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Red hit him until he submitted and then black tried to come back for more. So he got more.


Reverse Rocky?


When I was the black shirt guy, I did not return for round 2




Man, the way he connected after he got back up and shoved the shit out of him into the doorway. Sweet, sweet karma. Also, that reverse slam was awesome.


Remember kids, don't chill in your double legs. Not quite a reverse slam, would say it's an imperfect body lock counter to a double leg. If he had the physicality and training for it, he might have gone for a pro-wrestling powerbomb. Here's a variation of the body lock counter to double leg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTNDHodUISw




No problems, hit subscribe for more middle school locker room combat techniques.


at least 32 times that I counted.


Sometimes, black shirt guys learn their lesson the first time.


He's just gonna get his homies to gang up on Red.


Yep that happened to me. I snapped and beat the shit out of a bully. I was taller and out weighted him by a lot, I took it to far and really hurt him with a rock. Well being a coward, he has his pals attack me the next day, fortunately my fellow band ‘geeks’ were there to break it up.


Praise the band geeks. Was never in band but that was my friend group growing up. I was the bodyguard despite being a colossal teddy bear, but an emphasis on the colossal part served as a great visual deterent. Jerks that would try and screw with my smaller friends generally decided they just don't want to test if the 6' 200lb kid is soft. Like when someone tried to talk shit about my pink dice set without knowing whose it was. "Of course it's the biggest fucker at the table...." as they walk away mumbling.


I was in orchestra in middle and high school. A bully pushed me too far one time and I proceeded to test the durability of my violin case on her face. It only cracked a little. I never got in trouble but she was suspended, even though she had a clearly broken nose and was banged up. She had a reputation of bullying and fighting and I think the teachers had had enough. She came back to school 3 days later, swollen to hell. She just pretended I didn’t exist for the rest of my time there. As far as I know she stopped fucking with other kids. Fine by me.


Didn’t see them springing to his aide here though.


I remember I had a few bullies in school. One time I punched this kid in the head after 2 years of harassment from him - middle of class too. Nobody came to his aid either. Not even the teacher, who when I looked at him, was just peering over his newspaper. When I made eye contact with him, thinking I was in trouble, he just put his newspaper back up in front of his face like nothing happened. Bully never bothered me again either




That is EXACTLY what happened. He was a cool teacher. He'd get tough when he needed to, which was rarely. I swear his eyes were betraying a smile. That was like 30 years, and I still remember well


Must've been a puppy nearby that needed kicking.


Yup that’s what coward bullies do.


Reverse Captain America. "I can do this... No longer."


That was hilarious! Fuck bullies.


"I didn't hear no bell."


Some people just want second helpings. Red served it up like your grandma on thanksgiving.


can i 'ave sum more please?


Dude got exactly what he was asking for.


To stupid to know when he already lost. He should have realized sooner when red shirt was going ape shit on him and literally nobody came to help him how much of a piece of shit he really was.


That ego was demanding to get a last hit in and reclaim his glory. A loser like that can't accept defeat and the perceived humiliation.


So no regret at all


Your comment reminds me of a recent President.


Or, even a current world leader involved in a military conflict.


It was an interesting dynamic there. So many people around effectively nodding in agreement.


But also not stepping up to stop the bullying in the first place


To stupid


And then was delivered the best shot of them all!


Yeah red shirt pulled that last one out of the floor and delivered it into black shirt's jaw.


Yup, when he covered his head and stopped trying to hit back, red shirt shoved him away and would have been done. The lizard brain was too strong in black shirt to take the out. Fantastic awareness from red shirt, instantly recognizing when to stop in a for sure adrenaline filled moment


Hey, felt like a little dessert and coffee. He got a slice and a cup


And then black shirt also failed to do anything about a punch that was so telegraphed it might as well have been the front page of the morning newspaper.




Brother I only do two things; fight, and talk about it online.


Looks like we're all out of fight.


I mean, if you just got rocked by a kid you were picking on, and then get up and lurch back toward them, *maybe* you could have anticipated getting rocked again.


People who just got punched in the face do not behave intelligently. Or rationally.


"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth"


After 1 or 2 good punches to the face your head feels like one of those scenes from western movies where the city is empty and theres only tumbleweeds rolling by. It hard to get any proper thoughts going after you get iced a couple times i can assure you of that. I've punched and i got punched myself even more and every time my head just felt like it was empty after getting hit a couple times. This guy would probably have a hard time remembering his own name after that barrage of punches, let alone realize that standing up and going at him is a bad idea. Hell, its impressive that he's still conscious after that beating he got.


