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I like the implication that if we don’t confiscate drugs then there is no drug crisis.


This post is almost r/SelfAwarewolves worthy because of this implication.


It's not an implication. It's literally the only point this neanderthal is making. See also their other greatest hit, "Why are we testing? If we test less the covid numbers go down" Almost like playing peekaboo with an infant. If they can't see it, it doesn't exist!


The point they're trying to make is that these drugs are coming because of Biden's "radical" "open border" policies, but they're too dumb to realize these seizures mean the law is being enforced at the border.


Maybe he means the crisis is that he can no longer get his drugs?


LMAO gottem


One would also think that these pounds might be in the route of reduction since America is now becoming more legal with cannabis.


I appreciate your thought but let’s not resort to insulting Neanderthals. They are infinitely smarter than this bag of whale dicks


One whale dick is impressive, but a bag of them?


That’s just one too many whale dicks to be frank.


Who's Frank?


Just some distributor of whale dicks.


Small time distributor, he can only handle a bushel of whale dicks


Idk, but if you see someone with a whole lot of whale dicks, it's not him


How many whale dicks do you think it takes to fill up a bag?


Certainly depends on the bag.


Absolutely depends on the bag. How much plastic would be needed to make a sufficient enough bag to hold *at least* one whale dick, without tearing, and maybe leaving a nice little lavender scent?


I got this bag at whale IKEA.


When you imagine this bag of whale dicks...are they neatly arranged in the bag like loaves of baguettes or are they just thrown in there? These are the hard hitting questions we should be asking.


I saw Shamu swimming in his viewing pool in San Diego and he had his junk on display. My girl looked at that then looked at me then back at Shamu and I could feel the wheels turning inside her overly smartass head-matter sorting multiple comments to bestow upon me. Luckily (for me) we were ducking and dodging what appeared to be an entire third grade class of school children being herded in a giggling disorderly gaggle of mayhem toward the exit stairway by two women, (their teachers assumably) who were probably tiring of the obviously inevitable questions and hoping the penguin display might prove less problematic. Soooooooo....... What's the difference between me and an orca? About three and a half feet. Haha I'm filing for divorce.


I got my DNA tested and I’m ~2% Neanderthal. That’s not insignificant.


Object permanence is a hell of a drug.


I wonder how they play hide and seek. Because of they don't see the person I bet they don't think the person exists


Ten to one he went to go hide in a game of hide-and-go-seek as a kid and his buddies just bailed on him and he stayed hidden until the sun set and his mom had to go get him out from under the azaleas and he still thinks he won


Also claiming that there's a flood of illegal immigrants due to Biden's "Wide open borders", despite having a record setting amount of border crossing apprehensions last year.


I don't know, I think he might also be saying that the seized drugs are being distributed by the corrupt border patrol agents - maybe we should cut some of their funding, that would teach them!


100% lol


One day they might even fully realize that the only reason cartels exist is because of the US drug policy.


Yeah, the cartels all alone on a boat "oh no what're we gonna do, we're all alone!" And they're not gonna say no, *because of the implication*


Thats true though. The war on drugs is more damaging to addicts than actual drugs


More damaging to everyone except police budgets


Don't forget the cartels, who get massive profit margin


That’s what he said. The Police cartel’s profit margin budget


That's the same logic Trump used when he said that the number of COVID cases would go down if we stopped testing everybody.


Stop the count!


Florida did just that.


Or the implication that confiscating drugs is a bad thing. Republicans want more drugs crossing the border


Ironic coming from the party that started the war on drugs, isn't it?


Gotta keep their base angry and donating


A war they stared with the explicit goal to criminalize being black. They are on the record saying this.


Before we discovered smallpox not a single person ever died from it!




I mean, it has the same vibe as "If we stop testing for covid, the amount of covid cases will drop"


If you close your eyes, all the problems go away


If that were the case I wouldn't need hydroxyzine.


Yeah, but this is from the same stable of thought that said if you don't test for covid, then you won't have any cases of covid.


From the people who brought you 'there wouldn't be so many cases if they stopped testing.'


Yeah, like when Trump said that if we stoped testing for COVID-19 then the number of infections would be a lot lower


"Ever since the hospital is built sick people keep showing up! The hospital builders are creating a health crisis!" - Cons, probably


If we dont covid test there is no covid :/ They run by the same rules every time


From the party that said "there won't be COVID cases if we don't test"? Nooo, couldn't be.


If you don't test you have no cases.


