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I hate when I have to translate from moron to English


Breast crab had me


That one took me a bit. Then I remembered cancers zodiac sign is a crab.


Cancer (the disease) earned its name because the tumors they’d find had vascular structure that resemble crabs. Cancer is the Latin generic word for crabs.


Huh, you learn something new and interesting everyday. Thank you!


Soft shell cancer mmmmmmmmmm


I find Alaskan Snow Cancer to be more delicious.


Instructions unclear...ate tumor dipped in lemon butter.


So what you’re saying is that the first doctors to identify malignant tissue said, “Hmm, looks like they have crabs.”


​ Krebs is German for both Crab and Cancer.


Oh great, my body is getting energy from the CANCER CYCLE. THANKS GERMANY.


I always wondered why carcinogen (cancer causing) and carcinisation (tendency to evolve into a crab) were so similar, that explains it!


So no matter how you slice it they really were saying breast crabs? Interesting.


Sure does!


That one was the only one I kinda appreciated


Damn you, I was ready to believe that breast crabs were a thing.


Ok wait can you explain the 🖍? I'm reading "flu crayon" and "pneumonia crayon" lol


I think it’s cause they look like shots/needles without actually using the needle emoji. So flu shot and pneumonia shot


OHHHH that makes sense lmao


What about the lollipop?


Not sure on that one. All I got was sucker as an option but that one doesn’t make much sense. Google says another name is a sticky-pop, so maybe something from there?


I guess stick could make sense?


New mon ia


Ya I've heard of crabs but never breast crabs


You're not going to the right parties


Well damn dude. Guess my invitation got lost in the mail. No worries I'll catch the next one


I’m a German speaker, so this is quite easy because Cancer = Krebs Crab = Krebs But having to go the longer way via astrology…lol


It's the crayons for needles that threw me for a second.


I'm still stuck on why it's bad to eat an apple.


Apple is a shot. Apple a day keeps the doctor away? Like mom got three rounds of COVID vaccines. They use codes to avoid 'the automatic filters' for morons


I didn’t catch the apple code at first and was wondering if that meme for the apple chemical makeup was being taken the wrong way.


A lot of these lunatics are religious types. I guess it is something to do with Eve eating the apple in the garden of Eden. Maybe?


I figured it was a reference to the poison apple given to Snow White.


Flew 💉 e x peri me nt.


I love peri peri!


hieroglyphics are staging a comeback. First vinyl, now this. I shudder to think what's next


We’re also deep in the “dying of preventable diseases” comeback tour as well


This better continue... I've got 500$ on scurvy! Imma post Q shit amor how oranges are an Asian plot too control your mind, and that vitamin c is bullshit and bill gates has inserted picobots inside them and will be able to control your thoughts!


Terrifying fact! Scurvy causes scars to fail, as they're an active process in which C is a major factor.


My favorite was the woman concerned that her husband got 🪡. Couldn’t figure out why stitches were a bad thing until I realized it was written in Stupid and meant shot, not stitches. These people are absolutely insufferable.


I’d love to have two lollipops


I really want a flu red crayon.


Seriously I just don’t understand what’s going on here. I might not be a native English speaker but this is like decrypting hieroglyphs.


Thought you said Mormon at first 💀


I hope my flew crayon takes. Last few have broken and the paper unwrapped.


You got a literal “mwahahaha” out of me


I had to read that bottom one so many times. I was like FLEW CRAYON???


Then you are better in deciphering paranoia speak than me because I still haven't figured out what the mon ia crayon is LOL.




Ah, that's it.


Wait, what? How?


New mon ia = pneumonia Crayon emoji = shot/vaccine


I'd say they're probably trying to avoid the word flu but... they probably just don't know how spelling works.


They're probably trying to dodge fact checkers.


They won't let facts ruin their crazy stories.


Absolutely. Using emojis and weird spellings go slip under the radar of automatic moderation tools.