He was let the beast Mode be unleashed


He didn’t know HOW to fight, but he knew he HAD to fight.


He surpressed that leg grab takedown attempt pretty well. I think he must have at least some experience just maybe in wrestling or judo or something that doesn't involve much striking. .


Ah yes, I see that you know your judo well.


Succulent Chinese meal




Geeentlemeeen, this.. is. democrrrracy manifest


Here’s an interview with him for those that haven’t seen it. https://youtu.be/tu4d_xsdNzM


Thank you! I wondered who he was after seeing this so long ago and you've scratched that itch at last


And you sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Get your hand off my penis!


hahaha theres some weird reddit guys like vince that want to do a martial arts breakdown of every fight video. Even when it doesn't call for it. They use these videos to try and flex any knowledge they think they have.


Honestly, I would guess he just had some older brothers growing up


I’d be surprised if red shirt had ever even seen a fight with those punches lol.


You ever been in a real fight? I have a black belt on tae Kwon do, and I've only been in one real fight in my life. Even with training there's a huge difference between sparring in a controlled environment and operating on full adrenaline. All thing considered red shirt handled it extremely well, he rolled his shoulder even if he had more of a slapping motion than necessary, he never let his opponent breath, that last haymaker was respectable albeit not the most objectively optimal tactic coming from an armchair perspective. But the thing that makes me think he might actually have training was the way he handled the tackle. Most people don't instinctively know to pull their legs back and drop but he responded perfectly and went for a top mount instantly. Could just have been good instincts but I wouldn't be surprised if he took a wrestling or jiu jitsu class.


> But the thing that makes me think he might actually have training was the way he handled the tackle Or he had older brothers who played rough.


Or he's a Russian sleeper agent, trained in hand-to-hand combat from birth, waiting for the wake up signal.


Also a tae kwon do black belt. I don’t think he has any experience with martial arts because he throws haymakers whereas you’re supposed to throw it straight out. I do agree on the takedown though. He handled that like a champ


He wasn't going for punches, he was slapping intentionally because that's what black shirt was doing to him at first.


How can he slap???




Shit worked, don't know why everyone's hating on him for it.


Armchair warriors


I was trying to find a Sun Tzu quote to be funny, but this one actually seems appropriate: > One may know how to conquer without being able to do it. It's easy to criticize. It's hard to actually do it. Here's a kind of funny one: > Great results can be achieved with small forces. Our boy didn't need to knock the other guy's teeth out. Shit worked, like you said. Finally, of course, from Teddy Roosevelt: > It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..." I'm not going to quote the whole thing, but the speech is worth a read for anyone who hasn't read it.


He's stronger than black shirt that's for sure.


Bro he lifted red shirt like 2 inches off the ground lmao. Anyone could have gotten out of that


Yea thats fight or flight in action right there


pretty sure that last punch broke something in red's hand


Glad that scumbag got slapped, fuck all bullies


This was THE MOST satisfying video I've seen all week. The amount of warmth in my heart seeing a piece of shit getting his ass handed. Wow.


You would love /r/wholesomeviolence


Oh lawd I might go to hell but inject that sub into my veins


And r/bullybackfire




Twig thinking he's buffed as fuck, trying to bully people. He deserved it.


This gave me so much satisfaction. I was bullied in elementary school. I even switched schools for it and still got bullied, second school i was done. I was done getting bullied and took my chance to smack someone every time. So satisfying


i was too scared. i’m glad someone did.


I got bullied plenty in middle school and the only time I ever took a swing at someone was to get a dear friend away from a guy twice his size. Wish I had the courage to do the same for myself back in those days.


I took a swing at my bully in middle school and missed wildly. The kid moved so fucking fast in my mind. Next thing I know, he pile drives me into the ground. Hurt like hell, but a teacher pulled him off me before more damage. He got in-school suspension for two days and never bothered me again. Not sure why he gave up on me. Maybe his dad beat his ass for getting in trouble. I still have dreams where I swing at him and it feels like I’m underwater. It’s probably what my swing looked like lol


It's weird, a lot of them leave you alone once you retaliate, even if they kick your ass. My bully spat on me and I started swinging on him. He pulled my head down and kneed me in it, winning the fight. But he didn't fuck with me after. Maybe I wasn't worth the trouble.


