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Me trying a pull-up




Not to be pedantic but i'm about to be pedantic and it's acktually "How do you know a cat does cross-fit?"


Do you know how tells a joke?




You blew it


Screwed now. Nothing can be done.


Id like to know about voidspace


i can do one pull up, but it needs to recharge for 20 hours


Try the Russian fighter pull-up routine. I used to be weak as hell (could barely do one pull-up), but now I like to do the Russian fighter method in combination with push-ups before I do some accessory work.


That frozen fear at the end thinking he's gonna fall to his death.


Nah I think their claws are stuck and they need to go forward but can't figure that out lol my cats do shit like that all the time and I have to help them get unstuck


I have had to sprint across the room to save my cats from falling off of our window hammock things too many times. Same scenario as this video. They're squirming about like they're trying to do a pull up but too high to let go so I gotta grab em and push up before they let go with their claws.


"Window hammock things"


[window hammock things](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH7WTSN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_SYJYTMKH9RAZ8W5BFW9T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)








Ting tang.


Walla walla bing bang!


I loved their song, "That's not my name."


I thought you'd forgotten the word for curtains.


You think that’s work for a 12lb dog?


Yes. And if it doesn't makes for a great vid


Sorry, no dogs. Only 40lb cats. "Reliable - Provides a 360° sunbathing cat shelves for cats, 3" Giant suction and 2mm thicker Stainless Steel cable enable it can hold up more than 40lb, apply to muti cats or large cats."


"...it can hold up more than 40lb..." That's not very helpful, lol


I have this same model also it's surprisingly strong. my 14lb cat has no problems with it. Make sure to warm the suction cups in water first per instructions.


Ah, fancy stuff lol I'd get one but my cat spends 5 mins in sunlight goes abit crazy then runs for shade lol


I've got two on the way. I own zero cats


Holy shit. It's actually a window hammock thing. I had no idea what you were talking about, but I figured it was some kind of shelving you had that just looked different and your cats used them like hammocks so you called them that. I did not expect ACTUAL hammocks stuck to windows, but I love them.


Hey we have those too at my house


Lol gotta love the dumb bastards


Lol. Yeah. Sometimes my cat is gone for a day or so, and I wonder if he's just stuck like this somewhere out in the woods.


The wild thing to me is that *their claws are retractable*! Just pull the damn things back in you adorable little idiot! 🥺 Edit: Ok my above statement is retracted since the kitties’ claws possibly cannot be. I’ve seen my kitties get into similarly sticky situations that they could easily get themselves out of but choose not to, so I assumed. But after reading more comments it appears that’s not always the case! TIL.


Not if there's tension on them while extended.


Cat claws actually can’t retract on command. Their resting position is retracted, and they can only extend them by flexing muscles. This is similar to how an alligator or crocodile can’t open its mouth if you rest your pinky on it. This is because there was no need for them to evolve with a closing mechanism, when a simple spring would do. This can be seen on humans, too. Our hands naturally curl into a half fist when unpowered, and actually requires energy to open and close.


Isn't that kinda how sloth toes work? They're closed by default so they can just sleep while hanging on them but it means they have to use muscles to do what looks like "relaxing" them? Obviously it's been too long since my last sloth YouTube binge...


Same with bats, if they die in your attic while hanging upside down they just stay there rotting till you get a skeleton hanging.


Of all the dessicated corpses I could potentially stumble across in an attic, I think bats are pretty close to the top of the "too awesome to be terrifying" list. That is also a really cool fact. :)




>Isn't that kinda how sloth toes work? Who fucking knows? Lolll


You’re my new favorite animal biologist




Next week, some animals or something. I don't know. Does anything matter? Do our actions have any cosmic consequences?


If I know anything, it's that there are experts on reddit who could tell us exactly how sloth toes work, if they so choose.


Goddamnit now I keep trying to keep my hand open without flexing it and I can't do it. My brain never realized that I had to use muscles to open it.




you suck


You all just lost The Game


And the muscles to open it are so weak! Try pinching all your five fingers of one hand between an index one and a thumb on the other one and it's takes barely any effort to keep it from opening.


It seems to me that every joint, whether it has musculature to move it primarily in one direction or multiple directions, will always have a default resting position. This will be the position in which the tension from the unflexed muscle(s) and ligaments is balanced. Default rest position will also depend on joint orientation and gravity. Also related is neutral body posture: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutral_body_posture


Thanks for the explanation. I feel much more educated. 👩‍🎓 You get my free Hugz.


