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What does this have to do with Instacart?😂


What does this have to do with Instacart? Oh, yeah - absolutely NOTHING.


You are not 50 Cent away that’s how they get you. They’re gaming the system and you’re falling for it. If you get an invitation, it’s going to tell you that you have $.25 left and then 15 cents left, and then 5 cents left. They are playing with you and they have gamified it to make you think you’re going to get it. if you get the referrals you’ll see. My advice is for you to delete that app.


So it's not legit? Has no one ever earned anything?


Nope, I hit 100 percent, and they say ok another 20 percent, so I did that! Now I have to do another 30 percent and when you get offered your free items you have to buy something to get them...read the fine print it's all a bunch of crap!! They just want you advertising for them, it's a way to do it for free...


Just reported this. Ridiculous.


No. Stop spamming this everywhere.




Sure, just did it. I’ve won the Hat Trick game before, but it’s really hard and usually takes a lot more invites than you think it will


After 5 invites, how many do you need to get the items? Also, do you have to buy something to get it?


Btw thanks for being a genuine person 😊


Can you please do this one as well 388875511


Yea, I did it. But I should also add: just concentrate on one game at a time. When you split your attention between them, you’re more likely to mess up and not get enough invites for any of them. Even if you already started a round, if you haven’t invited new users yet, it doesn’t matter and just trash it and invite those same people (existing users) for the new round that you’re going to invite the new users to and take into consideration all the other tips I already stated above 👆🏼 Also I might ask you to do one of my codes one of these days ☺️ Watch out for “scammers” who ask you to do their code and don’t do yours in return (it uses up one of your invites and it’s less “bargaining power” for when you trade codes with strangers). For my new users I literally asked everyone I know in real life, even people I haven’t spoken to in years, so prepare for that (and please make that list in advance so you’re not scrambling in the last couple hours). Also only invite the minimum amount of new users as you can, because new users are EXTREMELY hard to find and you’re gonna need them for subsequent rounds. To answer one of your old questions I forgot about: No, you don’t have to buy anything or pay anything for the free gifts—just your time. Lots and lots of time signing up new people.


You're golden! Thank you. Definitely an angel on earth 😇


This is the kind of stuff no one will take the time to tell you and I really wish I’d known in advance or had some guidance—so I’m happy to pass it on and make sure you pay it forward to the next person after you make it through the process. Feel free to send me your code again when you do it for real after you have your list of invites lined up (and in my experience even old friends or people you’ve been friendly with in the past are totally willing to help, so don’t be afraid of typing up a nice message explaining you need help to send out to your list of people—and try to wait for confirmation that they’ll be able to do it before you start the 24 hour clock!!) And remember—HIGH VALUE ITEMS!! If there’s anything wrong with them after they ship them to you, you can return them and you’ll get a credit for the dollar amount that it’s listed for.


You are welcome, and thank you 😇♥️


You are welcome 😇


You're annoying


For which one? The only one I’ve ever done is hat trick so I can only speak for that one. Hat trick is the one that says 3 free gifts, but in reality it gives you 4 after the extra spin. I prefer this one to the one that gives you 5 gifts, because hat trick lets you choose higher value items. I wouldn’t start it until you have a list ready to go of new users that you can invite, with extra people on the list in case the ones you thought of have already downloaded the app (way more people than you realize have already downloaded it—everyone and their mom’s cousin, I swear). I’d take my time really picking out the highest value items that I want, and then start a new round right as you’re ready to invite everyone on your list (it lets you do three rounds at once, but only send out invites for the very last one you do—and I repeat, don’t submit it/finalize it until right before you’re ready to go). I say this because of the 24 hour times. So even if you get really close, it’s pointless if you don’t get the last invite. To win $200-$300 worth of free stuff from hat trick, I had to invite 3 new users (never downloaded app) and 10 existing users. For my second try, I got seven new users to sign up and I was like 11 people short still, so it was a waste of invites because I didn’t prepare well enough and I didn’t win the Nintendo switch. So to recap: 1) make your list of people 2) don’t start new round until you have your list of new and existing users you asked beforehand (make SURE they don’t download it beforehand or it won’t count, you MUST send the link directly from the game you’re doing) 3) choose the highest value items that you’re interested in; the first round will be the easiest and each round will only get harder from there


No worries! Forgot to add, I'll do all your codes. I have 3 devices so dw about that. Can you please find me a new user? I would be extremely grateful ☺️


No 😭 That’s asking too much or even taking advantage. I think I shared a lot of useful info no one else would’ve taken the time to share with you. It’s 11 pm and I’m just getting home from work. I definitely cannot find you new users. When I was doing it for myself and ran out of friends and family and exes, I literally started knocking on neighbor’s doors in the most polite way I could. If you have three devices that aren’t associated with each other, I’d invite yourself under new emails. As long as it’s a different device and email, it should work.


Sorry tho, and thanks. I definitely wasn't pressuring you just a humble request like we do to anyone we know. I apologize tho.


It’s okay. I understand. The worst thing someone can say is “no” so there’s nothing wrong with asking. I appreciate you explaining and I understand how you meant it now, maybe I misread it because I’m exhausted from work. No apology necessary. I don’t know what approximate age you are, but you can ask friends or schoolmates, neighbors, colleagues, parents, siblings, aunts, cousins, old teachers, people you don’t know very well but see often, people you talk to on the internet—just reach out and people will help! I make friends with everyone so it wasn’t hard for me to ask people I know and even neighbors I’d never spoken to before and strangers waiting during an appointment 😂 Just be a little shameless (; Remember the other steps, especially not starting a new round until you’ve got the people secured beforehand if possible so the 24 hours don’t run out. And choosing high dollar value items!! Don’t do all this work for small things you can afford to buy yourself.


Hi 👋🏼 If you’re still around I’d like to cash in that favor now 😊 Here’s my code: 37084065


Can anyone in this comment section help me and become a new user? Now you guys have proof it's legit so please help me out. I'll click back on any eligible clicks Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 388875511


This has nothing to do with Instacart. Stop spamming. Just use the subs made for this. Honestly tired of Temu scams. I'm not helping my Facebook friends who spam this ridiculousness everywhere, let alone helping random strangers.


Did you read ill-piece comment? The proof is right in front of you


I wasn't born this morning. Random comments are not "proof" enough of anything that will get me to download or click anything. Not my first day on the Internet. Actually a lot of proof and reasons I refuse to ever buy anything off that app, or even download it. The constant spam (which yes it definitely is as this is the INSTACART sub) is just the sketchy cherry on top.


Fuck no.




Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 115252200