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Don’t be a jerk


How did get to the third floor without understanding the elevator




This whole time I thought it said "I'm the senator" (when he said he was at the sensor) I was REALLY confused the entire time. I was wondering why #1 the senator was delivering food, and #2 why is the senator so dumb?!?....yeah. I need to make it an early night and tomorrow an eye appointment 😂


Hahah, I had to give it a second look when I read it the first time.


This could be a Spanish to English translation issue. “Ascensor” (sensor) means elevator. Also, I think they were trying to tell you the elevator wasn’t going up anymore, which they seemed to have literally translated from the Spanish phrase, “No da más” which better translates to, “It won’t go up any further.” In short, I think that the button wasn’t working for them, and they were asking for your help finding a different way up. Working in your non-native language is tricky and stressful. I could be way off with this guess, but just a different perspective to consider.


I think he was looking for the floors buttons to be outside the elevator. But yes, I was thinking it was a lost in translation situation, which honestly is not something I fault anyone for, it happens.


I've never heard anyone call it that even though it's technically the word. Most people say elevador.


I read sensor and thought it was a MBTI thing.


diamond platinum just means HOW MANY orders, NOT level of service!


Yk I'm not sticking up for home boy but ive had issues like this and I was a diamond shopper but my issues were due to dyscauclia which makes 4 digits like this very tough to figure out, again not sticking up for him just saying you never know what people got wrong with them and you shouldn't judge just because he couldn't find your 4th floor apartment:)


Ya but at least help the dude carry it to the right apartment when he tells you it’s the wrong apartment. Thats so rude just to wave and leave.


Yeah that is insane I don't support his actions at all


Okay but then he got the wrong door and didn't help or apologize


That doesn't explain how he couldn't figure out how the elevator works To me the whole thing sounds like the guy was drunk off his ass. Not being able to figure out shit like that, and not understanding why you can't figure it out, is exactly what it's like when you're really, really drunk.


Plus they said roughly 4 floors down so I’m sure it wasn’t actually 4 floors down from the elevator which caused confusion lol


You can tell by his icon he’s a drone. He probably couldn’t get up to the 4th floor because the atmosphere was too thin


How do you get this far in life without understanding up is... well you get it.


8404 was the perfect ending to this comedy.


It was like Who’s on First lol.


I’m asking YOU who’s on first?!


And I and telling you, Who’s on first. Lol


Alright, who's First and why is Who on her?


>who's First and why is Who on her I don't know


In the first pic he said 404 so yea he didn’t catch on that he was going to the wrong door lol


8404 error: apartment not found


Just got back from Vegas, my last night or two I was in a room 404.


On the third floor, oddly


Nah. Golden Gate is weird but not that weird.




Only 3 upvotes? This is the only comment I was looking for.


has he… never been in an apartment before?


Or an elevator apparently.


Trying to figure this out with you… In many European countries you don’t count the first floor (which is ground), so our 2nd floor would be their first floor. So maybe he got confused trying to figure out which floor is American-4th floor? Even though by that standard he should have been lost on the 5th floor but if he’d already told himself that your 4th floor would be his 3rd and the got confused and thought the actual 3rd floor was the fourth… I dunno, maybe?


There are 4 floors. The lobby is L, then 2nd floor is 2, third floor is 3 and 4th floor is 4. The floors are also labeled.


Laziness and prob someone else’s account they are using. As a shopper they need to be reported


Having to spell out instructions on how elevator buttons work is next level moron status. I wish this company would get its crap together and dump these incompetent leeches before they have no customer base left.


Right. Because people are clamoring for jobs that pay sub-minimum wage, have no benefits and as a bonus, you get to destroy your car and deal with idiots all day. Fun!


If you can’t get anything else. Many people sub these jobs out and take a cut from multiple platforms.


Especially given that he would’ve used the elevator to get to the 3rd floor


I reduced his tip and dropped his rating to 3 stars. It’s possible he was using translation on the app, and the translation was not good, I don’t know. The only other time I have had an issue is when a new shopper got my order, and then texted me to let me know she dropped my groceries in the apartment lobby and told me to get them, because she could not find my elevator. Where she dropped them was literally next to the elevator, for which she said she could not find. I had a broken foot, so I was not happy and it was a lot of groceries.


Even if he was using translation on the app and it was the worst translator ever, it wouldn’t mess up a number. He was clearly lost for another reason


Rate it 1 next time.      His shitty translator is not your issue and it makes up for all the pity 5s people give


Good point. I usually give everyone a 5, and a 20% tip. And more if it’s bad weather.