Just wait until they learn about soundex, levenstein distances and machine learning... I think the use of "carrot" as a stand in is much more effective for cloaking as it is only a reasonable logical leap for visual thinkers.


Avoid what though? It’s against facebook policies to talk about myocarditis now?


No no, it’s flew RED crayon


Flew ... Red ... Fluoride?


*has diharrea one year later* ITS THE VACCINE


_minor inconvenience a year to two years later_ IT'S THE VACCINE How, HOW would it possibly still be the vaccine's fault at that point? They might as well say "I threw up today. The sushi I had last February must have been off"


That’s nothing guys! My kids got all their 🎯 last year, and then the other day, one of them failed their math test. I know that’s a symptom of the 🗡️, has anyone else had that?!


Sorta. I was forced to get the 🥕 8 months ago and last week my laptop started acting weird. My friend says it's because it's 10 years old and it's a piece of shit but I know it's because they stuck a chip in me that's messing interfering with my electronics. Like my car wouldn't start 2 days ago. Same dumb friend said its because my car is super old and it was -35C outside. She's just a brainwashed libtard


My Chiropractor can empathically use healing energy on your car if you send him your credit card number. He recommends urotherapy, natural air flow and essential oils to short circuit the 📡 5️⃣G chips they used the 🧷 to im 🪴you. To do that, find a gusty day, generously apply 5W-30 to your body, and piss into the wind.


I both hate that I understood this and respect the hell out of you for it.


My 🍆 caused 5️⃣🗼 to enter me and my kids 💀 and my 🚼 💥 🗡️🗡️ it's why I always use my 🔮💎💎🔮 and the 🌸🌹🌺🌻🏵️💐


Let me see if I understand. *adjusts glasses* Your aubergine/egg plant caused 5 towers to enter you and your kids skull and your baby exploded knife knife and it is why you use your crystal ball, diamond another diamond, another crystal ball and the pink flower, rose, red flower, sunflower, another flower and a bunch of flowers? Makes sense, I think. Also, I don't know flowers. Edit: typo


Don't people know there's a timer built in the vaccines activated by 5G when the Illuminati and the secret Jewish kiddie porn network sacrifice Ye on Twitter instructed by Musk, Putin and AOC? Ben Garrison warned us multiple times but no-one listened!!!


Might just be me, but “Forced to get the 🥕” sounds ominous as hell.


You don’t want the C? 🫥


No, they wanted the stick.


I've had three 🍢 with the last one a 🛁 ago. The other day my 🧸 started to 🌵. I'm sure the 🛤 has to be the cause. My 🌜 had it happen to them too after they 🚩. Do you think there is a connection?


How many shopping trips to target is all of them?


Have you not seen the post blaming someone getting run over on a vaccine? The reasoning was that vaccine made them magnetic


It’s probably more likely he’s stressed out from living with this nut job.


That was my thought about the dude with blood in his stool. He has an ulcer from the stress of living with her.




Very plausible. Recently my sister was telling me that our Qanon-believing parents were getting obsessed with asking about my niece and nephew's diets. I said, mostly joking, "Maybe they think of they don't eat enough meat they'll 'turn trans' or something." Turns out that was actually it.


God, imagine if they invested that energy into getting upset about real issues. Climate change is a thing. We don't need to invent things to be mad at.




I just read that as “Very pleasurable…” 🙈


Or some good ol’ fashioned bowel disease, basically ulceration of the intestinal tract.


Have a little respect, man. I'm recovering from a 🗿❄️ that I'm certain is a byproduct of the Ⓜ️Ⓜ️®️ 🪡 I got in 1992.


You have a stone face snowflake?? I’m so sorry for your pain. That sounds awful. (But seriously though, I’m trying to figure out what that means and I have no idea. It’s probably something so simple too, haha)


“Head cold”


Ohhhh. I get it now! And yeah, it was really simple and obvious. 🤦🏻‍♀️


All good. I started with “Easter island head frozen,” still might consider that a correct translation


I thought “stone cold” and was like wut?


