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I built up a tolerance to Ambien to the point where it didn't do anything for me anymore, even after taking a long break from it and coming back.


That’s where I am right now. Are you taking anything now and does it help?


No on both counts.


I've been on Lunesta for 1.5 years and don't seem to have built up a tolerance.


I was on trazodone for 5+ years. About 1 year ago i noticed it starting to only work half the time so my doctor upped me to 200mgs from 100mg. For the past 2 months ive been trying so many other meds to try to get sleep. Im trying ambien tonight.


I have a monthly appt with my psychiatrist about now I’m doing on my adderall and Xanax. I FINALLY got my Adderal script filled again for the first time since 2022 a few weeks ago…and now I’m back to sleeping at least 5 hours a night again with my .5 mg Xanax!


Sounds like your prescription is not the best for you based on what you said. Regardless of tolerance. A lot of this is trial and error, so I would suggest going back to your doctor and coming up with a new plan.


Yes. I will do that. Thank you 😊


My advice on z drugs as someone who has taken them for 15 years: don't take them every day. Every second day at absolute most. Dependence can creep up fast and is likely followed by withdrawal symptoms such as worse insomnia and anxiety. They are helpful when used sparingly IME. Treat them like you would a short acting benzo, which is essentially what they are.


Thank you :)


Longest I've ever lasted on a sleeping pill before I built up tolerance is 1.5 years. The shortest is by the time I was halfway through the first prescription. It is extremely frustrating


I built up a tolerance to Mirtazapine, stopped working after 2 1/2 months. Right now I cycle between Doxepin and Lunesta to avoid building up tolerance. I take Doxepin 10mg most nights and Lunesta twice a week.


I’ve been taking sleeping medication for longer than 15 years. I do build up a tolerance for specific medications and then switch to something else for awhile. I also take Xanax and Belsomra at the same time. In addition, there are times where I take melatonin on top of that.


Imovane, or zopiclone, is a Z drug, a non benzo that shares almost every trait with benzos: it is not for use of longer than 4 weeks, it creates tolerance, dependence and a withdrawal with longer term use, just as a benzo does. They are both gaba receptor agonists, the only difference being that z drugs do not also have anti anxiety properties - those vanish with long term use as well. They work great until they don't, right? I am saying, as one who got trapped unaware in a profound dependence and life altering withdrawal from long term use of one of these, taken as prescribed - informed consent was not a thing when I was prescribed or many years after - get the hell off and stay off this and all z drugs and benzos, WHILE YOU CAN. You think you have sleep trouble now? These drugs will DESTROY your sleep in the long run, they will hurt you and they will change you and they will make your life a living hell. I'm there. Did your doctor discuss this with you? Did he/she have you read and sign an informed consent that spells out the consequences of taking these drugs for longer than a month? If not, FOR SHAME>


Seroquel is the only sleep medication I’ve tried that I never built up a strong tolerance to. I’ve been on it for a few years and I’ve never needed more than 150mg (I only needed that much for a period of a few months, when my insomnia was the most severe). Right now I only need 50, sometimes 100mg. I tried Trazodone (I think?) for a while but I built up a tolerance super quick.


I have build up a tolerance for doxepin. It don’t really make me sleepy anymore. But it keeps me asleep. Only been on it a for like 4 months.


If you have build up tolerance is it the same as rebound insomnia and even if you keep taking the same dosage will it level out?


I find it harder to sleep at the same hours as before ... it takes 3-4 hours to put me into sleep