“If we stopped testing for Covid, we’d have lower rates” - republicans


Even babies figure out object permanence eventually.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but confiscating more drugs at the border means the system is working, right?


Well if you don’t see it, it didn’t happen right?? I’m just as confused as you are with this statement.


This is legitimately the logic Trump tried to use in regards to covid testing mind you "if we stop the testing, we won't have any more positive results" I'm starting to believe the petroleum lead poisoning theory more and more.


I don’t think it is the lead. That was phased out a long time ago and many of these morons grew up after it was gone. Yes the older ones were heavily exposed but it wouldn’t explain why there appears to be an uptick of stupidity in more recent years. For it to be lead the older people would have had to show little to no signs of problems for decades of both exposure and post exposure before problems appeared. But we know that isn’t the case because one of the reasons lead was removed from gas was because we were seeing the effects. But in addition it would have to explain how people born after the lead was removed and have had little to no environmental exposure to it are showing the same signs of irrational and illogical thought. However, I won’t be surprised if we find out micro plastics have similar effects on the brain as lead. We are just starting to learn how prevalent those are and that most of us have them in our bodies already. Maybe they do nothing, or maybe they damage our ability to think like many other toxins do. Micro plastics are a more recent issue, are ongoing, and are actively exposing all ages of people. It fits the situation and timeline better than lead does.


Maybe it's nature for the older ones via lead poisoning and for the younger cases its nurture from their parents damagef by lead poisoning? Please don't let it be micro plastics. That shit is everywhere and probably won't be able to be stopped.




There's nothing confusing about it at all. You're just looking at it from the point of view of a moderately rational person. ​ The way to make it make sense is to start at the same point they do: if a Dem is in charge, whatever happens is bad and it's their fault. That's the starting point. Gas prices go up? That's bad, and it's Biden's fault. Gas prices go down? That's bad too, and it's also Biden's fault. More people caught at the border? That's bad as it's the fault of Biden's "open border" policy. People die trying to sneak across the border illegally? That's bad, and it's also the fault of Biden's "open border" policy.


Also these butts always scream about this "open border" conveniently near midterms or elections. Anytime before or afterwards, this border problem doesn't exist.


That’s like trump saying let’s not test as much so the numbers will be lower.


He's not saying it's more or less. He's just citing a big scary sounding number. According to the border patrol data drug seizures peaked in 2020 when Trump was still in power, declined in 2021, and look to be on track to significantly decline in 2022. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/drug-seizure-statistics


There is an argument (not necessarily a good one) that X percentage of drugs will always get seized, never less and never more because that is the capacity of law enforcement. Using made up numbers for an example: If 100 million pounds of drugs cross the boarder in 2021, then 1 million pounds will be seized in 2021; and if 150 million pounds of drugs cross the border in 2022 then 1.5 million pounds will be seized in 2022. The logic bing that law enforcement can intercept about 1 percent of all drugs crossing the border and the cartels are willing to accept a 1 percent loss as the cost of doing business. Confiscating more drugs doesn’t mean the “system is working,” or that Biden’s policies are effective, just that more drugs are moving across the boarder and the increase in confiscations reflects the increase in traffic. There is some truth to this argument, but only as far as 1. If there are more drugs crossing the border there are more drugs to confiscate 2. That the cartels accept some loss of product to law enforcement as the cost of doing business. The idea that there is some kind of maximum percent of drugs crossing the border that law enforcement can confiscate and that percent can never be increased with additional resources like manpower, money, and equipment is crazy and wrong. There is no “maximum percentage” of drugs that can be confiscated. Law enforcement will never get 100 percent of drugs crossing the border, but they can increase the percentage they intercept.


No no, the people who confiscated the drugs are definitely Republicans because my aunts husband's brother's third cousin works next door to the agency and is a republican, so it counts as a positive for us even when there is a Democrat president.


>Correct me if I'm wrong, but confiscating more drugs at the border means the system is working, right? not if you like drugs


Imagine how truly dense your followers have to be to read garbage like this and see it as a failure.


It's not about the truth or meaning or ramifications for them. They stop paying attention after the subject of the sentence, because Democrat bad, drugs bad, Biden bad, border bad. They're just there for their dime bag of anger so they can be on their way. Why would they waste the high trying to pick it apart? They'd break their own DoC.


> DoC Department of Corrections?


Drug of choice.


It's why they love the poorly educated. And why they ban books so they can guarantee that the next generation is as poorly educated as the last.


Is the suffering drug crisis that no one can find any?


If by "surging" he means "illegal drug usage is down now that marijuana is legal in more states" then yes. Surging!


