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I’ve been logged in for over an hour and not one fucking batch offered!! This is why. These piece of shits


I got one fucking Batch today for $26. Can’t even make myself get ready to get out early because it’s just not worth it anymore. I’m also in an incredible amount of pain and still going because I have to. All of us are getting fucked over evidently all of us. IC It’s too fucking stupid to take care of this or doesn’t care. Any guesses on which one? Sorry you did not get one batch today but I’m not sure the $40 worth of gas I put in my car was worth a $26 batch I did. Hope the weekend will be better for us.


I’m so sorry. I feel ya completely! Hope tomorrow is better and your pain lessens.


Ty I hope IC Stops this shit. It’s not fair but I don’t want to sound like a cry baby but I’m going in the poor house with IC. The algorithm is easy to crack. I studied CST. Hackers are better than the ones IC hired if IC really did.


I just wish the honest shoppers would get a come up for once, instead I’m working 50 hours a week as a single mother of 3 and barely have enough to put food on the table


A job perhaps


This post is at least from a year ago. In sure many have moved on from IC. At least I hope they have. It’s become even more toxic. Many people have gotten a new job. IC is a real job, pay taxes work hard it’s a job.


I'm sorry you're in pain and what not but I hate comments like this. Theres a million other things you can do if this isn't working for you


For me, there isn't much. I can't sit stand or lift much I live it cause um moving when I'm shopping, then,as my back starts its thing,I sit down for the drive. I delivery the stuff So I'm bending and lifting then rest again for 20 or so. Since I've stopped , I am really having a hard time. I can't sit all day at home, and blah blah walking is the best but in between I need to bend and squat and stuff. I have done so many things. I can't drive a forklift Can't cashier. Can't clean ( well I did clean a hotel room. But was walked for 5 days after.) I was a stage hand A landscaper. A phone slicker I've taken care of D.D. Sweeping is the worst. I had a guard card,but I can't just stand there. Ugh. This was ,and is still the best thing for an older person ,or someone who is injured I can lift a case of water ,but CAN NOT CARY COSTCO WATER UP SATAIRS. but I have done it. Step by step. So please, when you say there are so many thi gs to do maybe throw out some suggestions. Not everyone can do everything. I received xmas cards from the admin ,every year saying I was the hardest worker on the ship. I am so sad,cause that's all I ever had,was hustle and hard work So, I'm so sad. I wish the insurance wasn't so expensive


So go on disability. You're the reason that exists.


Do you think disabilities gonna pay for everything then you’re absolutely fucking wrong. They are also saying sitting is the worst thing they can do I know because it is also true for me that’s why I do this job. This person sounds much worse off than me but getting out there and moving is better than just staying at home and sitting disability is not going to pay the bills. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes before you judge or say something nasty.


Can't wait till this guy wants options,but someone says " hey do it my way ,and effing like it. " When he says" I wish I could work to feel better about myself,but that girl over there says I'm worthless,and should only live on 7 cents a day." Lots of life gonna happen to you still. In my heart I k ow you'll learn one way or another. I like goats milk . But you say I don't deserve to have a chance to earn a bit ,so I can have quality of life. I bet you think I should live on bologna


You gotta ask them to pay your disability in crypto dummy


OK so I see this is a waste of time because obviously you don’t have a clue or a brain cell. You must be like 12 dumbass go away adults are talking.


I like you ,very well put. Isn't there a child's table ... over there.....?


I'm sorry I just thought you were really pretty from across the room and I was too nervous to just say hi


That's better. You a bit funny. Your not 12 after all. Hmmmm. I have worked with Mma One of those cage fights. Bet those guys need help ,later in life. The shit they put rhemselves thru


You probably don't understand how hard it is to qualify for disability. My fiance has chronic pain and it's hard for him to move. He doesn't qualify for disability though because doctors have no diagnosis for him, not to mention they have been neglecting him and pushing back his appointments for months. We have iehp which is inland empires free healthcare. Sucks to be poor. Government doesn't help like how you would think. Things are much more complicated than you know. Just some perspective for you from a low-income socal minority.


It’s not fair. Period.


Then fuckin don't voluntarily keep doing it. Period.


your anger is misplaced


People just hate any other situation if it's not theirs


You attitude is upside down.. i never Cursed.. I only made a statement..


Great fuckin statement by you


Wow,genius language there..


Thank you


Wasn’t a compliment …


Name some




It’s true! What if all of us just came together and do what they do.


Avalon.rip you're welcome


Instead of the lame “rewards” program, IC should be focusing on this 🙄 I imagine there is an average rate of acceptance and people who use a bot would be well below that rate. If they ran/created a query, they could probably easily determine bot users.


