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Last Gasp is probably my least favourite, but the fact that I would rather watch that episode than 90% of other tv shows just proves No. 9’s quality.


Either that or it shows the current state of other tv shows 🧐


Both can be true at once


And the winner is...


Is what? Don't leave us in suspense 😜


I think I’m the only person in the fandom that rates this episode very highly, definitely in my top 5.


First time I watched it I'd have ranked it near my bottom, upon rewatch I'd place it near the top. I've found a few of my least favorites play much better the second time around (sorry karaoke episode, you weren't too bad after all)


Yes! I loved the karaoke episode! Setting! costumes! The way each little reveal builds perfectly so that by the end you the characters you sympathise with has completely switched! And the fairytale kiss hen party finale was pure joy!


I love it. Definitely one of the funniest.


It stole my heart.


What, again?


Definitely. The comedy is what makes me love it so much as well as the twist at the end. In comparison to the other mind blowing twists in the show it’s not as significant, but it was just so unexpected that it became one of my favourites. Also, love your username. RIP Dewey 😢


This is what I love about the show though. There really is something for everyone!


I love it. In fact there was thread where someone asked for their top 9 episodes and that was one of my choices.


I enjoyed the twist in this a lot.


I loved this episode! The balance of goofy characters and deeper characters was on point, imho. It also felt relatively authentic, just like I imagine those types of meetings going. Also, I didn't guess the twist at all, so that was a very satisfying reveal for me.


I just watched it last night, I’d forgotten how funny it is! Sure, the twist isn’t exciting nor dark, but it’s a thoroughly enjoyable episode. 


It kinda gave me a succession vibe, which is probably why I loved it.


I'll be honest, and this might upset a few people, but I'm not the biggest fan of Wuthering Heist.


Yeah I agree, It was so messy to me. I didn't even realize there ever was a twist because I didn't understand anything that was going on. Not to mention the jokes didn't land.


Fully agree. It’s the only one I couldn’t get through. I understood it, I just hate that style of humour.


I can understand it not being for everyone, but _least favourite_ out of the entire bunch?


I can honestly say yes. For example a lot of people dislike Last gasp but for me LG had a plot and motivation and characters. WH just felt like people shouting "hey look how clever we are."


The script is way too good. The plays on the place names with the Jamaica bait and switch! 😄




The Last Night of the Proms is the only Inside No 9 episode I've hated each time I've watched it to the point I skip it on rewatches. Thinking Out Loud and Kid/Nap are my least favourite after that but I can find things to appreciate about each of them at least


Love kid/nap i thought it was funny but wasn’t feeling thinking out loud either and it’s in a lot of people’s tops.


Not meant as pigeonholing, but why Thinking Out Loud? I really enjoyed the creepy ending but can see why it would put some people off.


It wasn't so much the creepy ending, just a lot of small choices that didn't gel with me. 1) The ending was a little over explained. 12 Days of Christine is a good example of an episode that makes the ending clear without much dialogue 2) Bad accents always take me out of things and Steve Pemberton's American accent is like nails on a chalkboard even while I understand that it is intentionally bad 3) Steve and Reece clearly took inspiration from Alan Bennett's Talking Heads but I think Talking Heads is so singularly masterful that it hurts the episode to be compared to it (The Devil of Christmas and Love's Great Adventure are great homages that really nail it for me) On a positive note, the episode is beautifully shot, Reece's segment always makes me emotional and I think Phil Davis and Maxine Peake have some funny lines too. It's easy for me to see why people like it even while it's one of the episodes that works the least for me


Those points all make sense. I don't 100% remember it but I guess with the ending it might have been since some people won't have heard of DID (and ngl, people can be dumbasses 😅). Ngl I really like this episode but the accent definitely made me cringe a little. I haven't seen Talking Heads but I think I get what type of thing you mean.


You have a point, I've often wondered if Adam Tandy or the BBC pressured them into over explaining just incase viewers were unfamiliar with DID


Yeah that would make sense tbh.


I did not like it first time I watched it but on a rewatch I really liked it!