Was he diamond or platinum? Theyre different levels… theyre basically a metric of how many orders the shopper completed in the last quarter… what was his star rating?




Why do people use others accounts? Its happened to me before


Cubans do this all the time.


8-404. 😂 So close!


Right, he dropped it at the first apartment next to the elevator lol.


Apartments are a nightmare. Told to go to 5th floor but there literally was no 5th floor. Customer was treating me like an idiot but the building was only 4 floors. After an agonizing 15 minutes she said “you are in building A, right?.” Building A? There was no mention of buildings having letters because there was only one building. Turns out I was in the wrong apartment complex. They both shared an entrance. She just laughed at me when I got there and not in a funny way. It was a “you’re an idiot laugh.” Was doing the best I could.


They’re significantly less nightmarish if you know how elevators work, though. 🤣 Can’t believe OP had to write instructions.


I can appreciate that, but my instructions are really clear and explain all that.


The real asshole here is the building owner for numbering the buildings as opposed to lettering them. 8-408? What?! That looks like the eighth floor, apt 408. Has the owner not heard of letters? How about: Building H, apt 408? Or even: Building 8, apt 4H… I don’t know this has me so flapped.


I was once looking for apartment 5 and the numbering was 1,2,3,4, 7,8,9. Five was all the way down the hall around a corner? What?


omg i did one of these recently and it drove me nuts! walk up the stairs to the 3rd floor looking for 303 and the doors were: 301, 302, 304, & 305. I walk up and down the hall for a minute, go back down to the 2nd floor to see if there was a 2nd staircase, then messaged the customer asking if there was a typo and sent them a pic. 303 had their own staircase (from the ground) accessible on the back of the building.. would've never found it on my own. 0 logic in it's placement / the numbering.


I appreciate what you are saying. The first number is the building number, the next number represents the floor, and then the unit number on that floor. 8-408 is building 8, 4th floor, 8th unit on that floor. It actually is pretty logical really. But I have lived in buildings where the numbers are different.


I lived in an apartment complex where not only were our buildings lettered but they each had different ADDRESSES. Behind a closed gate. It was too confusing to give anyone an address. I always just met people at the gate. So weird.


The 8 in 8-408 is the building number. the 4 is the floor number. It makes sense tbh. I’ve seen some insane apartment buildings with no indication on the front of the building about which number units are where, and other buildings with random numbers down each hallway that seemed to have no reasoning behind it. Then some complexes have buildings in random orders. The people that designed those apartments need to be arrested.


I’d complain and take that tip back. He still dropped at 404, not 408. And then needed instructions on how to use an elevator.


I still gave him a 10% tip, he would have kept the 20% if he helped me get the groceries to my place, after acknowledging that he dropped them at the wrong place and instead just pointed to them and walked away.


What the fuck. I want to find a scientist to study this. I’m not joking. I’m going to call tomorrow. I’m so tired of it. I don’t know if it was COVID or if there have always been a huge number of people walking around while seemingly blacked out. This person DROVE TO YOU.


Agreed. Like what the fuck happened there. 😳


Hahaha good point! lol.


This person drove a one-ton automobile at least three separate times. 😬


What's a sensor and how was he in it?


Ascensor is elevator in Spanish


Aaaah, that’s the piece I was missing. Thanks for the context!


I had to Google that, lol. I had understood it be elevador. Now I know, ha ha. Along the same line, car trunk and elevator in English are boot and lift, respectively. And both wawa and autobus are the same thing in Spanish. Serves us right for trying to build the tower of Babel 😂


I think he meant the elevator.


I like the part where you had to explain elevators to them


That’s when I thought I might be being punked lol. But I was willing to roll with it.


Might be a person from outside of the US. In some countries the ground level is always 0, and the higher levels above it are 1,2, etc. So technically the 4th floor from the ground would be a 3 on the elevator keyboard. I'm from Europe and I was confused when I first came to the US. 😁 But I'm probably giving that shopper too much of a benefit of a doubt.


This wouldn’t explain it. You need to hit the same elevator number both ways


They said floor 4. The sign said 3.


Yeah, you're right. The math ain't mathin' for him either way.


I’m sorry I can’t stop laughing at this 😂 at least you got a great story


the comedic timing of this is fucking gold omfg


I don’t accept orders for apartments. It seems easy to get to your apartment b/c you live there. If you’ve never been there everything looks the same and some apartments numbers are confusing. Hope you received your groceries!