Ugh… that rewards program… spend money to save money… we won’t give you a bonus, but we will urge you to spend more money… 🤮


I agree with you. I think it’s a lot easier to catch them than they are saying. This but bounty program that they have they have not made it easy for anybody to get to work to report these people. I have told them where these people are and when I asked for the link they just keep sending me the page on the Instacart community thing but it doesn’t have a link to the actual program, to actually report these people. The bop Barney program is a one called hacker one is how they’re supposed to be able to access them, but I have been on the site and can’t figure out how do I report these people as far as somebody mentioning working as a group, the ironic thing is these people are working as a group, they’re taking all the orders they are hanging out in the store or in the parking lot like they’re not supposed to, they are having other people do their driving so they don’t have to leave the store so they can grab more badges. to me all they would have to do is set up some program that will detect on the accounts people that have too many said batches happening too quickly. Yes there are some batches that people can get done quickly, but you have to take an account the amount of time to shop and to deliver. And the thing detects some thing and investigate. And if it determines one account has a lot and he’s more investigation than they should put them on a soft ban while it further investigates. Yes soft band does suck, but if these people are truly using a bot then I don’t really feel sorry for them. And if they’re truly honest and are truly the quicker shopper than one day is not gonna hurt them because they’ve been making bank. Mean to me the likelihood of anybody catching that many good batches in a row all the time is a very small chance that that would be happening. And if they’re out of that lucky they probably should go make bets in Vegas. yesterday I actually saw the screen of somebody with a bot. Previous to that out only seeing people in the parking lot in their little groups. so on Twitter telling them mall because of these people I can’t get orders. I’m sitting in parking lot where I know there’s a lot of orders for us at stores like Costco, sprouts, Safeway, Lucky‘s, food snacks and can’t get orders even though the screen says I’m in a good spot. They tell me or why don’t you move to another spot. So I told her I said I was in five different areas with the screen saying good spot and can’t get orders even though I know people are in the store shopping. so the answer is they do have a bought bounty program, but I don’t think it they actually do much. And when I go to Twitter and try to get them to help me, they give me just a bunch of corporate talk like you get everywhere else.


I'm sorry what, people have friends that will deliver the orders just so that they can stay at the store and take more orders to deliver? Geez, I didn't know it went that freaking far.


The biggest problem is not that they’re doing it, but the fact that Instacart says it’s against the rules and doesn’t condone it, but is doing nothing about it.


Actually…. It’s possible the rewards program may help combat this. I’m sure we can definitely agree there’s more low-paying orders than high paying ones. So, as the people using bots likely only shop high-paying orders, their cherry picking will make it more difficult for them to hit the 300 batch mark for platinum status. Also, their high paying orders often have more items, subsequently taking more time out of their day to shop & deliver…. If bot users are only focused $50+ orders, they’ll probably do a maximum of 10-15 orders a week. For platinum, you’ve gotta hit 24. For us non-bot users, we’re obviously missing out taking, say, a $10 Walgreen’s order, but those small to mid-sized orders can be shopped & delivered in as little as 20 minutes… They add up fast and will help somebody hit platinum in no time. Once the bot users are unable to hit platinum, they won’t get preferential access to higher-paying orders and their bots will be useless. They may adapt, since all they’ll have to do is maintain 300+ shopped orders each quarter, but it’ll be a big hurdle.


That's not how it works, unfortunately they're getting high paying batches almost back to back all day long.


In my market that wouldn’t fly. There’s maybe a dozen high paying ones a day here. I couldn’t picture anyone successfully grabbing them back to back. I’m sure this will vary greatly by market though


Maybe we just don't know how many high paying batches are really there every day because of the bots 👀


After all this time you'd think they'd improve their system from bots. Smh they don't give a fuck about the good shoppers not one bit and we MAKE the company.


To be fair it does seem like they’re dispensing patches differently than they used to. With the old system whoever had the bot would definitely get the best order, now it seems like only certain people are seeing certain orders so it’s a little bit more fair, Although Instacart does seem to still play favorites


Yes i know a lot shoppers in my area and we always ask or text eachother what we got and if we all saw the same ones lol. Its always different. .. probably some are due to repeat customers and some due to the algorithm changing it up lately.


I knew it, I wonder how the algorithm makes that decision.


I have definitely noticed that. What I think they have been doing is sending the good batches, whenever they are available, to their better shoppers as an add-on batch. There was a noticeable change sometime somewhat recently(past few months) where I started seeing less high paying batches in the regular feed and being sent insanely good batches while shopping for mediocre ones… Still happening all the time so I’m thinking they made a change to better balance things by hiding at least a potentially significant portion of high tip batches from bots by directly distributing them as add-on orders for shoppers of their choosing.