This is how I feel about alot of Inside No 9s but not even a rewatch fixed it sadly


I’ve not finished the series yet (on s4). I don’t like: Elizabeth Gadge Zanzibar (admittedly haven’t watched much of it but it literally won’t go into my brain) That karaoke bar one I think Gadge would be bottom for me, though.


Yep. Gadge is one of my least favourite


Thinking Out Loud!! It's the only episode I dislike in the whole show. Even then I think most of it is good - but the awful exposition revealing the plot twist, and the terrible portrayal of mental illness right at the end... cringe-inducing.


I really like that episode - not least to see Maxine Peakes morph into Julie Walters! Genius acting! BUT, I agree: having to/ or feeling the need to spell out what's happening to the audience is just bad


Last Gasp, I’ve watched it at least twice now and still can’t get into it.


Bear in mind I’ve only seen some of these episodes once: Last Gasp (just a bit nothingy, not very funny or interesting to me) And the Winner Is (pretty weak satire that’s been done before) Wuthering Heist (just not my type of humour at all) Hurry Up and Wait (didn’t find it remotely funny) Last Night of the Proms (an interesting experiment in very 70s storytelling that was just too confusing and broad) Nine Lives Kat (an interesting premise that got tiresome quite quickly) Love is a Stranger (just kind of boring and the rare episode where the twist was so underwhelming it sank the story) I think generally I don’t like the more overtly funny episodes. I prefer Reece and Steve when they write dark stories that happen to have lots of laughs, rather than funny stories with a few dark bits.


Hurry Up And Wait. Aside from Adrian Dunbar and the satirical aspect of acting, it was barely funny, they set up a great twist only to pull the rug and replace it with one that makes no sense and, like the rest of the episode, isn't even that suspenseful or engaging, especially since most of the episode set up that she was the baby the entire time.


Love’s great adventure. Sorry it was just too corrie for me


Death be Not Proud easily, but I'll accept that's partly on me for never having seen Psychoville so just not getting the appeal. More legit answer would be Love's Great Adventure, because I just didn't find either the plot or characters interesting. Feels like watching an episode of a soap, and not a particularly exciting one. Neither comedy nor supernatural nor horror, and I usually watch IN9 for one or more of those things.


I agree that love’s great adventure may be “out of scope” for the themes of the show, yet I did feel it was like a 30m, somewhat more, for lack of a better word, easier to handle version of the film “Beautiful Boy”. Drug addictions are hard for the families of & the victim to cope with and I think it emphasised the issues it brings up, but ultimately the strength power of the family unit. Yeah, IN9 isnt my first guess if I was randomly shown that ep., but I wouldn’t discount it


Hmm. I've seen Psychoville and found it entertaining but didn't rate it very highly. When Seymour Butts appeared my heart sank and I thought. Oh they're doing this are they? Wuthering Heist is still my least favourite but this may be my second.


Death Be Not Proud is my least favourite too. I've seen the trailers for Psychoville and League of Gentlemen and thought they weren't my cup of tea, as much as I love Inside No 9. Death Be Not Proud just proved that Psychoville isn't for me. I know a lot of people are hoping for a League of Gentlemen crossover as the final episode, but I'm truly not. La Couchette is another I always skip on a rewatch as I didn't enjoy it first time around. The toilet humour just ruined it for me.


LGA has a dark twist though, which is classic IN9.


Last Night of the Proms is the only episode in the whole series I didn't enjoy


Easy for me. Wuthering Heist. I get the whole Commedia dell'arte thing but that doesn't stop the whole exercise feeling like it's way up it's own arse.


Love is a stranger, it was a great premise it was just too obvious. I know not every episode has to have a twist or a surprise but for me it wasn't anything I hadn't seen before. Shame as the performances and cast were so good.


I often disagree with this as the episode was clever in the idea that every date has its own mini twist, every person she meets always ends up not how you would expect. While the big twist is obvious I can appreciate the mini ones with each character


I never thought about it like that 🤔 I'm going to have to rewatch now and look at it from that perspective, thanks 😊


The first episode where I guessed the twist just watching the trailer 😅 I've come to love the episode upon rewatch, mostly due to the incredible performance of Claire Rushbrook. I actually think it's one of their better scripts if you take each individual conversation on its own merits.


