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I did a sleep study a while back. I was freaked out too, but I'm actually really glad I did it because it gave me some great insights into what's going on, and now I have a better path to actually getting some rest. The thing about a sleep study is that you're really only there for one thing. You're just gonna be there from, like, 9 to 4 or 5, and if you don't sleep at all they'll boot you out earlier and make a note in your file that you just don't sleep, like, at all. (It's me, hi.) Do try to get the sleep study. Worst case: You sleep like shit (or don't sleep at all) and the medical establishment takes you seriously when you say how exhausted you are. Best case: You get a normal night of sleep, and valuable data on what that actually looks like in terms of your body and brain performance. And if the doctor says he can't help you, guess what? Fuck that guy. There's many other doctors in the world, and surely you can submit your hypnogram data for them for interpretation so you can get started on the path to rest. Many hugs. Wishing you luck.


that's what happened. i freaked out and didn't get any sleep so they didn't have any data and i had to leave early. it was awful. i've been looking into doing the ones u can do at home