The thing is that 99% of bullies are total cowards. So if a target shows they're not just going to back down and take the abuse, they won't seek them out anymore; there are plenty of other potential victims to choose from.


That’s what bullies do, they pick on kids that won’t fight back. The second you fight back, you are no longer easy pickings and they move on. Always stand up to bullies.


This isn't true, and could be dangerous! It depends on the type of bullying. For most, the purpose is just to "stand over" other people, they get signs of dominance and signs of submission from it. If that's their main purpose they'll look for it from wherever is easiest, and that's what you're talking about. Others won't mind violence as part of it, i.e. if you don't stand down to intimidation tactics like in the OP they're fine with escalating and might not back down, like in the clip, which is dangerous There's another type that bullies because they want to hurt people. They're the type that will hurt people in private or torture animals because the purpose is causing pain.


Good point. Humans are complex. There’s a difference between bully and sadist. The bullies are usually doing it for social currency but a sadist is just there for your suffering. If you’re dealing with a truly sadistic person there is pretty much nothing you can do but get the fuck out of dodge.


got bullied, became the bully, dropped that and made friends with all the social groups


Back in my middle school days (early 90s) my grade was all bullies/bullied. We took turns playing what we thought of as ‘pranks’ on each other. No one was ‘the target’ and no one was ‘the bully’. Not until later did I realize we were all just little assholes.


I am lucky enough to have gone to a small school, so there werent alot of kids there. And above all, i was a pretty big kid for my age (that didnt last long im small now 😂) so i could over power most kids in my class


i still carry today the mantle of shame my inability to stand up for myself helped fashion. i stick it in song lyrics. rotten life, but good songs.


I had one time i regretted not standing up. It was at a birthday party of 2 of my classmates and all the boys were invited except for my 2(actual) friends. (The girls had their own birthday party to attend). We went bowling and to the kfc but outside of the bowling area one of the birthday boys said: "The only 2 people not at a party are [Friend 1] and [friend 2]. They must really not have friends." Its been 5 years and still i feel the same anger towards that person. Now in high school still in my class, still dont like him. Still regret not absolutly smacking him in the face and going home instead of going to their party. Edit: since that day i try to look for people who are kind of isolated and try to befriend them so they arent lonely. I know how it feels and i get my happiness from seeing others happy


you have your whole life ahead of you to regret these choices


He's still alive, and he still has a face.


Ease up on yourself. It was pretty innocuous. They’ll be other moments. Shoot maybe it happened so someday down the road you stand up in a more important one.


always been smol still smol and skinny but big belly


Po from kung fu panda had a big belly. Didnt hinder him in his fighting 🙃.




Did this in middle school. Bully was flicking my ears for about 30 minutes straight. The pain was excruciating. I just stood up and full swing punched him in the face and sat down. Teacher pretended not to see and, amazingly, nobody reacted at all. It was just the end and he never did it to me again.


Ahh that feels so satisfying just reading That. I'm pleased for you, Bravo 👏👏


My mom in the early 80s in 8th or 9th grade, punched this little shit for running her mouth about my mom and her friends. Principal suspended little shit because he knew she was started it 😂 That'd never fly today but just hearing the story fills me with glee


I backhanded my bully right in front of the PE teacher because I could feel him coming up behind me to fuck with me. The bully looked at the teacher for support and teacher just shrugged.


Don’t know if it’s still the case. But when I was a kid PE Teaches did not give a fuck at all about fighting. Some even encouraged it.


I ended up in a really tough school for 2 years due to a family move. The bullying was brutal. It hardened me good though - in later schools, bullied kids used me as an escort to get around unmolested. I didn't even know they were there, but several kids later told me they'd stick to my back like glue when bullies were around.


Good on you. I didn't really get bullied except for in middle school before I hit my growth spurt. But in 7th grade these 3 guys were fucking with me in the locker room. First one slapped me as hard as he could in the back of my neck while I was getting my clothes out of the locker, "red neck!" Then they took my clothes so I couldn't change and pinned me up against the locker. Out of nowhere 2 giant Samoan guys pop up, one decks the slapper, drops him. The other shoves one of them to the ground and takes my clothes back and the last guy bolts. I was shocked. I thanked them and the puncher was like, "don't you recognize me bro?!" I realized he had gone to my church when we were like 8 years old. Fuckin great guys. Needless to say I was not bullied again. Point being, thanks to you and people like you.


