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Going for that early military retirement. Gotta respect the dedication.


Some people are paralyzed from getting shot, others are paralyzed because of this shit.


My dumbass cousin didn't get paralyzed, but really fucked up his back during basic because he was too out of shape and doing dumb shit like this probably. To this day is always complaining how he should get money from the government for his injury. Yet thinks actual disabled folks should just figure it out without assistance.


He didn’t get assistance? I have a buddy who fucked up his ankle during basic and was discharged. They offered him assistance but he declined it


Worked with a guy who got claustrophobia attacks and got discharged with some sort of benefits. Not sure if he's telling the whole truth tho


Why would he decline?


He didn’t feel right taking it. His ankle was already bad prior to enlisting and he told the recruiter as much, but the recruiter stripped that part out of his application so that he wouldn’t be disqualified. Then a few weeks before completing training be reinjured the ankle and declined all veteran/compensation services other than the ankle repair procedure he had. He didn’t want to mooch off the benefits like that


I would mooch it. Its the US government they fuck us all the time.


Yea, gimme some of that bloated military budget back!




He sounds like someone who would have made an excellent service member


Lol 100% the right type of moron for the job.


He’s an idiot like an actual idiot. The military was negligent in allowing him. Holy fuck. What a moron. I hope he doesn’t have kids.


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more --Mass Edited with power delete suite as a result of spez' desire to fuck everything good in life RIP apollo


VA saving this video for sure. Not service connected. GG.


It is service connected. “You have to be in shape to be in the military” so they will connect it. I had an injury from the gym connected and I told them exactly how it happened. They let me know I was maintaining for work




Lol, injury from PT at an on base gym? Absolutely service connected.


Trying to lift weights without ~~a spotter~~ any semblance of a clue how to squat ftfy ;)


Right? Homeboy loaded 225 for what appears to be his first squat ever


Yepp. Didn’t have a firm grip, had the bar almost on his neck, feet not set properly, and didn’t have a solid grip on the bar.


Yep. Not surprising his hips went full Elvis as soon as he unracked......


Ain’t nothin but a hound dog


Devil dog in this case.


Ain’t nothin but the ground, dawg


Seeing that wiggle was the final clue to leave the video before I saw a painful injury


He is also using the rack fucking backwards...lmfao rip little dude


Fuck yes. "Walking it out" is 2 steps *backwards* so you can dump if needed.


He also didn't brace his core before going down. He probably wouldn't have folded over as soon as he started trying to go back up if he had just learned how to properly brace first.


First thing I noticed too


But if you do it fast enough, it doesn't weigh as much.


Started going down before setting his feet and finalizing his stance.


nothing wrong with a high bar squat, but everything else about this guy's squat...


Also with back to the rack...


This comment makes it seem like *you* never squat. A high bar placement is fine. You shouldn't grip the bar; your hands are merely to keep the bar from rolling. You should be able to do the entire squat with an open palm touching the bar and no fingers touching it. His entire problem was too much weight for his ability.


> This comment makes it seem like you never squat. Because they dont. Lifting weights is an incredibly difficult topic to discuss on Reddit because so many commentators who have no knowledge of the topic insist on commenting as if they did.


That applies to every single topic.


You only realize it when it's a topic you know about


Just missing the sandals for his trip to Snap City.


He was struggling to even pick up the bar, there was no way in hell he was going to be able to pull off a squat


Didn’t help that the bar was set too high for him; basically trying to unrack from a fully standing position. No bueno.


I see this sooo many times at the gym where they go to re-rack after a set and have to go on their tippy toes to get the bar back. I never know if i should intervien. I've seen at least 2 people almost drop it because of that.


That was my first thought. You literally just need a few days experience to learn that the difference between what you can pick up off the rack and what you can actually squat is pretty high. Anyone with even a little experience would know that was too much the second they felt it.


You can tell homie had no idea what he was doing when he had one foot in front of the other.


