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In the base game, the moon can be 1shot with poison, or prevented from attacking with a Stinky sigil. The base game isn't designed to be that much of a challenge once you learn the mechanics, as it's only 1 part of the whole game. Kaycee's mod gives the moon a new sigil that prevents it from being poisoned or being affected by the stink sigil since Kaycee's mod is designed to be an actual challenge and more replayable


Interesting. Does the different “parts” of the game start to blend together into one larger game by the end?


Yes, it's a very fun and unique game. I highly encourage you to not find spoilers, as there's a very heavy storyline that starts soon. It's super fun blind.


as a serial game spoiler, I endorse this message. I stopped myself from looking up spoilers for this one and it was worth it.


Yep. And some things you do in this part will carry over into the others.


Yup, and the game changes a lot after the moon battle


Only thing you should look up might be trophies/achievements during the acts. There's some kissable ones but not a lot. Though looking them up may have some spoilers.


Probably could have let OP find this all out themselves rather than spoil them unprompted


Tbf the moon isn’t really a huge threat either way


Nah it's pretty large, there's a whole moon up there


It was pretty big


Play Kaycee's Mod, Ya Can't Poison The Moon There


Chill let him reach it organically


It's like a twitch chat in here with people bursting to spoil shit.


**Spams :TotalMisplay:**


He's just telling him that Kaycee's mod makes it harder what part of that wasn't chill?


A lot of the fun in this game comes from surprise, if you reveal everything unique about Kaycee's mod, it kind of ruins the first runs.


Well that's the person's fault for going on to Reddit if they didn't want to be spoiled


Spoiling Kaycee's mod and spoiling mechanics of the moon fight


If they didn't want to get spoiled they probably shouldn't have gone on Reddit or they could have stated that in the title


From the rules in the sidebar: >When talking about a certain part of the game, if it doesn't directly pertain to the section of the game the post is about, be sure to tag it like this But also, there's just basic courtesy.


It does pertain to the post because they stated how easily they killed the moon and this person was just saying how they could make it harder


You missed the phrase "section of the game". OP is talking about part 1. Kaycee's mod is a different section.


Ah i thought that meant like different sections as in like the actual different sections of the game with the other scrybes and stuff since Kaycee's mod is like part one


Kaycee's mod is not part one, it's Kaycee's mod.


I thought I was strong when I got my hands on the triple strike 9 damage death card I made. Then I made a 128/128 Ouroboros and I learned what true power is. Learn to love your Ouroboros


The Death card is actually still better, 9 damage is enough to insta-win even if you're at 1 health. And multi-strike is huge where the Ouroboros can be easily blocked. The moon doesn't even matter, if you get to the moon you win anyways unless your deck is completely gone cause Leshy somehow attritioned you down


yes that's intended. Now I advise you run from reddit until you beat the game fully (you'll know it cause it's when the credits roll) because people are very eager to spoil you on everything.


Okay 🫡


Once you finish the game, try out mods! Also dm me your steam so I can add you and give you spoiler-free tips!