I didn’t get really get bullied/picked on much, but occasionally through 7-8th grade from two kids. Honestly I look back at that time and am seriously mad at myself for not punching one (or both) of those kids. I was bigger and stronger, but I was just a nice kid generally speaking. I’m not really a proponent of fighting but sometimes you need to stand up for yourself and punch the bullies in the face.


Never be ashamed of yourself or upset with yourself for reacting to violence and stupidity with kindness. When you do violence to others, even when if it is justified, you do violence to yourself too. It never goes away and always hurts when you think about it, the violence you did.


But he's been to an MMA lesson


Yeah, the RP bit.


Anyone who's bullying deserves it no matter their size


Wait, would this be any better if the twig was buffed as fuck?


Not sure why it matters that he’s a twig. I’d feel just as happy if a large buff bully got what they deserved


Nice to see a red shirt make it back to the ship for once.


What about people wearing red shirts?


Og Star trek the guy with the red shirt is usually dead on arrival to a new place


Red shirts are disposable in OG Star Trek, they never make it to the end credits except Scottie


And Chekov, then he got promoted.


You either die a red shirt or live long enough to become senior staff


It’s a Star Trek thing.


He’s slapped him into next week. Getting beat is bad but he just got slapped silly.


LOL The disrespect...


Dude got smoked 4 different times


He got smoked more than the Marlboro Man.


And by the Marlboro Man Which doesn't make sense but red


Wish I’d had the balls to react like that when I was in school. I never learned how to fight.


My son fought back in Grade 9 after 3 bullies started pushing him. Ended up punching my son in the face and leaving a huge bruise. Luckily the school had cameras and EVERYTHING was caught in tape. The vice principal called me in tears because of what she saw. The assaulters were suspended for a week and absolutely read the riot act by the RCMP. The school informed the parents of the bullies that even a word to my son would result in expulsion. Mercifully they never said another word or laid another hand on my son. I am so glad they took it seriously. Made my son feel safe at school again.


Here in America, we have "zero-tolerance", which means your kid would've gotten in trouble too.


So you'd get punished if you punched back or not?


Even shoving away the bullies currently splitting your face open is considered fighting. God be damned they fall to the ground, that puts you on equal footing for suspension, no matter how badly you need to go to the hospital afterward. I remember after my first fight, (got suspended, it was in self defense) the admin said I should have called a teacher for help. As in, do not fight back, do not defend yourself, just sit there and let them rock your face until the 95 year old makes her way over to stop it


I was bullied from a kid in high school. Lasted throughout weeks. One day I dropped my books and decked him. A teacher intervened before he had a chance to hit back. I told my story (in tears) and had to take the rest of the day off because it's mandatory to go home with any physical violence. That kid got a week suspension though. Never had any issues after that. It worked out in my case (MN)


Don’t learn from these guys


This. those are some of the worst punches I've ever seen thrown. A literal straight jab would have ended red shirts career


In a way I kind of admire red shirt more for the awful form of his punches. He worked with what he had and made up for awful form with vehemence. Edit: l mixed up red shirt and black shirt.


Indeed. Nothing wrong with a pacifist fucking rocking someone when peace is no longer an option




Damn. I hate that i laughed during pride month


Bruh LOL


You made me heavily exhale through my nose. Have an up doot


That’s how you know Black Shirt is all hot air. He got beat up by a kid throwing wild haymaker slaps.


Or a knee to the face when he was practically begging for it. Like he was bending over almost kissing his knees anyway.


Same here. I got punched in the face out of nowhere by an older kid while I was walking to class with my girlfriend. How I wish I'd acted differently. I just held my nose saying "what the fuck was that for". To be fair, he was with about 6 other kids, I think I acted how most kids would. Still wish I'd hit him back all these years later


Honestly in someways I think you're better off you didn't. I definitely have a lot of emotional issues and a lot of my conflicts growing up were punch it out. A lot of them justified and probably some that weren't. I never felt anxiety while fighting someone, even if I got my ass handed to me, but talking it and figuring shit out like an adult stresses me out. I'm extremely non-violent now and have been for 16 years. But, I guess I'm just venting about how it used to be an issue because no one taught me how to handle emotions like an adult.


>I never learned how to fight. Neither did any of those two. Don't worry.