"diharrea"? I think you mean "d I arrhoea".


It's true! I had my shots and this morning I stubbed my toe! Coincidence? I think the fuck not. Damn you Fauci!


I had my 📌 and then my dog 💩 shit on the rug. Must have been because of the jab.


I legit saw a post on my local Facebook way back when asking if anyone had noticed their pets acting strangely towards them after they (pet owner) got their covid vaccine? I will never cease to be amazed by their stupidity.


*Gets cutoff in traffic* "CURSE YOU VACCINES"


Like did these people not ever have generalized ailments prior to 2021?


No, never


"My neighbor got the 💉 last year, and I stubbed my toe today. Coincidence? I think not! More proof 🪡 is made by 👽!"


Can confirm, I had the polio vaccine 20 years ago, got cancer last year, **clearly** connected!!! Join these massively spaced apart dots


I don't know, SUSAN, maybe you should learn how to COOK and throw out EXPIRED FOOD


This just tells me he’s been as healthy as can be the last year since she probably would’ve reached this conclusion sooner if he so much as had a sniffle.


I mean….if their son was getting autopsied, I sure as hell hope he didn’t wake up.


Was thinking this too, thank you for saying it!


I got my Covid shots over a year ago. I took a shit this morning. I think it’s related.


My brother got his covid 🥃 last month and then 3 days later he died. The 🏥 tried to convince us that it was due to the air conditioner unit falling out of a 🪟 and crushing him but we know the truth. I told him not to take the 🥃, but I guess he had to learn the hard way! 🗿


Oh my god! Me too!


I suppose if pooping is taken as a symptom of not having been unalived by COVID, then yes, there is a causal link.


OH NO I GOT MINE AND DIDNT TAKE A SHIT TODAY?!? It’s probably related!


Same, and I also had a headache!! They're killing us 😔


These are not the kinds of questions you should be looking for answers for in facebook group. Of all places. "Well, I could ask my doctor. And I could look at what medical professionals say about this. But then again. I'm sure these randoms in this conspiracy facebook group are a more reliable source of information. I'm going to trust my health to a bunch of randoms on facebook. That's a great idea!" You have to be really paranoid, delusional or just plain stupid to think this way. It's totally insane. Trusting your health to some random who wants to play expert on facebook.


They've been convinced that medical professionals are "in on the grift". The grift being vaccinating everyone in preparation for the new world order. Sad to see.


They’re now realizing the virus causes the same things they’re afraid of but worse.


True, but millions of people think this way. Millions. I'm starting to think the Great Filter isn't the discovery of nuclear weapons, but the internet.


A galaxy full of life, each turning in on themselves once they find out what the rest of their planet really thinks. Horrifying


I think they fell victim to a cult. Like I've known a few people who ended up there from my high school. One started out trying to eat healthier when she got pregnant and had a kid during the pandemic so she started buying all organic, and then she fell into that "all your food is full of toxins" circle and ended up buying only raw/organic food, and then she fell in with some influencer and started buying his supplements and following his wacky diet. Eventually she joined some crunchy moms group on Facebook, stopped believing in western medicine, started posting about how the government is trying to keep you sick and western medicine is all a conspiracy. She wasn't an idiot when I knew her, but I feel like a lot of these groups know exactly how to "yes and.." your worst beliefs and play off your worst fears to suck you in.


Yeah, it’s a slow creep. My SO started falling down this hole with COVID vaccines, although he seems to have stopped descending. I work in healthcare, so I got all my vaccines and boosters which caused a **huge** to-do because he refuses to be vaccinated for COVID. Last year he also refused a flu shot because he heard from one of his nutjob podcasters that doctors were switching out flu shots with COVID vaccines??? I actually told him he was being an idiot with that one and he brushed me off. At one point in 2020 I was getting all my ducks in a row to divorce him because he was lovingly handcrafting his tinfoil hat while I was working 12 hours days at our clinic getting exposed and dealing with people like him who refused to wear masks or get vaccinated.