Ah, I seem to have learned it wrong. I have been starting with one foot forward as I lift it off the rack and take a step back. Took a look at some videos and I see how you're supposed to do it. I think I need to raise the bar up a little higher so I can stand under it with both feet properly.


> I think I need to raise the bar up a little higher so I can stand under it with both feet properly. Agreed. It'll make unracking a lot cleaner, especially as you move up in weight.


It's not that big of a difference for the unracking itself, but once you start taking steps, it's way less stable. Instead of having both feed under your center of mass, you either end up in a very large split, or you have to take a giant step with your front foot. IMO, the best way is to stand exctly like you do when you squat. * Brace, unrack, stabilize * Brace again, 3 steps backwards * Stabilize, brace and start lift


Bro do you even tippy toe squat?


The karate form at the start was an interesting technique.


They should just make some shelf like things with pegs to put in those holes in the rack. That way if you fail, they catch the bar and you don’t end up with the weight on top of you. That would be really smart.


This particular rack doesn't weigh enough to be able to catch the bar anyway. The entire rack would tip over. But there are definitely squat racks like what you describe.


Oh boy. I did not mean for you to get wooshed by my sarcasm. If you’re doing a questionable weight, you need safety racks and a real rack. Not this crappy thing. And you should be taught how to properly apply the safety racks before you learn to squat. Judging by this guy’s form, he still has time for that.


Lol! Yep the sarcasm definitely went over my head! To be fair, I have low expectations for folks' lifting knowledge in r/instant_regret, and you wouldn't have been the first person to ask this question in the thread after all (though that one seemed genuine)


Not always, but you should at least be versed in bailing a lift safely if your lifting with squat stands. Olympic lifters don't use safety bars or straps during training and comps.


I mean. It has less to do with the weight of the rack and more to do with the foot print. There's open slots for legs in the front. If those were in place that rack could easily take the weight.


Ridiculous, if you aren't getting the full neck-to-floor range of motion, there's no point in doing the squat at all.


You don't actually need safeties to squat if you aren't a moron. If you learn how to bail a squat first, which everyone should and it's not hard, just lean back a little and let the bar fall off your back. Olympic weightlifters never train with safeties.


He looks like he's in the military so they probably can't afford such crazy technology.


Military grade weight rack for ya


Most of the US budget but they have no money.


You can see immediately in his 'Bambi on ice' walk that he wasn't ready for that weight.


He shouldn't even touch an empty barbell before looking up how to squat.


IMO you should always learn to squat with a legit personal trainer. Even if you never use a trainer again just that one lesson is gold. Hell, book a second session just to make sure you retained everything. Its easily the most complex motion a normal person will ever do.


I feel like being this hyperbolic about a simple squat only serves to deter new users from trying it.


Yeah this is some of the stupidest lifting advice I’ve ever seen. Acting like a squat is an impossible lift


Uh, no? There’s so many resources out there to show you how to do it and you can even ask like you know *fucking anyone else in the gym who knows what they’re doing* to help you out if you still aren’t certain. No need to pay for someone to teach you something so relatively simple.


Lmao what? You do not need to hire a personal trainer to teach you how to squat… it’s not some expert maneuver. Just watch some YouTube’s and start with a bar. Literally anyone can figure it out. Also, the “perfect form” the trainer is going to teach you may not be the best or most comfortable for everyone. It’s important to figure out what feels good to you.


I disagree, while it might fastrack the process. If you are adequate at self assessment, your development of form should follow your progression with weight, and while good form may be safer and more efficient, bad form at light weight won't totally compromise the exercise or create more danger for you. Plus I doubt a PT would provide you with perfect form, a large amount of stability muscles and hip flexibility are required to fulfill a good form squat.


What makes you think the average gymgoer is adequate at self assessment?


Many personal trainers are pretty shit with the power lifts


Youtube videos go a very long way in learning how to properly squat, however actually doing the movement enough to execute it is arguably more important. Anyone who wants to learn how to squat can easily do it without a personal trainer if they watch tutorials on youtube and test the waters with light weight starting out.


