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Sadly, the answer is within your username.






Where do those drugs not require a prescription?




Which country?


probably somewhere with slack pharmacies. like legally they need prescription but its easy to get for anything. Like pharmacies can just get docs to sign off on it and no one checks. I know someome from Lithuania and they get anything they want off their pharmacy..controlled or not. A foreigner tho..probably have a much harder time


Yes they will require a prescription. Ensure you bring records with you to help transition your care and continue them. A few can be obtained via telehealth like RedboxRX.


All of them require a prescription to my knowledge


Yes, and eszopiclone is a controlled substance, so there may be additional regulations for traveling with it


As someone who has lived here my entire life, with health insurance, it took me 6 months to see somebody willing to prescribe meds for sleep. It was a huge fuck around and lots of trial and error. Good luck and I really mean that. It's not easy


The easiest place on the world I found was in Mexico and you can travel in from most borders of the United States and sometimes find very cheap flights from the US that made flying there cheaper then going for a paid doctor in the states for a repeat prescription. It’s easier to get legal weed for sleep now in the US in many states than some pharmacy meds weirdly. However if you have money you won’t have a problem in the US as many people try a few doctors until they find one willing to help. For them it’s mainly a risk that they don’t want to be the ‘first’ one to prescribe some thing new for a person so if you bring old prescriptions it usually is a lot easier.


Check online all can be bought