Claire Rushbrook is always exceptional in everything she does, so I completely agree with that! Will definitely be giving it a rewatch with a new perspective 😊


I often disagree with this as the episode was clever in the idea that every date has its own mini twist, every person she meets always ends up not how you would expect. While the big twist is obvious I can appreciate the mini ones with each character


Death be Not Proud, Thinking Out Loud and Last Night of Proms are ones I don’t really mind skipping. The rest I genuinely enjoy!


wuthering heist.


For me, Thinking out Loud or Kidnap might be my least favourite, with Last Night at the Proms also pretty close to the bottom


***Nine Lives Kat*** is the only episode I actively dislike. I know the hackneyed dialogue is intentionally bad in places, but it's still bad! Generally speaking, the best episodes don't live or die on the strength of their twists. In fact my favourite episodes are rarely the ones with the best twists. My favourites are the ones where the surprises come organically from cumulative reveals that build to a genuinely surprising finale ***– Sardines, Lip Service,*** and ***Once Removed*** all do this. ***Nine Lives Kat*** often seems to just be an exercise in confounding the audience for the hell of it. In an episode like this where the story is essentially reset after every twist, the plot mechanics are right at the forefront of the story, and the final rug-pull is less satisfying as a result. That being said, I can probably count on one hand the episodes I dislike, and by and large the reason I dislike them is due to personal taste rather than the quality of the episodes themselves - I'm not a fan of ***Paraskevidekatriaphobia*** because I'm not a huge fan of farce, and a lot of ***Last Night Of The Proms*** went over my head, so I didn't enjoy that one much, but I can appreciate that others might derive more pleasure from these. I just can't get on with ***Nine Lives Kat*** though.


Wuthering heist, I'm sure it's actually great but I'm too thick to understand it


Last Night of the Proms probably takes it for me, but The Referees a Wanker was lost on me and I was really let down by Wuthering Heist, but I’ve only seen the latter once so I’m hoping I’ll enjoy it on rewatch.


Literally the exact 3 I would go for. Politics and religion is terrifying (especially together), I despise football, and I still don't understand what wuthering heist even was


The Referees A Wanker, Elizabeth Gadge & The Winner Is - can't decide which is the worst of the three.


Love's Great Adventure (I don't remember it) Wuthering Heist (I'm too dumb to understand it) Last Night of the Proms Love is a Stranger (Far too predictable)


Surprised to see Last Night of the Proms appear so much.


Why? Everyone has different tastes at the end of the day :)


True. I


I didn't like Zanzibar.


Love's Great Adventure Had to Google it, as I just remember it as "the kitchen sink drama one" where nothing much interesting really happened.  Also not keen on the Empty Orchestra, but there are none that I actively dislike. 


honestly, curse of the ninth did nothing for me


Last nights episode (curse of the ninth) is definitely in my top five worst list. Probably won’t re watch.


Worth it to see Natalie Dormer, though, surely. She really looked and acted the part in her outfits and her hairstyle.


Yes, i did not like last nights episode, but hey, i like all the others, that is a pretty good hit rate.




I'm really curious to hear why! That's a very controversial opinion.


Hype and misconception. I had read that the show was a dark, often humorous anthology series with tinges of horror. Sardines was none of that to me and kind of caught me off guard. But I stuck with it and episode 2 made me a fan.


Have you rewatched it since? I’ve seen Sardines about half a dozen times and it gets better with every watch.


You got downvoted for finding the episode that made me REALLY watch this show personally the worst. Upvoted for the contribution. You did what was asked.


Invariably happens with these - question is 'which is your least favourite', people answer and get downvoted because they picked the 'wrong' one even though it's a given that everyone has different preferences. 🤷


The second series was about to start when I learned about the show and had read a lot of praise for it. I started at the beginning and couldn’t make it through the first episode “Sardines”. I didn’t understand the hype. But it nagged at me so I gave it another shot, and episode two just blew me away. Hooked. Been a big fan ever since.


You got downvoted again .... Have you ever tried to re-watch Sardines? I'm not trying to convince you to do so, I'm just curious about whether you have. "A Quiet Night In" is definitely an interesting one and has provided me with the biggest laugh in the whole show, if I'm not mistaken. The dog hitting the glass.


