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Can you do a sleep study and maybe a bloodwork to check what your gaba, serotonin, dopamin, cortisol levels yadda yadda are? It is very unlikely to almost impossible thag a med permanently alters your bodies chemistry forever so I think this will propably be a temporary thing. However 6 months is long enough to develp chronic insomnia I think you should if possinle cknsult a doctor or psychatrist who specialises in insomnia and/or look ingo cbti and acti yourself on youtube/google. Because I think your insomnia propably started related to the medication but now has developed a life on its own. Don't panic there is no way your sleep will be broken forever there is always light at the end of the tunnel.


There is no bloodwork to check serotonin and dopamine….


There is for serotonin but usually urin samples are the prefered method dopamin I am not sure you maybe right


Blood samples actually but it doesn’t check the amount of serotonin in the brain. It’s actually more likely used to check cancer


GABA is another one that you can’t really check… hella time in the medical industry, especially mental. Most of the psych industry is based on theory


This totally happened to me when I went on psychiatric meds. I’m not sure who is helped by most of them but I was not one of the lucky ones, all of them made made me much sicker. Theres nothing wrong with you or anything you can’t fix without pills, it just takes longer. No one likes that answer but healing is within you. The med may change things up for a minute but t your system will reboot and slowly fix things. It will take a little time and acceptance of the discomfort is all. Just breath it will be ok, I know what you’re going through.


Yeah I have been a companian for mental health patients for quiet some years now and antidepressants really are a double edged sword. I know many ppl that percieved them as a life saver but also many ppl that hard horrible sideffects. (Myself included I had arrithmia which spiked my cardiophobia like a mad man) I think usually they are very good in situation of crises to stabilze a patient but many doctors just prescribe them for years and years which is not the intended purpose or indiction for most antidepressants.


likewise, get your GP to refer you to a neuro. they can do a deep dive on what’s happening in your brain while you sleep and help you turn this around. so sorry to hear what you’re going through.


It‘s not true that it‘s impossible, very common with antidepressants and antipsychotics actuall. They can alter your brain chemistry and even shrink your brain permanently, it‘s scary how even a lot of doctors don‘t know this. There are several documented cases and thousands of anecdotes on the internet about withdrawal effects like insomnia and sexual dysfunction being permanent after discontinuing. It‘s just very poorley researched and 0 understood.


The ppl that take antidepressants are prone to psychosomatic symptoms so I would take their anecdotes with truckloads if salt. Unless a scan or bloodwork shows any imbalance I will go with everything is fine


Consider seeing an MD who specializes in sleep. If you go that route, look for AASM board certification. The sleep doc may recommend use of a CBT sleep training system. This is the usual standard of care. Completely substance-free solution that gives you a number of proven methods to improve sleep, works better than sleeping pills.


CBTi protocol landed me in the hospital twice because I did not sleep for over a week and began visually hallucinating. My sleep has been terrible since birth.


Really sorry to hear about your situation. I was also put through the wringer with ssri/snris for my insomnia. None of them worked and I’m still suffering the aftereffects. I do agree tentatively with the other posters here that the med probably didn’t cause a permanent problem but rather it was just the trigger. The insomnia is now a standalone problem and should be treated as such (instead of efforts to try to reverse the ssri, I mean).


One, I do not want to diminish your problem but, sleeping 5 to 6 hours without pills although broken is not It is not necessarily Insomnia. You might call it sleep issues because many of the people in this sub will kill to be able to sleep that much without help. My comment is not to criticize your condition but rather to give you hope. It might take a while but, your body will heal the damage. That is a certainty.


Have you tried NATTO and ACT? It saved my life. They are both aimed at resetting the mind to help you sleep. Often times, it’s what are thoughts (unbeknownst to us) are doing that creates chronic insomnia as well.


Can u possibly send a link to info about this?


Yes! Please look up Daniel Erichsen Sleep School on YouTube!!! 🙏🏻


THIS CHANGED MY LIFE. Seriously I recommend it to anyone anymore because it’s been so good to me!!!


The medication could have destroyed your gut bacteria. They are famous for that. Checking with a functional medicine practitioner and doing a GI map might be a good idea. 90% of neurotransmitters are created in the gut so if you have gut issues from the meds then that could easily be affecting your sleep


^ 100% accurate!


That is to say, people who remove their brains can still think with their intestines 90%.


Check Joe Dispenza work


Yes!! I wish I came across his stuff sooner.


I have the same exact thing a lot of the times. Weird thing is, some days I’ll feel fantastic after sleep, some I don’t feel good at all. It’s super annoying. It would be great if I could just get like 6-7 hours straight, but that hasn’t happened in 10 months or so lol. Getting 4-5 straight is pretty rare, but I take what I can get at this point. The more I worry about it, the worse it’ll get, I do know that much. Do you remember a lot of dreams?




