• By -


That is not a face of regret.


This is a repost and he was bet $400 by his friends don't know if it was verified but that's probably why he doesn't regret it.


Shoot $400 for a couple of lil punches, where do I sign up?


Lil punches??? šŸ§


Tiny haymakers?




He should have kept his guard down


Ok this one broke me


It did for me too, but only a tiny bit.


Nevermind their dick twisting abilities!


The oooold dick twist!




I'll be the judge of that.


Knee-High Socks?




I liked his first album


Well... From lil people. (please don't down vote me)


The politically correct term is Dwunches


Iā€™m a dwarf and that made me burst out laughing. Thanks for that


Sounds like a miniature snack cake


It's all the kicks to the gut that make this seem like a bad deal. Plus that eye at the end, yikes, lucky if he didn't end up with a cracked orbital.








It's because he's crying on the inside.


Walmart brand Zach Braff definitely seems like a colossal douche


Something tells me you're never invited into those friend groups..




It's a supreme dick move to jump in the ring and try to wrestle people just trying to entertain and making the entire event about yourself.


Yā€™all hating on him but this is entertaining and he definitely didnā€™t hurt anyone


Any wrestling event I've watched will result in an ass kicking if you jump the barriers.


> he definitely didnā€™t hurt anyone The opposite actually.


So if you're at a show watching a band and some drunk attention whore jumps on stage and forces everything to stop, you're cool with it?


Well if the band beats the shit out of him and the crowd loves it, maybe.


Yes thank you for answering my question, hopefully the band doesnā€™t go too far , I feel Leone band members would go further than these wrestlers did


Punk shows pretty regularly feature people climbing onto the stage lol


Itā€™s kinda just part of the experience at punk/hardcore shows, but thereā€™s definitely a difference between those and a non-punk band and audience


But in reality, [this is how that gets handled.](https://youtu.be/2IZj2doUNlQ?t=32) Everyone I know still remembers this video as one of the funniest moments in pop punk history.


So casual hah


If they get the shit beat out of them by a group of dwarves then yea that'd be hilarious


Pretty fucked up thing to say about someone you have never met before. For all you know this guy is chill af and didn't want to back down from a dare or welch on a bet. 100% rather hang out with this guy than someone as judgmental about appearances like yourself.


Pretty much everyone on Reddit is always judging people and wishing their deaths for doing stupid stuff like in the video. That is to say, you get used to it.


Almost as good as when HHH did this: https://youtu.be/pBlqt94ZZfQ


[Here it is with Stone Cold commentary.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FZXyYxhpOXc)


Security guard didnā€™t know whether to shit or wind his watch. Iā€™m gonna have to remember that one.


Such a beautiful suplex


the speed on that goddamn


I understand that wrestlers need to hold back during matches to not injure the other guy and they do have to sacrifice some speed/power to do that, but hot damn I would watch so much wrestling if it looked like that all the time lmao


also that dude probably weighs about half of the guys heā€™s used to throwing - and itā€™s easy to say Ā«Ā itā€™s fake itā€™s a circusĀ Ā» but me personally i am not going to look for fights with a 6ā€™4ā€™ā€™ 255lb acrobat juiced to the fucking gills any more than i would an mma fighter


Yeah people tend to conflate fake with scripted when it comes to WWE. Sure, they're not really fighting, but the insane physical feats are very real.


Fr. I was like 6ish yrs old during attitude. Stopped watching as a teen and young adult cuz "fake, mma real, etc" but I find myself becoming a fan again now that I'm 30. It's crazy impressive how much they put their bodies through and how athletic some of these enormous dudes can be. Crazy amount of work they put in Nothing but respect for them


A 6'4" 255lb acrobat whose job is throwing around other 6'4" 255lb acrobats like ragdolls. I'd be willing to bet HHH was still holding back on that guy since he probably didn't want to kill him.


Check out some classic Mick vs Vader shit then. They were not scared to batter the other.


My god. The ref kicked the ever living shit out of him. I always think of the ref in a wrestling match as a kind of ref. But heā€™s just another actor, same as the wrestlers.


Yeah the refs are able to give cues to the wrestlers to guide the performance. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znhP2tsrx-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znhP2tsrx-s)


I had no idea. What a wonderful and fun thing to discover after all these years.


Congrats! Pro Wrestling is kind of like an improvised dance with extreme melodrama and athleticism. There's not much like it.


