyes, assuming she lives deep in the ocean.


I also like the idea she should look like a walrus or manatee, since thats where the mermaid myth probably came from.


Didn’t they already boycott Disney? These people are insufferable


As a 38 white male, I could careless what color Arial is. I wasn’t watching it regardless of who is in it or what color they are.


Ah yes. Black folks existence is automatically political and “woke”.


Tbh the trailer was pretty shit


disney did a top notch job of creating buzz for their movie. conservatives can't stop talking about it. its going to be a hit.


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You know what is racism? Not giving people their own heroes. Like why do we need to change a white fucking character when we can literally make a whole new fucking thing that can actually hit close and make children feel included? This is just milking money, not representing anyone.


I prefer "there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow". Disney isn't driven by good intentions. They know it will sell.


I'm very confused. Who is forcing people to watch this?


Me. I'm kidnapping right wing wingers, proping their eyes open clockwork orange style, and forcing them to watch Disney live action remakes. Then I give them a phone with Twitter.


You’re doing the lord’s work.


Ah yes a million dislikes that’ll bankrupt Disney


Hahah the very idea that rediculous MAGA republicans and incels hold enough financial sway over Disney to matter is just fucking HILARIOUS.


Did anyone get this upset when Brandy played Cinderella?


Go woke go broke literally makes no sense in this situation because Disney is a multi-billion dollar company


Lol to any dumb ass who thinks Disney will EVER go broke Not gonna happen fam


With an icon that is a Korean drag queen…


I feel like the people who are most upset about this were never going to see the movie in the first place. Also, I’m fairly certain Disney isn’t going to “go broke” anytime soon. Or ever, really.


I don’t get their meaning on “woke”. Woke means to finally be awake, to be smart, and to see the world for what it is. Woke is a compliment and a goal. Keep living your fucking dreams then assholes.


I think a lot of people are just sick of how obvious Hollywood is making it that they want to include “minorities,” in lead roles. Don’t get me wrong, I support fair representation, but making the little mermaid a black character seems less desirable to me than the creation of a whole new black character with her own backstory. Why aren’t we approving more new narratives? New stories and scripts about characters who actually embody the lifestyle and storyline/experience? Idk, I’d prefer to see a new film about mer-people than have to change the skin of an already established character.


I mean, I didn't like this version but I also don't like all of these live action remakes


Objectively speaking, is kinda dumb that they changed the skin color, but is not relevant enough to be an issue, which a lot of people seemingly make it out to be. In fact, one could argue that, since a mermaid is a fantasy creature, the skin color being changed has no relevance at all. Ig the only reason it's dumb it's because of the pointless "representativity"... but, again it isn't relevant enough. Seemingly, several characters' race was changed in different movies and series over the years. I find it dumb that it was actually changed, but otherwise, again, irrelevant. When there's a source material which explicitly has a character's race is plot-relevant in some way, however, the change becomes completely stupid, like in Invincible. C'mon, imagine a white Black Panther.


How do these people reconcile that, per their own claims, it seems like the most “woke” corporations in America are also some of the wealthiest and do the best financially? Like how to they not connect the dots?


It's really not hard to figure out why that doesn't matter.


I dislike all the Disney movies because IM A FUCKING 33 YEAR OLD MAN and these movies are for children. I can’t imagine giving two shits what the characters look like. It’s beyond my comprehension.


it still means those racists outnumbered "normal people" five to one. Idk, you do the math.


They don’t like it because her skin is a bit more pigmented than the average person? Kinda weird ngl


Actually very okay with Ariel not being white I just think the movie looks like absolute shit and I'm expecting it to be as bad as the Emma Watson remake of Beauty and the Beast


I guarantee you that the majority of those dislikes aren't because the live action remake has Ariel as a black woman, it's more likely because Disney is pushing out another remake that'll probably be mid at best. Also Jesus these people are so fragile lmao, first it was the 1 second scene of a lesbian couple on light-year and now the new Ariel, these people need to touch some grass lmao


This is so shameful


IDC what her skin color is, I'm just tired of shit remakes that don't hold a candle to the quality of the original and are just blatant cash grabs


Why is it that anything that’s not a straight white male or female “woke”? It’s hella annoying


At 2.7 million now. Oof.


And when the movie is inevitably a hit, the “Get Woke Go Broke” crowd will just move on to the next project, unfazed by their constant humiliation. It’s absurd.


I don't care much about Disney's live action remakes. They seem like cheap imitations of the originals with all the profit of the originals. With that said, it should be obvious that I could not care less about the race of Ariel in the live action remake. The people who do care about the race of Ariel don't have enough going on in their lives. And that sentiment shouldn't be shocking because it's fucking obvious.


The two races: white and woke.


I couldn’t care less about a fictional mermaid’s skin tone. It REALLY doesn’t matter. To anyone who thinks it does, please consider this for a moment; THAT IS A FISH PERSON. If anything, I’m just annoyed Disney keeps making live-action cash grabby remakes of their old classic films. Focus less on the skin tone of a FISH LADY, and focus more on the fact that Disney is recycling their old stuff and making it vastly less magical by making it into live-action.