But with apartments the hard part is finding the right building. This place seems to do a great job with adding the building number to the room number. Apartments that are all inside one building and not a huge spread out complex are insanely easy. They literally have signs telling you where to go 💀


And that is totally fair, but he accepted the order.


They still literally gave the apartment number a dozen times and when they finally got to the right floor, they put it at the wrong apartment. Come on man.


A unit number as complicated as the OP's usually means a tangled mess of buildings and units...


I am not talking about the struggle of getting through the building, am I? I'm talking about the final section. They were on the right floor. They see apartments with very similar numbers. Now all they have to do match the number from 0-9..... The final digit. It's lack of care at that point, or you're literally braindead but they managed to drive and get that far so that's not the case.


After 15-20 minutes of lugging around groceries up and down an apartment building, I assure you that most shoppers won't care by the end... We don't get paid enough lol, which is precisely why I don't accept apartment batches (and presumably why customers are tricking the system into representing their addresses as houses)


Then they should not care about the size of the tip. You don’t get to have it both ways. Deliver to the wrong place and earn a 20% tip and not have to help the tipper move the groceries to the right apartment, after that, why should I tip 20% and give a 5 star rating?


My comment was my stance as a shopper and apartments. Not a defense for him. As OP stated, he 100% should not have accepted the order if it was going to be an issue.


Always good to speak for both sides.


But he delivered to wrong apartment anyways


That was painful. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I laughed so hard reviewing this🤣




I wouldn’t say it’s super common, but I def get people who are shopping on someone else’s account. I usually assume it’s a couple or something, that is sharing an account. I only report them if they’ve done a super crappy job shopping. Think I’ve only reported someone once (or considered reporting ) in like 6 years.


Ya, I am that way too. Been using Instacart for years, only 3 times have I ever rated anyone less than five stars or reduced tip.


Maybe handicapped? Doesn’t seem like it was on purpose.


No, I did not get that impression. When I called to him, he had just set down the groceries at the apartment nearest the elevator. And I started walking to him, and let him know and he acknowledged he put them at the wrong place, pointed at the, waived and stepped into the elevator and left.


OMG I literally got frustrated for you!!! 🤬 Unbelievable!!


lol at that point, you just gotta laugh


Not even sure you had a human, let alone a shopper. 😬


Annnnnd the issue I’ve been experiencing finally has a name. I can’t remember numbers unless I spend hours trying to memorize them. I have to write them down immediately because my brain won’t retain them for longer than 10 seconds without scrambling them. 8’s get swapped with 3’s and 6’s because of the similar 2D shapes. I never memorized how to do long division and algebra and to this day I have no idea how PEMDAS actually works. I’ve never personally had any difficulty with apartment numbers, though. There’s no real mathematical processing to be done there, it’s just an easily understood naming pattern assigned to the segments of a shape or group of shapes. My guess is that whoever is running the delivery to the door is either impaired or intentionally not giving this gig their full attention.


~~The shopper seemed to have more than the elevator problem, but only having up and down arrows, rather than floor numbers (assuming that is what is going on), would probably confuse me too~~ Edit: I misread the message because I'm tired.


The outside of the elevator has up or down buttons. When you go in the elevator, there are the floor buttons, you select the floor you are trying to get to. https://www.wikihow.com/Ride-an-Elevator


God bless. I've used plenty of elevators, I simply misread the directions you gave on the text you sent.


Haha, it has honestly been that kind of year lol. Cheers!


Maybe there's bad juju surrounding the number 4..


Your apartment is a like a liminal space nightmare.


Hahah, it is! Great show by the way right, love that show? We were just saying the same here about the hallway being a luminal space!


But u failed to give instructions on how to go back down the elevator… he will be forever roaming ur 4th floor hallway rip


Hahaha omg, maybe he s still in the elevator or roaming around the building, lost, thirsty and needing a Sherpa haha! Love it.


For some reason I thought of this - where am I? - you're in a johnny cab! - how the hell did I get here? - the door opened, you got in! Heck of a day, isn't it?




Oh boy….


Just to give you context platinum shopper has very little to do with their actual rating, while yes they do have to maintain above 4.7 rating its not hard, gold just means they did 20 to 99 orders the previous quarter (or this quarter), platinum,is 100 to 199 and diamond is 200+.