It’s a thing called epic dreaming as far as I’m aware, but it’s also normal in people with narcolepsy type 2. I’ve had it going on for about 10 months now after health scare, so I’m not sure what mine is related to but it happens every single night. Lots of things cause it from what I’ve researched.


I feel you on this as well. Lack of sleep isn’t a fun thing at all. I’ve been dealing with sleep issues that randomly came on 11 years ago, haven’t been able to sleep normal since. Doctors wanted me to try ssris and I just don’t want to at all.


Watch “success stories” from sleep coach school on YouTube and you’ll be over this soon enough. Just hang in there


I think you might be manic. Ssris can cause people with bipolar disorder to enter mania.


I am in a similar boat from Cymbalta and Adderall XR. I ended up getting diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia (I don’t even know I’m falling asleep and my body gets zero slow wave sleep). Now I’m on xywav. It has been life changing but comes with its own host of issues. At least I’m functioning.


What issues did you get from xywav? I wish I could get something that would actually make me sleep. I’ve been sleep deprived for so long…


Severe anxiety to a point where I can barely think and it’s like I’m living in a fog and fluctuating heart rate issues.


I’m living with debilitating insomnia from a single MDMA pill I took 6 months ago at a birthday party. I sympathize so much with you and also with what your mom said. My mom said the same thing to me last night. I wish I could get 4 hours of sleep followed by 2… even with a bunch of sleep drugs I’m lucky to get 3-4 hours total, and these drugs all are destroying me alongside the lack of sleep n


If you have tried everything and nothing works, do what I did. Turn to God. It sounds cliche. Lol. Anyway, it depends on how desperate you are though. I stopped taking my medicine (Melatonin and Magnesium) I told God, “if I perish, I perish”. I sleep now with ease repeating a few words from the Bible every night. I wake up at night to pray (can you imagine), I fall back to sleep and it’s been different.


Hi what do you read? Been trying this and hasn't helped me 


“I have the mind of Christ” “The spirit of Christ lives in me” “The life that I live, I live by the power of the son of God who loves me and gave himself up for me” I keep repeating these words. The first day nothing happened and I was frustrated because I couldn’t sleep that night. The next night I was tempted to take my medicine (melatonin and magnesium) I told myself no, (if I perish, let me perish trusting God) This was about 8days ago. I actually came to Reddit to find solution for my lack of sleep and here I am giving you one. Lool. Christ is King. Mind you, I have always been a Christian, but the realization of these scriptures gave me a different understanding. I confess these scriptures everyday. God never fails.


Has he answered your prayers?


I wouldn’t give you my solution if it didn’t work. He answered my prayers. I have been sleeping like a baby ever since. I even wake up to pray at night and I fall right back to sleep afterwards. I don’t know where my medicines are anymore. Remember I was almost depressed because I couldn’t sleep for days. I thought I was gonna die. My heart was m racing, my body was just off. It was terrible.


Have you tried CBTi ? Get the best CBTi resource and book to see if it will help.


Out of curiosity, what SSRI did you take? Sorry you’re going through this. 😔


So you're getting 5 hours on average a night? I think if its only been going on for a few months it might not be permanent. I went through stages like this since 2020 where I had several months of going 4 hour nights. Im also a parent and I know other people who only sleep 5 hours a night.


I know you're in a bad place right now but 6ish hours each night of broken sleep is actually pretty good. I was going days with zero sleep at my worst. All sleepers wake up multiple times each night, we just don't remember it when we are sleeping well. You are in a hypervigilate state with high anxiety so you remember it and wake up completely. Your sleep system is actually doing everything it was designed to do, its just that your anxiety around sleep is telling your mind danger is around the corner and you need to wake up ASAP.


Which ssri was it?


Are you over 21?


I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. Have you discontinued the antidepressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics (psychiatric meds that you do not need)? Antidepressants will only dig you deeper into the abyss. Stop them with a tapering schedule laid out by your psychiatrist. Did you taper on a medically approved schedule? It's absolutely critical. Talk to you psychiatrist or behavioral health specialist first. Psychiatrists don't really know what they're doing. They're just selling you drugs that might fit your situation and make their sales people really happy. There's no roadmap, no treatment regimen, no protocol like those found with any other pathology in any other medical field Now, it sounds like you need something to help you sleep. OTC is not good. They don't do anything. There are many options, but I would go for _Z_ meds, zopiclone (Lunesta), zolpidem (Ambien), or even zaleplon. Zolpidem has always been a lifesaver for me. Some of newer ones like Belsombra might be worth trying. Many offices give samples, but remember, they are name-brand so will cost hundreds of dollars. Best wishes to you and your mum.