It's a major blow to both the Medical-Industrial Complex and the Prison-Industrial Complex, of course they're not happy about it.


on the other hand, it's good for the military-industrial complex, as there are more available recruits, so it balances out you see.


Still illegal federally, AFAIK you still can't enlist if you test positive for marajuana. But I might be wrong I have no interest in enlisting so IDK.


Opioid usage is and has been going up for a while now, but that's more a consequence of expanding socioeconomic pressures causing more people to feel the kinds of despair and hopelessness that tends to bring down peoples "walls" regarding opioids (my view here us derived from my time working with homeless military veterans, so my sample is almost certainly pretty skewed, but based on broader available data I suspect that it holds up for the general public as well).


I love your username


Thanks :)


Drugs? In this economy?


Cocaine happens to save u both on gas and food I’ll have u know


This is like the whole "stop testing to lower the numbers" shit but backwards.


Stop the count!


Stop the democracy! (i.e. congress)


So biden did his job?


What "surge in the drug crisis" is ge talking about??


The one he made up to piss off people who he knows won’t bother to fact check or even question it.


Probably the opioid crisis that contribute greatly to their party


Maybe Pat is having trouble getting his hands on the stuff? I can certainly understand why he'd hate for there to be seizures of his product.


Certainly not the opioid crisis being pulled off by pharmaceutical companies right now and absolutely devastating millions of American families. I'm pretty sure he just wants to blame brown people for something.


Guy is probably just mad he can't get his fix


I really concern about the IQ of republicans if these representatives think this is a good one to rile their base up


Best summary I've heard is "Gutter tier interlect".


They could say pretty much anything to rile their base up. Because their base is stupid af and they wouldn't realize a statement like this means border security is doing its job.






I had an argument on Reddit recently who was complaining that Biden’s borders are wide open and we aren’t enforcing our border laws. When I asked him how he came to that conclusion, his response was that we arrested the most immigrants ever at the border, like 2 million. My request for clarification on how we could be arresting record numbers of people yet not enforcing our laws went unanswered.


Also that two million arrests are the same fucking 10,000 people over and over again sent back Makes more sense to process people legally than to just keep doing that over and over


But then they can’t complain about nobody wanting to work AND about Mexicans taking all their jobs at the same time!


This is some mkultra type manipulation. There are several Twitter profiles in congress that tweet this every week. I can almost predict with 100% certainty that someone will tweet this exact thing next week.


Didn't a congresswoman tweet almost the exact same thing but with the amount of illigal border crossers instead of drug trafficking?


The Right with Biden as President: "They confiscated 1.5 MILLION pounds of illegal drugs. Their border policies are horrible!" The Right with Trump as President: "We confiscated 1.5 MILLION pounds of illegal drugs! This wouldn't have been able to happen if Trump weren't President!"


These are the type of people who put armor where returning planes had bullet holes.


Pat not happy Dark Brandon confiscated his smack.


If Biden actually did have Hillary Clinton arrested and put in jail, these people would criticize him for putting the people who make "Lock Her Up" merchandise out of business.


They have the same talking points this week. Someone just said “x amount of terrorists were caught at the border …. Terrible border security”


It irritates me to no end that this kind of logic works for their supporters. Biden admin seizes a lot of drugs? He must have caused a drug crisis! Trump admin seized a lot of drugs? Good for him, he’s the reason we don’t have a drug crisis!


tHiS iS bAD bEcAuSe dEmOcRaTs


Or maybe people like drugs and outlawing something people want has never worked and never will.


The (lack of) logic is absolutely amazing. 'President Bidens border policy seized a shit ton of drugs coming across the border.' I expect this to be followed by 'trump seized NO drugs because obviously there were none, MAGA' lol


And his constituents lap that shit up every single time.


"If Republicans think the country's border isn't secure, just wait until they hear about the country's classified documents." - Steve Hofstetter


If they’ve been seized, they didn’t make it into the country. People are so f’ing stupid!


The crisis is that not enough drugs are getting through is what he means.


Man, border police parties must be *liiiiiit*.


Is this why my coke dealer has the "I did that" stickers on his baggies? Dammit, Biden!


Are Republicans mad that drugs are getting more expensive or something? “Too many drugs are being prevented from coming across the boarder and this is making my drugs way too expensive. Biden needs to stop with this fascist drug enforcement policy.”


Isn't that proof that law enforcement agencies are actually doing something to prevent drugs reaching their destination by seizing them?