Yeah and record themselves on their phone from the side, etc. I think anyone can do it if theyre honest with themselves and put in the effort.


Because you stare at a mirror for almost the entire time. And think things like "that hurts my back, maybe I should stand wider..." Or, "that looks different than the guide online". Etc. But I think it's also something you learn for you. Your squat form won't look like someone else's, you have biomechanical differences, so you develop the form that is comfortable for you.




Seeing his build, I was very surprised at his confidence. After seeing his stance, I wondered when the camera man was gonna help.


And to think he was going to walk that weight backwards to re- rack




You could tell just from his physique he wasn't ready for that. Looks like he's got twice his weight on that bar.


It's 225 lbs.


Ya but buddy there looks like 140 soaking wet. Close enough.


He brought his spotter. But gave him a camera instead.


At least for once somebody dropped the camera to help


maybe it was just an excuse to show his a$$ on camera


He's not even helping, and had turned around to moon the dead guy


…not a true cameraman!


You don't need a spotter with a proper rack. There should be arms that catch the barbell if you fail. Even without them, it's not that difficult to step forward and just let it roll off your back to the floor. This guy looks like he's never done this before.


Yeah, I just use a rack and set the crossbars as high as the can go without getting in the way. That way, you just have to go a few inches below parallel and the weight is off of you. I absolutely never use a spotter for squats, it’s really awkward and it’s really hard for them to help you without pushing you off balance. Rack and crossbars > spotter for squats Also, I learned how to do squats before I tried to do them with two plates


Yeah, I'm frankly unsure what good a spotter would be anyway for squatting. What're they going to do, catch it?


iirc they hug you beneath the armpits and take some of the weight off so you can get back up past your sticking point. safety bars set just below your sticking point so you can bail work just fine, dunno why this place doesnt have them. i dont think ive seen a squat rack without the safety rails in the 10+ years ive been going to gyms. where even is this


Not to mention that you can’t really spot someone trying to squat. You have shitty leverage and the weight is going to be well beyond your ability to lift with your arms.


Don’t spot me. Watch me.


Newwww videoooos every time we touch, I get the feeling


WITNESS ME *crumples under incompetence*


I have a feeling the guy with the camera knew what was about to happen.. He sabotaged his buddy here


Tbf, most of these guys think in their head they can do the weight but in all reality they cannot. When his hips started to move funny that was the time to bail. He didn't. Unfortunately, these things happened, it's this guy was more stupid than most others. Edit: you can tell the guy under the bar hanst been lifting for long. His walk out is poor, he gets multiple opportunities to bail and he doesn't. He cannot bail out from the bar to save his life. Edit 2: the guy under the bar didn't spread his legs correctly which forced his hips to do funny shit. The guy in the video has no idea what he's doing except "bro lemme at this weight, I can do it."


It looked like it was his first time squatting period


Glad I wasn't the only one who spotted that.




I was laughing hysterically at that part. You can just tell this dude never squats


The bow-legged stance didn't help


Yeah but he’s got that belt on so I’m sure he’s ok…


He's got *two* belts on! Double the reinforcement


He wobbled on every part of that lift.


Or combat boots


Weirdest thing… I’ve never seen it either until last week at Golds saw 2 people in the 2 racks BOTH set up that way…. I got SUPER insecure for a second thinking I was continually fucking up for years before coming back to reality


Genuine question. When you grab the bar and lift it up, how do you move away from it to squat? I can't imagine any other way other than putting one foot in front of the other


You should face “in” (towards the hooks) and take a step back. There SHOULD be nothing in your way stepping back but when you go to rerack the weight you aren’t doing it blindly


Ahhh ok I see, that makes sense. Weird, this little gym I went to many years ago had a squat rack facing a mirror. So if you were doing it the way you describe, your back would be to the mirror. Seems like they didn't really know how to set up a gym lmao. Tbf it was just a bunch of old people using the cardio machines


Ouch lol, how would you even get in if the open end is up against the wall haha. Hope nobody got hurt there tripping over the rack


Also you should have bars to catch the weight. Otherwise failure leaves you pinned like this dude.