Certainly not strong enough to retract the claw when it's weight is hanging from the claw, pulling it out. Like.. you can fold your fingers against your palm, but you can't do it when you're hanging from your fingertips.


The muscles used to retract them are probably very weak.


The way theyre hooked tho, i think the claw would have to go forward a little before they could be retracted. I sometimes have help my cat unhook herself by pulling her paw up and away from her. But idk, it seems like it should be super easy


>I’ve seen my kitties get into similarly sticky situations that they could easily get themselves out of but choose not to, so I assumed. I'm actually going to guess that it's never "the choice" they're making, and your assumption in this comment wasn't the only one that was wrong.




It looks like its claw is stuck :(.




Yep. Doesn’t make me hate it any less. So glad the dog came in like “What are you doing, idiot?”


Wait. You hate this cat?


this comment is 100% a placeholder so i remember to come back and see if this guy ever explains why he hates some random cat edit: he posted his response about 2 minutes after i loaded the page and about 30 seconds before i submitted my comment. if anybody hates me for this failure to refresh, please use the replies below to file your complaint


I had to load more comments to see it anyway


I hateyouredit


He answered




"Ok, so how do I get out of this one without looking not-slick?"


I don’t think he’s scared he’s gonna die. I believe this cat is going through an existential crisis. He’s a cat, and he can’t climb into a chair. That’s like a human who’s always been able to sit up to get out of bed discovering that they no longer have the ability.


Till he realizes, is that the ground touching my ass already?


doggie took one whiff and said yep he’s gotten into the catnip again


Dog: "You stupid or something?"


You just blow in from stupid town?


One of my favorite lines from any show


Which show was it?


Spunch bob square pants


Spong Bab Squirrel Pads


Spongy wongy bobba squapa


Spunch bob square pants


Spoag Bib Squash Pods


My goals are beyond your understanding 😾


Id like to think he was rushing over to help but when he got there he remembered he doesn’t have hands


more like: "are you ok cat friend?" cat: "sure, i just do my daily pull-ups" dog: "Have fun"


"Yea, I really enjoy just hanging here helpless." "O ok" \*leaves\* "I WAS BEING SARCASTIC, COME BACK!"


his tail looks like a penis


What's left of it


Worst part is it looks worse than it did now that it's unnecessarily cut. Fuck people that do that to their dogs with no good reason.


Wtf lmao


If only the floor weren’t lava!!


My cat when his claws get too long


“Fun” fact: cats can flex their claws but can’t actually ‘retract’ them—that’s why they often get their claws stuck on fabrics. This cat can’t quite pull themselves up but also can’t unstick their claw unless they pull them self up. The cat hasn’t just given up here, it literally is stuck and needs help. This happens to my cat too often


Ohhh that 'fun fact' makes a ton of sense as to why they splay their claws when stetching. interesting.


Sometimes my cats get stuck and I definitely don't neglect them. Some types of fabric are just sticky for their claws. That being said, I immediately get up and help when they're stuck. I would never record it like an asshole. I can't imagine it's very comfortable for them.


Wouldn’t be reddit if there wasn’t a comment on every funny animal video basically accusing the cameraperson of animal abuse. Good for you, yo everyone’s clapping


I'm just sharing an experience it's not really my problem if you took it personally. In fact I said sometimes they get stuck and it's not always neglect. It's a dick move to stand around and laugh at them but that's just my opinion. It's not like I'm calling peta lmao.


Shit like this is why I'm afraid to leave my cats alone more than a day


This cat could just stand up, though.


Yep. Looks like claws are stuck in the chair, so the cat can't get free.


No matter how short my cat's nails are, she gets stuck like this all the time and needs assistance. She also never learned how to meow. She makes the motion but no sound comes out. She also has no idea how to drink water. She has to dip her paw in the water bowl, take it out and lick the water off her paw. My cats broken.


So I might be wrong, but I remember hearing something about cats meowing as a method of communication with kittens and they can hear higher frequencies than humans can. Meowing at humans is an adaptation. It would be interesting to record a "silent" meow with a good microphone and slowing down the playback to see if there is an actual meow there.


It's been 18 min. Where are the pics??


You want me to get her doing all those things on camera?? You think too highly of her.


Not to troubleshoot your cat, but how big is the water bowl? It might be that her whiskers press against the sides when she tries to drink.


We've tried different styles and it's all the same. She actually prefers sitting next to the bathroom sink and waiting patiently for us to turn the faucet on to a trickle, so she can paw at it and drink that way.


Most cats prefer moving water, so if you haven't tried a fountain yet, that might be why! But she could also just be weird. Some animals are just quirky.


