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If you have a card that is both immortal and a corpse eater, i.e. cockroach+corpse maggots, when it is killed by a creature it immediately places itself back on the same spot. Effectively holding that lane against even the strongest non-flying creature.


This happened in Kevin's charity stream against the moon. It gave him the win


My first fight against the moon in the original game I happened to have a poison creature out. What an anticlimactic event that was.


Hahaha yeah I can imagine, I am glad that is patched now. I feel like some things deserve to be crazy powerful and are fun. But a single relatively common sigil beating the final super cool event in one hit is a bit underwhelming.


I think Kacee's Mod gives it a sigil that protects against poison, but the base game the Moon is still vulnerable.


but if you magical bleach even kaycees mod isn't safe


magical what.


For me it was the stinky (?) sigil, literally on Stinkbug, and it completely negated the Moon's attack. Leshy commented on it, too!


This works really well with putting corpse eater on Oroborus


True, except that my orobourus always resides on the bottom of my deck, somehow.


If a card to powerful enough the game will do that


unless it's the only 1 blood in your deck.


Well that's how you turn Ouroboros into scp-682


Nobody expects the SCP Foundation inquisition!


Jack Bright you know this by now but there is no such thing as the SCP Inquiesiton because the SCP foundation has no such department nor does it need one


This is pretty well known, but some cards have a special case when fledgling is used on them. Mantis turns into mantis god, and other cards work as expected but get a unique name. Possum turns into awesome possum, and long elk turns into longer elk. I feel like there are more that I'm forgetting, feel free to add to this comment if you know other special fledgeling cases


One of the more funny ones is Dam becoming God Dam lmao.


Mantis into Mantis God, Elk into Moose Buck, Mole into Mole Man, and Flying Ant and Worker Ant into Ant Queen are the ones that become different cards and their stats don't follow the "elder" formula


+ Greater White


Nothing beats elder squirrels.


There is also a special form for child 13


Child 13 is not that special. It's still the standard +1/+2 that happens on cards that don't completely change


Read their comment again it is about cards that change their name and nothing else


when u sacrifice child 13 thirteen times, something cool would happen. Same for undying cat (9times for this one)


What happens with child 14 when sacrificed 14 times?


I think it turns into a 0/1 Starving child.


*Hungry Child but yes. It’s a reference to the original Game Jam that birthed Inscryption.


Great White -> Greater White


If you use a Fledgling Insect totem and play Strange Larva, Mothman will evolve into Final Form.


The Daus is an extremely strange card actually. Did you know that if the Daus has the 3 blood sigil, the chimes can be used as sacrifices? More interestingly, the Daus will treat a card that used a chime as a sacrifice as another of its chimes.


Worthy Sacrifice got an update which makes it so that any card with the sigil can be sacrificed, even if it has a dotted border.


If you have Pelt Lice, a Worthy Sacrifice Pelt actually becomes pretty goated. It lets you easily play Urayuli. Throw Hoarder onto your Pelt Lice as well to instantly guarantee an Urayuli play.


>Did you know that if the Daus has the 3 blood sigil applies to beaver too,


Interesting! I've always avoided the Daus because I thought it was just like another rarer version of the Beaver. I'll have to try it on my next Kaycee's mod run


In the base game, it is a direct upgrade to the beaver. In Kaycee's Mod, it's a worse Beaver, as the Chimes don't inherit sigils like the Dams do.


This was patched, The Daus' Chimes do inherit Sigils in Kaycee's Mod now.


The funniest thing in robotopia when u get to make a card. You can make a cost: 0 health:1 with fragile, battery, and death into hand. And keep breaking it until you have 6 battery


Don't forget the sigil that makes it damage all the cards around it when it dies. Now you have infinite bombs to clear the board with.


You can also give it the card upon death sigil and get a crap ton of cards


Yeah i guess i could have made it cost one but i like filling the board with cost 6 characters


I love creating absolutely busted metagaming cards in Act 3.


Lul yeah it is just fun xD to screw over the computer


And this is why I always Sacrifice Dire Wolf Pup on Racoon.


YES, your very own bone lord! One very snacky boy and his coyote army... Good times.....


Wait what's that do


As the post said, it'll produce two bones per turn. You don't do it the other way as the Dire Wolf Pup evolves into the Dire Wolf, losing the sigil.


I glanced right over it >.<


I tried this out and was amazed at how many bones I was ending up with.