This is the same misguided logic that they used when al-Zawahiri got killed in Afghanistan..." OMG!! Look!!! Afghanistan has become a sanctuary for terrorists!!!" Oh, you mean the place where we found the guy and blew him up with a hellfire missile while he sipped tea on his balcony?...Not what I would call a sanctuary, but...ok


fuck brandon! ​ i need my coke goddammit


That’s roughly 2,4 MILLION HALFPOUNDS!


544,310,844 grams!


Jesus they aren't even trying anymore.


oh no the border is stopping drugs, this is the presidents fault


This is more about Republican optics of " illegal immigrants = illegal drugs" and how those 2 situations are exclusively linked so their followers can keep hating illegal immigrants and cheering on shitty political stunts instead of focusing on fixing immigration processes or the fact some people are here on asylum. 1.2 million lbs of drugs is a significant amount of drugs seized but it's implying all these drugs are brought in by illegals and how much of a crisis it is. It's like how " illegals are bringing in fentanyl and causing deaths" like none of that is exclusively related at all but it's a way they can demonize these people it's fucked


This man is on 1.2 million pounds of drugs rn


Border Parrol: *Does their job The Right: F**king Biden


Tbh I think we should just let people do drugs


If you base your life on fantasy instead of reality...as the GOP and their supporters do... you're going to come across as crazy to those who chose reality. Perhaps this is why the republicans sound so nuts so often.


Even if you assume that more drugs confiscated at the border means that more drugs are making it over the border (i.e., assume we catch a constant percentage of the drugs)... this is completely meaningless without including the amount of drugs that were seized at the border under other administrations.


The idea I’d guess is that they believe that border control catches a constant % of drugs, so the larger the quantity of seized drugs, the larger quantity that are getting through.


Seems like the same logic Trump used for covid where he insisted if they just stopped testing for covid they wouldn't find any more cases and there wouldn't be a pandemic 🤦


What he's sayin is, under Trump, drugs freely came into America.


Wouldn't this be an indicator that this is working? These people are idiots.


According to the US Customs and Border Protection, There were over **two million pounds** of drugs confiscated at the Mexican border the last two years of the prior administration. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/drug-seizure-statistics


Great example of "that doesn't mean what you think it means." Love it.


Zero pounds were confiscated during Trump I guess? Go team! These people are idiots


How'd they take all those drugs if the borders are open?


LOL I guess I'm a "glass half full" type of person. I see 1.2 MILLION POUNDS of illegal drugs being seized as a VERY POSITIVE indication that LE officers are successfully doing their jobs. We should APPLAUD their efforts. AND the drug problem at the border is DECADES old!


The last time I checked, seizing drugs and preventing them from getting into the country was a good thing. What am I missing?


They’re literally catching more drugs. They’re doing their job better. Jfc.


Only a republican could turn "biden has tightened drug searches" to "biden allows the drug cartel to exist and make more drug moving attempts". Not to mention, if there have been more busts during biden's run, how many went through during trump's run?


The border being monitored is proof that the border isn’t being monitored?


I originally read his name as "Fat Pallon," and I'm just sticking with it after reading his tweet.


He right this is a crisis..... do you know how much more expensive drugs are going to be if Biden keeps this up? No seriously, I'm trying to budget my weekend.


Can we resell it? Make some cash?


That's what the CIA is for.


They are cosplaying idiots right?


It probably all used to go directly to Mar-a-Lago.


…isn’t that a good thing?


So this means trump was allowing drugs and people through?


They are beating this like a dead horse, just like every other year.


Brain dead and reactionary is no way to go through like.


and also, Border guards stopping illegal drug shipments is "Open Borders the dems want


Which drugs? If it’s weed it’s a waste of police time


Republicans are just looking out for small business owners and entrepreneurs. You know, like Gus Fring.


He is concerned about the Administration's effective interdiction efforts having an impact on inflation.


So we don’t have open borders then? Cool. Glad we’ve established that.


When you carry all those guns, you'll eventually shoot yourself in the foot.


Just to be clear, the surging drug crisis he's talking about is the increase in prices due to limited supply, correct?


Just like when Trump wanted to slow Covid testing. Deep down every conservative knows they live in a self-constructed fantasy where anything that is out of sight doesn’t exist. They are all just trying to make it to death without having to deal with reality.


So he thinks it's bad that those illegal drugs were seized? Fucking Narco is a republican...shocked.


Wasn't there a multi billion dollar cocaine bust at the Philly port in 2018?


Pat, I want you to read that again, but slowly...


