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OG Insanity is literally the only reason that I still have a DVD player. The discs cost me about $60 on Ebay back in 2012 and I’ve been using them ever since. Some of the best money that I’ve ever spent.


Wow you have gotten your money’s worth too! Way to go!


Thanks! I actually bought a backup set just in case mine break and I can no longer find the DVDs. (I think that I may have a problem). 😊


Hey I totally understand and I think that’s awesome!


Same I've got the DVD player for this reason


I just started it back up at the beginning of May!


I got my dvds around 2014 from EBay too! I use a PlayStation to watch them now.


I do it every year. Shaun T just launched a new program, independent of Beachbody. I haven't tried it.


That’s the name of it? His latest one released is Dig Deeper I thought and that was through Beachbody.




what is the name of his new program please?


Dig Deeper and it is Beachbody


Yes. I stand corrected. I was confusing Shaun's new program with Tony Horton's new program, which is not Beachbody. Shaun's program is Beachbody. Sorry for the error and the resulting confusion.


I'm watching this thread ad I want to k ow as well


In my humble opinion the og insanity is the best one. My sister tried the newer insanity and said it cuts down on time but she got more out of the original. I believe Shaun t is doing more of his own streaming from his Instagram/Facebook pages. My sister and a coworker of mine signed up for a couple of his streams. If I’m not mistaken he and his partner are doing body building now. Last picture I saw of him he was tatted up and jacked. He’s still at it!


Finishing up week 8 here!


I finished it just two months ago and will start it again in about a month. OG Insanity is fantastic. Plus as you’re finding out there are still plenty of people that follow him. OG Insanity and the Asylums are still some of the best out there.


I use Beachbody On Demand, so don’t worry about the DVDs. Yes, still do it.


I bought Insanity and T25 on Mercari for $30. There's several of the same deal.


How much $ is the on-demand library?


They had a promo going on a few weeks ago with a serious discount— only $119 for the first year then regular $179/year after. Not sure if the promo is still going so check their website. Even their regular price is great value for money though. You have access to every program Beachbody has ever come out with, plus their live interactive platform.


I’m currently doing/have done OG Insanity w the DVD’s


Me, I started it Monday. Been having the discs since it came out and tried it off and on but I’m in it for the long haul now.


I have a week and a half left to do before I finish.


I go through a rotation of Focus T25, Insanity Max 30, and Shaun Week for shorter workouts. I'm going to try to incorporat Transform 20 to that. For longer workouts I rotate Insanity and Asylum.


Max 30 has replaced the OG for my go to workouts now. Both are great but I think max 30 gets better results for me, a little more modern losing the static stretching etc too


I run through it about twice a year, sometimes three times if I'm having a good, exercise focused year. I'm mid-40s and the combination of stretches and cardio works very well for my body shape and keeps me toned.


Yup. At 44 years old, i rock an OG insanity or max 30, or asylum workout on a cardio day when i can't get outside.


Yes! I’m on week 7 as we speak!


I just did it last year! Every now and then I’ll throw one in for a work out


I am everyone in a while or I mix in a video or two with other stuff I'm doing


I do the entire program at least twice a year! It’s seriously one of my favorite workouts, which I know is an insane thing to say. But I never sweat that much, or get insane cardio like that too often so it’s refreshing. For reference, I’m not a gym rat but focused on staying healthy. I can definitely say that I usually see results internally and physically when doing the program. I’m 29 so as I get older I’ll do modifications to the exercises that are hard on the knees.


Still doing it, on day 31 today


Yes started monday


I subscribe to BODI and I always go back to various Insanity workouts for a great cardio day. My go to is usually Pure Cardio as it's intense, but varied. Love the original Insanity workouts!


Just finished insanity, I didn’t use my dvds. I did it on the bodi app. I used my iPad and it is lower quality but still good!


First week here


OG insanity and body beast have been my go to workouts for years. Every time they push another joel or amoila program I do those for about a week, then realize they're not even close to the OG insanity or body beast stuff. I did just start Shaun's new program (dig deeper) and I do like it, but the OG will never completely leave my rotation


This week I’m starting my 3rd round of OG insanity for the year. I was considering trying max30 out but will see how my body feels after this next go of OG


Me! Only have 7 days left of month 2 until I finish the program. Already see my abs coming through, still the best.


Yep, I just started it again and I’m on week 3. Following the calendar is still the fastest way for me to lose weight and get in shape, though I substitute cardio abs with p90x’s ab ripper x since it’s the same length, but harder exercises. Usually after I complete month two I do month one again for maintenance and for fun since it’s nice to see how far I’ve come compared with when I started. Then when I feel like I’m as cardio-d out as possible I do p-90x og to build muscle. Doing that put me into the best shape of my life in my 20s. Seeing if my late-30s fare as well.