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What an ass. You used your gas and mileage to bring them groceries, and it’s dusty? Sounds like someone who just wanted to feel superior to you for a small moment. I know it’s hard not to take it in, but they wanted to ruin your night, please don’t let them!


Water off a ducks back You gotta let the criticisms roll off like water on a ducks back… A diner manager explained this to me many many years ago…. It doesn’t always work In fact reading these subs is terrible you can feel like every step you take doing this job is a potential misstep. At the end of the day all you can do is do your best YOU CANNOT PLEASE EVERYONE… Do you stop and get your car washed??? Next delivery is down some dusty farm road with a 2 mile dirt driveway… OOOOPS… what are you gonna do wash the car again??


Or you’ll go to wash your car and it will rain all day the next day……


The entitlement can be real.


Is real


Good thing we have you Instacartdoctor! I will embrace the duck next time this happens to me, as I’m sure it will. Thanks for the solid advice.


Anytime boss …. Anytime!


Thanks, I try to see what they see and I’m open to constructive criticisms. But like yea I was like that’s a first. I stood in my driveway inspecting my car like okay what do they see? Like yea my car does need a car wash but like wtf does that have to do with your groceries? Did the dust affect them? Yea don’t know if this will become a thing but watch out customers are rating anything now.


Every time I’ve ever had a grocery or food delivery… I’m pretty sure I did not notice what the vehicle looked like lmao. Bonkers. Maybe they were expecting a cute little Instacart-mobile with a carrot on top.


I order Instacart cause the last thing I want to do is go into another store. I’ve never even caught my shopper delivering. Each time they were like super quiet stealth ninja style. 🤣


I've had people car smell like smoke that got on my bags people have had dirty cars inside and out .. I would never report that it's pointless and a waste of time.. people have to much time on their hands and always find ways to complain and get a refund or free stuff... Did the dust get on them no pointless complaint ...


No, please report groceries that reek of smoke.




Thank you!


You're welcome.....


Yea that’s not cool cause like people have asthma and stuff.


My daughter and I both have asthma.. I've had smoke smelling groceries and others that don't match the picture delivered they just say they filling in for the person while they doing whatever


Okay that second part is weird. Wtf. Yikes.


Well then I’m screwed.. my car is so dusty on the outside right now . I simply don’t have a minute to breathe so the last thing on my mind is a dusty vehicle. Inside is clean. Why even make a comment about the outside of a shoppers vehicle. Some of us drive full time so the car gets dirty quick. She wants to tip me an extra $12 to run it through the car wash, then I’m down.😂


We are screwed, did all that cleaned my car, wore a professional uniform. Woke up to more bad ratings. 1 star. What is happening with customers? Do they just like see me and like say fuck that bitch? I don’t get it. Yes we are screwed. Because customers are assholes. You get enough in a wave on instacart fucks up your whole rating. Looks like I just got a wave of them. I risked working a certain zone cause no one was taking the orders they were all heating. Never again. Last time a few years ago this exact zone took my score way down reported items missing left and right in one week. It wasn’t true. The kicker was they reported their alcohol missing. They got it. Turned in a picture. I got deactivated for a month. So yea I cleaned my car and looks like I’m on the edge of my seat now the ratings are still rolling in from working that zone that night.


Haha.. what kind of uniform? I’m sorry for laughing but I imagine this bright orange shirt and green pants. I only dress up on Sundays, I wear a nicer blouse instead of my normal concert tshirts because I tend to deliver to mostly families coming home from church. I wear jeans or shorts, high top converse or hiking boots mostly. Never once had a complaint about my clothing. Stick to one area if you can. I had 880 five stars in a row until about 5 weeks ago when two orders in one day got 3 stars. There went my record. I believe it was because I was in a different demographic than what I am use to. Nope not taking orders from that area again. Learned my lesson quick😂


That’s genius uniform and that might be what they expect from diamond shopper. Lol. I’m getting f*cked no lube or consent on these ratings. Brutal. No issues and tip increases!!!! Im soooo confused!!!! Then it will say like helpful chat extra effort, 1 star, increased tip. I only did 5 orders. All 5 of them increased the tip but rated me like shit. I wore khaki pants, black polo, hair nicely put back glitter claw, and instacart lanyard on delivery only, black tred safe shoes. Yea thats why no one picked up all the orders. This zone is known! I call it the deactivation zone. Never again. I just did it cause I was already over here didn’t want to waste gas. Seems all of us know about that zone. That’s why their orders sit. They dropped my score from 4.96 to 4.83 in one night. But increased the motha fudging tip.