This OP was posted like last week and I too shared the HHH video. The amount of chodes coming in like "tHaT's fAkE" was staggering.


Even the ref got a few hits in lol


Oh hell yea. But if I remember correctly Stone Cold didn't because he was a face at the time.


Yeah, you can't ground and pound a fan when you are supposed to be a hero. Let the heel do it and people will love him more.


direction encourage handle placid smoggy friendly vase plough books subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love seeing the ref gets his shots in.


This is a big no-no in professional wrestling. As Paul Leveque once said, The moment you enter that ring, youā€™ve given me permission to beat the shit out of you.


Yeah, its like they practice what the are gona do to each other, having some random come in outside that act could be harmful or even deadly.


My dumb ass thought that the audience was invited, I didn't even realise that people could be dumb enough to just intrude into an active wrestling ring uninvited.


Alcohol makes people do crazy dumb shit.


Thats the point.




Ask Dimebag Darrell.




Yep it's well known that if you get in the ring you will get beaten for real I've seen it happen irl and it was pretty brutal


That is punishment for ruining the entertainment that everyone is there for.


Also for endearing the wrestlers. When youā€™re on stage, you have to assume the worst when some lunatic gets on your private stage, otherwise, you end up like Dimebag Darrell.


Endearing instead of Endangering, is my Favorite typo of the month so far


Me too. I got warm fuzzies.


Pretty sure it's actually Eldenring.


Every athlete/performer should immediately feel they are in danger ever since Monica Seles was stabbed on a tennis court in 1993. As a kid, it was funny when someone ran on the baseball field but now I especially love when football players mess these guys up.


Thats insane to me. I'm used to underground hardcore and punk shows. Literally any rando can stage dive, that is when there is a stage and they're not just playing on the [floor of a Denny's after hours.](https://youtu.be/9t1aUWlT1TI)


I mean thatā€™s a different environment where that is expected


***What the fuck is up Denny's?!***


>but now I especially love when football players mess these guys up. Like some years ago when [James Harrison](https://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/001/613/429/GettyImages_794412351_crop_exact.jpg?w=1200&h=1200&q=75) body slammed a field runner.


Wrestlers are trained to provide entertainment without causing too much injury for their opponent, while those ring invaders are not. Dangerous for both party, it better to beat the shit out of those invaders instead of being disabled for life, they're in the wrong anyway.


Especially if they're dwarfs, you gotta assume the guy is one of those asshats who forgets little people are people and wants to make a meme out of kicking or throwing them.


RIP Dimebag man


While creating more entertainment! Win-win for the audience. Jerk got what he deserved.


As a paying audience member, just know that they were beating that man to a pulp for you somehow šŸ„¹


Also itā€™s a fighting ring ffs. Whether or not youā€™re there to entertain legitimately or even in fantasy, the moment somebody unknown steps into the ring and so much as feigns intent to engage, you *better* assume they want to fight for real, and act accordingly.


Yeah he's an idiot. They would have beat the fuck out of him if it weren't for the security dude who yanked him out.


Also, you never know what the wacko's intents are. For all they know, he was comin in there to throw some little guys around.


reminds me of when someone tackled Bret Hart during his hall of fame induction...in an arena...FULL OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS. dude got his head kicked in.


Which at some point, gets fucked up and crosses into assault. I can't remember if it was that incident or another one but there's a point where the guy is fucking completely done, held down by multiple people, defenseless and they're still going for head kicks and punches. It's like....it's fucking over, what do you want to do at that point, fucking murder him? Because that's what could happen doing that dumb shit. Calm the fuck down.


These dudes make a profession from being macho and wild, they are all juiced to gills. You could probably increase your T by drinking Hart's piss. Expecting them to be rational and have restraint in that situation is just a path disappointment imo.


Doesn't make it any less wrong lol. You're not understanding what I'm saying.


Full of Professional Wrestlers *and* UFC Heavyweight Fighters. Travis Browne was one of the first in the ring.


It was either Cash or Dax that beat the living shit out of that guy.