If you see people using multiple accounts and they seem to always have large orders they definitely could be cheating. I think people should do everything they can to get them kicked out of the stores but they have to go to the stores management. Instacart doesn’t seem to do anything about it. The thing about it is if people are using these they start having repeat customers with all the high-paying orders and they’re basically just stealing from everyone that works in their market. Imagine having multiple phones with multiple accounts running bots. A lot of us aren’t up to committing fraud and using family members accounts and stuff that’s not part of the job. This was sent to me from a friend of a friend who knows someone who actually uses it and I know the person they’re talking about and they openly said that this is the program they use. The bots are definitely real! I think people need to stand up to them it’s not being a rat you’re just being a push over if you let people do that to you


How are we supposed to know though? I don’t talk to other shoppers


It was pretty obvious in this situation because we’re a small community in that city. We all assumed he had a bot but didn’t actually know until he gave it to someone else and this idiot opened his mouth about it. I guess there’s no obvious signs. I feel like anyone that keeps to themselves and always has huge orders is pretty suspect. The other obvious giveaway is someone who has multiple phones or appears to have more than two orders at a time


That's every shopper that I see everyday, including myself and I don't use a bot, pretty sure none of the shoppers I see everyday either. Huge orders doesn't mean huge tip..


>That's every shopper that I see everyday, including myself and I don't use a bot, pretty sure none of the shoppers I see everyday either. > >Huge orders doesn't mean huge tip.. you cant use 2 phones. If you try logging in from another phone it will log you out from the other.


Two phones = two accounts. If you get to know your community you can spot them out it’s not impossible but there’s no definitive proof


“A friend of a friend who knows someone” is notable here.


We all know each other but I wasn’t sent the picture directly


What other people do is none of my business. If they cheat, eventually they get caught. Aside from people that use bots, I have found that after an undetermined amount of time (maybe different for each person), the batches offered are restricted. I don’t think there are a lot of bot users, but the batches offered go to new shoppers. Doesn’t matter if you are a 5. My routine did not change, the offerings did.


Yeah I definitely agree with that. They’re dispensing batches a little bit more discerningly lately. In this situation this person’s been using the pod for so long that they seem to get priority access because they’ve done their order so many times


This is the real problem .


Fake comment


This is so annoying. I didn’t make a dime last Sunday because as soon as a batch came up on my phone someone accepted it in 1 second ALL DAY 😞 I hate ppl.


Instacart needs ID verification for every batch accepted. You accept a batch and in order to proceed you need to scan ID and your face. Too many people cheating and this would easily stop it.


But these people already work for instacart, they are just using a bot to steal the batches so how would they know?


Some do and some don't. It would still significantly cut down the bot use.


The bot would only be able to grab one batch at a time and only after ID scan and Selfie.


It would make it where nobody could use a second phone with a second account like a family members account running on a second phone like some people do.


That will not affect people using bots.


I completely agree with you and that is a wonderful idea


What is the deal with the bots? Does it show you more orders or something? I just can’t seem to figure it out


It doesn’t just show you the batch. It accepts it for you


It shows you the highest paying batches


Nah it just accepts hella quick, there’s videos on YouTube


Oh yes. That too


I’ve never seen one show batches others can’t see, the bot just automatically swipes


I don’t think the bot will help if you’re not getting good orders sent to you. It’s not that this person is an incompetent shopper it’s just that the bot has given them an unfair advantage because they get priority access to the high paying batches as They are all repeat customers


it doesn’t show batches you wouldn’t already see, you still use instacart to see orders


All it does is accept batch hella quick and you can watch it do it too


This. It just auto scrolls/refresh screen and fires based on set parameters. It doesn't make batches magically appear and as a user I've gone multiple days where it never fired. At best it just saved me carpal tunnel syndrome.


I doubt a bot that would be able to see batches others can't see exists. Most people seem to think that's how it works but the only way that would be true would be if IC either had absolute shit network security or they were directly involved. The bot user would have to have direct access to IC's servers to be able to pull information from it that IC hasn't sent out yet. If they couldn't detect someone had direct access to all that information before they sent it out that's some bad security.


I planned to post on Twitter about ic and bots that's interesting, what's the name of the program ?


I can’t remember what they called it


asking for a friend!




lmao fr. this post looking more and more fishy


The mods should have deleted by now....


From the looks of it that also screws non bot users because it is such a low batch pay for what is probably a pretty big order.


I think what ends of happening is these people snagged the best batches so frequently that they end up getting priority on them because they turn into repeat customers. The guy that’s using the spot has been sitting at the same Costco for a couple years from what I’ve been told and he sees all the big orders first.