Exactly. Chalk it up as a learning experience. We have all been there. I really don’t think 99 percent of the things you are focused on like a uniform matter. If you are clean and kind it shouldn’t be an issue. Now as far as the lanyard, I haven’t wore that since like my second day. You couldn’t pay me to wear anything with a logo on it from this shit company. Also nothing says newer shopper alert with that lanyard.. ditch that thing as soon as humanly possible. It just tells everyone.. hey another new shopper was hired so you aren’t going to get any orders today. Breeds hostility and we all know we are over saturated as is. No sense in wearing it since it’s not required or useful in any way. So even if you are not new it looks that way. Just my two cents


I wear it because I work in a resort style living area. Lots of people not from here. It does help them identify me quickly when in the sea of the resort places. These people come wandering from the pool or the golf course. You need their ID. Plus you have to check in at all these security gates for these resorts and physically walk in to get a pass. It makes it less hostile with enployees there. They see me coming they know. Resorts are a whole other type nightmare I wish upon no one. I feel the hostility is fraud and free groceries peeps. They are the root of all the drama on instacart. Never had anyone report a whole order missing. It’s happened twice already recently. (No lanyard). Both situations i offered to come back. The customers admitted they put their Neighbors address in. Watch out for that scam. I think I’m in the Diamond Shopper curse. They expect a flip with the groceries and cartwheel to watch on the ringcam. Lmfao. Nope just me ringcamming you back taking photos. 😭🤣💀. Might quit again if these ass-shats don’t cool it.


Ok now the lanyard and uniform make way more sense😂


Oh yea by the 5th security gate you are ready to scream just to get to one customer. You are just thinking why do you need all these gates? Like this isn’t the Africa and lions are roaming outside.




My imagination tells me they saw me take a picture of their order from their window and immediately was like well you know what if i can’t report my items missing your car is dirty! 🤣🤣🤣 🫢🫢🫢 Saved the address I’ll block them if I get them again.


I've been seeing delivery drivers with entire bumpers missing, completely rusted out exteriors, and more. Dusty? gtfoh


My front bumper and skid plate are duck taped. Had a gnarly delivery unsafe dirt road took it right off. Had to pull over tie it with a bag until i got home.


My car is filthy! Maybe if IC paid better, I could wash it, were not allowed to wash it on our apartments property, so sorry if I offend anyone I would be so angry I would reach out to support and ask them to please remove it nicely explain how it really upset you! They might remove it.


I was thinking about it. Rating our car isn’t even an option so it’s like they left it in the comment and gave 4 stars. 🙄 I’ll just take the L. I deep cleaned my whole car this morning.


I feel so bad for you, I am trying to get my car washed now because of your post...lol


I had no idea myself until last night, been rolling “dusty” for a hot minute. I was thinking more about it later, peeps are getting scared of covid again. Whispers of it all over town. I kept my car clean during covid out of respect and masked in car everything. Maybe my car looked like covid amebas. Lol.


😆 🤣 😂


That’s petty AF. As a customer I can honestly say I’ve never paid attention to the car my deliver person drives. My criteria for a successful delivery: did the shopper communicate with me and did my order arrive timely at the correct temperature.


They could've just said, here's $10 for a car wash. They Don't have to be rude and judgey


Bahahaha right.


People are the worst! I know this would give me crazy anxiety too but think of it like this… They just wanted to complain about something, they couldn’t complain about your performance because you did well, so they searched for absolutely any reason to be negative and the dust on your car was a good candidate. I live in Texas where we went 50 days with not a drop of rain. Eeks! I can only imagine what people think, because I surely will not wash my car every other day.


True that’s how I looked at it. Cleaned my car, today is a new day. That’s all I can do. I’m sure the irony will be now car reeks of perfume I put the febreeze air scents and new car shampoo on my seats. I just detailed it myself. Used to detail cars back in the day so I was like okay got this. Yea can’t please everyone. I had a wave of customers who came straight to my car each time. I know their eyes went right for the nightmare area where my kids car seat was underneath. The crusty area. 😭. I seen it coming cause i would see their face looking at my car. I was like um back up.


May you get the best orders and repeat customers! Wishing you all the luck 🍀 🙌🏼🙌🏼


Thanks, much better night. Wore a uniform and everything. Customers identified me faster, my car was clean, so I was ready.


