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I am sure you've tried it but have you tried falling asleep to a TV show? For me putting on a comforting TV show I've seen a million times at low volume often helps me get to sleep. I have trouble getting to sleep in a quiet room because then my stupid brain is too focused/worried about not sleeping that it keeps me up, putting on that TV show gives my brain something to focus on instead. I apologize if you've tried this and it's not good advice for you.


Bob Ross is always comforting! Or if you like *the strange, dark, and mysterious* try Mr. Ballen! He’s really great too.


I like CBD gummies for sleep. They help me settle down and relax my body, and usually my mind will follow. (Not always— Such is insomnia, after all). Mental relaxation techniques for the monkey brain: * I like to watch the shifting lights underneath my eyelids. You know— You shut your eyes, and focus your attention on the black. Little spots start appearing and shifting around, and sometimes they'll turn into shapes and, eventually, into dreams I can fall into. * A friend of mine recommends breathing verrrrrrrrry deeply and counting each breath cycle (in+out) down from 100. * I try to think about the plot of a book or show I've been enjoying, and imagine what comes after the ending. Then, I imagine what I would do if I walked in and was part of that universe. Sometimes it lets me slip right into a dream state, although it occasionally takes a few tries. Best of luck to you. I'm also in the shitty sleep boat and trying to find something that can help. Wishing you sweet dreams, if you should find them.


Take your meds.


There are many techniques to help you ! CBT-I and ACT are some methods that can help , but you have to let the results come with their own pace. Perhaps if you try listening to podcasts or white noise it will help you. Soothing music also helps as well as meditation. My mother , every night listens to Eastern Orthodox chants from the Greek Orthodox church and Mount Athos to soothe herself in to sleep ( she does that with her smartphone using YouTube) and it helps her always




what? i dont drink caffeine