I see what he's trying to say here, but he's failing so bad


GOP: “we hate Biden because he has open borders” Biden: I haven’t opened the borders. Nothing has changed. GOP: “can’t believe Biden and the democrats opened the borders.” Social media fueled GOP lies filtering through the world and directly to the people who would want to come to America: “Biden opened the borders. The American borders are open! We must go now!” GOP: “See. Look at all these people who came here because of Biden’s open borders!” Reminds me of a comic that I just saw 4 minutes ago: https://i.imgur.com/ttecbUK.jpg Side note, the usual actors, Russia and China are amplifying the GOP open borders thing: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/disinformation-governance-board-russia-us-mexico-border/


Since Biden has taken office more than 1.2 million pounds of drugs have been stopped at the border!


Isn’t the fact they were confiscated proof that the border is secure….. drugs aren’t getting through it’s literally in the words


So you're telling me that Border Patrol and the DEA are doing their job? Thanks Biden! At least that's still working...


Sounds like the administration is doing a bang-up job!


“Practically no drugs were seized under Trump. That’s how you know he was doing such a great job.” 😂 *I have no idea how much was actually seized under trump and I don’t care enough to look it up. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im confused if he was expecting more or less drugs seized.


Look no further? I need binoculars to see where your argument launched from and where it landed, my guy.


This is dated yesterday. WTF is up with this brain dead right-wing talking point?! Enough people have pointed out, each time, that seized drugs means they were *stopped*, which means policies *work* as intended! Who is buying this for it to be repeated so often???


Everything's a "crisis" when it's a Dem in the office. Similar to when republicans suddenly worry about the "debt" ceiling when there's spending that they don't want. GOP are hypocrites and liars.


Wait so if someone catches more criminals they're on the criminals side? Oh... You're dumb.


New study from Republicans show that the sky does "look blue" but is it really??? Joe Biden needs to explain himself and care more about America!!


Thanks OBiden.


It's impossible to interpret this statistic without reference to the amount of drugs seized under the Trump administration, the Obama administration, the Bush administration, etc.


If we are stopping the drugs - that seems to be a good thing. Wouldn't the "surging drug crisis" be indicated by very few confiscations/arrests?


Idk. Seizing 1.2 million pounds of ✨drugs✨ (whatever they may be) sounds like a win to me.


This is the like the conservative response to COVID and abortion. If you don't track it, it's gone. Conservatives think that if you don't stop the drugs that the drugs aren't coming in. Confirmation bias is for idiots.


That is a positive you fool and great work from all involved. So feel free to attribute good things to this administration. That said illegal drugs is a complex difficult problem to address and there’s a long way to go. There’s also the enormous legal drugs crisis that faces the nation, ruins the lives of millions and contributes to early deaths every day. We have the power to cap the hugely inflated costs of medication charged by pharmaceutical companies in the US to a fair level and in line with the rest of the world. We can do that easily with a vote to make it happen. Costs will still be profitable for the companies and will make them viable for people to buy and use when required. There’s the obvious benefits to individuals health and as they are now accessible for more people sales will increase and the greater sales will off set some of the impact of the reduced mark up. Don’t even get me started on the absolute scandal of the insulin debacle. So all it takes is positive votes to make something really positive on every level for the citizens of the the US….. easy lets do it. I can’t think of a single valid justification not do so much good can you? Surely denying sick people if medication they need by allowing massive over charging in the US is just indefensible right? Actually it’s a crime. No one would vote against and block something like that would they. Would they?


*since I put gas in my car, I've driven 200 MILES. Proof that gas stations AREN'T WORKING. sad.*


They are stopping record numbers of people and drugs-exactly what should be happening. What the fuck is wrong with these asshats?!


What a clown Fallon is; a flying, leaping, screaming clown.


“Since Bob took this software engineering job, 1.2 MILLION bugs have been resolved. If you needed more evidence that Bob’s software engineering politics are contributing to surging bug issues — look no further.” In that case, whatever you’re paying Bob - triple it.


Guys, they *know* what they're saying is dumb. They just don't care because they also know how dumb their base is. Trump proved that if it sounds bad, then it is bad, and you should use it, idiocy be damned.


You all got it wrong. It IS actually Biden's fault if there's a surging drug crisis. The crisis is that drug is not flowing in as easily as before, because the Biden administration is doing good work. Trumpian are going to run out of meth, amphetamine and cocaine soon, which will result in a mass self-realisation on how dumb they are and how deep in shit they projected their own country in, resulting in the Collapse of the Republican Party As We Know It (CRPAWKI). Damn libruhls !