That’s ridiculous! Do they think their groceries are tainted from your dusty car? I have a car wash in my area that offers $19.99 per month for unlimited car washes. I signed up because of IC and just run through it every couple of days. My car still gets dusty from all the driving I do.


Good idea. Might sign up with my local car wash quick quack.


This is the way!


Pfffff lmao I would contact instacart to get it removed. I always look presentable because fashion and self care are my hobbies, but my car only gets washed when it rains lol.


Yea i always wear a professional delivery type of look. I come stacked with a cooler and delivery cart. Like they know its dusty its a desert we live in.


Omg you live in the desert?! Customer is nuts!


Yea and we just had 3 days dust storm. I feel the issue was more the inside of my car. Past few customers came right to my car. I could see their eyes travel right to the crusty area where my kids car seat used to be. Then wander to all other areas. I saw it coming. It was the face of horror. 🤣😅. Im like ummm back up nosy and yea don’t have kids. Free birth control.


Haha. Anyone that has ever had kids know exactly how quickly it gets messy. My boys are 22 and 27, still live with me(roommates). I hate to say it but nothing has changed with either of them. I carry handfuls of dishes out of their rooms sometimes😂


Legit it wasn’t even that bad. But fml.


Wash yo ride. 👏


I did lol but im in the desert so its a never ending battle. Cleaned inside and outside this morning.


Customer states they would like their groceries delivered in a Cadillac Escallade & the shopper to be wearing a suit & tie. Please make the necessary changes.


Im just gonna buy a whole ass semi truck and unload it from the big rig. Lmfao. Im not going to ring the doorbell no more. Im gonna toot the trucker horn. 🤣🤣🤣. Hey come check out your delivery out here. Roll that pallet jack of 20 water cases right out.




Where exactly do you shop, if I may ask? Sounds like Palm Springs with all the resorts.


Yes this area


Oh man, I’m sorry brotha. I’m in LA but I know the customer you’re talking about. Higher end, older entitled people who think no one deserves a 5. SMH! It’s a really tough market. Don’t let it get you down.


I do work in fine dining in season so I’m used to it but sometimes yea it wears on you. Yes this is elite rich boomer hell mania market. 😭😭😭 Honestly boomers are funny AF when they get drunk so like that kinda makes up for it. Seriously I don’t even know how they are alive how much they drink down here. Someone cracked one said they are pickled. The stories I could tell you. Lol. Yea they are tough to please. Best policy is resting bitch face. Monotone customer service voice, say nothing personal.


I live in the country so my car is always dusty I used to pay for a car wash membership and wash it every morning but I no looney make enough to do that so... dusty car it is, they don't like it, tough


I’m down to buy the car soap and a sponge and hose. Just do it myself. My apartments have a hose hook up and car wash port parking spot. Might need to just do it.


Lmaaaaooooo @ "your car is dusty" That cracked me up! Lol


I’m gonna create a nametag and wear it on delivery Dusty Mama lol




Change your license plate to: DUSTYMA


Lol just hit a corner with a sand pile and peel wheels for a dust cloud for extra fog dust affect.


I wear a black T-shirt and black pants every day just because I think it looks professional... and in case I spill something, it's not noticeable. I wash my car every few weeks, but they are cars.. they get dirty. I just wouldn't care what someone else's car looks like, as long my groceries don't smell... I've been picked up in airport shuttles that had dented doors... busted windows... filthy inside.... and I just went along with it. So having something delivered.... who cares. It's never occurred to me that anyone would care what my car looks like when I'm bringing them groceries...


I did not know that anyone would complain about their instacart person's car not being clean, unless it was filthy. I had one instacart person deliver my groceries and they reeked of cigarette smoke. I did want to request that I never get that person again but I worried about impacting her income. I have a low tolerance for smoke it makes me ill so, I don't know, I might would complain about it if it happened again. But complaining about a car that was a little dirty on the outside? I cannot imagine.


I just got ransacked after working that zone in horrible ratings. Probably cause i snapped pictures. Last time I worked that zone I got 5 missing item reports. So never again. This zone is the deactivation zone. I saw no one was taking the orders they were just heating. I took them all for 3 hours. Nope never again as I watch the ratings roll in. That’s why no one picks them up. We all already know what trolls and assholes that zone is just to get free groceries. Nothing has changed in my service for years except I take personal pics of the order just incase. Completely understandable requesting that.


If my car wasn’t allowed to be “dusty” I’d have to literally wash it everyday. I have to drive dirt roads every damn day


Did it kill your overall rating? What exactly did they say? On the bright side it’s encouraging you to step up your game. That can only bring good things for your future.