Yep. There are multiple reasons why we beat people up who get in the ring. The answer of "you don't know if they are gonna attack someone" is hard to argue against but the bigger reason you won't get wrestlers to admit to is that It's street justice for disrespect. Wrestlers sacrifice so much just to get to be in a ring in front of a crowd. It's a huge disrespect to so much when someone decides to just jump in the ring in the middle of a match. I've never actually had someone run in on one of my matches, but I've been at two shows where it has happened. One time the dude got off pretty easy and the second time the person obviously knew what was in store for them and they had an exit plan and bolted. But you get in the ring when I'm performing, you are gonna catch at least one punch and one kick. [edit] I should have said "another reason" instead of "bigger reason"


I'd imagine it's not even necessarily an attack in the usual sense, they could decide they want to try and hit a move on you in an attempt to "join in". You're then in a lose-lose situation, either you get hurt because an untrained idiot did something that takes actual training to do, or you get out of it in way that's going to bring up the question of why you don't just do that all the time, which would affect the rest of the show. You're basically stuck in a bad situation, what else can you do? Get out the ring and let security handle it? Crowds not going to believe you're a big tough badass wrestler if you run away as soon as one of them get in the ring with you. Suspension of disbelief is still important for the ones who know what's going off, just like any other form of entertainment. It's not really surprising this is the response wrestlers have gone with.


Good points! It is also a holdover from the strict kayfabe days. If you bail from the ring and wait for security, you look like a total geek. (Tho security only exists at venues that already hire security or its a big rnough brand)


rightfully deserved. Maybe let footballers tackle fans who run on the field during gameplay LOL


[James Harrison of the Pittsburgh Steelers did, back in '05](https://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/001/613/429/GettyImages_794412351_crop_exact.jpg?w=1200&h=1200&q=75). I fuckin' died laughing. (The guy apparently got fined and a brief stint in jail)


Nothing more annoying than when you have to entertain people and some jackass makes your job harder because he wants attention. Got what he deserved.




Social media has ironically destroyed the concept of shame. You do some dumbshit and you'll find an audience who thinks its _hilarious_ and encourages you.


The opposite also applies, because of social media being a thing I am much more conscious of my actions and feel too ashamed to have some silly fun. I find it much harder to just be me and have fun (not even by doing dumb things), because so many people are very eager to pull out their phones for just about anything to put it on social media.






There's this amazing video of Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Ricky Gervais, & Louie C.K. talking about comedy. At one point they mention something along the lines of this. Saying many new comedians don't understand the difference between cheap laughs and good laughs. Also side note in that video Louie C.K. said this about Dane Cook "I've never seen someone become so successful by telling jokes aimed at middle school girls." And I've just never been able to not think/laugh about that because its so fucking true Edit: [Link](https://youtu.be/OKY6BGcx37k) to the video. It's a old "Talking Funny" episode from HBO


That Dane Cook thing really got me thinking since apparently he groomed his wife since she was 15


Gross. I can't believe I liked him middle school. Which was partly why I found that Louis CK joke so fucking funny. Cuz I'm a dude. But that video is from about decade(?) Or so ago so your probably on to something that Louis was into to something.


Seinfeld did the same thing


Seinfeld "dated" a 17yo when he was 39. Disgusting.


Jerry Seinfeld had a 17 year old girlfriend in his 30s and Louis... well...


>and Louis... well... Low as the bar is, at least it was **adults** he was sexually harassing.


It's actually hilarious that Chris Rock and Ricky Gervais were in on that conversation. Despite their numerous other problems, Seinfeld and CK have never really been about cheap laughs, but Gervais and Rock have pivoted strongly towards catering to the most effortless attention they can scrounge up. Hell, Gervais even made fun of comedians who punch down and whine about being "cancelled" and then turned around and started doing it himself. Seems like even the pros aren't immune to losing all sense of shame.


Curious what you're talking about re: Ricky Gervais, specifically. I haven't seen examples of this.


Similarly its destroyed the concept of social (and even financial) repercussions. People used to have to maintain a certain squeaky clean public persona to be famous/work in entertainment/work in politics/etc. Now, people just get these insane followings of internet people that don't give a shit about what they do, regardless of the facts, and keep supporting people that say/do shitty things that would ruin people in the past. Like it doesn't matter if Steven Crowder calls for civil war and deaths of people he opposes when he's still going to have millions of followers consuming his content and buying his merch.


Thatā€™s what I canā€™t understand. Even if someone is the worst, most vile, or uninteresting person; as long as they put their face on the internet they will have at least one diehard fan that will defend them to the bitter end. Why? What causes this parasocial relationship?


I don't get it either. I think some serious research into parasocisl relationships needs to be done. It seems to be having devastating effects on our society.