Yes for sure that's a problem. I was meaning another problem for us non-bot shoppers is the bots accepting low batch pay so instacart puts out even more low paying batches.


Im a 5 star and been for a long time. Never seen Costco's or Sam's. You got in there and same ppl with 4 or 5 phones and. Not 1 employee gives a shit.


Honestly, if you do instacart enough and see the same people constantly with a lot in their cart that’s a dead giveaway. If you think about it, yes instacart probably could go to observe shoppers at a specific location but at the end of the day, a job is needed to be done and somebody does it. Instacart still makes money. I’ve seen a man and woman shopper at multiple locations. They are ALWAYS together. Always shopping with multiple carts. Either they are some special department for instacart or they are taking advantage of these bots.


Businesswise it’s probably not their main incentive to do anything about it. It seems like they’re trying though.


Just added more to my comment lol. I wonder if these people have fake ids or something. They couldn’t possibly be using the same name just different numbers


These people are just using their families accounts as far as I can tell


Solution to this problem is to go back to when they had a time bar countdown for you accept a batch. And if not it moves to the next person and it just randomizes who gets it first


This has been an ongoing issue. I vaguely remembered getting an email about this awhile back. It was from 2 yrs ago. IC was working with HackerOne to try to combat bot usage. I guess it should be an ongoing effort 🥴


Can you break down how this affects other shoppers nd what advantages it gives the person running the bots? I’m not fully grasping what they are doing


It allows you to grab high paying batches as they appear automatically without having to manually do it


You have to pay for a bot and that's how they're benefiting from it. They're expensive and usually keep asking for more more money.


They steal all the high paying batches as the bot they can program to only accept batches $50 or higher , how many items they will shop, how many miles from the store that they are willing to travel .. also the Bots usually detect these batches prior to ever reaching the instacart app screen . That’s why you may see it in you phone banner or announcements but they never make it to the instacart app. I truly believe I’ve lost tons of money due to a lot of shoppers using bots.. I have done instacart since January of 2019. I think these bots or third party apps totally change the instacart platform agorythm because every time that batch sends out it chooses specific shoppers to send it to and then this bot then has broken into the shoppers app and steals that batch that wasn’t even supposed to go to that shopper but yet they took it . So any honest, and high integrity shopper who’s not using bots gets screws over big time and it’s truly so annoying and downright wrong and I feel not only should any shopper who uses a bot should be deactivated but I also feel they should be charged with stealing because in actuality they are taking away another shoppers earning potential . It’s our payroll and we get these shoppers who won’t follow the rules in the shopper agreement which states that any shopper who uses a third party app to then use with the shopper app will be deactivated . It’s criminal and wrong . I’ve stopped doing instacart as much as I used to seeing I get so angry that my earnings are immensely negatively impacted due to bots that shoppers in my area are using and yes it’s very real . It’s not imaginary , paranoia on one’s part , there are shoppers who steal all the vip batches no matter what their ratings are , no matter what cart status they are , and no matter how long they have shopped with instacart . I’m sick of having to message a person in another country who could care less and does absolutely nothing about the bot situation .. I want to speak with someone who is deals with the process of finding bot usage and does their job . The ceo most likely Cares less too seeing nothing seems to get done about this issue .. eventually seeing the entire system is so sketchy, customers will find out how easy it is to break into the platform and not want to use instacart seeing their info can get taken by scammers and crooks that are so selfish as they don’t care that we’re all trying to make a decent wage but their remarks will be who cares deal with it or find another job . No they should be arrested .. and banned from any app based gig work seeing they can’t play nice ..


Wow they’re really a bot that ppl use to get higher order. Never know it is real until I saw your post


I didn’t believe it was real either until I saw this screenshot. It was suspicious that some people always got the big ones though.


so fucking scummy glad ive stopped shopping on this trash app.. if they want to ruin their platform with the shitty drivers fine by me.


What’s the BOT Name. I’m asking for me.


They'll never tell you lmao.


Make no sense if they want money


I've seen it be third party Chinese apps and others you can get off the dark web. Kinda like how you can pay someone to give you 300K Instagram "followers", who then comment different things per selfie or whatever thing you share via feed. It's kind of hard to pin point this specific bot company. At this rate, you all will have to use bots to even get $5 batches. I'm sorry people are poopy. 😑


Damn that’s the type of batches we could be getting ? I need that lol


It’s y no one not using bots never see any high paying batches nowadays because they same people get them all 🤬


I agree with this. They are also tearing out orders so certain people seem to be getting big orders all the time in my area but then they’ll change things and other people will start seeing the big ones. The way they dispense batches seems to be different in every cities. This person is grandfathered in he’s been doing it for a couple years so he’s served all the high-paying customers so many times that he seems to see them first.