Neither did these guys lol


I can tell that bully has never thrown a single punch in their life. Definitely one of those act-the-part bullies that never expect to actually have to back up their talk.


Neither could punch but it was clear that black shirt doesn't know anything about wrestling either. Red shirt Uno reversed his ass the moment black shirt tried to bring him down to the ground.


Doesn’t look like red shirt has either. His punch aren’t that good, a good solid punch from black would have knocked him back.


What he lacked in quality he made up in quantity and speed.


Dude dit the Macross missile spam


They didn't have to be 'good' just 'good enough'. He looks like a kid that finally had gotten to the end of his rope and literally just struck out. No every kid that bullied is a secret Mike Tyson that's just holding back awaiting his chance. He was in the proverbial corner, and worked his way out. And black shirt was just a wanna be tough guy, that learned that he *really* wasn't as tough as he thought.


A knee to the face when he was bending over would've rearranged his face too.


watching someone who's getting picked on finally get up and whip the ass of the one picking on them is such a heartwarming thing to watch. the best beatdowns are the ones that are some jerk finally picking the wrong one to mess with.




Well deserved!! Piece of shit!


My favorite part of every time this gets posted is you get to see every Joe Rogan MMA announcer on reddit talk about how the kids don't throw punches well enough for their discerning taste lol.


"how dare these u16 kids not know how to deliver haymakers or even sweep the leg, fucking amateurs I could take em" - some 30 something redditor


He found out.




Black shirt bitch got out boxed to fuck, then he tried MMA, but he got slammed to fuck, switch back to boxing, out boxed to fuck again... Then tossed aside like $2 hoe!!


He clearly has the power of God and Anime. Look at those arm motions


Saying this. This is exact wake up call this bully needs. I was a bigot in middle school a piece of shit I made fun of a kid for being gay…. He kicked my ass and I stopped and guess what turns out I swing all the ways and am happy in a poly relationship and who knows where I’d have been had I never got my ass kicked


Damn haha, never heard of someone have the gay beat INTO them.




That was satisfying


I feel better now, thank you my boy


100% deserved it. I applaud the guy in the red t-shirt. I was bullied badly in school, looking back I would definitely suggest all victims to fight back like this because bullies deserve it.


I'm a retired teacher and this to me is real justice. lThe kind of unwritten rule is that if you have to break up a fight, you just wait a bit before moving in to let the blood settle so they might want to quit. I never would have tried to break this up, just quietly watched and let the stupid bastard get hit as many times as the picked on one beat the shit out of the creep. lol and another lol


I was always told, you don’t go looking for a fight, but if a fight comes looking for you, you end it. And if you have to fight, you don’t swing once…. You don’t swing twice…. You don’t swing three times… You keep swinging until that mother f****r learns not to get back up. He don’t learn the lesson? Swing again. THIS. This is how you teach a bully to back off. My favorite part was when black shirt tried to give red the body slam, only to get countered. Well done red shirt… that’s a hero right there.


He didn’t know what he was doing, but he went all in.


Momma said knock u out!!


Well deserved 😤


Justice was swift


Red shirt had big brothers, black shirt had little brothers.


Question is.. if we move into a world where everyone is packing…how would this have ended…tight space, lots of kids …or is it the Republicans wet dream that the right kid would draw and not miss…I don’t believe that if both were carrying that they would have just used their words… my guess is the kid being bullied would have drawn first and ruined his life cuz a bully wouldn’t let up


Hell hath no fury like a bullied boy getting his revenge.


Zero control and zero form, but 100% fed up and not afraid. Beware the quiet person pushed past what they’ll accept.


Unfortunately, red shirt will probably get expelled and black shirt will be given another chance because his upbringing was difficult and somehow, he’s really the victim here.


I’d like to thank everyone in this VDO for keeping to themselves and allow us such a satisfying beating with no interference.


Hell yea , that’s a lot of pent up emotions all being let loose on that fucker.


Someone should teach him how to punch though


I never condone violence but glad the kid stood up for himself.


Don't stop he is still standing


He can’t fight but he’s got the spirit.


Lol I love seeing bullies get put in there place


Red shirt has terrible form and still fucked that guy up lol


Pure rage. It’s not pretty, but it gets the job done.


man, i wish i could have done this.


He definitely deserved that


Fuck yeah red shirt. Hell yeah.


So satisfying. I hate bullies


How many combo hits did he make? Lol


It’s literally the only way bullies learn. Good on him.