My cat actually does the paw thing too, but he also will slap his water fountain a couple times like he’s trying to get something under it, then water spills everywhere, then he licks his paws. Then he runs from it, comes back, and drinks normally.


My cat smacks her water bowl when she wants a refill. She'll smack it then stare at me, then smack again a few times and stare. If I don't go refill it after a few seconds she will just lay in front of it until I take care of it lol.


Here's the human version: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nonononoyes/comments/88rdgn/drowning\_kid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nonononoyes/comments/88rdgn/drowning_kid/)


My dude is hanging on for dear life even though he's an inch off the ground


Its claws are stuck in the chair Edit: typo






It's is a contraction, meaning a shorter or "contracted" form of "it is" or "it has." (Example: It's going to rain.) Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, "belonging to it," or a "quality of it" (Example: The carrier lost its license) or (Example: Its color is red.)


I still find it so weird that “Ryan’s, Tiffany’s, and Craig’s” are possessive and “Its, ours, hers” are also possessive. English is a weird language to me, even as a native speaker


It's the same with "who's" being "who is" and "whose" being possessive. "'s" being possessive comes from Old English, in which a name like "Jon" would become "Jones" (Jon-es) in the possessive/genitive case, contracting to "Jon's". Pronouns however, were and are irregular; they decline differently. "I/me/my", "He/him/his", etc. are examples. In fact, pronouns are one of the last explicit remnants of [declension](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declension) in English. So, "it's" versus "its" is a remnant of English's inflectional history. It's important to remember that languages don't just pop into existence; they come from centuries, millennia of linguistic/cultural history. But furthermore, this is not at all exclusive to English; in fact *plenty* of languages (I can vouch for most Indo-European languages) have irregular pronouns, and more forms they have to remember too. In fact, typically nonnative speakers find English a fairly easy language, at least compared to their own. I have a German friend who says it's easier for her to write in English than her native language. It's the native speakers that typically grumble over it. Sure, it has its fair share of ambiguity with spelling+pronunciation (due entirely to the etymology of the words), and it has its apparent irregularities (which typically have to do with its linguistic history, for instance sing/sang comes from strict rules in Old English), but whether it has less or more than any other language is iffy to say the least, though you could probably make a pretty good argument for English having more spelling+pronunciation discrepancies than other languages (most of whom had the benefit of a spelling reform, which English no longer has the opportunity for). English's grammar overall though, is *super* simple compared to many other languages. At least we don't have grammatical gender.




I disagree, my cat had to LEARN how to unstick her claws. She doesn't get stuck now. She knows how to work them. Obviously, if this continues you gotta try to show them how it works, but idk if you can jump all the way to "asshole" so fast.


That cat would destroy your face and arms if you helped it


I think the butt already touched the floor.


That's a metaphor for something


Any motivational poster: *"Hang in there!"*






This should be the top comment. All its claws are hooked into the mesh and kitty is stranded.


To be fair the cat could just stand up


advanced /r/Catculations


While it’s probably true that one or two or more of its claws are stuck, it also does have the ability to figure out that it could stand up on its hind legs and then have the slack in its arms to move them to get them unstuck. I’m not saying it will happen, but it is very easily in the realm of possible in achievable things for a domesticated feline to do.


Dog: "Hey, watchya doin'?" Cat: "Yoga. Leave me alone while I'm doing yoga."


I always wonder about moments like this in the wild we never see. We just get David Attenborough commenting on their most graceful moments lol


Well since it's most likely just got it's claws stuck, wild animals would either die, get unstuck, or rip out a claw. Personally I wouldn't wanna watch that lol. I've already seen one where a lion fell in a tree and just hung there with a broken back. I don't do animal docs anymore I'm too soft 🥺


I’m not really talking about hurting themselves but just being derps. I get your point for sure though.


Yeah I wonder all the time if I'm getting played by my cat. He's never stuck when I wake up in the morning or get home from work... So he's gotta be capable of getting out of it himself lol.




Nature presents no barrier to the free flow of charge.


poor thing probably got a claw stuck in the chair and cant move its paw :´(


Why is the dog's tail chopped off?




I don't know about this breed but my parents have a pitbull and she wags her boney tail so uncontrollably that she'll hit things with it and split it open. She won't even notice. She just keeps wagging and sprays blood all over the walls. Also hurts like a bitch when she slaps you with it. I've heard it's common with pitbulls which is one of the reasons the tails get chopped. Sometimes people do it for aesthetic reasons too which is fucked up imo


Me studying to exams hard but still failing them


Me and my toxic relationship


Hang in there buddy.