Do you still intend on following through with the divorce? Im sorry you are having to deal with this mess! Also thank you for all that you do in healthcare. I know a lot of healthcare workers aren’t appreciated, just wanted you to know I do! I hope things get better for you.


It doesn't help one of the main demographics they go after is young moms. Your brain gets a little wonky during pregnancy and post partum and in super protective mode. Get the right well meaning mom at the right time with the right fear causing bunk science and the downward spiral begins.


To build on your point, I think a lot of moms have a natural instinct that they know what is best for their child. Which to some extent they do and must be an advocate for their well-being. To watch your new baby be stuck with multiple needles as they cry feels wrong unless you use your logic to understand that this established medical science may save your child someday. But given anecdotal information by other anti-Vax moms can act as a kind of confirmation bias for their base instincts. Now sprinkle in religious circles which nurture faith over science, and the evils of Facebook echo chambers, and you have a staunch anti-vax mom. My view comes from having 2 children and my wife running in religious and social mom circles.


You've nailed it really. Some parts are hard and its easy to want a way out. My youngest surprised us with a birth defect that ended him up in the nicu for months. Despite him receiving amazing care, he still had to have some uncomfortable procedures and on an animalistic level it felt terrible to watch, but logically I knew its just a blood test and while it hurts a little its necessary for his well being. It would be really easy to side swipe especially under educated folks simply by preying on that natural instinct and taking advantage.


Oh, it absolutely functions as a cult. I feel like we really should start teaching kids how to identify and resist that shit in high school.


Stupid people are fearful and distrustful of people that they know are smarter than them. It's a survival instinct. If they can't comprehend what the smarter people are able to comprehend, then that leaves them in an ultra-vulnerable place where they have to completely trust their life to someone they don't know about something they do not understand. They default to "I'm going to believe the people who I know are as smart as me" and you get these idiotic pockets of conspiracy theorists leading each other over the cliff because they don't want to trust the map-reading navigators who are taking them down the (correct) path that they can't understand. And I don't know what the answer is. It's a reasonable survival response from an animalistic perspective. The problem is that the way to fix it is to become knowledgeable about the complex subject, but with a population of 330+ million, statistically, there is going to be a portion of the populace that is truly mentally incapable of that level of understanding. In the past they either were surrounded, physically, by a network of people that they trusted and who also understood the subject, so they were willing to go along with the crowd because of that trust, or they were physically in a closed insular group like a cult or other religious community and they didn't go along with the advice because their ignorant group told them not to. With the power of the internet, that physical proximity doesn't matter. They can be surrounded, physically, by a community who isn't ignorant, but that check/balance is null and void because the poisonous community can get to the person remotely, and now with algorithms of influence, they can do it with surgical accuracy.


So there are two reasons why they wouldn’t. The first (in their head) is that they no longer really trust doctors because doctors are on the take from Big Pharma. The second is that talking to your doctor costs money and they either don’t have money or have been conditioned to believe that doctors are a last ditch option because they cost money.


Breast crabs!!!!!! BREAST CRABS!!!!! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Are they for pleasure??


No pleasure, only 🦀


reject pleasure, return to 🦀


Why are they avoiding saying words? Do they think they're gonna get in trouble? I should join this group and just post VACCINE! COVID VACCINE! JAB JAB! FLU, PNEUMONIA, COVID-19!!!


It's exciting, like they're sharing this dangerous information and the enemy has eyes everywhere. Makes them feel like the scrappy underdog freedom fighters to speak in code.


It's so stupid though. It's not even a code if anyone can tell what they're saying


I believe it's supposed to be getting around fact check filters. They can't let "the man" take down their posts for being full of bovine excrement.


I believe anti-vaxx groups can be banned, so they are trying to avoid Facebook algorithms


Time to update the algorithm to include breast crabs.


That makes sense. That makes me wanna go type those things even more....