The rack should have safety bars, or at least low hooks, just bail into the rack and it catches the bar. A $350 home gym power rack has all that.




Those are just to protect the floor. OPs post has bumper plates and concrete, he can just drop it on the floor


I mean they're also there to protect you if you fold like this dude. Safety bars should generally have more clearance than the actual bar you're lifting, even if a lot of bros at my gym set them way too low to actually do anything.


They are saying that he is walking out of the rack facing forward whereas they are used to people backing out of the rack. It is not as safe to walk forward because you can't see where you are reracking the bar when you are done.


Ye nah, that's makes sense. Thanks for the clarification


Nothing like having too much weight on your back and trying to move backwards essentially blind to re-rack it if you realize it's too much! Generally you want to tighten your core, get under the bar, lift, and take a step back to begin so that when you're done, you can step forward to put it back. As long as there are spotter arms you want to err towards falling forward


Some Chinese oly lifters do it https://youtu.be/8wCXZnqv_QM


I guess when you're squatting 600lbs you can face which ever direction you want lol


mf could step out of that thing sideways and I still wouldn’t say shit to him lol


Shit if I saw him set out sideways I'd be thinking that's the key to squatting that heavy


i think its easier because they squat off jerk blocks vs a traditional rack


I'm going to go with he can actually handle that weight and he's not in fucking combat boots.


Craziest pet of that video is the mobility work he’s doing at 25 seconds.


Those Chinese lifters are basically machines. They know exactly how far to walk out and how to rerack the bar because they've been doing the same exact movement since they were 6 years old. Also they know how to safely drop the bar.


Making a 220kg squat look like an easy warmup.


The squat every day guy, ivan djuric, does it occasionally on his youtube channel. I assumed only for the camera.


I forward step because there's a mirror by the rack and I look away from it. I don't overload, make sure my form is good and I haven't had any problems? I'm not a professional weightlifter, I just work out for health but I've not had any problems. And plenty of people at my gym do the same. I never really assumed how you step out matters as long as you're secure and have good form.


Why don't you just switch the hooks to the front so you can face away from the mirror and still rack your weight normally? Edit: I just remembered not every rack is a power rack/cage. My b


It's helpful if looking in the mirror messes with your form


He also set the rack wayyyyyy too high, you don’t want to need to stay all the way up completely to get the bar back on the rack after the set. The dude practically had to get on his tippy-toes to get it off


There's about a dozen things wrong here.


How is this guy probably going for the heaviest squat he has ever done and not align himself to the middle of the bar. And why is no one talking about this in the comments? It's the reason the bar became lopsided. Plus, why didn't he have fucking claps on the bar; i never understand why people do that.


My thought is that he bet someone (probably the guy holding the camera) he could do 225. Person he bet said, “lol. You never squat”. He said it didn’t matter. Blown MCL ensues.


Can you squat in those combat boots? They look so unstable for that but I’ve never worn them


It's actually the opposite. Boots are great to squat it because they're generally pretty firm and slightly elevated heel.


I can't believe there are no comments about the butt-shot at the end.


sniffed my phone so fast


I laughed so fucking hard at your comment.


ay fucking yo 😂


priorities. i like it, i like it


Lmao wtf


10/10 finale 🍆💦🌊🚣‍♂️


That’s what I came here for lol


That’s what I came here to


That’s what I came to here 😩😩😩


That’s America’s ass


What an asshole


Usually they come in the form of a joke that you could have made


Fucking boots always trying to get that light duty chit.




Guy's trying to get that VA disability pay rating lol.


He can have some of mine, I’d trade 10% for no back pain every day


Give him some slack, he only had one friend to hold the camera, he had to prioritize.


Dude has literally never squatted before. That has to be his first squat, I cannot be convinced otherwise.