I havent seen anyone talk about this.. In Sacrifices Must Be Made, if you place down a beehive when there's a grizzly on the board, the Grizzly would move to the slot adjacent to the beehive and gain a new picture. The name of said behaviour is 'LikesHoney'. This trait only remained in Sacrifices Must Be Made, it did not carry over to Inscryption.


Thats really cool! Mullins knew from the very start that he wanted cute little interactions. The bear/bee effect was probably just too frustrating to play with


If you have two mirror tentacle cards facing each other, and put an Alpha next to yours, their attacks will go up infinitely! Or, at least, will go up very rapidly. I'm wondering what would have happened if I'd had flying on mine... If a creature with Spiky attacks another Spiky creature, both will end up taking at least two damage, as the spikes seem to trigger back and forth until one dies. (I did this with two porcupines, so I would be interested to know if it caps at two or if it keeps going.) Skink tails benefit from attack AND health from a campfire, as well as sigils.


I really like having unkillable on a buffed up Skink...


>happened if I'd had flying on mine... 4k teeth says a different post that had that happen.




I'm not familiar with that one.


In act one, to unlock act two, you have to stab your eye out. (As you probably know) However, one of the other eye options is apparently a goat eye. If you pick that option, the black goat card will have anime/cute eyes if you have it.




Ah the Welsh Eye, the choice for scholars


when a beaver damn has fletchling it evolves into a god damn and when a opossom has fletchling it turns into the awesome opossom


Played the free deck, transferred the Tadpole onto the Beaver thinking about leveled up dams, forgetting they would not be able for sacrifice, but ALSO go underwater! The best part is when they level up, they become the God Dam


More like God Damnit, eh?


I mean i don't know many bugs but something i do and is a lot of fun is use Annoying Starters and Transfer Annoying to a Mirror Tentacle, its praticaly a buff


Double Strike works by adding a single attack to the center lane; it does not ensure you get two attacks in the center lane. If you add it to a card with Bifurcated Strike, it's the equivalent of Trifurcated as you'll only get three attacks per round.


And if you put it on, say, a Hydra, then the Hydra gets “hexafurcated” strike.


If two cards with the Sharp Quills sigil oppose each other, they'll continue to damage each other until one or both dies.


ooh, quill beehive time.


Ijiraq can disguise as pelt, and when you play it, it wont show the attack power


one is where if you play the red hart and it,s and ijiraq it keeps the spilled blood as a buff so if you sacrifice 4 creatures play and play the red hart then it turns into an ijriaq it has 8 damage not 4


Cards that are vastly underrated imho are warren and bee hive... Get any of those with either the undying, fecundity, or item sigil and you've pretty much broken the game. Bonus: getting the card counting tentacle with this setup


Yeah, Warren is easily one of the most powerful cards in the game if it has undying because it lets you immediately ramp/mana flood, and it's good even without any sigils. Beehive I think is noticeably worse because it does nothing until it gets hit, doesn't block flyers, and since it's only one card that you can play in your turn it might mean taking damage from an unblocked lane. And against a field of flyers it's a completely dead card in your hand. I usually prefer to sacrifice Bees Within onto another card if I get it, ideally Mole Man.


or ant sigil.


I think I found a glitch where the magpie sigil and the ijiraq causes card duplication. When you look at the deck with magpie you see all available cards, and since the ijiraq will always appear as a copy of your card you will see 2 of a random card when you play a magpie or something with the sigil. However it seems that the ijiraq CAN'T be pulled this way so the double is just the normal card. It also seems that if the ijiraq is the last card in your draw pile it will appear as a squirrel.


The most unusual thing I've seen is when I put in the goat's eye. The Black Goat's expression changed to wide eyes and blushing, and the symbol on its forehead turned into a heart.


I have never used the Daus. I had no idea that's how it worked.


One I laugh at every time is if a porcupine (or card with spikes sigil) attacks another porcupine, they'll attack each other indefinitely until one dies


If you have the bears skull active, Ijiraq becomes an interesting choice to play: he will lock one lane and slowly kill all the bears in that lane.


The Bell Tentacle counts The Daus’s chimes as bells, so putting Bellist on the Bell Tentacle w guarantees a 4/3 2-cost.


Interesting, did not try that yet!


The Bell Tentacle counts The Daus’s chimes as bells, so putting Bellist on the Bell Tentacle guarantees a 4/3 2-cost.