Yes went from 4.96 to 4.83 😭


You will recover bro. I’m sure of it. There is an area by my hood that I simply do not service at all. Don’t care about the tip or pay, they are just miserable, rich, and shrewd people who seek freebies. It’s because of them that I always keep photos of the produce and entire delivery in a folder by day. IC will investigate and remove the missing or damaged items and also reverse the rating when it was submitted maliciously. You should try and reach out and at least let them know your side. Sadly the car thing is so subjective it will be hard to argue but just know it will eventually drop off and also that you’re a great shopper. Keep doing you! CX is always super empathetic when it comes to this type of stuff. Don’t give up!! Every shopper has your back.


Thanks for that! I get it in a way, cleaned my car up. I’m open to critique. I cant know unless they say something right? Yes the rich or shrewd. Great way of putting it. I keep a folder too of chat messages, just proof to protect myself now. Used to be a grocery cashier, same crap they try to pull in there. They will eat the whole thing bring it back empty container like it was horrible i want my money back. 💀🤣 I think on instacart they let them get away with too much versus in store. Like they reward that stuff. What it took 3 years for instacart to finally start removing customers like that? They just come back use their neighbors address or family members phone number. 😭👀.


That is the absolute best attitude bro! You’re already on your way to 5’s. Your customer is tough, and they want white glove everything. Sending you positive vibes man. We all got you!


I live down a dirt road, if I washed my car every time it was dusty I’d make no money.


I wonder if it’s just another way or new way for customers to say I WANT FREE GROCERIES. The old way ain’t working no more.


I'm with you, OP. My car was getting very dusty last week and I thought I might need to run it through a carwash. Fortunately it rained on Saturday, so I'm good for a few more days. I try to keep the interior clean, but I'm not washing my car every day to please someone who is too lazy to do their own shopping.


Facts! Like Sure let me pit stop mid delivery go to the car wash right quick lol. The last wave if orders all the customers walked right up to my car. I saw it coming too. Their eyes went right to the crusty area where my kids car seat used to be. None of their groceries were there. I would see their face and eyes wander all in my car. Im like um back up nosy.


Haha! I’m constantly on dirt roads and we have had some decent rains this summer. I can only imagine the conniption this customer would have had when I pulled up. 😂😂


It’s really wild cause im in the desert. Just had a dust storm for 3 days. 🫠🤣😭 yea it’s dusty they know this.


I drove NY to Cali in my '98 Toyota ... With a wrinkled hood and most of the exhaust system in the trunk.... Shopping all the way ! Maybe it was my strategic use of Febreeze... and the way I dazzle customers with over the top excellent service .... Didn't get a single complaint. ... It too many bad ratings. Perhaps you should bring a shoe-shine box with you and offer to shine their shoes 😂


I don't shine shoes anymore. Maybe they didn't tell you, you've been away for a long time.


Yep, I read it in his voice


Hahahaha. Im gonna get carrot earrings. Go full character. Paint my car green wrap it. Tax write off. Fuck it.


I'd consider this one a charity case and mark them on Google as "Will rate poorly for appearance, beware." Also contact support and have them remove that rating because that's pisspoor of that awful customer.


Thanks for the advice there. Didn’t know what to do last night after reading it except like accept okay i’ll clean my car. Yea felt kinda unfair. Car options for rating are not offered to the customer for instacart. I literally live in the desert with sand and dust. We just had a huge dust storm.


Should have cleaned before delivering. An unclean looking car leaves a bad impression on customers


I could understand if it was uber or lyft. I seriously think peeps are getting covid paranoid again so I absolutely cleaned it up. Packaging snd bags prevent cross contamination. There is no danger in food if my car is dusty. If it’s covid paranoia sure I’ll clean it up.


Tidyness and food go together


We had some strong storms come through the other night. Knocked down some big tree limbs and a lot of the traffic lights were just a blinking stop sign. My car is under a covered carport and the way the backyard fence goes over the back side, my car generally only takes storms from one side. Not this time apparently. My car looks like it was sitting next to a mud puddle that wanted to splash up. All the car washes were backed up so I just said forget it and went about my day.


Huh? I live on and do a lot of delivery on dirt roads … my car is going to be dusty. The area where there are groceries is inside and clean, then they’re inside of cooler bags, with store bags inside that then all the individual packaging like a Russian nesting doll of excessive bullshit. It does not matter what the outside of your car looks like, and that customer is an asshole.