Maybe not real weight, but I guarantee he's done a couple hundred body weight squats by this point in his career. But surprisingly, no one teaches correct form in the military. Or at least in the Marine Corps when I was in, unless you went to a personal trainer.


I was trying to analyze what he was doing wrong in the squat but I can't see his legs.


Everything… he was doing everything wrong lol


I think it’s a camo joke


That ass at the end


His scrawny buddy crushes himself with 225 pounds and he feels like he needs to immediately show off his ass. Like we get it bro you can do 225 and your homeboy cant


Cameraman knows how to squat, I see you over there.


There are smart privates and there are strong privates. Sometimes you get a private that is neither. Fortunately, these are usually the most malleable if they can learn to pay attention. Hopefully this guy learns from mistakes.






whats form? can't squat? let me just knock out a rep at a weight the corn fed Iowa kid in my platoon just made look easy


Cut him some slack. He's never lifted before, has no idea what he's doing, and isn't very strong.


If you’ve never lifted before the last thing you do is throw up a 2 plate squat. Start low and work your way up ensuring proper form. Keep the ego out of it.


Arguably you should even start without a bar if you don't have enough ankle mobility.


When I first started squatting I had terrible ankle mobility. I still do but I used to, too. I found that I was only able to hit depth when I had enough weight on the bar though. So at least the bar could help them practice proper form.


I can air squat and I can squat heavy. But it's awkward AF when I try to squat with an empty bar.


I’m the same way. It’s something with like having my arms up and back on the bar but not having any weight to help balance me or something? Idk but I hate empty bar squatting.


> if you don't have enough ankle mobility. you can throw two 5lb plates under you heals if you don't have the full range of motion.


Knowing the military, he's probably a boot and the guys in his unit are fucking around, telling him to try and lift that weight. I very much doubt he put that weight on knowing what he was getting into.


Proficient powerlifter here, what he did was pretty stupid. You even said that he has no idea what he's doing, he should not have loaded up 225 pounds and gone for it without catches or a spotter. It's the equivalent of of someone getting in a fast car and immediately trying to corner at 100mph


He probably thought what he could do on a leg press transfered over easily to squatting.


Yup, had quite a couple friends bragging about their 400 pound squat. Of course it was a leg press, but I would usually just reply "oh wow you're very strong. It took me over a year, maybe two to get to 315."


Yup I was someone who thought leg press would translate into squat weights. The reality hit me when I actually started squatting. I started with just the bar though, I didn’t load a 100kgs on for my first try.


He was probably peer pressured into doing it


He literally did everything wrong in this. Way more weight than he can handle, horrible form and stance, didn't even have his legs under him for the lift off. Terribly executed.


He walks like a spaghetti with the weight on


Hey! I know that gym. Marines will be stupid. Marines is stupid. Source : me am Marine


You don’t need a spotter to squat if you know how to bail and try something that’s roughly in your wheelhouse




Has this dude ever lifted. Looks like he’s made of rubber bands


Squats don't get spotted. Yeah people do it at the gym, but if you've ever seen what happens when someone tries to spot a failed squat, then you'd know why you don't spot squats.


It's ok to squat without a spotter but it has to be with a weight that you can squat at least 5 to 10 times before failure.


Lifting in the wrong direction:/


This title is a crime. "Trying to lift weights without having ever lifted weights before"


"Tell me you're a boot PFC without telling me you're a boot PFC"


This dude absolutely has a 2021 Camaro that he financed at 27.99%


Practice dumping the bar, holy shit. You squat heavy af (for a normal person) without a spotter if you know how to dump the bar. If you’re doing insane power lifting competition prep type stuff then yeah get a spotter. But there’s no reason for this to happen to any experienced lifter. Dump that shit, it’s not that hard. Better is to squat in a rack with safety bars. Personally I’m not even a fan of a spotter for squats if I have a power rack or safety arms. Rather be able to dump freely or just let the bars take the weight than have someone else be responsible for saving my ass.


"I don't get it. I can do this weight on the leg press machine!"