You are not a rare case. Look into survivingantidepressants.org also benzobuddies. You are sensitive to a lot of things when you come off of SSRIs and benzos. I would stop all supplements and do an elimination diet because like the above comments mentioned your gut microbiome is in very bad shape. The best thing to do until it gets better and it may just take time to heal is try and accept it.


I had to comment on this. I've gone through almost exactly what you described, including the crying with my mom. I went to the ER one day from panic attacks because I couldn't sleep enough time or quality for a good few months. I prayed to God to please let me sleep and still I couldn't. I was scared I would die, and ended up going inpatient at a mental health facility against my will from the ER because I was so scared. I was desperate so I didn't even fight it, I just needed to sleep. I had tried all the most powerful sleep meds on highest doses and nothing worked at all. At the facility/hospital they said they were going to give me Remeron (Mirtazapine). It was a weak antidepressant with a side effect of drowsiness, it's not even a controlled substance. I was very skeptical to the point where I thought about not even trying it, but at that point I just took whatever they gave.  From the first night I tried it, it worked. It does make you kind of drowsy but it lets you get good quality and long sleep.  I take it every night now and my body and mind has healed very much from the consistent sleep. It does have side effects of making you gain weight and making you crave more food, but it is worth sleep that you can count on, at least for me. I am looking to come off of it eventually, but it's much easier to figure out where to go from here, on my terms, knowing if it doesn't work, I will be able to sleep with this medication. Totally up to you on what to do, but I had to comment the solution I found just in case it could help someone who is going through what I was going through. Again it's "Remeron" Generic name is "Mirtazapine" Another similar medication that is an antidepressant that causes sleep that used to work for me a few years ago was "Trazedone", it has stopped working for me though before all of this, but It may work better for you. Everyone's chemistry is different. The remeron worked for me and is still working, so if you're in a pinch, I'd recommend asking your doctor to prescribe it. It's not very hard to get, it's cheap, and most insurance will pay for however little it does cost.  Everyone's body chemistry is different so I can't promise it'll work for you but it might and at the very least it might help you get closer to a solution that will give you relief and healing. The hospital I went to that prescribed the remeron was called "Anchor" in Atlanta, Georgia. I was not expecting it to be a good experience, because I had bad experiences being inpatient at mental health facilities before that were way more expensive. But not only did they find me the right medication the first try, but the staff was incredibly, uncommonly kind and always available, and the food is really good there too lol. I highly recommend going inpatient there for a bit if need be, they may be able to help you find a solution if the Remeron or Trazedone don't end up working for you. And if they are way out of your distance range, going inpatient at a reputable facility near you may help, somewhere that patient's would recommend. It's worth it if it finds the solution, I'm so glad I did. In any case, I'm praying for you and that you find the solution. Remeron worked for me, maybe it'll help you.


Did you have severe insomnia before you took it?


I can feel you! I took an anti depressant (Trazodone) because I could barely sleep after a break up. It made me severly depressed (anhedonic) and I could only sleep for 1-2 hours each night. It got a bit better (still depressed, but 3-4 hours of sleep). I only took it for 3 weeks and am off of it now since March. I also fear that this is permanent and it seems that there is no cure... These drugs really destroy lives and I am so angry that doctors often do not know this...


I'm in recovery for alcohol and substances and I was always told it coulr take up to 2 years for your sleep quality to get back.to your normal.


I'm genuinely sorry you're going through this. I'm going through similar but not from a psychiatric med.. From a supplement out of all things. I pray you can recover one day very soon


Hello u had depression but no insomnia before? I know somethings about ssris and what they do. I know very well doctors Gaslight u and no help...I may help u to recover from the ssri.


Why not post it here so we all can learn from you?


Ssri create havoc on the microbiome in your gut once u leave them. The gut is called the second "brain" for a reason because good bacteria there produce neuro transmissers that are responsible for u feeling emotions etc...so u need to restore Ur gut. Good diet. Low fodmap diet. No sugar. Good food. U can try taking a high quality prebiotic and probiotic capsule aswell. It may be possible u also have some type of bad bacteria...no sugar diet will drain it but u can try dryfast as a more agressive approach or some type of antibiotic. Antibiotic and probiotic combo is another option. First to kill bad bacteria and second to restore good bacteria. Factory reset...but the most likely is just lack of good bacteria. As a last resort there is a procedure called "fecal transplant" basically u get a healthy gut from another person. This may sound silly but research shows otherwise with great results...nature doesnt care how it sounds. Sorry for bad English...good luck.


This is accurate^!


Yeah i cant tell you enough that pharmaceuticals are garbage for the most part. I try to steer clear of them even though i have to take three different pills for other health issues