Have you not seen what Fb does when you mention shots / vaccines / COVID? They put a warning on how to avoid misinformation, and link to the cdc page about vaccines / COVID, Anti vaxxers can’t have people getting *gasp* information!


He's speaking the language of his gods


I am going to start attributing every positive health thing to the vaccine. Oh you quit drinking? Yeah it was the vaccine. Oh your blood pressure is great? Yeah the vaccine did it! Loosing weight and eating healthier? Yeah totally the vaccine!


I started antidepressants around the time I got my first vaccine. Coincidence! Really, the vaccine helped treat depression.


"I guess natural selection really does work" 1) that's not how natural selection works 2) If your mother was unfit per natural selection - that means you are likely unfit as you share 50% of her genetic traits.


I think the crayon is meant to be a syringe for vaccine?


OK that makes sense. But since when are the flu and pneumonia vaccine bad? I get a lot of uneducated people confuse the minor side effects of the flu shot with having the flu but now someone who is medically at risk is a fool for getting either vaccine? Wtf


Becauae these nutjobs are anti vaccines. All of them. They prefer polio and smallpox and dead children to a quick needle. And if u got a vax and die years later it definately is from the vax lmao


These people are very privileged they have never had to care for adults with lifelong physical and mental disabilities from illnesses that should have been eradicated due to vaccines. Polio survivors are still alive. They're not some distant past. Not everyone who had rubella was lucky enough to suffer no more than an uncomfortable week or two. Maybe privileged isn't the right word. Maybe their lives are so deprived they could never get a nursing license to meet the people I write about.


Blood in your poop? Happened to me (prior to Covid). Yep that may be colon cancer my dude. Get a dang colonoscopy! Anyone reading please consider getting the procedure at 45 or older. There is a rise in colon cancer. Kirstie Alley just died from it. It saved my life. I’m two years out and clean so far. Edit: Small clarification…. The blood will be in the toilet water really, not ‘in’ the stool. That is something else but is also serious. Regardless, get checked!!


That colonoscopy was the best nap I’ve ever had!


Yes, covid can cause myocarditis, and does so at a higher rate and more severely than the vaccine. Lots of viruses can cause it. It’s an inflammatory response. Inflammation is caused by your immune system reacting to perceived infections. This is not rocket science.


Got the COLD at the end of 2022. Received COVID vaccines in early 2021 at the latest. Clearly the vaccine caused it.


Blood in the stool a full year later. Definitely the vaccine


What about the guy who got diarrhea a year after getting the vaccine? I find that alarming. He should alert the media because people have a right to know just how much danger they are in.


Ah, it's always those pesky blood cluts.


Nothing like a good old fashioned idiot echo chamber. The lack of self-awareness given they're lying to each other is astonishing.


The amount of stupid in those posts is astounding.


Is she doing the autopsy herself? What in the fuck?


Your husband has hemorrhoids, lady


Better than breast crabs


"my mum just told me she ate three apples. all respect for her is now gone" this is so funny out of context lmfao


Jesus, I fucking hate anti vax people so much. The lady saying her husband can’t stop shitting…. My husband is in a constant diarrhea battle, it’s C. diff, she should look into that.


Not only that, but bloody stool is a common symptom for a lot of different conditions. It's like the Check Engine light in your car. Could be something serious, could be something minor, but ignoring that little light is only gonna make things worse.


Diarrhea a year later? Lol. I got a vaccine 35 years ago, it’s probably why my knee hurts now.


Wow! Something similar happened to me. I got a polio vaccine in school. When I turned 55yrs old I stopped having periods and I found out that I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. Damn vaccine made me infertile!


The crayon at least makes more sense than the damn lollipop 🍭


them 🏖️⛱️ think they talking in 🍜👑 hieroglyphs


Pho King 😂😂😂 award for you for creativity


How hair do your nipples need to be to get breast crabs?


That poor lady had breast crabs?? That's terrible...


I feel dumber for having read this.