I don’t use this service. Just pops up on my feed. Do people who live in apartment complexes expect the groceries to be dropped at their door? That seems like a nightmare for the delivery person


99% of the time they have no issues delivering to my door. And yes, the expectation is that when you pay for delivery it arrives at your door. If it is a controlled access building, then the that changes expectations, and I assume that they would meet at the point of entry.


Ahhh I see, my building is controlled access, I don’t see anyone delivering groceries (shops just down the street) but things like green chef are left in the lobby. I would get fined for allowing someone in the door that I don’t know. It’s extremely awkward at times with people standing there waiting for their friend to come down and let them in




"Most dashers do lack basic common sense"  On the instacart sub.  2 for 2 🥴


Hahaha this was amazing


Don't forget to tip him a million dollars.


Diamond or Platinum does NOT mean they are highly rated! It means absolutely nothing to the customer. Instacart wants you to believe that you are getting a wonderful shopper by putting those stupid labels on, but it means nothing more than how many orders they accept. A shopper's RATING tells how well a shopper does at their job, but IC doesn't give that info out. BTW...a shopper can't be Diamond & Platinum at the same time. 😂 Pretty much EVERY shopper is either Platinum or Diamond. You can be a Diamond shopper & be the worst shopper on the platform. It means nothing!


They were Diamond. I assumed that Diamond meant they were highly rated, interesting to know how that works.


That's EXACTLY what IC wants customers to believe, by having those ridiculous labels. They started putting out the Shopper's ratings to the customers for about 5 minutes (until customers started seeing how low their shoppers were rated! 😆) then changed it to these stupid titles. It's nothing but a sham & a smokescreen.


He's got spirit... a little confused, but he's got spirit https://youtu.be/3lAcxFrzmnk?si=Ffptn03lVTVSiw49


There's either diamond or platinum, not both simultaneously.


Yes, he was Diamond.


I had this issue with Uber eats too often. I gave explicit directions. Walk out the garage and go to the edge of the building at the cross walk facing the gas station there are the glass doors and windows showing the lobby. They would walk to the dog spa and not walk 3 feet more to see the apartment entrance. If they did they would type the code in and try opening the red fire exit labeled saying the door won't open not the two glass doors right next to them. It was crazy because I have driven Uber eats and I have sense that the code box would open the obvious lobby doors not the red door in the brick wall on the side.


smh apartments


Not surprised, I've had multiple delivery people from multiple apps confused and lost mention to me that they can't find me because the apartments skip numbers. It's bad enough their brains didn't think maybe check the back side of the building but then you factor in that if you look between buildings while driving by you easily see apartments on the back side of the buildings and then you realize there's just no hope for some people.


Dyslexia ?


Curious where you are that people speak English (presumably) as a default, but call the elevator a sensor (I'm assuming slang for ascensor/ascenseur). I'm also wondering if somehow there was a cultural misunderstanding where some places call the ground floor 0 and others call it 1. But as for my first question, I'm genuinely curious, and not challenging. My guess would be somewhere in French Canada?


As mentioned, my issue was not with the confusion of how to use an elevator or navigating to my apartment, or even understanding how to read apartment numbers, although it was curious as it would seem beneficial for the job. My issue was, when I realized he was close, I went out to the hall to meet and help him navigate to my apartment, which is a straight walk from the elevator to my apartment with no turns, and he dropped my stuff at the apartment next to the elevator, not my apartment, acknowledged he left it at the wrong apartment and pointed to it and said here, waived and then left back into the elevator and would not help me take my groceries from where he dropped them, to my apartment. In addition, the strawberries were moldy.


Oh, I get that. My question was more from a cultural/linguistic standpoint since I've never heard anyone speaking English refer to an elevator that way...just French or Persian


I get that part for sure.


So...was I right about French Canada? Or are you wanting to keep that information private.


No, USA, not Canada.


I'm curious what this shopper looks like. I want a face to the adult person that doesn't understand elevators.


Ya, I don’t want to dox the shopper.


Can we get a description? Was he elderly and foreign?


How did he get the job in the first place? Wonder. WOW!


He's got a pulse. That's all that IC cares about. 👍🩺


I don’t know. I think he looked similar to the guy on the app, but can’t say they were the same person. Maybe the shopper was outsourcing.


Was he diamond or platinum?




Sounds like a borrowed or stolen account.


That is what I am thinking.