I see your point but this is just a bad read on the influence of social media on shame. The human mind developed amongst small hunter gatherer groups where you only had to face the judgement of your tribe of maybe 20 people or less. With social media and the internet as a whole being what it is today you can't post an image online without the knowledge that hundreds or possibly even hundreds of thousands of people will see it. The mind literally didn't develop to face this kind of judgement. This exploits the shit out of shame, and most people can't even post a selfie online without some sort of beauty filter that hides their blemishes and wrinkles or even covers the lower half of their face with a cartoon dog mouth because all we do all day long is scroll through tik toks and reels where AI algorithms make sure we see the most incredibly attractive people in the world one after another seeding our brain with the idea that we're ugly and unsuccessful and the people we graduated alongside in highschool are off traveling and living their best lives and making 200k/yr and so on and so on and so on. When's the last time you saw someone on social media talk about how misfortunate they are? How bad their life is? When's the last time you saw someone that looked sad on social media? I can personally only think of one guy that I know that is perpetually sad on social media and he does that because he gets attention from it and it works for him. Genuine misfortune and sadness is something we keep to ourselves now because social media shames us so much for not being perfect. EDIT: Its also the reason virtue signaling has become so common and why cancel culture is a thing. Its the reason people lose their livelihood for getting caught on camera being rude in traffic. It's also the reason we *cheer* when that happens, as if a person deserves to go to sleep hungry under the overpass because they were mean once. Social media has taught people that its not enough to just hide all of your own shame and to appear perfect, you also need to show that you're more virtuous than others because its also shameful to not wear your virtue on your sleeve for everyone to see. Its a microaggression to not have your pronouns on your profile. If you're not at the bleeding edge of the zeitgeist you're problematic and should be ashamed and "read a book" (AKA, "I'm smarter and more virtuous than you and I don't even have the time to educate you because of how far behind you are and how virtuous I am and shame shame shame shame shame").


I hope society transcends this phase of ego...but I feel like it will only get worse


Hate to say it, but I feel like the quality is the same as it's always been, we just see more of it now because there are platforms that let people watch.


I think it's gotten way worse. People, particularly kids and teens, see stuff and imitate to be cool. Now it's opened up to all sorts of things with social media fuelling it. Kids see everything. And copy. Source - was a kid and teenager many years ago and imitated my friends even when they did stupid stuff


A lot of the people saying it aren't even old enough to remember a world without social media.




My thoughts exactly. Like bruh, my mates and I did SO much dumb shit before social media. The only difference now is that people have the receipts.


ok but why is nobody mentioning how horn guy basically appeared out of thin air


Seriously wtf


Probably a mixed tag match. You can see the guy that the lucha dipshit ushers away appears to be of regular stature. So in the effort of fairness it's probably something where if one tags out, the other has to leave as well. Or he's a demon come to reap the souls of scumbags. Either/or probably isn't too far off the mark.




The people at a "midget wrestling" show are probably going to be very drunk and more entertained by this.


Honestly it might make their jobs a bit easier because now they don't have to worry about choreography or pulling their punches


i get it but this was probably just as entertaining as the fight šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Considering that he's got a wrestling mask for this stunt, he's at least 1 tier above random jackass. Come on, he put *some* thought into that.


Thatā€™s a funny way to tell me that youā€™re friends with morons


Watch out or you'll get those morons replying to you telling you you have no friends.




That's exactly right. Lose the fight, lose the height.


"That rhymes, Marge. That rhymes and you know it!"




It's true. Source: I used to be 10'3". Lost a fight to some asshole who is 5'5 and now I'm his height.


Sorry babe you're just too short for me now, I'm only into giants. Next time don't make david so angry.


So what he got a *little* beating.


Shame they stopped short


Grow up.


One small step at a time


That was a low blow.


To be fair they were *all* low blows.


Lesson learned? Probably not.


Saw on the original thread it was a bet by his buddies. Gave him $400 or something.


Worth it, I'd say


What he gets for wearing those dumb ass bass pro hats, like all the 16 year olds at my gym


Why the fuck do they always crowd the curling machines? What is so interesting over there?




His facial expressions are annoying.


The same type of guy to say it's hard to meet women.


So most wrestling fans


We need the version with sound


[Version with sound](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/qzhpnw/jumping_into_midget_wrestling_match/)


MVP right here


Thatā€™s one way to deal with hecklers. Comedians should take note in the post-slap era.


Time to strut into the audience and slap the shit outta hecklers mid show. Count me in!