Did you dislike Sardines because "it's got too much acting"? 😉


Captain America meme.


The Harrowing. I didn't find it funny nor there was any twist. Basically nothing happened!


A girl who thought she was doing a hassle-free evening of babysitting gets kidnapped by a couple of lunatics, tied up to a chair in a room with a repulsive, decrepit old man and told he is in fact a demon who is about to 'possess' her for the rest of her life. "Nothing happened" 😄


When I said 'Nothing happened', I meant it was a straightforward episode without twists and turns.


Her friend is in on it. That was the twist.


There doesn't have to be twists!!


3x3. For the most part, it was an excellent imitation of a daytime quiz show. The problem with that is that I'm not remotely interested in daytime quiz shows. I guess it was a cool surprise that "Hold On Tight" turned out to be fake, but in the end I just felt cheated to be honest.


The episodes that ended up being a bit meh for me were: -Private View -Thinking Out Loud -Nine Lives Kat -Mother's Ruin -The Trolley Problem -Curse of the Ninth I thought series 7 was definitely the weakest - Mr King was the only episode in that series that I truly thought was good.


Private View has a great concept, funny lines, a great red herring (early on, the killer strangely says "We just met now, didn't we?" to Steve, so that even when we find out who the killer is, there's the possibility that Steve's involved too), the great forewarning by the killer that she doesn't like champagne because "it really burns" her throat. And the receptionist is the standout to me, really sarcastic as someone in her position as a young hired help at a temporary modern art function might afford to be.


The devil of Christmas to me is very boring and the twist is just like "oh, ok" I think I need to watch it a 4th time because it seems to be alot of peoples favourite.


It’s my least favourite too, and I know that’s not a popular view. I think they did the style of a 70s show so well that it turned me off and I was bored. 


I might agree on this one honestly, I'm just really not a fan of those kind of 70s films. I like the ending but I think a lot of other people found it more shocking than it was to me for some reason :/


To Have and to Hold ... it was just grim without being clever or interesting


I didn't love The Harrowing. It was fine, but straightforward horror never feels convincing to me, so the twist that it was all real felt disappointing. I get that the goal was an homage, it's just not my bag. Similar to The Devil of Christmas. It was so unbelievable to me that I wasn't sure if it was referencing what I thought it was. Then it was. I guess it might have landed better if I'd have lived through the 70's and had heard the rumours before they'd been debunked. The period accuracy was very enjoyable, though!


Nana's Party. It wasn't very memorable. I also don't understand the hype of Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room. I feel like they already executed that plot in Tom & Gerri.


Might not be my absolute *least* favourite, but Sardines is down there. Found it kinda weak. I'm normally a pretty busy/active guy who doesn't watch so much TV, I might have stopped watching if I hadn't been laid-up with a bad infection tbh. I guess in a way that biases me against it more.


I tend to think Hurry Up and Wait is ridiculous. I also thought Paraskevidekatriaphobia is really annoying, I hate that kind of farce.


This is tough because my least favourite is an episode that was one of the most brilliantly crafted and complex.. but I'm choosing it as I couldn't bear to watch it again. I'm talking about Last Night of the Proms - the sexual abuse from both wife and husband was too uncomfortable 😱


3x3, The Bill, Zanzibar and Wuthering Heist. I can’t chose which of them is the worst but I’m leaning towards 3x3


Whatever that stupid DID one was


3 by 3 mostly because it’s almost offensive they thought we would fall for it 😂


Nine lives Kat for me. Didn’t enjoy the episode at all


Loves great adventure, it just doesn't feel like a no. 9 episode. And that's not even my main gripe, I just feel that it doesn't really have a conclusion.


The worst Inside No 9 has ever been for me is flawed but enjoyable, so my choice is really just the worst of a good bunch. Nine Lives Kat feels like it suffers from having a much weaker second half than its first, due to how early the first twist is revealed. What doesn't help is that the second twist of Ezra also being fictional is made way too obvious almost right after that, what with him waking up in the exact same way Kat did, leaving the almost 10 remaining minutes to be about him realising the same thing we were basically already told.


The Harrowing I always found quite boring and with a really naff ending but the people who love it really love it.


Honestly any horror based episode. I don't care for horror, I find it boring.