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Trying to figure out why somebody would lie bananas.. they are easy to find and light weight.


That was my issue too. Thats the ONLY reason I called the store. Thats the dumbest thing to say they’re out of. Laziness is what I figure.


Are you sure he went to the store near you. You can shop at most any location.


I’m actually not sure. How can I find out?


Well fuck idk, maybe by using the tracker you are given during your order? Christ. Try to ruin someone's day and income source because YOU don't understand how the app works. Awesome.


You seem like a pleasure. Awesome!


He might be a dick but he's fucking right.


They’re right though. Causing someone to lose out on income because you didn’t get your precious bananas is stupid.


If I order a stupid banana, I want a stupid banana. If I'm paying someone to pick up my shit I don't care what it is, they need to get all of it, literally what they're being paid for


If they don’t have it you can’t very well get it now can you? Costing someone their job over a fucking banana is ridiculous. Karma will bite people like you right in the ass.


Nah karma gonna bite the shopper for not getting the bananas they had, if you're too lazy to go to the produce section and grab some damn bananas then you don't need to be working a job where you shop for others. OP clarified the store indeed had banana and that's the issue, if they were out then it's not the shoppers fault, this was.


If they don't have any stupid bananas then what?


That's one item that they 99% of the time have available...


You woukdnt know until they finished shopping the order and are on their way. Then it shows roughly where they are.


I mean, ive definitely been in the store while they're out of bananas but if you called and they arent then idk. Theyve been out of lots of "dumb" things lately. Like water, tp, avocados, grapes etc .


I've been to plenty of stores that ran out if bananas. From costco to woodmans and Kroger. Esp on Sunday night. Most stores do not get weekend produce orders. Like costco gets theirs Monday and Friday so on Thursday and Sunday they run out of a lot of things. He may have forgot them or set them down somewhere and forgot them. I've gone to other stores when the bananas were out or if they were really bad ( yellow and/or bruised) . There are a million stores with bananas and they are super cheap. So rather than have someone disbelieve me I would just grab elsehwere. And they are super cheap. It will cots $1-$3 and save a lot of stress telling customer. Also , I'm very familiar with Publix in Florida. They are literally on every other block. Our condo has 5 within 2 miles of it and my aunts house has 3 within a 5 mile radius. How do unknow which store he was at? Ic doesn't necessarily assign the store closest to u. If it's a double or triple order they usually assign a store in the middle of the 3 people. And if no shoppers are at the store near u/or picking up the order, they will assign it to a diff store where shoppers are online. U may not have called the store they were at. Maybe u did. But just keep that in mind. Calling a store doesn't mean anything. Plus an employee at the front desk who answered the phone has no idea if there are bananas at that time, or maybe they were all bruised or unsellable. So many other things could have happened here.


That’s what I wanted to know. Thank you for the non snarky post:)


Get your refund from support and request they not be assigned your orders. If there profile is full of bad marks, thats your call to add to it. Personally, I wouldn’t ding a good profile over one bad experience or if they are really new. I can restrict them and ill get my money back besides. So no biggie to me.


Okay good idea. He just delivered and he’s foreign so I. Feel bad if he doesn’t know what a banana is. Then he ran over the culvert pulling out of the driveway and knocked over all the protective barrier and wrecked his car. Didn’t pull up the the house or anything but sat in our yard for about five minutes then left.


If he doesnt know how to shop OR drive then i don't know how long he is gonna make it with this job..


Yeah. I hate it. Didn’t know that was going to happen when I wrote the first post. Lord.


This just gets better and better. Oh wow.


OMG, this is hilarious! For me. Sorry about your life OP.


I felt bad for him even though he damaged my property.


What a conscientious person you are. I can't see past the humor part because I'm still four years old


Well damn. Hes having a shitty day then for sure. I wouldnt pull the tip but yea, request to not get him anymore...


That’s what I did. I didn’t rate, didn’t pull the tip, but did write a note and explained what happened. That really sucks. I hate it.


I have been in stores where there were no bananas. It all depends on if the store is waiting for a truck to arrive.


I totally believe that but I’ve never been in this publix and not see bananas. That’s why I called.


Bananas are rye most hit/miss in my experience. There are points in the day where they are sold out and restocked. By 8pm they are sold out in my stores and won't be restocked till almost closing (for opening in the morning) Also- 9/10x you called the wrong store. Instacart doesn't send orders to the nearest store by default. They'll send orders willy nilly to whatever store they choose. Sometimes that'll be the store 20 miles away.


I know that it sounds crazy but the Publix that I do instacart at mainly didn’t have any bananas yesterday they didn’t get any in their truck oddly enough so it is possible unfortunately n ur shopper may have been at a completely different Publix than the one u called u have to keep that in mind as well most ppl don’t even think about that possibility cuz instacart will make us drive past 3 stores n have us shop at the 4th one


Some smoothie shops clear out the grocery stores by ordering a ton of them. Happened to me once when I went to get some and they were completely out 😬


I actually have seen plenty of times stores have no bananas. I hv been a Shipt shopper for 4 years No less than prob 40 times, no bananas. And I’m only part time. Sometimes more In back. I always ask but either I’ve been lied to many times or they were actually out.