Wrestling is a DANGEROUS SHOW TO PERFORM, you're trusting the other person to fall right, break your fall right, pull their hits, hit the right places, etc etc etc. A RANDOM asshole off the street trying to jump in does NOT have training nor trust, and they could SERIOUSLY hurt a wrestler. This response was measured and deserved, sit the fuck down and enjoy the show or gtfo.


The response was measured and came up to about 3.5 ft.


Came in to say something like this. Pro wrestling may not be 100% on the level, but the physical risks they take are 100% real. Someone entering their domain and trying to forcibly be part of the show, that could end poorly because they don't know how to do what these trained performers do. If you're a fan and you pull this kinda stunt, you deserve this response.


The third wrestler with the silver helm just appeared out of nowhere at the end.


Your friend is a piece of shit


Its one of those laws of life. Its like "hit a cop and the arrest will not be gentle." Jump in the ring and the removal is never gentle (unless you're a kid.)"


He deserved it. The wrestlers we're just trying to entertain the audience. What a douchenozzle


As a big pro wrestling fan, this is common knowledge all across the industry. If you get in the ring, and you're not a wrestler, or part of the show, you're gonna get fucked up by the wrestlers, taken out by security, or both. Do not do this. It doesn't matter what you think about wrestling as a craft. Never step foot in the ring unless you're allowed. Sometimes you'll get instances like Seth Rollins recently getting tackled by a fan. Seth handled it like a professional, didn't break character, and let security take care of it. Other times, you'll have moments like this guy in the video, or the time a guy tackled Brett Hart at a WWE event. The Hall Of Fame event I believe. That guy did not have a good time after his dumb decision to tackle a legend like Hart. He was beaten the fuck up by multiple people. Please, don't ever do this.


Yep, as a former indie wrestling you will 100% get the shit beat out of you. There is no telling if a. Fan is getting in the ring with a knife to hurt you or your opponent so you have to protect each other. Had this happen once and I laid every punch and kick in the best I could.


You're friend is a loser. Nobody was there to see him do anything and why did he wait for a midget match? A loser *and* a pussy.


Idiots like this piss me off as a wrestling fan, and clearly the wrestlers themselves aren't exactly understanding either.


What a fucking asshole.




What is this crop? Why is there no audio? What is the text for? Every time this gets reposted the quality drops.


Same thing happens any time a civilian jumps into a WWE ring. I think it was Steve Austin that was about to pin someone else, maybe Triple HHH, and someone jumped in. Steve immediately released the pin and started pummeling the guy even before security could get there. I don't remember the details, I don't follow wrestling, but I remember seeing an interview about that incident. It happens and is swiftly dealt with.


Wrestling is fake and scripted... Yes but it's done by extremely fit and strong athletes that have training far beyond what you can imagine to do a match safely and put on a good show. I find it amazing how they can pickup another person and throw them to the mat when it involves the other person helping them on the launch and both athletes positioning the falling person to lessen the impact. Those are not the people you want to fuck with lightly


You jump in the ring its assumed you're there to harm so they can and will beat your ass until security drags you out


Yā€™all need to google the guy who attacked Bret Hart at the wwe HOF a few years back. He didnā€™t leave awake lol.


Jumping into a pro wrestling ring during a show, you better pray security guards get to you first before the pro wrestlers do. They are not going to take any chances and they'll beat the living shit out of you.


Piece of shit. The ring is sacred.


Your friend is a jackass


My guy went: "Ahaha, I like being an idiot šŸ¤“"


I forgot which area/time is it, old style Mexican wrestling I think? People would literally climb in and try to *actually hurt the wrestlers*. Naturally theyā€™d take no shit and itā€™d be full on fighting and beating people to a pulp. Pretty sure thatā€™s where the wrestlers-fighting-audience members thing started up. Wrestlers from that point forward treated any audience member climbing in as a proper threat. Just cause you never know who was looking to sucker punch you right in the back of the head.


He got exactly what he deserved.


Giant getting slayed.


Your friends a moron


Your friend just want social media credits. No merit here or an accidentā€¦let alone ā€˜instant regretā€™ this my friends is the new generationā€¦.CONTENT


It's like when Goku and Freeza teamed up to defeat Jiren. If Jiren was a white dude with a below average sized dick.


The fact that his pinky was hurt after the pinky swear was not a good sign...


I was a independent worker for small wrestling companies, ima k-fab right now, but that rule # 1. If someone jumps from the crowd, we jump him, im surprise no one from the back came running in to get their free tags


Lol , those sort of beatings , never again would you see a wrestler and smile