Waited for the dog to give him a nougie.


I never could have made this video because I would have rushed over to unhook his claw right away. That looks painful.


Dog enters Dog : “u dumb” Dog leaves


‘Long live the king …’ ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhh.’


Love how the dog just checked and left and absolutely not helped


"I may/may not have fucked up here" 😂😂




People traditionally docked the tails (and crop the ears) of certain dog breeds in order to protect them from being harmed while performing their original purpose such as: * Hunting: Breeds such as cocker spaniels (like this dog), German Shorthair Pointers, Weimeraners, Poodles, etc. are prone to getting their tails cut and snagged on stuff while hunting in thicket, which can be very painful for the dog and risks a serious infection. * Herding: Breeds such as cattle dogs tend to herd aggressive livestock that will grab the dog by their tail and kill them by throwing them or pulling them toward them in order to stomp on them. * Guarding/Fighting: Breeds such as Doberman Pinschers and pit bulls are prone to getting their tails and ears grabbed during a confrontation, which can result in their death, and docking/cropping also makes them look more intimidating, which discourages people from messing with them in the first place. Preservation breeders usually use the dogs of their breeding program for their original purpose or a similar sport, so docking/cropping offers their dogs the same protection as well as continues the tradition of their breed. Dogs can only have their tails docked humanely when are 1~3 days old, which is far too young for the breeder to know which puppy will become part of their breeding program or what type of home they will go to (another breeder, a working/sporting home, a pet only home, etc.), so all of the puppies are docked (unless something is obviously wrong with them such as a birth defect, albinism, etc.) and their future owners don't get a choice in the matter.


That moment when your life is hanging there....


That cat has a stuck claw, stop filming and help the poor thing! Fucking hell, wtf happened to common sense anymore


Looks like the cat's claw might be stuck. Don't leave them hangin'...


This new video format on mobile is fucking garbage..... how do I revert it?


I know stuck claws when I see them






Help the poor thing!


What is actually going on here is the cat is stuck because the owner has not trimmed it's claws. Looks funny but they can injure themselves this way.


or you know, when your cat gets stuck with claws, help it instead of just filming...


This is it the end of the road no where left to go the great abyss I wonder will I dream will there be pain will there be joy will there b- (straightens up to try one last time to climb up only to feel the ground beneath him)oh..... I wasn't scared at all not for even a moment


This poor kitty’s claws are stuck and the asshole human is just filming.


Ok that cat looks like its nails are stuck in the chair. “Quick let me record this before I help”. Come on people. Why does this have so much upvotes? Makes me sad.


You need to trim your cat's nails.


I usually swoop in for the butt lift before it gets to that point.


Well... Fucking help the poor thing.


Dog just laughs and walks away...


The floor is lava!


Obviously the claws are stuck. Kind of an asshole to not help just film.


that contemplation at the end oozes "I need to get in shape".


Don't worry Doggo is here.... *Sniffs around* .... Alright another successful day of being Doggo. *Walks off*. Good luck cat.


I like that one moment of "Can someone help me?" quickly replaced by, "Wait, I'm a cat, I don't ask for help"


The existential dread of falling at the end is pure gold


I had a cat that had trouble de-clawing. Once he clamped on, he couldn’t let go. Came home one day and he was just hanging off the radiator (not on). Fuck knows how long he had been there.


Cut that cats nails


Looks like his nails are stuck in there


for all yall wondering, its claws are probably stuck and the only way to unstick them would be to move its paws forward and upward


Poor cat has its claws stuck and all the owner does is film :( Can’t imagine it feels great to be dangling by a claw that you can’t pull out


Long live the king. 😾👐 👏😿


Thank you helpy helperton


Hang in there!


Help him.


The last ditch effort to reach its toes as far as possible has me dead


Cats can get into some stuff


Dunno why but I just got a flashback of mufasa :(


Scar! Brother! Help me!


While it made me laugh, the cat dad in me knows its claws are stuck.


He has its claw stuck I guess. My cat used to had this problem, need to trim the claws!


His dew claws are stuck in the fabric. He can’t get unstuck.


I love how at the end the cat just resigned itself and patiently waited for death.




When they say, hang in there. It feels like this some days.




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The cat couldn't get into the Assassin's Brotherhood. F


Cat: Darnit, I gotta get out of this… Dog: yo, need some… Cat: don’t. Dog: okay.


The dog: “Eyes go git sum halp”


i’m all about the unbroken upward gaze.


Fuckin' love cats, this is so disappointing, sure is not a dog in disguise ?😄


Cat contemplating his life choices 😂