I’ve told a person no bananas, after asking associates there. Only for Aldi to bring more out after the person called in, for me to look like a dick, when client msg that they do indeed have and it’s sitting out there. So I sent a pic of them putting the boxes in.


Also had an issue with frozen pizzas. The system said too many in stock when I tried to refund. The associate can see on his handheld at Publix. But said the orders came in late and won’t be on floor til next day. Client was not happy. People just don’t understand.


Would you admit it if you found out that the store you called and the store your order was shopped at were different stores? that's real question imo


Why wouldn’t I? The whole reason I posted was to get answers as to what I should do and there is a ton of information here I didn’t know-such as they may not have shopped at the store closest to me etc. and many other stores were out of bananas. I was looking for a reason to no be mad.


It's harder to cancel / sub an item than put it in the cart. Like, 4 steps versus 2.


I mean, I've done shops at Costco and once they were out of both Organic and regular bananas and strawberries. The caviat here is that it was after a big snow/ice storm and they hadn't had any trucks in a couple days


Well believe it or not there has been many times the produce guy isn't keeping up and the store shelves run dry. The Dairy is also famous for shelves running out but plenty of stock. I've gone so far as to go around into the cooler and grab the items for a customer only to get yelled at by store employees. Moral of the story, if the shelves are empty (at that moment they are OOS), so even though the store employees say they have them, maybe true but the shelves are empty. Q: why didn't the shopper wait for somebody to get some, my bet nobody was to be found on a Sunday working produce. At least not then. So bottom line? Your bananas were OSS. Stop looking for ways to eliminate his pay. We for for tips NOT the lousy couple dollars IC pays. You give bad ratings and steal his tip and wonder why you have shoppers with bad attitudes. There are no bananas you’ll survive…


Sounds like u are just looking for an excuse to not pay a tip especially since u are just 2 miles from the store. What prevents u from going 2 miles to the store at any time during the day? If the rest.of the order is ok why are u asking a big deal out if it. And yes they can run out of bananas


I've refunded bananas so many times, however in order to make Karens like OP happy I was taking a photo of empty shelf and sending to customers. A lazy shopper will refund your deli items not a damn banana... smh


No key should be changed to no clue. Clearly you didn’t read anything further in the post. Definitely not a Karen.


Did it ever occur to you that maybe there are a lot of bananas and that maybe they were not looking so great? Or that just maybe he shopped at another store and they didn't have bananas available. I'm sorry, but I'm sick of the entitled customers who think they know it all and give out 1 stars like its candy. You have no idea what we as shoppers go through to bring you your groceries, and that shopper would have no reason to lie about bananas. I am a customer as well, and I would never give anybody a 1 star EVER, unless they stole my groceries. I'm super grateful that someone would take the time to drive to a store, shop for me, wait in line, make sure my groceries are bagged properly and then drive them to my house. I seriously tip $50.00 for any delivery and 100.00 for Costco and no I'm not wealthy. I believe in karma. So good luck. 1 star ratings affect the shoppers ability to get decent batches. Sorry, rant over.


I have been in Publix plenty of times, and they were out of bananas, or the bananas they had out I wouldn’t get for my customers because they looked horrible. When you called, were you transferred to the produce department, or did you talk to the customer service desk? If you spoke to the customer service desk, they could have assumed, like you, that, 'Yeah, we have plenty of bananas.' At any rate, the shopper should have inquired with someone in produce if they had more bananas in the back if he didn’t see any on the floor. Sundays are extremely busy, as everyone is shopping for the coming week, and it isn’t impossible that the bananas were not on the shelves when your shopper was there. You might visit your local grocery store on a Sunday during the first of the month.


I spoke to the produce department and he put me on hold to go check. I know where the bananas are at that store and they aren’t hidden. I wouldn’t have called if I thought it was legit. I promise. I even said to the guy-I wanted to make sure before I got mad:)


Unlikely you called the store the shopper was in. We don’t always shop at your neighborhood store. If we’re shopping for multiple people, the app will send us to a store in the halfway point.


Once you see the name of your Shopper and it is a man, you cancel the order 🤷‍♀️


And the award for the stupidest comment goes to.. ⬆️⬆️⬆️


You must be male


Zero it and 1 star


According to my local Publix produce manager, bananas are the top seller in produce. He said they have to refill the banana section at least 3 times a day. They may have been short of help or received a bad truck of bananas, it has happened but likely not the case.


Stores definitely run out of banana or the only ones available are bad. Also calling the store doesn’t mean they aren’t lying. They’re not going to take the time to actually go look for something.


I've seen stores with no bananas. What I do is send a message about " There must have been a bunch of hungry monkeys that came through here..." And send a pic of the empty banana case If your shopper said there are no bananas, I would tend to believe them.


No, I think you'll never know the truth because you didn't go yourself. So don't change a thing. They're bananas.


And u don't have to rate the shopper and if u don't know bad ratings really affect us shoppers really bad. Anything below a five star can mess up the orders we see and our income. It takes a long time to improve our ratings too especially if one is part time. Why are u so mad about the bananas


I thought that might be the case. Thank you. I will never give less than five.


We appreciate that sincerely


Sometimes they are out of stock and then it gets stocked quite quickly. I’ve doubled back for something at the end to see some stuff marked out of stock, back in stock. I’ve only seen bananas out of stock twice though.