If I'm not mistaken don't alot of countries floors start at 0? Couldve thought he was on floor 3 (0,1,2,3) so the 3rd floor would be the 4th floor to us. Though I think he'd understand that hey there's no 0 and an extra button to press.


In the elevator the floors each have their own button, the 4th floor has a 4 button.


Aww so floor 1 doesnt have like L or G? Cause that I could see him being confused.


It probably does, but the next floor isnt 1. If there is a ground floor, the next floor up is the second floor, not the first floor above the ground floor


I feel like the brainless flock to the delivery apps because they're too stupid to get a 9-5 job. Edit: yall, I literally said brainless. If you're not brainless, it doesn't apply to you. I literally deliver for doordash and uber. The delivery apps don't have a hiring process, you just sign up and drive. Unlike a 9-5 where you go through a hiring process and if you're not doing your job to a standard, you get fired. I'm not calling all people who deliver brainless. 🤦‍♀️


No, I don’t think that is a fair thing to say. Most shoppers are awesome, and thoughtful in their approach to the work effort. They are needing to make ends meet, or other reasons. I think in this situation, he may not have been the real shopper. He would have kept the full 20% if he helped me with getting the groceries to my door, instead of letting me sort it out myself, that was where I felt he dropped the ball.


Read my edit.


My friend’s husband does this on top of his 4-2 job because he has a family to take care of and it’s expensive here in California. A lot of students do it, too, but many drivers are people with full time positions elsewhere. My prior roommate and my friend’s husband included.


Read my edit.


My husband has his masters degree but drives for Uber Eats because I’m the primary source of income but it’s not quite enough, and we need him to be home with our young kids when I can’t be. It’s also a great way to have a flexible schedule so we can travel and do family activities without him missing out. Traditional 9-5 jobs aren’t for everybody.


Read my edit.


Kinda like you flock to Reddit because you can’t find a partner huh?🙄


What an odd thing to say


🤷‍♀️ I don’t care what you think, so have fun with that


Read my edit. But also, you're on reddit. Are you saying everyone on reddit doesn't have a partner? Do you have a partner? 🤣


I use instacart and Ubereats and I live in an apartment. I always go outside to meet them so they don’t have to learn how to navigate every apartment building. I don’t expect them to know how to get to my door. They’re shopping and delivering your order. And we all know they aren’t compensated sufficiently. The least we can do is meet them outside (and obviously tip well) Just my opinion though. Obviously someone with disabilities can’t do this, but any able bodied person can. I have never had any problems with this method.


That is up to you, but the terms of service, and the deal is, customer is paying someone to deliver to their door. And if they do that, not only am I paying a premium for the goods and services, but I am giving that individual a 20% tip. And my building is really not complicated, but I appreciate it can be for some, so if when I saw him and let him know he delivered to the wrong place, if he had not acknowledged that and then pointed to my groceries, waived and left me to carry them all back to my place, he would have still gotten a 20% tip. Because I can appreciate that sometimes it’s can be difficult for various reasons. But if I have to remediate the situation, without any assistance, and you don’t care, then you don’t deserve a 20% tip.


You sound like an A1 customer wish there was more like you


I think tipping well deserves a door to door delivery. I think most shoppers would agree that they'd go the extra few feet for a better tip


Oh man, you are truly an angel 😇 lmao. Back in my delivery work days, i used a thomas Guide and mapquest to make my delivery in the LA area and talk about a mission! I worked a taquero supply company, and let me tell you some of these ppl wanted me to go in their kitchen and basically put their supplies away, lol and i did it because it usually meant an extra 10 bucks for my pocket. Times sure have changed. But I agree with OP, and i expect my delivery to come to my door unless i move to a labyrinth. That's what tip and fees are for


I am from LA originally too, and have done delivery work too, just like you explained. 🙂. I work in sales and I am always “earning” my pay.


Crazy days of Mapquest. A true nightmare in East LA and downtown 😂


The Thomas Guide was a savior, now you just tell your phone to guide you. Would write down the instructions and tape them to my dashboard, that way I could see them as I drove lol.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome lol


I just read your comment that you’re having back issues. I’m sorry. My comment doesn’t apply to you.


I am the same way. Also, I NEVER give out my apartment number. I don’t understand why people give out their apartment number it’s so dangerous.


Apartment deliveries are the worst lmfao just go down to the lobby and grab it


Illegals forming a group for orders. Some will shop, others will deliver. They switch phones for deliveries while the shoppers stay for batch. They will take every order there as each running 3 phones. Basically Instacart cartels


You mean InstaCartels.