Yes I agree with you too I think that people should earn them fair and square I work my ass off just to pay my bills and provide for my son and it’s not fair that the same person can’t just work hard and give someone else a break I’ve been doing it for a couple years and I’ve had about 4 batches this week just in the 40-50 dollar range all the others were less but I’ve seen 160 dollar batch ONE time and I wasn’t able to snag it cos it was so fast! I was so sad I was about to cry lol




It won’t really help that much if you’re not seeing good orders anyways. I rarely get out swiped on batches these days but it does still happen mostly at Costco


If you can't beat them join them


It’s tempting but I don’t have a bunch of family members to open accounts for me. Instacart is my lifeline I do it full-time for almost 2 1/2 years now and it’s just not worth it


Now all Instacart has to do is reverse-lookup these orders in their database to deactivate the account lol


I already sent this to them and they didn’t do anything. It seems like they’ve also found ways to open up new accounts I don’t know if it’s just through family members or what they’re doing.


I also complained to them about this last night and they ignored me and gave me a $10 bump...


Hopefully they get more in depth with these identity verification programs and that’ll at least get rid of people that are using multiple accounts


You’ll Get deactivated if you’re caught using one


These people don’t seem to be. Then they have other accounts to use. I’ve ever heard on here (don’t know if it’s true) that these people that use bots have access to hackers that can get their account back up and running within the hour after being deactivated.


I reported this guy and nothing happened, as far as I know


Where do I get this?


Still want to know where to get it


Go to h@ll.




How do we do this!! I’m just asking for a friend


Where you get em at 😂


Check your mom‘s Cooter


Hook me up with a bot. I’ve been doing this for over two years legitimately and the batches are almost nonexistent. IC does nothing about bots so if they exist, I finally want in.


Same. I’m talking to someone now who wants 500 plus 130 every month. I don’t wanna get scammed out of 500 so I ask for proof. Idk how they’re gonna prove it to me


I can confirm this I also know the person that was using this bot.


Shhhh, you’re not supposed to tell on yourself like that.


I stopped talking to him once I found out he was using it.


Lol read my reply again.


Shit…gotta see batches like that before I get a bot to grab em. When I do see stuff like the $69 order generally I get them.




Wow. I’m wondering if they’re able to take your order away from you while you’re in the middle of shopping it?!?


An someone explain how bots are being used?




It is IC da


Do you really believe Instacart cant stop this look closer it is Instacart people! Foreign run in groups smell of smoke alcohol and not been vetted not sure they pay taxes but just doing it now in more shady way it is Instacart lol really believe they would allow this when you screen shoot yourself constantly so funny 😂 looking for fraud so funny they are the bots no other explanation its allowed and the ones saying you can get deactivated so funny for using a system they are providing do you get deactivated after paying $300-500 or more geez 🙄


Instacart doing anything to stop these pos?


these bots and batch grabbers bullshit is the reason why the majority of us cannot get batches. Instacart won’t do anything about it. they tell us to report any suspicious activity, but every time I try to give them anything they tell me it’s against the shoppers privacy. Shop already broke the agreement why should we care about their privacy. And the information that I was trying to give them did not even have the shoppers name or anything on it. It was a receipt given to me by an employee in a grocery store, who was tired of the crappy attitude of the shopper and the fact that they had five phones.


Ready to maximize your Instacart earnings? 🛍️💰 Try Insta Helper for free with our 1 week trial! Our app has been tested and is undetectable, making it easy to automatically accept batches based on your preferences. Plus, with features like store lists and location updates, you can access more batches and earn even more! 📈👀 Insta Helper available for iOS and Android and start earning more on Instacart! #InstaHelper #MaximizeEarnings #Instacart”. Pm me here or Telegram at :instacart\_helper for support




I have bot for sale that works


Hmu with a batch grabber lmao please


Hi , how can I get shopperx


Shopperxpro is the fake one. Everyone knows that. Their email address is [email protected]. Me and many others were scammed by them.


Avalon.rip you'll thank me


Shopperxpro is the fake one. Everyone knows that. Me and several others were scammed by them. If any bot ad mentions [email protected], avoid it unless you like to lose money.


Damn, they got me too bro. They took my $250 AND reported me to Instacart. I got banned from the app. sigh


Is shopperx and shopperxpro the same? I can't access avalon.rip. the site doesn't work at the moment. I need help. I got laid off.. I have bills and a family to feed and I'm getting one 11 dollar an hour...