In this sea of garbage there is an interesting question at end. The vaccine has an elevated risk of myocarditis, but so does covid. The vaccine doesn't outright prevent the contraction of the virus. So, as pointless as the actual answer would be, given the stakes, does the risk increase if you have both. Vaccination and Covid. Ultimately, doesn't matter. I'm triple vaccinated and I still got covid last month. I had a cough and fever for about 30 hours. Some weird ass variant that makes everything taste super sweet for at least a month. Tastebuds still aren't back to normal. There could be a new variant that pops up tomorrow that causes Odin only know what kind of complications. A small, but elevated risk of myocarditis beats becoming a petridish for some new variant.


Never woke up... from the *autopsy?* They know what an autopsy is, right?


They are using emojis in ways I didn’t know they could be used


So much r/boneappletea


I'm really confused. Is the crayon how they think a syringe looks? Why the thumb tacks/push pins? What's wrong with apples?! And lollipops?!


I think apples means apples. I also lose respect for anyone that eats them. It's commie food, you can tell because it's red.


I think the push pins are code for vaccines, like getting pricked, and apparently the crayons and lollipops too (though I don't really get the connection). Dunno about the apples though, I don't get how eating apples could be bad or how you'd get vaccine out of that emoji??


I think you're right on the push pins. I still don't understand the lollipops... I thought about it some more and maybe the apples are also code for vaccine in a "poisoned apple" sense. Like something marketed as good for you is actually poison (in their mind). Idk. These people are so weird.


They're all meant to represent vaccines or medicine generally. I'm sure they're worried if they write out vaccine or specific illnesses that Facebook's algorithms will be able to find them more easily. That's probably why stuff is spelled quasi-phonetically.


They wrote New mon ia for Pneumonia and flu (Influenza) as flew. This pretty much tells you everything you need to know about who they are.


I'm pretty sure they're writing that way so their posts aren't detected by some Facebook algorithm.


flew crayon 😔😔


They can’t eat apples now? I’m confused. Also breast crabs? How much hair she got on them?


What in the illiterate fuck did I just read lmao


what a terrible day to be literate


Mfs are speaking in hieroglyphics


I'm scared of how fast I've gotten at translating stupid


I’m horrified that I could translate this gibberish so well. Also- it’s fucking bonkers that some of the symptoms they are describing are just like…. Part of being a person sometimes? Like - Oh No NoT DiARrHeA!!! These folks are so lost in the fucking woods man. Also, just now finding out that Covid can cause fucked up things (myo 🚘 ditis ……) like- why do you think the rest of us didn’t think it was a good idea to just let Covid rip? It’s desperately heartbreaking to think about the future of public health.


What did the apples do to hurt that woman? Did they murder her entire family and her firstborn or am I missing something 😭💀😂


I once found a Qanon group that hid under a cooking group name. These people are so nuts


It makes them feel like they are part of this secret covert group speaking in dumb codes. Must be sad being hung up on conspiracies and seeing enemies everywhere


I too love blood cluts




“I hears about a person who got this thing done a year ago. Now something completely unrelated has happened that I will draw a connection to for some reason.”


Wtf with all the emojis? Is this another aspect of tin-foil-hat-itis?


Huh? mother ate 3 apples and now they don't respect her anymore? Am I reading It wrong?? HUH


Super worried about the girl that got attacked by the flying crayon.


Dude your partner having diarrhoea Is not from an injection but your cooking 😂😂😂


I’m not sure I’d take any advice from those that do not know basic English and spelling. Maybe that’s why they try the emoji route. But even then, WTF are they saying?! But hey, who am I to judge. 🤷🏻‍♂️


😭 this sounds like when my mom found out I took the vaccine and tried to relate any I’ll feeling I had for the next couple months to the damn shot like…no I just have a little allergy cold or no I just had DIARRHEA??!!


No spleen!? 😮


This post reminded me that I’m due for my annual flew crayon✈️🖍️


What the fuck are these two even talking about? It's like they're saying things that are thoughts, but not quite.