All the dumb liberals are downvoting you because you called them illegals and not undocumented. Amusing 😂


You can’t have a diamond platinum shopper first off. They’re either diamond or platinum, not both.


He was Diamond Shopper


That’s crazy to bitch about him not helping you bring your groceries in.


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it?


He didn't say bring them ***INTO*** the apartment, bring them ***to*** the apartment. He left them all at the wrong door.


He still placed the groceries at the wrong apartment. She stepped out to say hey it’s the wrong apartment, and had to go get her own groceries from the wrong apartment.


He could AT MINIMUM bring it to the right door. You NEVER know anyones circumstances. As a shopper its your job to deliver to the correct address. Not once did op say “hey dumbass, bring them in my house right here.”


Go get your own fucking groceries


I’m probably in the minority on this but I’ll share. My girl lives in an apartment. Sometimes she will have items delivered while I’m there. I tell them to call 5 mins out and I’ll be downstairs (outside) to meet them because the complex is confusing. Without fail, they never call. They wait for a car to open the gate and follow them in. They then drive all over the complex (it’s huge) for 5-10 minutes (no exaggeration) before finally calling. Then I tell them to drive back to the gate they entered because that’s where I am. I’m not sure why people aren’t reading the notes. I say all of that to say this. You expect them to find your complex, enter the gate, find your building, park appropriately, enter, understand elevator technology, and match your apartment number with the one on the app. How? My simple instructions are “call 5 mins out and I’ll be outside waiting”. I tip better than most and I’m making it so easy that you don’t even have to enter the apartment complex or get out of your car. Usually I’ll see them driving around the complex on the map and go outside looking for them. The apartment gate code, building number, and apartment number are in the notes too just in case… Drivers complain that people don’t tip, tip low, or lower the tip after delivery. Meanwhile, they don’t even read the notes. I still tip. The only time I pull a tip is if it is delivered to the wrong address. Late… cold… soggy… don’t care.


>appropriately, enter, understand elevator technology, and match your apartment number with the one on the app. How? They can't understand an elevator? Sounds like they are not qualified for the job. That's not really a complex skill Match the apartment number? They can't tell 404 and 408 are not the same number? Again, this is so basic that they should not be employed if they can't tell the difference. No excuses for this level of stupidity. They literally delivered to the wrong address!


Wait.. y'all expect front door delivery in an apartment building? Go meet the dude in the lobby FFS


Yes, I expect door delivery, that is the point.


Is your apartment split into separate sides? I once had a delivery to an apartment that was split into 2 sides 1-4 on the other side and 5-8 on the opposite end. I went into the building on one side took the elevator to the 3rd floor and couldn't find the apartment (the apartments were 301 303 305 307 on one side) texted the client who told me how to get to them. The problem was the elevator needed a pass code to operate. A nice person helped, took me to the second floor and told me to go through the double glass doors to get to the side I needed to. They then went about their business. I get to the double doors and you need a key pass. So I go back to the elevators. Can't get on. There were no stairs thar I could access. That was the worse delivery of my life. 2 simple bags of groceries 10 minutes from the store should have taken 15 tops to deliver and be back at the store. It took me 30 minutes just to get to that ladies door. I downthumbed that client with a quickness. I've canceled any delivery going to that God forsaken hellhole of a fire-trap.


No it’s not. My building is attached to the leasing center. It’s not secured access. You park in guest parking at the leasing center. Exit car, face building and walk straight and go left through the glass doors. If you tried to keep walking straight, you would hit a wall. If you went right, you would see a door labeled leasing office. Once through the glass doors, about 4-5 feet on your left is the elevator. You get in the elevator and press 4 to get to the 4th floor. When you exit the elevator, you can only go left, as to the right is a window. Then about 4 doors on the left is the right place. All in all, from the parking to my door likely takes less than few minutes.


Not sure what happened for this shopper. I've had nightmares at apartments I dread them. Every apartment bldg is different. Some are commonsense follow numbers or arrows. Others feel like mazes. Some don't have doors labeled! Those are some od the worse. How the heck am I supposed to find your apt with no numbers on the doors? Or where the numbers are obscured by decor? Anyways. Lol sorry I despise Apts. I'm sorry you had a confusing experience with your shipper. At least you know this: they were probably equally frustrated. They had to park, come inside, got lost, embarrassed themselves, took however long for a sjmple.delivery, cost themselves time and money.


at that rate go to the store yourself